Thursday, October 05, 2006

New Books for October 2006

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

BD421 .G73 2005
Graves, Mark.
Tendencies of the soul : emergent systems of the body.

BF295 .M34 2005
McFee, Marcia.
Primal patterns : ritual dynamics, ritual resonance, polyrhythmic strategies and the formation of Christian disciples.

BF637.C4 K44 2001
Kegan, Robert.
How the way we talk can change the way we work : seven languages for transformation.
San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, 2001.

BF723.G75 S39 2003
Schwiebert, Pat.
We were gonna have a baby, but we had an angel instead.
Portland, Or. : Grief Watch, 2003.

BF1769 .H65 2004
Holdenried, Anke, 1967-
The Sibyl and her scribes : manuscripts and interpretation of the Latin Sibylla Tiburtina c. 1050-1500.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., 2004.

BJ59 .M45 2003
Mellein, John.
Deficiency and possibility : Thomas Aquinas and Arnold Gehlen on technology and anthropology.

BJ1031 .C37 2001
Carter, Lawrence Edward, 1941-
Global ethical options in the tradition of Gandhi, King, and Ikeda.
New York : Weatherhill, 2001.

BJ1188 .M76 2005
Msoka, Gabriel A.
Ethics of basic human rights of refugees and internally displaced persons in the Great Lakes Region of Sub-Saharan Africa : philosophical and theological reflections.

BL42.5.G7 O43 2006
O'Hagan, Francis J.
The contribution of the religious orders to education in Glasgow during the period, 1847-1918.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.

BL48 .C486 2006
Charlton, William, 1935-
Being reasonable about religion.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2006.

BL48 .G4335 2005
Jones, Robert, 1934 July 29-
God, Galileo, and Geering : a faith for the twenty-first century : a course of study based on the writings of Lloyd Geering.
Santa Rosa, CA : Polebridge Press, 2005.

BL51 .W593 2005
Wimmer, Reiner.
Religionsphilosophische Studien in lebenspraktischer Absicht.
Freiburg, Schweiz : Academic Press Fribourg ; Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2005.

BL65.P4 U54 1998
UNESCO Seminar on the contributions by religion to the culture of peace (3d : 1998 : Granada, Spain).
La educacion religiosa en un contexto de pluralismo y tolerancia = Religious education in a context of pluralism and tolerance = L'education religieuse dans un contexte de pluralisme et tolerance.
[Granada, Spain] : Centro UNESCO de Andalucia, 1998?

BL240.3 .K56 2003
Kim, Ki-Suk.
Towards a dialogue of science and religion in the context of Korea : a comparative study between John Polkinghorne's revised natural theology and Lee Jung-bae's Korean life theology.

BL410 .V76 2006
Vroom, H. M.
A spectrum of worldviews : an introduction to philosophy of religion in a pluralistic world.
Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2006.

BL624 .D5886 2006
Dispenza, Joseph, 1942-
God on your own : finding a spiritual path outside religion.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2006.

BL2775.3 .P75 2006
Price, Robert M., 1954-
The reason-driven life : why am I here on earth for?.
Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2006.

BM645.M34 G35 2005
Galoob, Robert.
Radical Jewish martyrdom during the First Crusade.

BM720.T7 M36 2005
Mandsager, John.
Do not disturb : identity, autonomy and the inn in Rabbinic storytelling.

BP63.A35 M35 2007
Makris, G. P.
Islam in the Middle East : a living tradition.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2007.

BP172 .B73 2005
Bradford, Jennifer R.
Religious belief and the virtues in St. Francis of Assisi and medieval Sufi masters : a comparative analysis with implications for Muslim-Christian dialogue.

BP189 .M64 1998
Sadiq Anqa, 1916-
Chanteh : the gnostic's cosmos.
Riverside, CA : M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi Publications, 1998.

BP189.2 .L37 2001
Larsen, Barbara.
The perfect moment : therapeutic lessons from a Sufi master.
Riverside, CA : Maktab Tarighe Oveyssi Shahmaghsoudi, 2001.

BP189.23 .S3 2000
Salaheddin Ali Nader Shah Angha, 1945-
Sufism, the reality of religion.
Washington, D.C. : M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi Publications, 2000.

BQ1992 .E5 P56 2001
Tripitaka,pSutrapitraka. Vjracchedika English.
Diamond sutra : the perfection of wisdom : text and commentaries.
New York: Counterpoint ; Plymouth : Plymbridge, 2003.

BQ2057 .W57 2000
The wisdom of the Lotus sutra : a discussion.
Santa Monica, Calif. : World Tribune Press, 2000-

BQ4430.D68 S55 2005
Shim, Hae Soon.
Gaofeng Yuanmiao's (1238-1295) "Three essentials" : the nature and function of doubt in Chinese Kanhua meditation.

BQ5660 .P74 2000
Prescott, Richard Chambers.
Inherent solutions to spiritual obscurations.
Bloomington:1st Books, 2000.

BQ6160.C6 T36 2005
Tam, Yik Fai.
A historiographic and ethnographic study of Xianghua Heshang (incense and flower monks) in the Meixian region.

BQ8315.4. I5 1997
Ikeda, Daisaku.
Learning from the Gosho : the eternal teachings of Nichiren Daishonin.
[Santa Monica, Calif.?] : SGI-USA, 1997.

BQ8419 .U68 2000
The Untold history of the Fuji school : the true story of Nichiren Shoshu.
Santa Monica, CA : World Tribune Press, 2000.

BQ8436 .H63 2001
Hochswender, Woody.
The Buddha in your mirror : practical Buddhism and the search for self.
Santa Monica, CA : Middleway Press, 2001.

BQ8449 .I382 1999
Ikeda, Daisaku.
Faith into action : thoughts on selected topics.
Santa Monica, CA : World Tribune Press, 1999.

BR50 .W62 2004
Wohnt Gott in uns?! : Suche und Versuche ; Festschrift zum 25- jahrigen Amtsjubilaum von Probst Maximilian Furnsinn.
Herzogenburg : Augustiner-Chorherrenstift, 2004.

BR55 .O23 v.43
Dill, Hans-Dieter.
Evangelisches Krankenhaus in zwei Gesellschaftssystemen : das Naemi -Wilke-Stift in den Jahren 1981 bis 2003 ; ein Zeitzeugenbericht.
Oberursel : Oberurseler Hefte, 2004.

BR55 .O23 v.44
Kirchengemeinschaft und Abendmahlszulassung : Texte aus der Geschichte der Selbstandigen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche (SELK) und ihrer Vorgangerkirchen.
Oberursel : Oberurseler Hefte, Lutherische Theologische Hochschule, 2005.

BR60 .C49 v.77A
Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20.
Commentarii in epistulam Pauli apostoli ad Galatas.
S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera. pars I. Opera exegetica, 6. Commentarii in epistulam Pauli apostoli ad Galatas.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2006.

BR65.A637 I83 2005
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
La catechesi.
Roma : Citta nuova, 2005.

BR65.A9 C665 2006
Coninck, Lucas de.
La tradition manuscrite du recueil De verbis Domini jusqu'au XIIe siecle : prolegomenes a une edition critique des Sermones ad populum d'Augustin d'Hippone sur les evangiles (serm. 51 sqq.) : with an English summary and a new critical edition of Serm. 52, 71 and 112.
Turnhot, Belgium : Brepols, 2006.

BR65.A9 M45 2006
Meilaender, Gilbert, 1946-
The way that leads there : Augustinian reflections on the Christian life.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006.

BR65.E636 S73 2005
Stacey, Sandra.
Harps in the hands of God : Ephrem the Syrian as spiritual mirror and model for today's Christians.

BR65.G66 P37 2005
Parsons, Preston.
The ecclesial mysticism of Gregory of Nazianzus with special reference to his sources.

BR115.G59 T86 2005
Tunmore, Luanne Chandra.
Trading stories : empowering middle American Christians to do justice in a globalized world.

BR115.H6 F74 2006
Frequently asked questions about sexuality, the Bible, and the church.
San Francisco, Calif. : Covenant Network of Presbyterians, 2006.

BR115.P7 R435 2006
Religion and political thought : key readings - past and present.
London : Continuum, 2006.

BR127 .S846 2005
Strouse, Susan M.
Passing over and coming back : what does it mean to be a Christian in an interfaith world?.

BR128.B8 E95 2005
Ewing, Beverly.
Teachings on why Buddhists and Christians should engage in acts of compassion: Santideva and William C. Spohn in dialogue.

BR145.3 .C455 2006
Rapp, Francis.
Christentum. IV, Zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit (1378-1552).
Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 2006.

BR372.S8 Z45 2006
Zell, Katharina, 1497 or 8-1562.
Selections. English. 2006.
Church mother : the writings of a Protestant reformer in sixteenth- century Germany.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2006.

BS73 1949
Vetus Latina : gemeinnutzige Stiftung zur Forderung der Herausgabe einer vollstandigen Sammlung aller erhaltenen Reste der altlateinischen Bibelubersetzungen aus Handschriften und Zitaten bei alten Schriftstellern.
Beuron : Stiftung Vetus Latina, 2004.

BS476 .P83 2005
Puder, Patricia C.
Contextuality and interpretation of scripture in Hong Kong.

BS476 .W34 2001
Walsh, Richard G.
Mapping myths of Biblical interpretation.
Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press, 2001.

BS511.3 .R45 2006
The recycled Bible : autobiography, culture, and the space between.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2006.

BS521.4 .E54 2006
Engaging the Bible : critical readings from contemporary women.
Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Fortress, 2006.

BS680.E84 W65 2005
Wolbert, Werner.
Was sollen wir tun? : biblische Weisung und ethische Reflexion.
Freiburg, Schweiz : Academic Press Fribourg ; Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2005.

BS744 .J68 2006
Journees bibliques de Louvain (53rd : 2004).
The Septuagint and messianism.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2006.

BS1110 .Z37 361
Joo, Samantha.
Provocation and punishment : the anger of God in the book of Jeremiah and Deuteronomistic theology.
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, 2006.

BS1186 .C42 2006
Angel, Andrew R.
Chaos and the son of man : the Hebrew Chaoskampf tradition in the period 515 BCE to 200 CE..
London : T&T Clark, 2006.

BS1235.52 W33 2005
Wacome, Karen Ann Halvorsen.
Watching the sacrifice of Isaac : Bakhtin, dialogism and Genesis 22:1-19.

BS1265.54 .O44 2004
Omelie sui Numeri : lettura origeniana.
Roma : LAS, 2004.

BS1520 .R38 2005
Rathinam, Selva.
Pain, power and freedom : Isaiah 52:13-53:12 : a postcolonial-Dalit study.

BS1525.6.K5 J63 2006
Job, John B.
Jeremiah's kings : a study of the monarchy in Jeremiah.
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006.

BS1545.52 .D87 2006
Durlesser, James Arthur.
The metaphorical narratives in the book of Ezekiel.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.

BS1545.6.N6 P74 2005
Premstaller, Volkmar.
Fremdvolkerspruche des Ezechielbuches.
Wurzburg : Echter, 2005.

BS1565.52 .R839 2006
Rudnig-Zelt, Susanne.
Hoseastudien : redaktionskritische Untersuchungen zur Genese des Hoseabuches.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006.

BS1615.54 .P37 2006
Parsons, Michael, 1949-
Calvin's preaching on the Prophet Micah : the 1550-51 sermons in Geneva.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.

BS2280.Z4 v.140
Boers, Hendrikus.
Christ in the Letters of Paul : in place of a Christology.
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, 2006.

BS2417.C5 W55 2006
Willard, Dallas, 1935-
The great omission : rediscovering Jesus' essential teachings on discipleship.
[San Francisco, Calif.] : HarperSanFrancisco, 2006.

BS2452.B28 O44 2005
Ohler, Markus.
Barnabas : der Mann in der Mitte.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2005.

BS2460.J88 P43 2006
Pederson, Rena.
The lost apostle : searching for the truth about Junia.
San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2006.

BS2575.53 .W58 2006
Witherington, Ben, 1951-
Macon, Ga. : Smyth & Helwys Pub., 2006.

BS2585.52 .F85 2005
Fullmer, Paul M.
Resurrection in Mark's literary-historical context.

BS2595.52 A36 2005
Ahn, Yong-Sung.
The reign of God and Rome in Luke 19:45-23:56 : a cultural interpretation from an East Asian global perspective.

BS2615.3 .L43 1976b
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of John.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 2000.

BS2615.52 .C37 2006
Carter, Warren, 1955-
John : storyteller, interpreter, evangelist.
Peabody, Mass. : Hendrickson Publishers, 2006.

BS2625.3 .L44 1985
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of Acts.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 1985.

BS2625.6.S42 R49 2006
Reynier, Chantal.
Paul de Tarse en mediterranee : recherches autour de la navigation dans l'antiquite, ac 27-28, 16.
Paris : Cerf, 2006.

BS2665.3 .L44 1984b
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of Romans.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 1989, 1984.

BS2695.3 .L44 1984b
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of Ephesians.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 1991, 1984.

BS2705.3 .L44 2000
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of Philippians.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 2000.

BS2705.52 .M37 2004
Marchal, Joseph A.
Hierarchy, unity, and imitation : a feminist rhetorical analysis of power dynamics in Paul's letter to the Philippians.

BS2715.4 .L43 1984b
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of Colossians.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 2000.

BS2785.2 .M67 1999
Moscoso Pachecho, Arturo C.
Ay de los ricos! : (Santiago 4,13 - 5,6) : [ Estudio sobre el genero literario].
Cochabamba, Bolivia : Editorial Verbo Divino, 1999.

BS2805.2 .L44 1984b
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of First John, Second John, Third John, Jude.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 1984.

BS2825.4 .L44 1984b
Lee, Witness.
Life-study of Revelation.
Anaheim, Calif. : Living Stream Ministry, 1988.

BS2825.52 .R44 2006
The reality of Apocalypse : rhetoric and politics in the book of Revelation.
Atlanta, Ga. : Society of Biblical Literature, 2006.

BT30.A35 C84 2003
CUEA Interdisciplinary Session of the Faculty of Theology and the Department of Religious Studies (7th : 2002 : Nairobi, Kenya).
Faces of African theology : proceedings of the seventh Interdisciplinary Session of the Faculty of Theology and Department of Religious Studies, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi.
Karen, Nairobi, Kenya : Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 2003.

BT30.A35 G47 2006
Gesichter einer fremden Theologie : Sprechen von Gott jenseits von Europa.
Freiburg im Breisgau [Germany] : Herder, 2006.

BT75.B286 D38 2005
Davis, Justin Allen.
Karl Barth's view of the new creation as found in the church dogmatics in comparison with Schleiermacher's view of the new creation.

BT83.55 .B75 2005
Brigham, Erin Michele.
The thread that unites : Elizabeth A. Johnson's contribution to a feminist understanding of community.

BT83.57 .C536 2005
Chan, Hin Cheung.
Education for critical consciousness in Hong Kong : an initial attempt to prepare the younger generation for a greater appreciation of democratic participation.

BT83.57 .M87 2005
Murhula, Toussaint Kafarhire.
Understanding the Congolese crisis in the light of globalizations : an ethical challenge to poverty and underdevelopment.

BT83.595 .D44 2006
DeHart, Paul J., 1964-
The trial of the witnesses : the rise and decline of postliberal theology.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2006.

BT83.595 R36 2003
Ramelow, Tilman Anselm.
Beyond modernism? : George Lindbeck and the linguistic turn in theology.

BT83.85 .J45 2004
Jellis, Jarig.
Professione della fede universale e cristiana, contenuta in una lettera a N.N. : Belydenisse des algemeenen en christelyken Geloofs, vervattet in een Brief aan N.N. (1684).
Macerata : Quodlibet, 2004.

BT83.9 .D44 2006
Deeper shades of purple : womanism in religion and society.
New York : New York University Press, 2006.

BT83.9 .H46 2005
Henry, JoAnne F.
Stories of struggle, songs of hope : postcolonial womanist performance praxis.

BT90 .F45 2005
Feist, Jay Donald.
Historicity, habitus, traditio : toward a practical theology of tradition.

BT103 .G63 2002
God under fire : modern scholarship reinvents God.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, 2002.

BT124 .M673 2006
Mosch, Caroline F.
"Daz disiu Geburt geschehe" : Meister Eckharts Predigtzyklus Von der ewigen geburt und Johannes Taulers Predigten zum Weihnachtsfestkreis.
Fribourg : Academic Press, 2006.

BT140 .M365 1990
Manning, Brennan.
The ragamuffin Gospel : good news for the bedraggled, beat-up, and burnt out.
Portland, Or. : Multnomah, 1990.

BT160 .A553 2005
Anderson, A. K.
Evil and the God of narrative : four types of contemporary Christian theodicy.

BT180.H54 P48 2005
Peterson, Daniel J.
The hidden heterodoxy of the hidden God : an analysis of the Deus Absconditus in classical and contemporary Christian Theology.

BT205 .F33 2006
Fackre, Gabriel J.
Christology in context.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2006.

BT205 .J55 2006
Joh, Wonhee Anne.
Heart of the Cross : a postcolonial christology.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BT265.3 .Y8 2004
Yu, Teresa Yow-Ping.
Intimate partner violence and redemption theologies.

BT303.2 .C37 2006
Catchpole, David R.
Jesus people : the historical Jesus and the beginnings of community.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, 2006.

BT410 .M343 2004
Magana, Jose Manuel.
The transfiguration : its genre, structure, meaning and influence from Mark to Revelation.

BT431 .K445 1999
Kelsey, Morton T.
The drama of the Resurrection : transforming Christianity.
Hyde Park, NY : New City Press, 1999.

BT587.S4O34 H6
O'Connell, Patrick.
The Holy Shroud and four visions : the Holy Shroud, new evidence compared with the visions of St. Bridget of Sweden, Maria d'Agreda, Catherine Emmerick, and Teresa Neumann.
[n.p.] Radio replies press society [n.d.].

BT613 .W45 2005
Whiting, Niki.
Thoroughly modern Mary : a study in contemporary Mariology.

BT640 .C65 2004
La Colaboracion de Maria a la redencion : problema antiguo en proyeccion moderna.
Salamanca : Sociedad Mariologica Espanola, 2004.

BT702 .G63 2006
God and human dignity.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Eerdmans, 2006.

BT732.4 .W56 1946
Wilson, Jim.
Healing through the power of Christ.
London : James Clarke & Co., 1946.

BT766 .L44 2004
Lee, Hyeon-Ho.
The balance of inward and outward holiness in John Wesley's love spirituality.

BT767.3 .G86 1974
Gunstone, John, 1927-
Greater things than these : a personal account of the charismatic movement.
Leighton Buzzard : Faith Press: New York, Morehouse Barlow, 1974.

BT821.3 .A45 2005
Alles in allem : eschatologische Anstosse : J. Christine Janowski zum 60. Geburtstag.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, 2005.

BT892 .F5 2006
Flesher, LeAnn Snow.
Left behind? : the facts behind the fiction.
Valley Forge, PA : Judson Press, 2006.

BT990 .C53 2003
Confessio : Bekenntnis und Bekenntnisrezeption in der Neuzeit : Prof. Dr. Heiner Faulenbach zum 65. Geburtstag.
Zug : Achius, 2003.

BV85 .S94 1987
Swenson, Roger A.
The serious season : daily Lenten meditations for everyday Christians.
New York : Alba House, 1987.

BV176.3 .H65 2005
Holbrook, Kate Stewart.
Transforming silence : towards a theo-poetics of liturgical lament .

BV176.3 .R44 2005
Rehwaldt, Peter Walter.
Let all the people say "Amen!" : a multigeneraltional understanding of rite, hymnody, and preaching.

BV198 .B44 2006
Berglund, Brad.
Reinventing worship : prayers, readings, special services, and more.
Valley Forge, PA : Judson Press, 2006.

BV199.F8 L38 2005
Lau, Dorothy Wai Ling.
Why we do what we do : toward an inculturated funeral liturgy for the Anglican Church in Hong Kong.

BV255 .W475 2005
Wigger, J. Bradley.
Together we pray : a prayer book for families.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2005.

BV353 .D64 2005
Doggett, William Jordan.
Bright and beautiful : images of nature in English-language hymns and hymnals for children.

BV600.3 .A55 2003
Annuncio del Vangelo, forma Ecclesiae.
Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : San Paolo, 2005.

BV639.W7 H68 2005
Household, women, and Christianities in late antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, 2005.

BV710 .H34 2006
Haec sacrosancta synodus : konzils- und kirchengeschichtliche Beitrage.
Regensburg : Pustet, 2006.

BV772 .K867 1963
Kuntz, Kenneth A.
Wooden chalices, new ideas for stewardship.
St. Louis, Bethany Press [1963].

BV1471.3 .S336 2006
Schambeck, Mirjam, 1966-
Mystagogisches Lernen : zu einer Perspektive religioser Bildung.
Wurzburg : Echter, 2006.

BV2105 .A584 2000
Anthropologists and the missionary endeavour : experiences and reflections.
Saarbrucken : Verlag fur Entwicklungspolitik, 2000.

BV3705.V54 P45 2005
Peloso, Silvano, 1946-
Antonio Vieira e l'impero universale : la Clavis prophetarum e i documenti inquisitoriali.
Viterbo [Italy] : Sette citta, 2005.

BV4211.3 .H65 2006
Hogan, Lucy Lind, 1951-
Graceful speech : an invitation to preaching.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2006.

BV4211.3 .P36 2005
Park, Richard Hee-Chun.
Toward an organic homiletic : Samuel T. Coleridge, Henry G. Davis, and the new homiletic.

BV4400 .M445 2006
Melander, Rochelle.
A generous presence : spiritual leadership and the art of coaching.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, 2006.

BV4405 .C46 2005
Cho, Daniel Younggu.
Building up a faithful community in Korean American church context.

BV4470 .N33 2004
Nabors, Brad.
Identity construction and maintenance in the Christian Motorcyclists Association.

BV4525 .H86 2004
Hunter, Lawrence Scott.
Benedictine spirituality and formation of lay people in community in the parish.

BV4647.D5 K36 2005
Kant, Luther und die Wurde des Menschen.
Erlangen : Martin-Luther-Verlag, 2005.

BV4910.9 .B54 2006
Bledsoe, Wanda Scott, 1945-
Walking together through illness : twelve steps for caregivers and care receivers.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress, 2006.

BV5053 .A48 2005
Alumam, Rudolph Baba.
Imaging God in spiritual direction from the attachment theory perspective.

BV5067 .M39 2004
May, Christof, 1973-
Pilgern : Menschsein auf dem Weg.
Wurzburg : Echter, 2004.

BX6.8.B43 V47 2006
Vereb, Jerome M.
"Because he was a German!" : Cardinal Bea and the origins of Roman Catholic engagement in the ecumenical movement.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006.

BX8.3 .C43 2006
Charting churches in a changing Europe : Charta Oecumenica and the process of ecumenical encounter.
Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2006.

BX350 .M65 2005
Mojzes, Marcel, 1975-
Il movimento liturgico nelle chiese bizantine : analisi di alcune tendenze di riforma nel XX secolo.
Roma : CLV-Edizioni liturgiche, 2005.

BX1407.W65 D39 2005
Day, Maureen K.
Conservative and liberal Catholic women : culture and identity through women's ordination, abortion, homosexuality, and feminism.

BX1492 .W59 2006
Wizeman, William.
The theology and spirituality of Mary Tudor's church.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2006.

BX1546.S26 R36 2006
Ramseyer, Valerie.
The transformation of a religious landscape : medieval southern Italy, 850-1150.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2006.

BX1682.M65 .A56 2004
Almeida, Mario Jose Galvao de.
The contribution of D. Sebastiao Soares de Resende, D. Manuel Vieira Pinto and the Episcopal Conference (C.E.M.) to the birth of Catholic social thought in Mozambique (1960-1975).

BX1753 .Y84 2004
Yuen, Mee-Yin Mary.
Solidarity and subsidiarity in an age of globalization : critical analysis of Catholic social teaching in the Hong Kong context.

BX1795.H4 H96 2006
Health and human flourishing : religion, medicine, and moral anthropology.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2006.

BX1818 .B64 2005
Boespflug, Therese.
La Curie au temps de Boniface VIII : etude prosopographique.
Roma : Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, 2005.

BX1920 .L385 2003
Lay ministers and their spiritual practices.
Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday Visitor, 2003.

BX1920 .S52 2005
Shaw, Russell B.
Catholic laity in the mission of the church.
Bethune, S.C. : Requiem Press, 2005.

BX1973 .J46 2006
Jensen, Brian Mller.
Medieval liturgical texts in Italian manuscripts.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.

BX2049.F7 Z75 2005
Keber, Kerstin L.
All creation is groaning : a Franciscan approach to liturgy.

BX2525.C65 S25 2006
Saint John's at 150 : a portrait of this place called Collegeville, 1856 -2006.
Collegeville, Minn. : Saint John's University Press, 2006.

BX2590 .I6 2004
Italienisch-Deutsches Zentrum fur Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte. Internationaler Kongress (3rd : 2004 : Dresden, Germany).
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