Monday, July 02, 2007

New Books for July 2007

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B105.I56 P475 2003
Perler, Dominik.
Theories de l'intentionnalite au moyen age.
Paris : J. Vrin, 2003.

B2430.W474 V66 2006
Von der Ruhr, Mario.
Simone Weil : an apprenticeship in attention.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2006.

B3317 .N2313 2006
Nabais, Nuno, 1957.
Metafisica do tragic. English.
Nietzsche and the metaphysics of the tragic.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2006.

BF723.M54 H354 2006
Handbook of moral development.
Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c2006.

BJ1012 .M325 2007
MacIntyre, Alasdair C.
After virtue : a study in moral theory.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2007.

BJ1408.5 .C73 2007
Crary, Alice, 1967-
Beyond moral judgment.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2007.

BL80.2 O27 2007
O'Brien, Joanne, 1959-
The atlas of religion : mapping contemporary challenges and beliefs.
London : Earthscan, 2007.

BL221 .P395 2007
Peters, F. E. (Francis E.).
The voice, the Word, the books : the sacred scripture of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2007.

BL560 .P665 2006
Pray without ceasing : the way of the invocation in world religions.
Bloomington, Ind. : World Wisdom, c2006.

BL690 .R46 2006
Religious identity in late antiquity.
Toronto : Edgar Kent, Inc., Publishers, 2006.

BL2525 .M393 2007
McCarthy, Kate, 1962-
Interfaith encounters in America.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2007.

BM498.83.N23 G84 2004
Talmud Yerushalmi. Nashim.
The Jerusalem Talmud : third order : Nasim ; tractate Yebamot.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2004.

BP161.3 .B495 2006
Beyond jihad : critical voices from inside Islam.
Bethesda, MD : Academica Press, c2006.

BP161.3 .H88 2006
Hussain, Amir, 1965-
Oil and water : two faiths : one God.
Kelowna, BC : CopperHouse, c2006.

BQ9288 .W377 2007
Warner, Brad.
Sit down and shut up : punk rock commentaries on Buddha, god, truth, sex, death, and Dogen's Treasury of the right dharma eye.
Novato, Calif. : New World Library, 2007.

BR115.E3 H78 2007
Hudnut-Beumler, James David.
In pursuit of the Almighty's dollar : a history of money and American Protestantism.
Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2007.

BR115.P7 V46 2007
Via, Dan Otto, 1928-
Divine justice, divine judgment : rethinking the judgment of nations.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, 2007.

BR115.P7 .W49 2005
Williamson, Rene de Visme.
Politics and Protestant theology : an interpretation of Tillich, Barth, Bonhoeffer, and Brunner.
Lenoir, North Carolina : Reformation Press, c2005.

BR170 .B694 2007
Brennecke, Hanns Christof.
Ecclesia est in re publica : Studien zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte im Kontext des Imperium Romanum.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2007.

BR339 .F73 2003
Fragmenta Melanchthoniana : zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters und der fruhen Neuzeit.
Heidelberg : Verlag Regionalkultur, c2003-

BR515 .K64 2007
Koester, Nancy, 1954-
Fortress introduction to the history of Christianity in the United States.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2007.

BR754.A8b.C66 2006
Conybeare, Catherine.
The irrational Augustine.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006.

BR1640 .C36 2007
Larsen, Timothy, 1967-
The Cambridge companion to evangelical theology.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BS192.3 .A1 2006 .N49
Bible. English. New American. 2006.
The Catholic study Bible : the New American Bible, including the revised New Testament and Psalms, translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2006.

BS440 .L36 2007
Lang, J. Stephen.
Everyday biblical literacy : the essential guide to biblical allusions in art, literature, and life.
Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer's Digest Books, c2007.

BS449 .W47 1985
Wendland, Ernst R.
Language, society, and Bible translation : with special reference to the style and structure of segments of direct speech in the Scriptures.
Roggebaai, Cape Town : Bible Society of South Africa, 1985.

BS1171.3 .M55 2007
Milk and honey : essays on ancient Israel and the Bible in appreciation of the Judaic Studies Program at the University of California, San Diego.
Winona Lake, Ind. : Eisenbrauns, 2007.

BS1225.53 .S383 2007
Schorsch, Ismar.
Canon without closure : Torah commentaries.
New York : Aviv Press, c2007.

BS1465.52 .W44 2007
Weeks, Stuart.
Instruction and imagery in Proverbs 1-9.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.

BS2545.B36 W58 2007
Witherington, Ben, 1951-
Troubled waters : the real new testament theology of baptism.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2007.

BS2585.53 .F37 2004
Farley, Lawrence R.
The Gospel of Mark : the suffering servant.
Ben Lomond, Calif. : Conciliar Press, c2004.

BS2615.53 .F37 2006
Farley, Lawrence R.
The gospel of John : beholding the glory.
Ben Lomand, Calif. : Conciliar Press, c2006.

BS2651 .C28 2006
Callan, Terrance, 1947-
Dying and rising with Christ : the theology of Paul the Apostle.
New York : Paulist Press, c2006.

BS2655.T5 P36 2002
Pao, David W.
Thanksgiving : an investigation of a Pauline theme.
Leicester, England : Apollos ; Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2002.

BS2675.53 .F37 2005
Farley, Lawrence R.
First and second Corinthians : straight from the heart.
Ben Lomond, Calif. : Conciliar Press, c2005.

BT30.L37 P363 2001
Panorama de la teologia latinoamericana.
Navarra : Verbo Divino, 2001.

BT83.55 .W359 2006
Walz, Heike.
" - nicht mehr mannlich und weiblich - "? : Ekklesiologie und Geschlecht in okumenischem Horizont.
Frankfurt am Main : Lembeck, 2006.

BT93.8 .W43 2007
Weaver, Sonia K.
What is Palestine-Israel? : answers to common questions.
Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 2007.

BT102 M325 2007
Manoussakis, John Panteleimon.
God after metaphysics : a theological aesthetic.
Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press, c2007.

BT150 .S47 2006
Sergeev, Mikhail (Mikhail IU.).
Sophiology in Russian orthodoxy : Solovev, Bulgakov, Losskii and Berdiaev.
Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, c2006.

BT202.F73 N581 1994
Nguyen, Norbert Van Khanh.
Gesu Cristo nel pensiero di San Francesco. English.
The teacher of his heart : Jesus Christ in the thought and writings of St. Francis.
St. Bonaventure, N.Y. : Franciscan Institute; St. Bonaventure University, 1994.

BT482 .F67 2006
Foster, Charles, 1962-
The Jesus inquest.
Oxford : Monarch Books, 2006.

BT712 .L54 2007
Lienesch, Michael, 1948-
In the beginning : fundamentalism, the Scopes trial, and the making of the antievolution movement.
Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2007.

BV209 .G8913 1990
Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte, 1648-1717.
Moyen court et tres facile de faire oraison. English.
A short and easy method of prayer.
Fort Worth Texas, RDMc,c2001.

BV600.3 .E56 2007
Ellingson, Stephen, 1962-
The megachurch and the mainline : remaking religious tradition in the twenty-first century.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2007.

BV2073 .K67 2001
Kostenberger, Andreas J., 1957-
Salvation to the ends of the earth : a biblical theology of mission.
Leicester, England : Apollos ; Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2001.

BV3417 .B76 2007
Brockey, Liam Matthew.
Journey to the East : the Jesuit mission to China, 1579-1724.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007.

BV3625.N6 J64 2006
Johnson, Enid M.
Land of dreams : missionary adventures in Nigeria in the 1950s.
Warrington : Church in The Market Place Publications, 2006.

BV3680.N6 G4253 1998
Prior, Randall.
The founding missionary and a missionary for today.
Wattle Park, [N.S.W.], Australia : Gospel Vanuatu, c1998.

BV4080 .H55 2007
Hill, Kenneth H.
Religious education in the African American tradition : a comprehensive introduction.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, c2007.

BV4456 .R43 2007
Reckford, Jonathan T. M., 1962-
Creating a habitat for humanity : no hands but yours.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c2007.

BV4509.5 .A88 2006
Au, Wilkie, 1944-
The discerning heart : exploring the Christian path.
New York : Paulist Press, c2006.

BV4740 .D65 2007
Doing more with life : connecting Christian higher education to a call to service.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, c2007.

BX880 .B53 2007
The Blackwell companion to Catholicism.
Malden, MA ; Oxford : Blackwell Pub., 2007.

BX2170.C55 W663 2005
Wood, Geoff.
Living the lectionary : links to life and literature, Year B.
Chicago, Ill. : Liturgy Training Pub., c2005.

BX2215.3 .D56 2006
Dimock, Giles.
101 questions and answers on the Eucharist.
New York : Paulist Press, c2006.

BX4656 .G35 2007
Gallick, Sarah.
The big book of women saints.
[San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, c2007.

BX5005 .H37 2007
Hassett, Miranda Katherine.
Anglican Communion in crisis : how Episcopal dissidents and their African allies are reshaping Anglicanism.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2007.

BX5968.5 .D43 2005
Deeper joy : lay women and vocation in the 20th century Episcopal Church.
New York : Church Pub., c2005.

BX7131.2. D36 2007
Dandelion, Pink.
An introduction to Quakerism.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BX7990.I68 M325 2007
Sutton, Matthew Avery, 1975-
Aimee Semple McPherson and the resurrection of Christian America.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2007.

BX8382.2.Z5 W52 2007
Willimon, William H.
United Methodist beliefs : a brief introduction.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminister John Knox Press, 2007.

Compact disc 445
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Sunday mornings in Plains [sound recording] : Bible study with Jimmy Carter : leading a worthy life.
New York, NY : Simon & Schuster Audio, p2007.

DA925 .W544 2005
Williams, Kevin, Dr.
Faith & the nation : religion, culture and schooling in Ireland.
Dublin : Dominican Publications, 2005.

DC130.D78 M4 2005
Dumont de Bostaquet, Isaac, 1632-1709.
Memoirs of Isaac Dumont of Bostaquet a gentleman of Normandy : before and after the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
London : Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 2005.

DF567 .H33 2006
Haarer, F. K. (Fiona K.).
Anastasius I : politics and empire in the late Roman world.
Cambridge : Francis Cairns, 2006.

DS135.A92 V522513 2005
Erste judische Museum. English.
The first Jewish Museum.
Wien : Judisches Museum der Stadt Wien, c2005.

HM621 .H37 2006
Harrison, Lawrence E.
The central liberal truth : how politics can change a culture and save it from itself.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.

HQ1750.6 .B66 2006
Bong, Sharon A.
The tension between women's rights and religions : the case of Malaysia.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, c2006.

HS1550.G7 .O724 2006
Kennaway, Brian.
The Orange Order : a tradition betrayed.
London : Methuen, 2006.

HV6432 .R66 2006
Root causes of suicide terrorism : the globalization of martyrdom.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2006.

NA2800 .C57 2006
Cirillo, Ettore.
Worship, acoustics, and architecture.
Essex, UK : Multi-Science Publishing Co., 2006.

NA7331.K2 G37
The gardens at Hever Castle.
Hever, Kent : Hever Castle, [198-?].

P91 .N49 1984
Nida, Eugene Albert, 1914-
Signs, sense, translation.
Roggebaai, Cape Town : Bible Society of South Africa, 1984.

PK2199.I65 M57 2006
Mir, Mustansir, 1949-
London ; New York : I.B. Tauris ; Oxford : Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies ; New York : Distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

PL8013.E5 R54 2007
Rienner anthology of African literature.
Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, c2007.

PN1995.9.B7 D46 2006
Dennis, Jeffery P.
We boys together : teenagers in love before girl-craziness.
Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 2006.

R725.56 .M443 2007
Medicine, health care, and ethics : Catholic voices.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2007.

RA390.A2 G78713 2005
Grundmann, Christoffer H.
Gesandt zu heilen! English.
Sent to heal! : emergence and development of medical missions.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2005.

RC521 .L48 2006
Levine, Robert, 1939-
Defying dementia : understanding and preventing Alzheimer's and related disorders.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger Publishers, 2006.

Z710 .B23 2004
Badke, William B., 1949-
Research strategies : finding your way through the information fog.
New York : IUniverse, Inc., c2004.