Tuesday, April 01, 2008

New Books for April 2008

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B721 .M457 2002
Medieval philosophy and the classical tradition in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
London ; New York : RoutledgeCurzon, [2003].

B765.A24 A4 2008
Abelard, Peter, 1079-1142.
Letters. English. 2008.
Letters of Peter Abelard, beyond the personal.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2008.

BJ1581.2 .M65 2008
Morality and self-interest.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

BL48 .V64 2007
Vogel, Manfred H.
The phenomenon of religion : pagan and biblical religion : some reflections on the bifurcation of the religious phenomenon between the dimension -of-power and the dimension-of-consciousness.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2007.

BL51 .B256 2007
Baruss, Imants, 1952-
Science as a spiritual practice.
Exeter, UK ; Charlottesville, VA : Imprint Academic, c2007.

BL71 .T49 2008
Theorizing Scriptures : new critical orientations to a cultural phenomenon.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 2008.

BL1107.3 .H55 2008
Hinduism : a reader .
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Pub., 2008.

BL1840 .C65 2008
Confucian political ethics.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2008.

BL2450.I7 .M23 2008
McCabe, Elizabeth A.
An Examination of the Isis Cult with preliminary exploration into New Testament studies.
Lanham ; Plymouth : University Press of America, c2008.

BM496.9.S38 .G73 2007
Green, Adam.
King Saul : the true history of the first messiah.
Cambridge : Lutterworth, 2007.

BM700 .S45413 2002
Shneur Zalman, of Lyady, 1745-1813.
Shulhan arukh. English & Hebrew.
The Shulchan aruch of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi = [Shulhan arukh].
Brooklyn, N.Y. : Kehot Publications Society, <2002>

BP137.5.N5 P46 2008
African American religious life and the story of Nimrod.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

BP190.5.W35 K434 2007
Kelsay, John, 1953-
Arguing the just war in Islam.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2007.

BQ438 .J67 2007
Jordt, Ingrid.
Burma's mass lay meditation movement : Buddhism and the cultural construction of power.
Athens : Ohio University Press, 2007.

BR115.C3 H84 2007
Hughes, John.
The end of work : theological critiques of capitalism.
Malden, MA ; Oxford : Blackwell Pub., 2007.

BR115.P7 C37955 2007
Christian political ethics.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2007.

BR118 .T44 2007
Graham, Elaine.
Theological reflection : sources.
London : SCM Press, 2007.

BR128.B8 M45 2007
Mc Nerney, Eamonn.
Interfaith aesthetics : Mary and Maya as models for dialogue.

BR317 .H53 2005
Hickerson, Megan L., 1966-
Making women martyrs in Tudor England.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

BR350.L3 S67 2007
Springer, Michael Stephen.
Restoring Christ's church : John a Lasco and the forma ac ratio.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2007.

BR516 .E44 2007
Ellingsen, Mark, 1949-
When did Jesus become Republican? : rescuing our country and our values from the right : strategies for a post-Bush America.
Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2007.

BR600 .G67 2007
Gonzalez, Ondina E., 1958-
Christianity in Latin America : a history.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BR1601.3 .H68 2007
Hovey, Craig, 1974-
To share in the body.
Grand Rapids, MI : Brazos Press, 2007.

BR1720.C3 G66 2007
Goodrich, Richard J., 1962-
Contextualizing Cassian : aristocrats, asceticism, and reformation in fifth century Gaul.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.

BS465 .A45 2007
Allert, Craig D.
A high view of Scripture? : the authority of the Bible and the formation of the New Testament canon.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2007.

BS476 .H24 2000
Handbook of postmodern biblical interpretation.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, c2000.

BS476 .J45 2007
Jensen, Alexander S., 1968-
Theological hermeneutics.
London : SCM Press, 2007.

BS476 .M877 2000
Murray, Stuart, 1956-
Biblical interpretation in the Anabaptist tradition.
Kitchener, Ont. : Pandora Press ; Scottsdale, Pa. : Copublished with Herald Press, 2000.

BS621 .F44 2004
Feinman, Peter Douglas.
William Foxwell Albright and the origins of biblical archaeology.
Berrien Springs, MI : Andrews University Press, 2004.

BS1197 .M33 2005
Matthews, Victor Harold.
Old Testament turning points : the narratives that shaped a nation.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2005.

BS1235.52 .J33 2007
Jacobs, Mignon R.
Gender, power, and persuasion : the Genesis narratives and contemporary portraits.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2007.

BS1325.52 .I45 2006
Ignatius, Peter.
King Saul : a villian or a hero? : revisiting the character of Saul.

BS1505.52 .S26 2007
Sandy, D. Brent, 1947-
Prophecy and apocalyptic : an annotated bibliography.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, c2007.

BS2315.5 .S78 2007
Sturdy, John.
Redrawing the boundaries : the date of early Christian literature.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub. Ltd, 2007.

BS2860.J832 G38 2007
Gathercole, Simon J.
The Gospel of Judas.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.

BT40 .B53 2007
Blanton, Ward.
Displacing Christian origins : philosophy, secularity, and the New Testament.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2007.

BT82.2 .L49 2007
Lewis, Camille Kaminski.
Romancing the difference : Kenneth Burke, Bob Jones University, and the rhetoric of religious fundamentalism.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, 2007.

BT83.575 .A78 2006
Aquino, Jorge A.
Ni blanquitos, ni negritos : race, nation, and identity in U.S. Latino/a theology.

BT119 .M67 2005
Moser, Maureen Beyer.
Teacher of holiness : the Holy Spirit in Origen's Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans.
Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press, 2005.

BT203 .E5318 2007
Elizondo, Virgilio P.
God of incredible surprises. Spanish.
Jesus de Galilea : un dios de increibles sorpresas.
Chicago : Loyola Press, c2007.

BT304.9 .M68 2008
Mountcastle, William W., 1925-
The secret ministry of Jesus : pioneer prophet of interfaith dialogue.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2008.

BT453 .M47 2007
Merkur, Daniel.
Crucified with Christ : meditation on the passion, mystical death, and the medieval invention of psychotherapy.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2007.

BT612 .T48 2007
Thurlkill, Mary F., 1969-
Chosen among women : Mary and Fatima in medieval Christianity and Shiite Islam.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2007.

BT652.G3 H43 2007
Heal, Bridget.
The cult of the Virgin Mary in early Modern Germany : Protestant and Catholic piety, 1500-1648.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BT695.5 .B734 2008
Bratton, Susan.
Environmental values in Christian art.
Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, c2008.

BT732.5 .C88 2007
Curtis, Heather D.
Faith in the Great Physician : suffering and divine healing in American culture, 1860-1900.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.

BT761.3 .K54 2007
Klein, Terrance W., 1958-
Wittgenstein and the metaphysics of grace.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.

BT795 .K73 2007
Kraybill, Donald B.
Amish grace : how forgiveness transcended tragedy.
San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2007.

BT903 .W66 2007
Wong, Kam Ming, 1961-
Wolfhart Pannenberg on human destiny.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., 2007.

BT1315.3 .H47 2007
Heresies and how to avoid them : why it matters what Christians believe.
London : SPCK ; Peabody, Mass. : Hendrickson, 2007.

BV194.D69 A96 2007
Ayo, Nicholas.
Gloria Patri : the history and theology of the lesser doxology.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2007.

BV210.3 .C65 2006
Conkling, Kelly Schneider.
Prayer of the heart ; a journey through the heART with visual prayer .
Harrisburg, Pa. : Morehouse Pub., c2006.

BV2623.T74 A97 2007
Austin, Kenneth, 1976-
From Judaism to Calvinism : the life and writings of Immanuel Tremellius (c. 1510-1580).
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2007.

BV2695.W6 L38 2007
Laughlin, Kristi M.
The difference faith makes : religious influence in the coalition of Immokalee workers' Taco Bell boycott.

BV4221 .E73 2007
Erdman, Chris William.
Countdown to Sunday : a daily guide for those who dare to preach.
Grand Rapids, MI : Brazos Press, [2007].

BV4447 .S59 2004
Smith, Efrem (Efrem D.), 1969-
Raising up young heroes : developing a revolutionary youth ministry.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2004.

BV4463 .L49 2007
Lewis, Hannah, 1971-
Deaf liberation theology.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., 2007.

BV4501.3 .H88 2007
Huston, Paula.
By way of grace : moving from faithfulness to holiness.
Chicago : Loyola Press, c2007.

BV4529 .K46 2007
Kendall, Peggy.
Connected : Christian parenting in an age of IM and MySpace.
Valley Forge, PA : Judson Press, 2007.

BV4529 .M38418 2005
McGrath, Tom, 1950-
Raising faith-filled kids. Spanish.
Educando hijos en la plenitud de la fe : oportunidades ordinarias para nutrir la espiritualidad del hogar.
Chicago , Ill. : Loyola Press, c2005.

BV4647.J68 F67 2007
Foss, Michael W., 1948-
The disciple's joy : six practices for spiritual growth.
Minneapolis : Augsburg Books, c2007.

BV4921.3 .E94 2007
Everts, Don, 1971-
Getting your feet dirty : a down-to-earth look at following Jesus.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2007.

BX903 .W58 2006
Witt, George.
Form follows function : training spiritual directors for justice through the tools of social analysis.

BX1406.3 .F57 2007
Fisher, James Terence.
Communion of immigrants : a history of Catholics in America.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.

BX1494.S83 G74 2006
Greenslade, M. W. (Michael W.).
Catholic Staffordshire 1500-1850.
Leominster : Gracewing, 2006.

BX1550 .P28 2008
Parker, Charles H., 1958-
Faith on the margins : Catholics and Catholicism in the Dutch Golden Age.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2008.

BX1905 .R83 2006
Rubio, Jose Antonio.
Bishop Eduardo Sanchez Camacho (1838-1920) : a dissenting voice in the Mexican church.

BX2350.7 .K75 2006
Kropisz, Piotr.
The Center For Religious Development's model of spiritual direction.

BX4629.C49 E45 2007
Ellard, Peter, 1964-
The sacred cosmos : theological, philosophical, and scientific conversations in the twelfth century School of Chartres.
Scranton, Pa. : University of Scranton Press ; Bristol : University Presses Marketing [distributor], 2007.

BX4705.G8 Z636 2007
James, Nancy C., 1954-
The pure love of Madame Guyon : the Great Conflict in King Louis XIV's court.
Lanham : University Press of America, c2007.

BX4827.T53 S33 2004
Scharlemann, Robert P.
Religion and reflection : essays on Paul Tillich's theology.
Munster : Lit ; Piscataway, NJ : Transaction Publishers, c2004.

BX5157 .E67 2007
Eppley, Daniel.
Defending royal supremacy and discerning God's will in Tudor England.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2007.

BX8248.K3 I77 2007
Irons, Kendra Weddle.
Preaching on the plains : Methodist women preachers in Kansas, 1920-1956.
Lanahm, MD : University Press of America, c2007.

BX8635.3 .M55 2007
Millet, Robert L.
Claiming Christ : a Mormon-Evangelical debate.
Grand Rapids, MI : Brazos Press, 2007.

BX9055 .P32 2007
Paas, S., 1942-
Ministers and elders : the birth of Presbyterianism.
Zomba, Malawi : Kachere Series, 2007.

BX9177.G7 G54 2008
Zieman, Katherine.
Singing the new song : literacy and liturgy in late medieval England.
Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsylvania Press ;[ Bristol : University Presses Marketing] [distributor], 2008.

CB103 .G66 2007
Gonzalez, Pedro Blas, 1964-
Ortega's The revolt of the masses and the triumph of the new man.
New York : Algora Pub., c2007.

DS35.74.E85 Q45 2008
Quinn, Frederick.
The sum of all heresies : the image of Islam in Western thought.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

DS175 .P393 2007
Payaslian, Simon.
The history of Armenia : from the origins to the present.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

DT433.58 K48 2006
Kituu, Kyalo Michael.
The impact of ethnicity in post-colonial Kenya.

E184.M88 M64 2007
Moezzi, Melody, 1979-
War on error : real stories of American Muslims.
Fayetteville : The University of Arkansas Press, 2007.

E444 .F88 2007
From bondage to belonging : the Worcester slave narratives.
Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 2007.

HM585 .S634 2007
The sociology of radical commitment : Kurt H. Wolff's existential turn.
Lanham : Lexington Books, c2007.

HQ21 .D84 2007
Dufourmantelle, Anne.
Blind date. English.
Blind date : sex and philosophy.
Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2007.

HQ1726.7 .S26 2007
Sancar, Asli.
Ottoman women : myth and reality.
New Jersey : Light, Inc., c2007.

JC571 .M38 2007
Matlary, Janne Haaland.
Veruntreute Menschenrechte. English.
When might becomes human right : essays on democracy and the crisis of rationality.
Leominster : Gracewing, 2007.

JK411 .H65 2007
Holland, Matthew Scott, 1966-
Bonds of affection : civic charity and the making of America--Winthrop, Jefferson, and Lincoln.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, c2007.

LC473 .H47 2007
Herron, Fred, 1953-
Combing the tradition : Catholic schools in the era of baptismal consciousness.
Lanham : University Press of America, c2007.

LD7501.C4 K43 2008
Kearney, G. R.
More than a dream : the Cristo Rey story : how one school's vision is changing the world.
Chicago, Ill. : Loyola Press, c2008.

ML3187.5 .E9 2006
Evans, Mark.
Open up the doors : music in the modern church.
London : Equinox, 2006.

N6510 .S39 2008
Schwain, Kristin, 1971-
Signs of grace : religion and American art in the Gilded Age.
Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008.

N8080.P38 S45 2007
Santos, Armanda Maria Garces dos.
Facing the apostle Paul : an iconographic portrait.

NA5060 .I58 2001
International Congress on Medieval Studies (36th 2001 : Kalamazoo, Mich.).
Decorating the Lord's table : on the dynamics between image and altar in the Middle Ages.
Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2006.

PJ5050.J8 Z825 2008
Scheindlin, Raymond P.
The song of the distant dove : Judah Halevi's pilgrimage.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

PR641 .D37 2007
Davidson, Clifford.
Festivals and plays in late medieval Britain.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2007.

PR4453.C4 Z725 2007
Milbank, Alison, 1954-
Chesterton and Tolkien as theologians : the fantasy of the real.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2007.

QH367 .F75 2007
Fowler, Thomas B., 1947-
The evolution controversy : a survey of competing theories.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2007.

RJ505.S658 W66 2007
Woodward, Bob, M.Ed.
Spiritual healing with children with special needs.
London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.