The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B56 .V38 2004
Vaught, Carl G., 1939-
Metaphor, analogy, and the place of places : where religion and philosophy meet.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2004.
BD632 .M156 1995
MacKenzie, Iain M., 1937-
The dynamism of space : a theological study into the nature of space.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 1995.
BD638 .M24 1994
MacKenzie, Iain M., 1937-
The anachronism of time : a theological study into the nature of time.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 1994.
BF1555 .S26 2004
Sands, Kathleen R.
Demon possession in Elizabethan England.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2004.
BL25 .K35 1994
Religion from Tolstoy to Camus.
New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A. : Transaction Publishers, 1994.
BL41 .N49 2004 v.1
New approaches to the study of religion.
Volume 1. Regional, critical, and historical approaches.
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, 2004-
BL42 .S53 2003
Shared learning in a plural world : ecumenical approaches to inter- religious education.
Munster : Lit ; New Brunswick : Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers, 2003.
BL60 .T45 2005
Teaching Durkheim.
New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.
BL65.E36 W67 2003
Worldviews, religion, and the environment : a global anthology.
Australia ; Belmont, CA : Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003.
BL65.G55 R54 2004
Rifkin, Ira.
Spiritual perspectives on globalization : making sense of economic and cultural upheaval.
Woodstock, Vt. : Skylight Paths Pub., 2004.
BL265.P4 M34 1996
MacKenzie, Iain M., 1937-
The obscurism of light : a theological study into the nature of light.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 1996.
BL695 .G74 2004
Greeley, Andrew M., 1928-
Religion in Europe at the end of the second millennium : a sociological profile.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, 2004.
BL1138.62 .E5 2000d
Bhagavadgita. English & Sanskrit.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : with the bhavanuvada of the Sarartha-varsini tika by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura & Sarartha-varsini prakasika-vrtti by Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.
[Mathura] : Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, 2000.
BL1284.545 .T4313 2001
Thakkura, Bhaktibinoda.
Jaiba dharmma. English.
Jaiva-dharma : the essential function of the soul.
Mathura : Gaudiya Vedanta Publications, 2001.
BL2525 .P85 2004
Pulpit and politics : clergy in American politics at the advent of the millennium.
Waco, TX : Baylor University Press, 2004.
BM170 .C66 2004
Cook, Stephen L., 1962-
The social roots of biblical Yahwism.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.
BM487 .S8 v.54
Tov, Emanuel.
Scribal practices and approaches reflected in the texts found in the Judean desert.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004.
BM562 .S45 2004
Schoen, Robert.
What I wish my Christian friends knew about Judaism.
Chicago : Loyola Press, 2004.
BM695.P35 P66 2004
Prosic, Tamara.
The development and symbolism of Passover until 70 CE/ Tamara Prosic.
Edinburgh : T & T Clark, 2004.
BQ9449.D653 E13 2004
Dogen, 1200-1253.
Eihei koroku. English.
Dogen's extensive record : a translation of the Eihei koroku.
Somerville, MA. : Wisdom Publications, 2004.
BR60 .C491 v. 196 Suppl
Petrus Cantor, Verbum adbreviatum textus conflatus.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2004.
BR60 .F3 v.109
Peter, Chrysologus, Saint, Archbishop of Ravenna, ca. 400-450.
Sermons. English. Selections.
St. Peter Chrysologus : selected sermons, volume 2.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2004.
BR115.H6 S64 2003
Some issues in human sexuality : a guide to the debate.
London : Church House, 2003.
BR115.J8 J33 2003
Jaeger, Helen.
Simple : justice, wealth and eco-Christianity.
Bletchley : Scripture Union, 2003.
BR121.3 .S385 2004
Schwarz, John Edward, 1931-
A handbook of the Christian faith.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Bethany House Publishers, 2004.
BR165 .M57 2005
The missions of James, Peter, and Paul : tensions in early Christianity.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2005.
BR305.3 .M323 2003
MacCulloch, Diarmaid.
Reformation : Europe's house divided, 1490-1700.
London ; New York : Allen Lane, 2003.
BR555.V8 L66 2002
Longenecker, Stephen L., 1951-
Shenandoah religion : outsiders and the mainstream, 1716-1865.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2002.
BR765.L49 G67 2003
Goring, Jeremy.
Burn holy fire : religion in Lewes since the Reformation.
Cambridge [England] : Lutterworth, 2003.
BR1155 .V65 2000
Voices of faith : challenges in the church and political life of V. Henry Devadas.
Delhi : ISPCK, 2000.
BR1642.U5 S52 2005
Shuck, Glenn W.
Marks of the beast : the left behind novels and the struggle for evangelical identity.
New York : New York University Press, 2005.
BS192.2.A1 1964 .G3 v.12A
Bible. O.T. Chronicles, 1st. English. Knoppers. 2004.
I Chronicles, 10-29 : a new translation with introduction and commentary.
New York : Doubleday, 2004.
BS192.2 A1 1964 .G3 v.21C
Bible. . O.T. Jeremiah XXXVII-LII. English. Lundbom. 2004.
Jeremiah 37-52 : a new translation with introduction and commentary/ b Jack R. Lundbom.
New York : Doubleday, 24 cm.
BS450 .S75 2004
Stine, Philip C., 1943-
Let the words be written : the lasting influence of Eugene A. Nida.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.
BS476 .A72 2004
Archer, Kenneth J.
A Pentecostal hermeneutic for the twenty-first century : spirit, scripture and community.
Edinburgh : T & T Clark, 2004.
BS521.2 .B76 2004
Brown, Michael Joseph.
Blackening of the Bible : the aims of African American biblical scholarship.
Harrisburg, Pa. : Trinity Press International, 2004.
BS895 .A72 1987 v.16
Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Stec. 2004.
The Targum of Psalms.
Collegeville, Minn : Liturgical Press, 2004.
BS1171.52 .O3 2004
Of scribes and sages : early Jewish interpretation and transmission of scripture.
London : T & T Clark, 2004.
BS1225.53 .S3713 2004
Samuel ben Meir, 11th/12th cent.
Perush ha-Torah. Devarim. English.
Rashbam's commentary on Deuteronomy : an annotated translation.
Providence, RI : Brown Judaic Studies, 2004.
BS1235.52 .K35 2004
Kaminski, Carol M.
From Noah to Israel : realization of the primaeval blessing after the flood.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, 2004.
BS1430.53 .S74 2004
Steussy, Marti J., 1955-
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2004.
BS1545.6.S59 E94 2004b
Ezekiel's hierarchical world : wrestling with a tiered reality.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.
BS1700 .T55 2004
Things revealed : studies in early Jewish and Christian literature in honor of Michael E. Stone.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004.
BS1830.J8 S455 2005
Scott, James M.
On earth as in heaven : the restoration of sacred time and sacred space in the Book of Jubilees.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2005.
BS2280 .Z4 v.131
Weaver, John B.
Plots of epiphany : prison-escape in Acts of the Apostles.
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, 2004.
BS2506.3 .C76 2004
Crossan, John Dominic.
In search of Paul : how Jesus's Apostle opposed Rome's empire with God's kingdom.
New York, N.Y. : HarperSanFrancisco, 2004.
BS2555.52 .S55 2004
Shin, H. W. (Hyeon Woo).
Textual criticism and the synoptic problem in historical Jesus research : the search for valid criteria.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2004.
BS2625.53 .C85 2003
Culy, Martin M.
Acts : a handbook on the Greek text.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2003.
BS2655.A7 F56 2004
Finlan, Stephen.
The background and content of Paul's cultic atonement metaphors.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.
BS2675.52 .B57 2002
Birge, Mary Katherine.
The language of belonging : a rhetorical analysis of kinship language in first Corinthians.
Leuven ; Sterling, Va. : Dudley, Ma., 2002.
BS2675.52 .O54 2004
kland, Jorunn.
Women in their place.
Edinburgh : T & T Clark, 2004.
BS2675.6.R54 L66 2004
Long, Fredrick J., 1966-
Ancient rhetoric and Paul's apology : the compositional unity of 2 Corinthians.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
BS2777 .C38 2004
The Catholic Epistles and the tradition.
Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2004.
BS2805.53 .C85 2004
Culy, Martin M.
1, 2, 3 John : a handbook on the Greek text.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2004.
BT21.3 .M55 2005
Miles, Margaret Ruth.
The Word made flesh : a history of Christian thought.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2005.
BT65 .M54 2004
Migliore, Daniel L., 1935-
Faith seeking understanding : an introduction to Christian theology.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans, 2004.
BT83.57 .V865 2002
Vuola, Elina.
Limits of liberation : feminist theology and the ethics of poverty and reproduction.
New York : Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
BT430 .W36 2003
Wansbrough, Henry, 1934-
The passion and death of Jesus.
London : Darton Longman & Todd, 2003.
BT701.3 .B45 2003
Church of England. Doctrine Commission.
Being human : a Christian understanding of personhood illustrated with reference to power, money, sex and time.
London : Church House Pub., 2003.
BT732 .E68 2004
Epperly, Bruce Gordon.
Walking in the light : a Jewish-Christian vision of healing and wholeness.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2004.
BT738 .P625 2004
Postcolonial theologies : divinity and empire.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2004.
BT765.T54 G7 2004
Grammar and grace : reformulations of Aquinas and Wittgenstein.
London : SCM, 2003.
BT775 .G69 2004
Grau, Marion.
Of divine economy : refinancing redemption.
New York : T & T Clark International, 2004.
BV85 .O48 2004
O'Malley, William J.
Lenten prayers for busy people : a forty-day "retreat" wherever you happen to be.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2004.
BV215 .B374 1994
Barry, William A.
What do I want in prayer?.
New York : Paulist Press, 1994.
BV652.1 .S585 2002
Slaughter, Michael.
Unlearning church : just when you thought you had leadership all figured out!.
Loveland, CO : Group Pub., 2002.
BV652.9 .B43 2003
Behrens, James.
Church disputes mediation.
Leominster : Gracewing, 2003.
BV823 .B362 2004
Bartels, Ernest.
Take eat, take drink : the Lord's Supper through the centuries.
St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House, 2004.
BV835 .M276 2004
Mathews, Alice, 1930-
Marriage made in Eden : a pre-modern perspective for a post-Christian world.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books, 2004.
BV3785.M7 M72 2004
Mr Moody and the evangelical tradition.
London ; New York : T & T Clark International, 2004.
BV3790 .C567 2001
Clegg, Tom (Thomas T.).
Lost in America : how you and your church can impact the world next door.
Loveland, Colo. : Group, 2001.
BV3790 .H892 2003
Hunter, George G.
Radical outreach : The Recovery of Apostolic Ministry and Evangelism.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, 2003.
BV4460 .F75 2004
Fritzson, Arne.
Interpreting disability : a church of all and for all.
Geneva : WCC Publications, 2004.
BV4468 .S65 2004
Smith, Archie, 1939-
Siblings by choice : race, gender, and violence.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2004.
BV4501.3 .B655 2004
Bolsinger, Tod E.
It takes a church to raise a Christian : how the community of God transforms lives.
Grand Rapids : Brazos, 2004.
BV4509.5 .W64 2003
Wolff, Pierre, 1929-
Discernment : the art of choosing well : based on Ignatian spirituality.
Liguori, Mo. : Liguori, 2003.
BV4832.3 .W55 2003
Williams, Rowan, 1950-
Silence and honey cakes : the wisdom of the desert.
Oxford : Lion, 2003.
BX891.3 .B4713 2004
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153.
Selections. English. 2004.
The two-fold knowledge : readings on the knowledge of self & the knowledge of God.
Milwaukee : Marquette University Press, 2004.
BX1406.3 .M35 2004
McCarthy, David Matzko.
The good life : genuine Christianity for the middle class.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Brazos Press, 2004.
BX1749.P4 R67 2004
Rosemann, Philipp W.
Peter Lombard.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.
BX1751.3 .T48 2003
Theology and conversation : towards a relational theology.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2003.
BX1795.C67 L3613 2000
Lambert, Willi.
Kunst der Kommunikation. English.
Directions for communication : discoveries with Ignatius Loyola.
New York : Crossroad, 2000.
BX1795.H66 A455 2003
Alison, James, 1959-
On being liked.
New York : Crossroad Pub., 2003.
BX1795.J87 S6613 2004
Sobrino, Jon.
Terremoto, terrorismo, barbarie y utopia. English.
Where is God? : earthquake, terrorism, barbarity, and hope.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2004.
BX1920 .C578 2004
Common calling : the laity and governance of the Catholic Church.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2004.
BX1970 .L58 2003
Liturgy in a postmodern world.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2003.
BX1970 .P378 2003
Pecklers, Keith F., 1958-
Dynamic equivalence : the living language of Christian worship.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2003.
BX1970 .S85 2004
Streeter, Carla Mae.
Seasons of the soul : an intimate God in liturgical times.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2004.
BX2350.3 .B73 2004
Brackley, Dean.
The call to discernment in troubled times : new perspectives on the transformative wisdom of Ignatius of Loyola.
New York : Crossroad Pub. Co., 2004.
BX2373.T4 A54 2004
Anderson, Chris, 1955-
Teaching as believing : faith in the university.
Waco : Baylor University Press, 2004.
BX3702.3 .A77 2004
Arrupe, Pedro, 1907-
Selections. English. 2004.
Pedro Arrupe : essential writings.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2004.
BX4705.C2625 R44 2002
Regan, David, 1926-
Why are they poor? : Helder Camara in pastoral perspective.
Munster : Lit, [2002?].
BX5151 .C48 3004
Church of England.
Church representation rules.
London : Church House, 2003.
BX8065.3 .H36 2004
Hanson, Bradley.
Grace that frees : the Lutheran tradition.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2004.
BX8695.S755 A3 2004
Solomon, Dorothy Allred.
Daughter of the saints : growing up in polygamy.
New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 2004.
D804.33 .M39 2003
Mayer, Gabriele.
Post-holocaust religious education for German women.
Munster ; London : Lit, 2003.
D804.45.G47 H65 2001
Holtschneider, K. Hannah, 1971-
German protestants remember the Holocaust : theology and the construction of collective memory.
Munster : Lit, [2001].
D860 .R69 2003
Roy, Arundhati.
War talk.
Cambridge, Mass. : South End Press, 2003.
DS73.2 .A73 2004b
Arnold, Bill T.
Who were the Babylonians?.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.
DS73.2 .G5313 2004b
Glassner, Jean-Jacques.
Mesopotamie. English.
Mesopotamian chronicles.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.
DS121.55 .I6 2004
In search of pre-exilic Israel.
London, New York : T & T Clark, 2004.
E99.N3 N385 2004
The Navajo as seen by the Franciscans, 1898-1921 : a sourcebook.
Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2004.
JQ292 .D48 1998
Devadas, V. Henry.
Elections, 1998 : ideologies of political parties : a pre-election study.
New Delhi : New Delhi YMCA & Navdin Prakashan Kendra, 1998.
JZ5548 .D35 2004
Dallmayr, Fred R. (Fred Reinhard), 1928-
Peace talks : who will listen?.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2004.
NA4800 .T39 2003
Taylor, Richard, 1967-
How to read a church : a guide to images, symbols and meanings in churches and cathedrals.
London : Rider, 2003.
PA4272.A45 P5 2004b
Philostratus's Heroikos : religion and cultural identity in the third century C.E..
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.
Q124.97 .W45 2004
Whitney, Elspeth.
Medieval science and technology.
Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 2004.
Z6 .B6513 1988
Bologna, Giulia.
Manoscritti e miniature. English.
Illuminated manuscripts : the book before Gutenberg.
New York : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988.