The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B753.K54 A53 2007
Adamson, Peter, 1972-
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.
B765.B74 C85 2006
Cullen, Christopher M.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
B828.5 .B385 2006
Bengtsson, Jan Olof, 1960-
The worldview of personalism : origins and early development.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
B2430.D454 C66 2005
Contactforum "Deleuze, Whitehead and the Transformations of Metaphysics" (2005).
Deleuze, Whitehead and the transformations of metaphysics : 23-25 mei 2005 : Contactforum.
Brussel : Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, c2005.
B2599.O7 S77 2006
Strickland, Lloyd H.
Leibniz reinterpreted.
London ; New York : Continuum International Pub. Group, c2006.
B3363 .W75 2006 v.1:1
Welte, Bernhard.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, c2006.
B3363 .W75 2006 v.1:2
Welte, Bernhard.
Mensch und Geschichte.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, c2006.
B3363 .W75 2006 v.1:3
Welte, Bernhard.
Leiblichkeit, Endlichkeit und Unendlichkeit.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, c2006.
B3363 .W75 2006 v.4:1
Welte, Bernhard.
Hermeneutik des Christlichen.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder , c2006.
B3648.R38 K75 2006
Krienke, Markus, 1978-
Theologie, Philosophie, Sprache : Einfuhrung in das theologische Denken Antonio Rosminis.
Regensburg : Pustet, 2006.
BF1561 .S55 2006
Skemer, Don C.
Binding words : textual amulets in the Middle Ages.
University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c2006.
BF1581 .K573 2006
The Kirk, Satan and Salem : a history of the witches of Renfrewshire.
Glasgow : Grimsay Press, 2006.
BL85 .H243 2006
Hart, David A.
Trading faith : global religions in an age of rapid change.
Ropley : O Books, 2006.
BL2222.23 .B83 2003
Buddhas and kami in Japan : honji suijaku as a combinatory paradigm.
London ; New York : RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.
BM176 .G63 2007
Goodman, Martin, 1953-
Judaism in the Roman world : collected essays.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007.
BM521 .C66 2005
Controversy and dialogue in the Jewish tradition : a reader : with an interpretive essay.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2005.
BP75 .A764 2006b
Armstrong, Karen, 1944-
Muhammad : prophet for our time.
London : HarperPress, 2006.
BP130 .C26 2006
The Cambridge companion to the Quran.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
BR115.P7 E58 2006
Encyclopedia of modern Christian politics.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.
BR115.U6 K519 2006
Kirche und Offentlichkeit in Transformationsgesellschaften.
Stuttgart : Verlag W. Kohlhammer, c2006.
BR145.3 .H37 2006b
Herring, George.
An introduction to the history of Christianity : from the early church to the Enlightenment.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2006.
BS192.2 .A1 1964.G3 v.2a
Bible. O.T. Exodus XIX-XL. English. Propp. 2006.
Exodus 19-40 : a new translation with introduction and commentary.
New York : Doubleday, 2006.
BS465 .D86 2007
Dungan, David L.
Constantine's Bible : politics and the making of the New Testament.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2007.
BS477 .M55 2006
Miles, Pamela Herrmann.
Seeking the symbolic structure of Eucharist.
BS511.3 .W43 2006
What is it that the Scripture says? : essays in biblical interpretation, translation, and reception in honour of Henry Wansbrough OSB.
London ; New York : T&T Clark, c2006.
BS580.E4 C377 2006
Caspi, Mishael, 1932-
By the soft lyres : the search for the prophet Elijah.
Berlin : Klaus Schwarz, c2006.
BS1151.2 .L66 2007
Longman, Tremper.
Old Testament commentary survey.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, c2007.
BS1171.3 .W35 2006
Walton, John H., 1952-
Ancient Near Eastern thought and the Old Testament : introducing the conceptual world of the Hebrew Bible.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, c2006.
BS1199.A44 I4 2006
Im, Pong Dae.
A historical-critical and socio-cultural investigation of Amalek in the Old Testament.
BS1199.P6 M383 2006
McConville, J. G. (J. Gordon).
God and earthly power : an Old Testament political theology, Genesis- Kings.
London ; New York : T&T Clark, c2006.
BS1235.53 .N45 2006
Nelson, Richard D. (Richard Donald), 1945-
From Eden to Babel : an adventure in Bible study.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2006.
BS1275.3 .C87 2006
Currid, John D., 1951-
A study commentary on Deuteronomy.
Darlington, England : Evangelical Press, c2006.
BS1355 .B4313 2006
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
In Ezram et Neemiam prophetas allegorica expositio. English.
On Ezra and Nehemiah.
Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, c2006.
BS1455 .H86 2006
Hunter, Alastair G.
Wisdom literature.
London : SCM, 2006.
BS1615.53 .W35 2006
Waltke, Bruce K.
A commentary on Micah.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006.
BS2290 .H25 2006
Hainz, Josef.
Neues Testament und Kirche : gesammelte Aufsatze.
Regensburg : Friedrich Pustet, 2006.
BS2341.2 .C33 2007
Carson, D. A.
New Testament commentary survey.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, c2007.
BS2545.G4 B57 2006
Bird, Michael F.
Jesus and the origins of the Gentile mission.
London ; New York : T&T Clark, [2006?].
BS2555.52 .C36 2006
The Cambridge companion to the Gospels.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
BS2575.53 .H38 2006
Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940-
Grand Rapids, MI : Brazos Press, c2006.
BS2589 .P365 2006
Parsons, Mikeal Carl, 1957-
Body and character in Luke and Acts : the subversion of physiognomy in early Christianity.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, 2006.
BS2615.52 .E75 2006
Esler, Philip Francis.
Lazarus, Mary and Martha : a social-scientific and theological reading of John.
London : SCM, 2006.
BS2615.52 .K44 2006
Keefer, Kyle.
The branches of the Gospel of John : the reception of the Fourth Gospel in the early church.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2006.
BS2655.A67 D58 2006
Divine and human agency in Paul and his cultural environment.
London : T&T Clark, c2006.
BS2665.52 .H34 2006
Hahne, Harry Alan.
The corruption and redemption of creation : nature in Romans 8.19-22 and Jewish apocalyptic literature.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2006.
BS2685.53 .B376 2006
Barnes, Peter.
A study commentary on Galatians.
Darlington, (England) ; Webster, New York : Evangelical Press, c2006.
BS2775.52 .L56 2006
Lincoln, Andrew T.
Hebrews : a guide.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2006.
BT65 .M34 2007
McGrath, Alister E., 1953-
Christian theology : an introduction.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2007.
BT83.585 .W478 2006
Westerkamp, Dirk.
Via negativa : Sprache und Methode der negativen Theologie.
Munchen : Wilhelm Fink, 2006.
BT140 .S36 2006
Schneider, Herbert, 1938-
Primat der Liebe nach Johannes Duns Scotus.
Monchengladbach : Kuhlen, 2006.
BT160 .S847 2006
Stosch, Klaus von, 1971-
Gott - Macht - Geschichte : Versuch einer theodizeesensiblen Rede vom Handeln Gottes in der Welt.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2006.
BT180.N2 Y68 2007
Young, William W., 1972-
The politics of praise : naming God and friendship in Aquinas and Derrida.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., 2007.
BT265.4 .P76 2006
Proclaiming the scandal of the cross : contemporary images of the atonement.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, 2006.
BT982 .P43 2005
Peck, M. Scott (Morgan Scott), 1936-2005.
Glimpses of the Devil : a psychiatrist's personal accounts of possession, exorcism, and redemption.
New York : Free Press, c2005.
BV85 .I45 2006
Indermark, John, 1950-
Parables and Passion : Jesus' stories for the days of Lent.
Nashville, Tenn. : Upper Room Books, c2006.
BV178 .D5 2005
Dix, Gregory.
The shape of the liturgy.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2005.
BV178 .W66 2006
Wong, Siu-Kay Jade.
Rethinking the gathering rite and the opening of worship : exploring a renewal of the opening of worship in a mega free church in Hong Kong.
BV823 .S27 2006
Saxon, Elizabeth.
The Eucharist in Romanesque France : iconography and theology.
Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell, 2006.
BV4011.5 .B87 2006
Bush, Joseph Earl, 1956-
Gentle shepherding : pastoral ethics and leadership.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, c2006.
BV4023 .N54 2006
Nieden, Marcel.
Die Erfindung des Theologen : Wittenberger Anweisungen zum Theologiestudium im Zeitalter von Reformation und Konfessionalisierung.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.
BV4211.3 .P365 2006
Pasquarello, Michael.
Christian preaching : a Trinitarian theology of proclamation.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, c2006.
BX2 .N62 2006
Noble, T.A.
Research for the academy and the church Tyndale House and Fellowship the first sixty year T.A. Noble.
Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press, 2006.
BX2470 .M85 2006
Muller, Harald, 1962-
Habit und Habitus : Monche und Humanisten im Dialog.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.
BX3416 .G76 2005
Grounds, Duard A.
Texts and the reordering of the twelfth-century English landscape.
BX4705.P49 D47 2006
De Rosa, Rocco, 1946-
L'universo di Padre Pio.
Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2006.
BX4705.S814 H46 2006
Herbstrith, Waltraud.
Edith Stein - ihr wahres Gesicht? : judisches Selbstverstandnis - christliches Engagement - Opfer der Shoa.
Berlin : Lit, 2006.
BX4827.B3 D35 2007
Dawson, R. Dale (Robert Dale), 1961-
The Resurrection in Karl Barth.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., 2007.
BX4827.B57 D542 2005
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Stationen und Motive auf dem Weg in den politischen Widerstand : [Festschrift fur Manfred Keller zum 65. Geburtstag am 19. September 2005].
Munster : Lit, 2005.
BX4827.M6 M65 2006
Moltmann, Jurgen.
Weiter Raum : eine Lebensgeschichte.
Gutersloh : Gutersloher Verlagshaus, 2006.
BX5133.N4 J64 2006
Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890.
Fifteen sermons preached before the University of Oxford, between A.D. 1826 and 1843.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
BX5615 .G53 1995
Gibson, Paul, 1932-
Briefly stated : some short sermons for year A.
Toronto : Anglican Book Centre, 1995.
BX5943 .A1 1892
Episcopal Church.
Book of common prayer (1892).
The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church : according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David.
New York : Printed for the Convention, MDCCCXCII [1892].
BX6276 .B87 2006
Bustin, Dennis C.
Paradox and perseverance : Hanserd Knollys, particular Baptist pioneer in seventeenth-century England.
Milton Keynes : Paternoster, 2006.
BX8080.G54 H64 2004
Hohne, Hans.
Johan Melchior Goeze : Stationen einer Streiterkarriere.
Munster : Lit, c2004.
D13 .C5827 2004
Clark, Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Ann), 1938-
History, theory, text : historians and the linguistic turn.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2004.
D1065.U5 H2313 2006
Habermas, Jurgen.
Gespaltene Westen. English.
The divided West.
Cambridge : Polity, 2006.
DG989.5 .S244 2003
Sagona, Claudia, 1956-
Punic antiquities of Malta and other ancient artefacts held in ecclesiastic and private collections.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2003-2006.
DS66 .B75 2005
Bryce, Trevor, 1940-
The kingdom of the Hittites.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
GF80 .O48 2006
Okulam, Frodo.
Earthsong : SisterSpirit's contribution to the spirituality of the eco- justice movement.
HN39.S36 M23 2006
MacColl, Allan W.
Land, faith and the crofting community : Christianity and social criticism in the Highlands of Scotland, 1843-1893.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c2006.
HN670.7.Z9 R45 2006
Win, Saw Than.
The pastor as social reformer in Burma.
HQ767.87 .H47 2006
Hermsen, Edmund.
Faktor Religion : Geschichte der Kindheit vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.
Koln : Bohlau, 2006.
HT863 .H49 2005
Hezser, Catherine, 1960-
Jewish slavery in antiquity.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
HV4505 .K56 2006
Kim, Jean.
A critical study of the root causes of homelessness : paying particular attention to the response of the church.
KA10 .B45 2005
Belsky, Martin H.
Law and theology : cases and readings.
Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press, c2005.
KF4865 .R45 2006
Religious organizations in the United States : a study of identity, liberty, and the law.
Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, c2006.
N68 .K33 2006
Kandinsky, Wassily, 1866-1944.
Uber das geistige in der Kunst inbesonderere in der Malerei English.
Concerning the spiritual in art.
London : Tate, 2006.
N6250 .R58 2006
Ritual and art : Byzantine essays for Christopher Walter.
London : Pindar Press, 2006.
NA5453 .U84 2006
The use and abuse of sacred places in late medieval towns.
Leuven : Leuven University Press, 2006.
NA5977 .M55 2007
Milson, David.
Art and architecture of the synagogue in late antique Palestine : in the shadow of the church.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007.
PA810 .C37 2006
Caragounis, Chrys C., 1940-
The development of Greek and the New Testament : morphology, syntax, phonology, and textual transmission.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, 2006.
PA6663.E7 A66 2006
Der apokryphe Briefwechsel zwischen Seneca und Paulus : zusammen mit dem Brief des Mordechai an Alexander und dem Brief des Annaeus Seneca uber Hochmut und Gotterbilder.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2006.
PR4969 .D43 2007
Dearborn, Kerry, 1950-
Baptized imagination : the theology of George MacDonald.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2007.
PR6013.R44 A16 2006
Greene, Graham, 1904-1991.
Articles of faith : the collected Tablet journalism of Graham Greene.
Oxford : Signal ; London : In association with The Tablet, 2006.
QH438.7 .I8 2005
Is human nature obsolete? : genetics, bioengineering, and the future of the human condition.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2005.
R724 .A74 2006
Ashley, Benedict M.
Health care ethics : a Catholic theological analysis.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, c2006.