Friday, April 01, 2005

New Books for April 2005

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B765.O34 P36 2004
Panaccio, Claude, 1945-
Ockham on concepts.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2004.

B995.T34 C47 2004
Charles Taylor.
Cambridge, UK : New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

B2430.G84 .S3413 2004
Schuon, Frithjof, 1907-
Quelques critiques. English.
Rene Guenon : some observations.
Hillsdale, NY : Sophia Perennis, 2004.

B3998 .L37 2004
Levene, Nancy.
Spinoza's revelation : religion, democracy, and reason.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

BD175 .G813 1971b
Gurvitch, Georges, 1894-1965.
Cadres sociaux de la connaissance. English.
The social frameworks of knowledge. Translated from the French by Margaret A. Thompson and Kenneth A. Thompson. With an introductory essay by Kenneth A. Thompson.
New York, Harper & Row [1971].

BD215 .L64 2005
Lohmayer, Jurgen, 1963-
Frege, Popper und die Theologie : objektive Erkenntnis bei Jon Sobrino.
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2005.

BD450 .S3932 1993
Self, cosmos, God.
Fort Worth, [Tex.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Pub., 1993.

BF109.L28 L48 2004
Leupin, Alexandre, 1948-
Lacan today : psychoanalysis, science, religion.
New York : Other Press, 2004.

BF723.M54 .S85 2002
Sullivan, Sandra Jeanne.
Beyond preferences : moral formation, social choice and Martha Nussbaum's thick, vague notion of the good.

BF1091 .K36 2003
Kang, Hyesung.
Taemong: Korean birth dreams.

BJ47 .W54 2005
Wielenberg, Erik J. (Erik Joseph), 1972-
Value and virtue in a godless universe.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.

BJ1188 .C47 1987
Chidester, David.
Patterns of action : religion and ethics in a comparative perspective.
Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1987.

BJ1388 .S86 2003
Sunhwa, Gaspar.
Moral lessons of ujamaa of Julius Nyerere : a necessity paradigm for restoration of dignity for the people of Tanzania.

BJ1401 .I5 2005
In search of the common good.
New York : T & T Clark, 2005.

BL60 .D54 2003
Dillon, Michele, 1960-
A handbook of the sociology of religion.
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003.

BL65.L2 T46 2002
Thometz, Joseph Michael.
Speaking with and away : a Buddhist-Christian meta-dialogue.

BL65.P7 N67 2004
Norris, Pippa.
Sacred and secular : religion and politics worldwide.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

BL80.2 .Y68 1995
Young, William A., 1945-
The world's religions : worldviews and contemporary issues.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 1995.

BL256 .V56 1953
Vines, Mary Ellen.
A comparison and critique of the doctrines of the person in Aristotle and Rousseau.
[Berkeley] 1953.

BL560 .W555 2005
Wikstrom, Erik Walker.
Simply pray : a modern spiritual practice to deepen your life.
Boston, MA : Skinner House Books, 2005.

BL795.W65 C65 2004
Cole, Susan Guettel.
Landscapes, gender, and ritual space : the ancient Greek experience.
Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2004.

BL803 .D38 2004
Davies, Jason P.
Rome's religious history : Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on their gods.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

BL1800 .V66 2004
Von Glahn, Richard.
The sinister way : the divine and the demonic in Chinese religious culture.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c 2004.

BL2620.F4 T8915 2002
Tuwere, Ilaitia S.
Vanua, towards a Fijian theology of place. German.
Theologie im Kontext des pazifischen Lebensraums.
Freiburg im Bresgau : Herder, 2004.

BM496.6 .N46 2005
Neusner, Jacob, 1932-
Contours of coherence in rabbinic Judaism.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2005.

BM740.3 .G76 2004
Groner, Irwin.
Renewing Jewish faith.
[Ann Arbor, Mich.] : University of Michigan Press, 2004.

BM755.W395 D48 2003
Deutsch, Nathaniel.
The maiden of Ludmir : a Jewish holy woman and her world.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 2003.

BP166.14.M63 K37 2005
Kassim, Husain, 1939-
Legitimizing modernity in Islam : Muslim modus vivendi and Western modernity.
Lewiston, NY : Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.

BQ4320 .F85 2005
Fuller, Paul, 1968-
The notion of ditthi in Theravada Buddhism : the point of view.
London ; New York : RoutledgeCurzon, 2005.

BQ9269.4.C5 C48 1962
Chuck, James.
Zen Buddhism and Paul Tillich: a comparison of their views on man's predicament and the means of its resolution.

BR65.A9 D63 2004
Dodaro, Robert, 1955-
Christ and the just society in the thought of Augustine.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

BR65.A9 E44 2005
Ellingsen, Mark, 1949-
The richness of Augustine : his contextual and pastoral theology.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.

BR115.C8 L96 2005
Lynch, Gordon, 1968-
Understanding theology and popular culture.
Malden, MA ; Oxford : Blackwell Pub., 2005.

BR115.C8 W37 2005
Ward, Graham, 1955-
Cultural transformation and religious practice.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.

BR115.I7 A53 2005
Anderson, Irvine H., 1928-
Biblical interpretation and Middle East policy : the promised land, America, and Israel, 1917-2002.
Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2005.

BR115.J8 C56 2005
Cloud of witnesses.
Marykinoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books ; Washington, DC : Sojourners, 2005.

BR115 .P7 S632 2003
Song, Choan-Seng, 1929-
The tears of Lady Meng : a parable of people's political theology.
Lima, Ohio : Academic Renewal Press ; 2003.

BR128.C4 R45 2004
Reinders, Eric.
Borrowed gods and foreign bodies : Christian missionaries imagine Chinese religion.
Berkeley, Calif. ; London : University of California Press, 2004.

BR165 .F54 1963
Flusser, David, 1917-
Reshit ha-Natsrut.
Yerushalayim : Mifal ha-shikhpul, 1963.

BR252 .R37 2004
Religion in the history of the medieval West.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2004.

BR295 .R66 2004
Rom und das Reich vor der Reformation.
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2004.

BR305.3 .C36 2004
The Cambridge companion to Reformation theology.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

BR333.5.B5 T46 2004
Thompson, Mark D.
A sure ground on which to stand : the relation of authority and interpretive method in Luther's approach to scripture.
Carlisle, Cumbria ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster, 2004.

BR350.M575 A4 2004
Moore, Dorothy, 1612 or 3-1664.
The letters of Dorothy Moore, 1612-64 : the friendships, marriage, and intellectual life of a seventeenth-century woman.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2004.

BR517 .T35 2005
Taking faith seriously.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2005.

BR526 .W265 2005
Wallis, Jim.
God's politics : why the right gets it wrong and the left doesn't get it.
[San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, 2005.

BR563.N4 P47 2005
Pierce, Yolanda Nicole.
Hell without fires : slavery, Christianity, and the antebellum spiritual narrative.
Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2005.

BR754.W84 S7 2005
St. Wulfstan and his world.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2005.

BR1720.A5 D37 2004
Dassmann, Ernst.
Ambrosius von Mailand : Leben und Werk.
Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2004.

BS3.5 1985
Bible. Hebrew-Greek. 1985.
The interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible.
Peabody, Mass. : Hendrickson Publishers, 1985.

BS186 .N67 2005
Norton, David.
A textual history of the King James Bible.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005.

BS449 .L494 1985
Lexicography and translation : with special reference to Bible translation.
Cape Town : Bible Society of South Africa, 1985.

BS500 .B85 2001
Augustine : biblical exegete.
New York : Peter Lang, 2001.

BS500 .R387 2002
Reading in Christian communities : essays on interpretation in the early church.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2002.

BS543.A1 J33 v.19
Leben trotz Tod.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlag, 2005.

BS543 .L38 2005
Lauster, Jorg.
Religion als Lebensdeutung : theologische Hermeneutik heute.
Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005.

BS680.F6 H86 2004
Hunger for the Word : lectionary reflections on food and justice.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2004-

BS680.L33 S96 2001
Symposium on Exegetical Theology (16th : 2001 : Concordia Theological Seminary).
The law in Holy Scripture : essays from the Concordia Theological Seminary, Symposium on Exegetical Theology.
St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House : Concordia Academic Press, 2004.

BS680.W7 G39 2004
Gaylor, Annie Laurie.
Woe to the women : the Bible tells me so : the Bible, female sexuality & the law : a revised edition.
Madison, Wis. : Freedom From Religion Foundation, 2004.

BS1197 .A68 1981
Asimov, Isaac, 1920-
Asimov's Guide to the Bible : the Old and New Testaments.
New York : Avenel Books Distributed by Crown Publishers, [1981] 1968- 1969.

BS1199.A44 F45 2004
Feldman, Louis H.
"Remember Amalek!" : vengeance, zealotry, and group destruction in the Bible according to Philo, Pseudo-Philo, and Josephus.
Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, 2004.

BS1223 .A48 2004
Bible. O.T. Pentateuch. English. Alter. 2004.
The five books of Moses : a translation with commentary.
New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2004.

BS1235.52 .T48 2004
Teugels, Lieve M.
Bible and midrash : the story of "The wooing of Rebekah" (Gen. 24).
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2004.

BS1238.S24 K47 2004
Kessler, Edward, Dr.
Bound by the Bible : Jews, Christians and the sacrifice of Isaac.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

BS1265.53 .K55 2005
Knierim, Rolf P., 1928-
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2005.

BS1455 .W52 2005
Whybray, R. N. (Roger Norman).
Articles. Selections.
Wisdom : the collected articles of Norman Whybray.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2005.

BS1825.52 .J64 2004
Johnson, Sara Raup, 1966-
Historical fictions and Hellenistic Jewish identity : Third Maccabees in its cultural context.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 2004.

BS2341.2 H37 2004
Harvey, A. E. (Anthony Ernest).
A companion to the New Testament : the New Revised Standard Version.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

BS2361.3 .J64 2004
Johnson, Luke Timothy.
The living Gospel.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2004.

BS2397 .M37 2004
Marshall, I. Howard.
New Testament theology : many witnesses, one Gospel.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2004.

BS2575.52 F85 2004
Fuller, Christopher C.
"Udiste che fu detto..., ma io dico che..." : Pasolini as interpreter of the gospel of Matthew.

BS2585.52 .E54 2005
The ending of Mark and the ends of God : essays in memory of Donald Harrisville Juel.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.

BS2615.6.F35 P37 2005
Parsenios, George L.
Departure and consolation : the Johannine farewell discourses in light of Greco-Roman literature.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2005.

BS2705.53 .T58 2005
Thurston, Bonnie Bowman.
Philippians and Philemon.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2005.

BS2795.3 .H68 2003
Howe, Bonnie Tigner.
Metaphor and meaning in Christian moral discourse : the role of conceptual metaphor in the creation of meaning in Christian moral discourse, with 1 Peter as exemplar.

BT26 .E87 2005
Essays in medieval philosophy and theology in memory of Walter H. Principe, CSB : fortresses and launching pads.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2005.

BT60 .M37 2004
McLaren, Brian D., 1956-
A generous or+hodoxy : why I am a missional, evangelical, post/ Protestant, liberal/conservative, mystical/poetic, biblical, charismatic/ contemplative, Fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, Green, incarnational, depressed-yet-hopeful, emergent, unfinished Christian.
El Cajon, CA : Emergent YS ; Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan, 2004.

BT60 .T765 C57 2004
Christlicher Wahrheitsanspruch - historische Relativitat : Auseinandersetzungen mit Ernst Troeltschs Absolutheitsschrift im Kontext heutiger Religionstheologie.
Zurich : TVZ, Theologischer Verlag Zurich, 2004.

BT75.2 .S53 1986
Siegwalt, Gerard, 1932-
Dogmatique pour la catholicite evangelique : systeme mystagogique de la foi chretienne. I. Les fondements de la foi.
Paris : Editions du Cerf ; Geneve : Editions Labor et fides, 1986 -<1992>

BT75.2 .S53 v.2:1 1991
Siegwalt, Gerard, 1932-
Dogmatique pour la catholicite evangelique : systeme mystagogique de la foi chretienne. II, La Realisation de la foi.
Geneve, Suisse : Labor et Fides ; Paris : Les Editions du Cerf, 1991.

BT75.2 .S53 v.2:2 1992
Siegwalt, Gerard, 1932-
Dogmatique pour la catholicite evangelique : systeme mystagogique de la foi chretienne. [II,2], La realisation de la foi : les mediations : l'Eglise et les moyens de grace.
Paris : Editions du Cerf ; Geneve : Editions Labor et fides, 1992.

BT75.2 .S53 v.3:1 1996
Siegwalt, Gerard, 1932-
Dogmatique pour la catholicite evangelique : systeme mystagogique de la foi chretienne. III, L'Affirmation de la foi : 1 : Cosmologie theologique : sciences et philosophie de la nature.
Paris : Editions du Cerf ; Geneve : Editions Labor et fides, 1996.

BT75.2 .S53 v.3:2 2000
Siegwalt, Gerard, 1932-
Dogmatique pour la catholicite evangelique : systeme mystagogique de la foi chretienne. III, L'Affirmation de la foi : 2 : Cosmologie theologique : theologie de la creation.
Paris : Editions du Cerf ; Geneve : Editions Labor et fides, 2000.

BT75.2 .S53 v.4:1 2004
Siegwalt, Gerard.
Dogmatique pour la catholicite evangelique : Systeme mystagogique de la foi chretienne. IV, L'affirmation de la foi. Anthropologie theologique. 1. Problematique scientifique et philosophique :.
Geneve : Labor et fides, 2004.

BT75.2 .S53 v.4:2 2005
Siegwalt, Gerard.
Dogmatique pour la catholicite evangelique : Systeme mystagogique de la foi chretienne. IV, L'affirmation de la foi. Anthropologie theologique. 2. La realite humaine devant Dieu.
Geneve : Labor et fides, 2005.

BT83 .C53 2005
Chalamet, Christophe.
Dialectical theologians : Wilhelm Herrmann, Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann.
Zurich : TVZ, Theologischer Verlag Zurich, 2005.

BT83.55 .K86 2005
Kwok, Pui-lan.
Postcolonial imagination and feminist theology.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.

BT83.57 .D539 2003
Diaz, Jonathan Blas.
Towards a theology of struggle: I Hinenggen I Man Chamoru Giya Guahan Yan I Islas Marianas.

BT83.78 .H54 2004
Higton, Mike.
Christ, providence and history : Hans W. Frei's public theology.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, 2004.

BT103 .W54 2004
Wiebe, Phillip H., 1945-
God and other spirits : intimations of transcendence in Christian experience.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.

BT213 .W54 2004
Wie beeinflusst die Christusoffenbarung das franziskanische Verstandnis der Person?.
Kevelaer : Butzon & Bercker, 2004.

BT303.2 .K68 1938
Knudsen, Ralph Edward, 1897-
The documentary basis in the synoptic gospels for determining the original Jesus.

BT645 .C53 2005
Clooney, Francis Xavier, 1950-
Divine Mother, Blessed Mother : Hindu goddesses and the Virgin Mary.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.

BT708 .S68 2003
Soto, Jean Ponder.
Redeeming eros : a Christian ethical spirituality of sexual intimacy.

BT736.4 .N68 2005
Nouwen, Henri J. M.
Peacework : prayer, resistance, community.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BT743 .S83 2004
Suche Gluck! - aber jage ihm nach? : philosophische und theologische Spuren eines grundlegenden Handlungsmotivs.
Fribourg : Academic Press, 2004.

BT765.A84 H64 2004
Hogg, David S.
Anselm of Canterbury : the beauty of theology/ David S. Hogg.
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2004.

BT843 .M47 2005
Merkt, Andreas.
Das Fegefeuer : Entstehung und Funktion einer Idee.
Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005.

BT1102 .V3 1954
Van Til, Cornelius, 1895-1987.
A Christian theory of knowledge.
[Philadelphia: Westminster Theological Seminary], 1954.

BV15 .W34 2004
Wannenwetsch, Bernd, 1959-
Gottesdienst als Lebensform--Ethik fur Christenburger. English.
Political worship : ethics for Christian citizens.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004.

BV15 .W458 1997
White, Susan J., 1949-
Groundwork of Christian worship.
Peterborough, [England] : Epworth Press, 1997.

BV85 .B663 2005
Bread and wine : readings for Lent and Easter.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BV210.2 .C585 2005
Coffey, Kathy.
God in the moment : making every day a prayer.
Mayrknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BV230 .B634 2005
Boff, Leonardo.
Praying with Jesus and Mary : Our Father, hail Mary.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BV600.3 .S735 2005
Standish, N. Graham, 1959-
Becoming a blessed church : forming a church of spiritual purpose, presence, and power.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, 2005.

BV652.95 .Q86 2005
Quoting God : how media shape ideas about religion and culture.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2005.

BV2063 .N87 2005
Nussbaum, Stan.
A reader's guide to Transforming mission.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BV3625.R52 Z67 2004
Zorn, Jean-Francois, 1946-
The transforming gospel : the mission of Francois Coillard and Basuto evangelists in Barotseland.
Geneva : WCC Publications, 2004.

BV3785.P74 S46 2005
Sensbach, Jon F.
Rebecca's revival : creating Black Christianity in the Atlantic world.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2005.

BV4235.L58 .L67 2003
Lord, Jennifer Lynn.
The sermon in the ordo : toward the recovery of a liturgical homiletic for the reformed tradition.

BV4243 .M87 2004
Murray, Stephen, 1945-
A Gothic sermon : making a contract with the Mother of God, Saint Mary of Amiens.
Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2004.

BV4597.3 .M33 2005
MacLennan, Robert, 1942-
Emotional wisdom : a journal of prayer and reflection.
Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Books, 2005.

BV4597.52 S45 2005
Sellon, Mary K.
Practicing right relationship : skills for deepening purpose, finding fulfillment, and increasing effectiveness in your congregation.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, 2005.

BV4655 .T378 2004
The Ten commandments : the reciprocity of faithfulness.
Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BV4812.A1 E82 2004
Daily prayer.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Published by Augsburg Fortess Press, 2004.

BV4916.3 .N48 2003
Nguyen, Peter Sam Cao.
Vietnamese conversion to Christianity: the impact of the refugee experience.

BX9.5.U53 I57 2002
International Consultation of United and Uniting Churches (7th : 2002 : Driebergen, Netherlands).
"With a demonstration of the spirit and of power" : seventh International Consultation of United and Uniting Churches.
Geneva : WCC Publications, 2004.

BX106.2 .G513 2005
Giannaras, Chrestos, 1935-
Theologia tes apousas kai ts agnosias tou Theo English.
On the absence and unknowability of God : Heidegger and the Areopagite.
Edinburgh : T & T Clark, 2004.

BX599 .Z48 2004
Zhuk, Sergei I.
Russia's lost reformation : peasants, millennialism, and radical sects in Southern Russia and Ukraine, 1830-1917.
Washington, D.C. : Woodrow Wilson Center Press ; Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

BX841 .M63 2004
The modern Catholic encyclopedia.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2004.

BX946 .N66 2005
Noonan, John Thomas, 1926-
A church that can and cannot change : the development of Catholic moral teaching.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2005.

BX1236 .S65 2004
Smith, Damian J.
Innocent III and the crown of Aragon : the limits of papal authority.
Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2004.

BX1300 .H65 2004
Hold, Hermann, 1949-
Unglaublich glaubhaft : die Arengen-Rhetorik des Avignonenser Papsttums.
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2004.

BX1404 .U5 2005 v.5:633
The church as koinonia of salvation : its structures and ministries.
Washington, D.C. : United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005.

BX1543 .B55 2004
Black, Christopher (Christopher F.).
Church, religion and society in early modern Italy.
Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

BX1746 .T34 2005
Tagle, Luis Antonio.
Easter people : living community.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BX1795.J87 G66 2003
Gonzalez, Marta Vides de.
By what authority? : on the relationship between restorative justice and the legal practice of juvenile court waiver.

BX1803 .C69 2004
Cozzens, Donald B.
Faith that dares to speak.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2004.

BX1805 .K538 2004
Klausnitzer, Wolfgang.
Der Primat des Bischofs von Rom : Entwicklung, Dogma, Okumenische Zukunft.
Freiburg : Herder, 2004.

BX1912.9 .A54 2004
Anderson, Jane (Jane Estelle).
Priests in love : Roman Catholic clergy and their intimate friendships.
New York : Continuum, 2004.

BX1950 .C535 2004
Champlin, Joseph M.
A way of life : four faith-sharing sessions about sacrificial giving, stewardship, and grateful caretaking.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2004.

BX2353 .D57 2005
Dominican penitent women.
Mahwah, N.J. : Paulist Press, 2005.

BX4363.U5 K38 2004
Katherine, Sister, O.S.C.
Wrapped in joy : Franciscan Poor Clare Sisters share special stories.
Dallas, TX : DWH Pub., 2004.

BX4655.3 .L3613 2004
Lanzi, Fernando.
Come riconoscere i santi. English.
Saints and their symbols : recognizing saints in art and in popular images.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2004.

BX4667 .C64 2005
Coffey, Kathy.
Women of mercy.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BX4700.F68 E5 2004
Thomas, of Celano, fl. 1257.
Selections. English. 2004.
The Francis trilogy : the life of Saint Frances, the remembrance of the desire of a soul, the treatise on the miracles of Saint Francis.
Hyde Park, N.Y. : New City Press, 2004.

BX4705.R669 B75 2005
Brockman, James R.
Romero : a life.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2005.

BX4827.B3 M29 2004
Mangina, Joseph L., 1957-
Karl Barth : theologian of Christian witness.
Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2004.

BX4827.B67 D68 1964
Douglass, Herbert E.
Encounter with Brunner : an analysis of Emil Brunner's proposed transcendence of the subjectivism-objectivism dichotomy in relation to Christian proclamation.

BX4837 .G74 2005
Greschat, Martin.
Protestantismus in Europa : Geschichte - Gegenwart - Zukunft.
Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005.

BX5125 .E9 2004
Evangelicalism in the Church of England c.1790-c.1890 : a miscellnay.
Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2004.

BX5125 .S26 2004
Scotland, Nigel.
Evangelical Anglicans in a revolutionary age, 1789-1901.
Carlisle : Paternoster Press, 2004.

BX5199.F62 J65 2004
John Foxe at home and abroad.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2004.

BX5990 .M67 1892
Morehouse, Frederic Cook, 1868-1932.
Some American churchmen.
Milwaukee : The Young Churchman, 1892.

BX8067.A1 C43 2004
The church's year : propers and seasonal rites.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Augsburg Fortess Press, 2004.

BX8310.E2 M48 2004
Methodismus in Osteuropa : Polen - Tschechoslowakei - Ungarn.
Stuttgart : Medienwerk der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche, 2004.

BX8491 .M963 2003
Murray, Iain Hamish.
Wesley and men who followed.
Edinburgh : Banner of Truth Trust, 2003.

CE6 .B6713 1993
Borst, Arno.
Computus. English.
The ordering of time : from the ancient computus to the modern computer.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1993.

D804.348 .D43 2004
Dean, Carolyn J. (Carolyn Janice), 1960-
The fragility of empathy after the Holocaust.
Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2004.

D804.66.S72 F54 2004
Flesch-Thebesius, Marlies.
Zu den Aussenseitern gestellt : die Geschichte der Gertrud Staewen 1894- 1987.
Berlin : Wichern-Verlag, 2004.

D805.G3 H4713 2000
Herbermann, Nanda, 1903-1979.
Gesegnete Abgrund. English.
The blessed abyss : inmate #6582 in Ravensbruck concentration camp for women.
Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 2000.

DA3.L7 L7 2004
Lingard remembered : essays to mark the sesquicentenary of John Lingard's death.
London : Catholic Record Society, 2004.

DS109.9 .P33 2005
Pasachoff, Naomi E.
A concise history of the Jewish people.
Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.

DS109.925 .K37 2001
Kark, Ruth.
Jerusalem and its environs : quarters, neighborhoods, villages, 1800- 1948.
Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press ; Detroit, Mich. : Wayne State University Press, 2001.

DS121.6 C43 2004
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