The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B491.E7 W45 2007
Weinman, Michael.
Pleasure in Aristotle's ethics.
London ; New York : Continuum, c2007.
B2430.S34 L3 2004
Law, David R.
Briefly : sartre's existentialism and humanism.
London : Scm, 2007.
B3279.H48 B45363 2007
Powell, Jason.
Heidegger's Contributions to philosophy : life and the last god.
London ; New York : Continuum, c2007.
B3279.H49 B6844 2008
Bowler, Michael J.
Heidegger and Aristotle : philosophy as praxis.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2008.
BD111 .M68 2007
Mounce, H. O.
Metaphysics and the end of philosophy.
London ; New York : Continuum, c2007.
BF173.F85 S795 2008
Surprenant, Celine, 1961-
Freud : a guide for the perplexed.
New York : Continuum, c2008.
BJ101 .S56 2007
Sim, May, 1962-
Remastering morals with Aristotle and Confucius.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.
BJ1231 .T44 2007
Theologische Ethik autobiographisch.
Paderborn : Schoningh, c2007.
BL50 .H45 2007
Heinegg, Peter.
Good God! (And other follies) : essays on religion.
Lanham, Md. : Hamilton Books, c2007.
BL240.3 .H67 2007
Horton, Bennett F., 1927-
Science and religion : a contradiction united.
Eagleville, PA : DNA Press, 2007.
BL2480.V6 G755 2008
Orisa devotion as world religion : the globalization of Yoruba religious culture.
Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, c2008.
BR100 .C34313 2007
Camus, Albert, 1913-1960.
Metaphysique chretienne et neoplatonisme. English.
Christian metaphysics and neoplatonism.
Columbia : University of Missouri Press, 2007.
BR333.5.F73 R54 2007
Rieger, Reinhold.
Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen = De libertate christiana.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2007.
BS410 .V452 vol. 93 BS1255.52
The book of Leviticus : composition and reception.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2003.
BT30.S95 W54 2005
Wiederkehr, Dietrich.
Fur einen befreienden Glauben : drei Theologen als Wegbereiter ; [Herbert Haag 1915-2001, Otto Karrer 1888-1976, Hans Urs von Balthasar 1905- 1988].
Luzern : Pro Libro, 2005.
BT80 .W35 2007
Wainwright, Geoffrey.
Embracing purpose : essays on God, the world and the Church.
[Peterborough, England] : Epworth, c2007.
BT83.55 .W356 2007
Walton, Heather.
Imagining theology : women, writing, and God.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2007.
BT313 .W5 2007
Whitehouse, Maggy.
The marriage of Jesus.
Ropley : O Books, 2007.
BT734.2 .B9 2007
Byrd, Terriel R.
I shall not be moved : racial separation in Christian worship.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2007.
BT736.2 .S48 2007
Simpson, Gary M., 1950-
War, peace, and God : rethinking the just-war tradition.
Minneapolis : Augsburg Fortress, c2007.
BV601.8.H85 2006
Hull, John M.
Mission-shaped church : a theological response.
London : SCM Press, 2006.
BV5091,C7 M27 2007
Main, John, O.S.B.
The heart of creation : meditation.
[S.l.] : Scm-Canterbury Press, 2007.
BX1407.P63 S65 2008
Smith, Gregory Allen.
Politics in the parish : the political influence of Catholic priests.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, c2008.
BX1751.3 .L63 2004
Lockwood, Robert P.
A faith for grown-ups : a midlife conversation about what really matters.
Chicago : Loyola Press, c2004.
BX1970.15 .K64 2007
Koester, Anne Y.
Sunday mass : our role and why it matters.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2007.
BX4809 .B3 2008
Barnes, Robert, 1495-1540.
A critical edition of Robert Barnes' A supplication unto the most gracyous prince Kynge Henry the VIII, 1534.
Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2008.
BX4827.T53 S347 2007
Schussler, Werner.
Paul Tillich : Leben - Werk - Wirkung.
Darmstadt : WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007.
E29.N3 F46 2007
Fennell, Christopher.
Crossroads and cosmologies : diasporas and ethnogenesis in the new world.
Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c2007.
GN666 .R59 1996
Rose, Deborah Bird, 1946-
Nourishing terrains : Australian aboriginal views of landscape and wilderness.
Canberra, ACT : Australian Heritage Commission, c1996.
GT3288 .M33 2006
McDermott, Bridget.
Death in ancient Egypt.
Stroud : Sutton, 2006.
JZ5534 .M33 2002
McCarthy, Colman.
I'd rather teach peace.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2002.
NA5461 .S5589 2007
Hayman, Richard, 1959-
A concise guide to the parish church.
Stroud : Tempus, 2007.
PS3565.C57 Z746 2005
McDermott, John V.
Flannery O'Connor and Edward Lewis Wallant : two of a kind.
Lanham : University Press of America, c2005.