Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New Books for September 2006

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B132.A3 M6613 2004
Moine d'Occident.
Doctrine de la non-dualite (advaita-vada) et christianisme. English.
Christianity and the doctrine of non-dualism.
Hillsdale, NY : Sophia Perennis, 2004.

B734 .B47 2005
Berger, David, 1968-
In der Schule des Hl. Thomas von Aquin : Studien zur Geschichte des Thomismus.
Bonn : Nova & Vetera, 2005.

B2766.E6 D34 2006
Daniel, David Mills.
Briefly : Kant's Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals.
London : SCM, 2006.

B3332.S674 A3
Stein, Edith, Saint, 1891-1942.
Was ist der Mensch? : theologische Anthropologie.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2005.

B3332.S674 A3
Stein, Edith, Saint, 1891-1942.
Potenz und Akt : Studien zu einer Philosophie des Seins.
Freiburg : Herder, 2005.

BD241 .H368 2006
Hermeneutics at the crossroads.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2006.

BH301.F6 F613 1989
Focillon, Henri, 1881-1943.
Vie des formes. English.
The life of forms in art.
New York : Zone Books; distributed by MIT Press, 1992.

BJ1012 .M628 2005
Moore, G. E. (George Edward), 1873-1958.
Ethics and 'the nature of moral philosophy'.
Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.

BJ1451 .F56 2006
Fischer, John Martin, 1952-
My way : essays on moral responsibility.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.

BL65.A4 J47 2005
Jerumanis, Andre-Marie, 1956-
L'uomo splendore della gloria di Dio : estetica e morale.
Bologna : EDB, 2005.

BL65.M4 Y68 2005
Young, Caroline, MPH.
Spirituality, health, and healing.
Sudbury, Mass : Jones and Bartlett 2005.

BL87 .R37 2005
Reading religion in text and context : reflections of faith and practice in religious materials.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2005.

BL240.3 .C43 2006
Chalker, William H. (William Houston), 1927-
Science and faith : understanding meaning, method, and truth.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BL241 .G62 2006
God's action in nature's world : essays in honour of Robert John Russell.
Aldershot, Hants ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., 2006.

BL625.7 .T48 2006
Thomason, Sally Palmer, 1934-
The living spirit of the crone : turning aging inside out.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, 2006.

BL660 .J33 2005
Jacob, Alexander.
Atman : a reconstruction of the solar cosmology of the Indo- Europeans.
Hildesheim : Olms, 2005.

BL803 .R58 2007
Rives, J. B.
Religion in the Roman Empire.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2007.

BL980.F8 R38 2006
Religious differences in France : past and present.
Kirksville, Mo. : Truman State University Press, 2006.

BM509.W7 I436 2006
Ilan, Tal.
Silencing the queen : the literary histories of Shelamzion and other Jewish women.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.

BP161.3 .A373 2003
Al-Allaf, Mashhad.
Mirror of realization : God is a percept, the universe is a concept.
[St. Louis, Mo.?] : M. Al-Allaf, 2003.

BR50 .S86 2006
The subjective eye : essays in culture, religion, and gender in honor of Margaret R. Miles.
Eugene, OR : Pickwick Publications, 2006.

BR65.G56 G74 2005
Greschat, Katharina.
Die Moralia in Job Gregors des Grossen : ein christologisch- ekklesiologischer Kommentar.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2005.

BR115.H6 L498 2006
Liberation theology and sexuality.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2006.

BR115.W6 C426 2005
La Chiesa e le culture : missioni cattoliche e scontro di civilta.
Milano : Guerini e associati, 2005.

BR118 .G6586 2005
Theological reflections : methods.
London : SCM, 2005.

BR121.3 .S38 2004
Schuon, Frithjof, 1907-1998.
Selections. English. 2004.
The fullness of God : Frithjof Schuon on Christianity.
Bloomington, Ind. : World Wisdom, 2004.

BR380 .E64 2006
Enforcing Reformation in Ireland and Scotland, 1550-1700.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2006.

BR526 .E95 2006
The American empire and the commonwealth of God : a political, economic, religious statement.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BR1070 .C54 2005
Masihihay abr tarikhiha fi al- Mashriq. English.
Christianity : a history in the Middle East.
Beirut, Lebanon : Middle East Council of Churches, Studies & Research Program, 2005.

BR1105 .B43 2006
Becker, Adam H., 1972-
The fear of God and the beginning of wisdom : the School of Nisibis and Christian scholastic culture in late antique Mesopotamia.
Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.

BR1720.I4 B74 2006
Brent, Allen.
Ignatius of Antioch and the Second Sophistic : a study of an early Christian transformation of pagan culture.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.

BR1725.G946 A3 2002
Guenther, Margaret, 1930-
Notes from a sojourner.
New York : Church Pub., 2002.

BS445 .P29 2005
Paprocki, Joe.
God's library : a Catholic introduction to the world's greatest book.
Chicago, Ill. : Loyola Press, 2005.

BS476 .O45413 2006
Oeming, Manfred.
Biblische hermeneutik. English.
Contemporary biblical hermeneutics : an introduction.
Alershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2006.

BS477 .G37 2005
Garske, Volker, 1966-
"Er ging auf dem See" : Raumsymbolik in Bibel, Literatur und Popmusik ; Analysen und didaktische Perspektiven fur den Religionsunterricht in den Sekundarstufen.
Essen : Die Blaue Eule, 2005.

BS500 .C65 2001
Conference on Biblical Studies in the Early Middle Ages (2nd : 2001 : Gargnano, Italy).
Biblical studies in the early Middle Ages : proceedings of the Conference on Biblical Studies in the Early Middle Ages : Universita degli studi di Milano, Societa internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino, Gargnano on Lake Garda, 24-27 June 2001 .
Firenze : SISMEL, edizioni del Galluzzo, 2005.

BS550.3 .D37 2006
Darden, Bob, 1954-
Reluctant prophets and clueless disciples : introducing the Bible by telling its stories.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2006.

BS580.H24 H34 2006
Hagar, Sarah, and their children : Jewish, Christian, and Muslim perspectives.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BS580.S3 S28 2006
Saul in story and tradition.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.

BS738 .O26 2006
O'Connell, Seamus.
From most ancient sources : the nature and text-critical use of the Greek Old Testament text of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible.
Fribourg, Switzerland : Academic Press ; Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006.

BS1110 .Z37 V.363
Berner, Christoph.
Jahre, Jahrwochen und Jubilaen : heptadische Geschichtskonzeptionen im Antiken Judentum.
Berlin : New York : W. de Gruyter, 2006.

BS1180 .T455 2005
Thiel, Winfried.
Gedeutete Geschichte : Studien zur Geschichte Israels und ihrer theologischen Interpretation im Alten Testament.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, 2005.

BS1199.M3 S36 2006
Schon bist du und verlockend. English.
Great couples of the Bible.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, 2006.

BS1245.53 .K455 2006
Kellenberger, Edgar, 1943-
Die Verstockung Pharaos : exegetische und auslegungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu Exodus 1-15.
Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2006.

BS1505.2 .B73 1999
Brauer, Bernd.
Das Bild der Unheilsprophetie Israels in der fruhen soziologisch orientierten Forschung.
Munster : Lit, [1999].

BS1605.52 .G47 2006
Gerhards, Meik, 1970-
Studien zum Jonabuch.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, 2006.

BS2575.53 .F54 2006
Fiedler, Peter.
Das Matthausevangelium.
Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 2006.

BS2615.52 .T43 2006
Thatcher, Tom, 1967-
Why John wrote a gospel : Jesus -- memory -- history.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BS2665.6.S45 S658 2006
Spitaler, Peter.
Universale Sunde von Juden und Heiden? : eine Untersuchung zu Romer 1,18-3,20.
Wurzburg : Echter, 2006.

BS2675.52 .L44 2006
Lee, Michelle V.
Paul, the Stoics, and the Body of Christ.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.

BS2675.6.C48 S77 2005
Struder, C. W. (Christof W.).
Paulus und die Gesinnung Christi : Identitat und Entscheidungsfindung aus der Mitte von 1 Kor 1-4.
Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press ; Leuven ; Dudley, Mass. : Peeters, 2005.

BS2775.52 .W47 2005
Westfall, Cynthia Long.
A discourse analysis of the letter to the Hebrews : the relationship between form and meaning.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, 2005.

BS2795.52 .D79 2006
Dryden, J. de Waal, 1967-
Theology and ethics in 1 Peter : paraenetic strategies for Christian character formation.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.

BT21.3 .M57 2006
Miller, Patrick D.
Theology today : reflections on the Bible and contemporary life.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BT111.3 .L43 2005
Der lebendige Gott : auf den Spuren neueren trinitarischen Denkens.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, 2005.

BT306 .T48 2006
Thatcher, Tom, 1967-
Jesus the riddler : the power of ambiguity in the Gospels.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BT414 .W7425 2006
Wright, N. T. (Nicholas Thomas).
The Scriptures, the cross & the power of God : reflections for Holy Week.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BT453 .C755 2006
Cross examinations : readings on the meaning of the cross today.
Minneapolis : Augsburg Fortress, 2006.

BT613 .D36 2005
Damigella, Giusepppe.
Il mistero di Maria : teologia, storia, devozione.
Roma : Citta nuova, 2005.

BT653 .M37 2005
Martin, Sally, 1945-
Every pilgrim's guide to Lourdes.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2005.

BT701.3 .K37 2006
Kaphantares, Chrysostomos.
Epignosis kai thesis tou antoropou eis to sympan.
Athenai : Ekdoseis Epegnosmenou Christianismou, 2006.

BT705.8 .C38 2006
Catholic Church. Pontificium Consilium pro Laicis.
Men and women : diversity and mutual complementarity : study seminar, Vatican City, 30-31 January 2004.
Citta del Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006.

BT767.8 .T45 2006
Theosis : deification in Christian theology.
Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, 2006.

BV15 .G55 2006
Glick, Robert P.
With all thy mind : worship that honors the way God made us.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, 2006.

BV160 .H84 2005
Hughes, Jennifer S.
The iconography of suffering : the biography of a Mexican crucifix.

BV652.1 .M58 2001
Mims, Gene, 1950-
The 7 churches not in the book of Revelation.
Nashville, Tenn. : Broadman & Holman, 2001.

BV823 .A77 2006
Astell, Ann W.
Eating beauty : the Eucharist and the spiritual arts of the Middle Ages.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2006.

BV1610 .B454 2006
Bildung und Konfession : Theologenausbildung im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.

BV4211.3 .M27 2006
Massey, James Earl.
Stewards of the story : the task of preaching.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BV4325 .G73 2006
Granade, Nelson.
Lending your leadership : how pastors are redefining their role in community life.
Herndon, VA : Alban Institute, 2006.

BV4338 .A54 2005
Anderson, Megory.
Attending the dying : a handbook of practical guidelines.
Harrisburg, PA : Morehouse, 2005.

BV4468.2.H57 R42 2006
Recinos, Harold J. (Harold Joseph), 1955-
Good news from the barrio : prophetic witness for the church.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BV4571.2 .R35 1997
Rainer, Thom S.
The bridger generation : America's second largest generation, what they believe, how to reach them.
Nashville, Tenn. : Broadman & Holman, [1997].

BV4811 .M326 2006
Marius, Richard.
Wrestling with God : the meditations of Richard Marius.
Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, 2006.

BX8.2 .R342 2005
Raiser, Konrad, 1938-
Schritte auf dem Weg der Okumene/ Konrad Raiser.
Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck, 2005.

BX320.2 .B39
Baze, Gaco.
Mbi besimin Kristian Orthodhoks.
[Albania : s.n., 19--].

BX384.5.A383 N343 2006
Nadal Canellas, Juan.
La resistance d'Akindynos a Gregoire Palamas : enquete historique, avec traduction et commentaire de quatre traites edites recemment.
Leuven : Peeters, 2006.

BX729.5.A44 K54 2005
Merlo, Simona.
All'ombra delle cupole d'oro : la chiesa di Kiev da Nicola II a Stalin (1905-1939).
Milano : Guerini e associati, 2005.

BX1536.2 .S286 2006
Schmidtmann, Christian.
Katholische Studierende 1945-1973 : eine Studie zur Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Paderborn : Schoningh, 2006.

BX1754 .L35 2005
Lambert, Patrick.
The dialectics of theism.
Pittsburgh, Pa. : RoseDog Books, 2005.

BX3602.3 .F73 2005
Das franziskanische Verstandnis des Wirkens des Heiligen Geistes in Kirche und Welt.
Monchengladbach : Kuhlen, 2005.

BX3730.V5 J47 2003
Die Jesuiten in Wien : zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte der osterreichischen Ordensprovinz der "Gesellschaft Jesu" im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.
Wien : Verlag der osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2003.

BX4705.G6175 B38 2005
Bauernfeind, Hans, 1962-
Wie ein Sturmwind : Thomas Graf OSB (1902-1941), 2. Abt von Schweiklberg ; eine Schlusselfigur in der Liturgischen Bewegung.
Munsterschwarzach : Vier-Turme-Verlag, 2005.

BX4705.N58 C8 v.14
Moritz, Arne, 1972-
Explizite Komplikationen : der radikale Holismus des Nikolaus von Kues.
Munster : Aschendorff, 2006.

BX4705.S6833 O8713 2005
Oury, Guy Marie.
Dom Gabriel Sortais, abbe general des Cisterciens reformes, 1902-1963. English.
Dom Gabriel Sortais, an amazing abbot in turbulent times.
Kalamazoo, Mich. : Cistercian Publications, 2005.

BX4827.B3 F73 2006
Franke, John R.
Barth for armchair theologians.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BX4827.B57 S355 2006
Schliesser, Christine, 1977-
Everyone who acts responsibly becomes guilty : the concept of accepting guilt in Dietrich Bonhoeffer: reconstruction and critical assessment.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, 2006.

BX5037 .R65 2004
Shenton, Tim.
An iron pillar : the life and times of William Romaine.
Darlington (England) ; Webster, N.Y. : Evangelical Press, 2004.

BX5147.M49 C68 2001
Church of England.
The English missal = Missale anglicanum.
Norwich : Canterbury, 2001.

BX6195 .P48 2004
Peterson, Robert A., 1948-
Why I am not an Arminian.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2004.

BX6235 .B629 2006
Brackney, William H.
Baptists in North America : an historical perspective.
Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2006.

BX6452 .R63 2006
Roberts, Joseph L. (Joseph Lawrence).
Sideswiped by eternity : sermons from Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BX7567.Z7 M86 2006
200 Jahre evangelisch in Munster : Beitrage aus dem Jubilaumsjahr.
Bielefeld : Luther-Verlag, 2006.

BX8571.3 .N48 2006
Neval, Daniel A. (Daniel Alexander), 1970-
Die Macht Gottes zum Heil : das Bibelverstandnis von Johann Amos Comenius in einer Zeit der Krise und des Umbruchs.
Zurich : TVZ, Theologischer Verlag Zurich, 2006.

BX9175.3 .O88 2006
Ottati, Douglas F.
Theology for liberal Presbyterians and other endangered species.
Louisville, Ky. : Geneva Press, 2006.

BX9422 .H4613 1978
Heppe, Heinrich, 1820-1879.
Reformed dogmatics : set out and illustrated from the sources.
Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1978.

DD883.C45 A46 2005
Alles hat seine Zeit : 300 Jahre evangelisches Charlottenburg.
Berlin : WDL-Verlag, 2005.

DG271 .R54 2005
Riedo-Emmenegger, Christoph, 1960-
Prophetisch-messianische Provokateure der Pax Romana : Jesus von Nazaret und andere Storenfriede im Konflikt mit dem Romischen Reich.
Fribourg : Academic Press ; Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005.

Digital video disc 198
A lamp to my feet, a light to my path [videorecoding (DVD)] : the Bible ministry of the Church in China.
Monterey Park, CA : ECF International, 2006.

DS135.G31 C64 2004
Cohen, Jeremy, 1953-
Sanctifying the name of God : Jewish martyrs and Jewish memories of the First Crusade.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.

E59.A67 P35 2006
Palaces and power in the Americas : from Peru to the northwest coast.
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2006.

E580.6 8th .B86 2006
Bunting, R. F. (Robert Franklin), 1828-1891.
Our trust is in the god of battles : the Civil War letters of Robert Franklin Bunting, chaplain, Terry's Texas Rangers, C.S.A..
Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, 2006.

GT3888|.M49 2006
Meyer-Dietrich, Erika.
Senebi und Selbst : Personenkonstituenten zur rituellen Wiedergeburt in einem Frauensarg des Mittleren Reiches.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006.

HB501 .J855 2006
Justice in a global economy : strategies for home, community, and world.
Louisville, KY : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

HQ1744.M93 F58 2006
Flueckiger, Joyce Burkhalter.
In Amma's healing room : gender and vernacular Islam in South India.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2006.

HV4704.A5 A52 2006
Animals, ethics and trade : the challenge of animal sentience.
London : Earthscan, 2006.

HV4764 .B44 2006
Beers, Diane L.
For the prevention of cruelty : the history and legacy of animal rights activism in the United States.
Athens, Ohio : Swallow Press/Ohio University Press, 2006.

ML3111 .D24 2006
Dargan, William T.
Lining out the word : Dr. Watts hymn singing in the music of Black Americans.
Berkeley : University of California Press ; Chicago : Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College, Chicago, 2005.

N85 .A655 1995
Art history and its methods : a critical anthology.
London : Phaidon Press Ltd., 1995 (1996[printing]).

N7860 .P37 2006
Parry, Graham.
The arts of the Anglican Counter-Reformation : glory, laud and honour.
Woodbridge : Boydell, 2006.

N8187.5 . T7313 2006
Tradigo, Alfredo.
Icone e santi d'Oriente. English.
Icons and saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Los Angeles : J.P.Getty Museum, 2006.

NA4828 .V67 2006
Vosko, Richard S.
God's house is our house " re-imagining the environment for worship.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2006.

NB623.P4 M67 2005
Moskowitz, Anita Fiderer, 1937-
Nicola & Giovanni Pisano : the pulpits : pious devotion, pious diversion.
London : Harvey Miller Publishers, 2005.

ND2638.N4 R67 2006
Rosenstein, Peter.
Tattooed walls.
Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2006.

NK1672 .J52 2004
Jewish ceremonial objects in transcultural context.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2004.

PJ4556 .S55 2004
Silzer, Peter J.
How biblical languages work : a student's guide to learning Hebrew and Greek .
Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel, 2004.

PL2658.E3 G73 2003
Grant, Beata, 1954-
Daughters of emptiness : poems of Chinese Buddhist nuns.
Boston : Wisdom Publications, c 2003.

PN1995.5 .L44 2006
Leonard, Richard, 1963-
Movies that matter : reading film through the lens of faith.
Chicago, Ill. : Loyola Press, 2006.

PN1995.9.C35 K83 2006
Kuchler, Christian.
Kirche und Kino : katholische Filmarbeit in Bayern (1945-1965).
Paderborn : Schoningh, 2006.

PN2051 .S75 2005
Spiel - Ritual - Darstellung = Play - ritual - representation.
Munster : LIT, 2005.

PQ4394 .A85 2001
Asin Palacios, Miguel, 1871-1944.
La escatalogia musulmana en la Divina comedia. English.
Islam and the Divine comedy.
New Delhi : Goodwood Books, 2001.

PS228.D43 T36 2006
Tanner, Laura E., 1961-
Lost bodies : inhabiting the borders of life and death.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2006.

R725.55 .S86 2006
Sulmasy, Daniel P., 1956-
The rebirth of the clinic : an introduction to spirituality in health care.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2006.

RC503 .A75 2005
Armstrong, Richard H.
A compulsion for antiquity : Freud and the ancient world.
Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press, 2005.

RC607.A26 W65 1990
Women, AIDS, and activism.
Boston, MA : South End Press, 1990.