Monday, December 01, 2008

New Books for December 2008

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B105.B64 N3613 2008
Nancy, Jean-Luc.
Corpus. English.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2008.

B162 .L35 2008
Laumakis, Stephen J.
An introduction to Buddhist philosophy.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

B689.Z7 C26 2008
Calabi, Francesca, 1948-
God's acting, man's acting : tradition and philosophy in Philo of Alexandria.
Leiden : Boston : Brill, 2008.

B1649.R74 S53 2008
Shanks, Andrew.
Against innocence : Gillian Rose's reception and gift of faith.
[S.l.] : Scm-Canterbury Press Ltd, 2008.

B2430.R554 F74 2008
Frey, Daniel.
L'interpretation et la lecture chez Ricur et Gadamer.
Paris : Presses universitaires de France, c2008.

B3332.S674 D75 2008
Driessche, Thibault van den.
L'alterite : fondement de la personne humaine dans l'uvre d'Edith Stein.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2008.

B5800 .S45 2007
Seidler, Victor J., 1945-
Jewish philosophy and western culture : a modern introduction.
London : I.B. Tauris, c2007.

BD215 .G53 2008
Glaubensgewissheit und Wahrheit in religioser Tradition : Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposiums.
Wien : Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2008.

BD450 .V4 1962
Vetter, August, 1887-1976.
Mitte der Zeit : die Geschichtlichkeit des Geistes im Licht der Menschwerdung Gottes.
Freiburg : K. Alber, c1962.

BF1622.J45 B64 2008
Bohak, Gideon, 1961-
Ancient Jewish magic : a history.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

BJ21 .G76 v.149
Simiyu, Stella.
Caring for creation : part of our gospel calling?.
Cambridge : Grove Books, 2008.

BL51 .M8768 2008
Murray, Michael J.
An introduction to the philosophy of religion.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

BL60 .R443 2008
Religious diversity and civil society : a comparative analysis.
Oxford : Bardwell Press, c2008.

BL65.P7 W96 2006
Wynn, Terry.
Where are the prophets?.
Leicester : Matador, c2006.

BL65.P73 T39 2008
Taylor, Victor E.
Religion after postmodernism : retheorizing myth and literature.
Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, c2008.

BL65.S8 R446 2007
Religion, dynasty, and patronage in early Christian Rome, 300-900.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BL227 .C74 2008
Creation and the Abrahamic faiths.
Newcastle, UK : Cambridge Scholars Pub., c2008.

BL240.3 .D57 2008
Dixon, Thomas (Thomas M.).
Science and religion : a very short introduction.
New York : Oxford University Press Inc., 2008.

BL241 .F358 2008
The faith of scientists in their own words.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2008.

BL256 .I43 2009
Imagining the fetus : the unborn in myth, religion, and culture.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.

BL580 .D68 2007
Douglas, David, 1949-
The atlas of sacred and spiritual sites : discover places of mystical power from around the world.
London : Godsfield Book, 2007.

BL624 .I568 2007
The invention of sacred tradition.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BL626.3 .W64 2007
Woerlee, G. M.
The unholy legacy of Abraham.
Leicester, UK : Matador, c2007.

BL820.C8 R66 2008
Romanising oriental Gods : myth, salvation, and ethics in the cults of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras.
Leiden ; New York : Brill, 2008.

BL980.G7 B68 2007
Bradley, Ian C.
Believing in Britain : the spiritual identity of 'Britishness'.
London : I. B. Tauris, 2007.

BL2370.S5 B48 2008
Berman, Michael, 1951-
Soul loss and the Shamanic story.
Newcastle, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2008.

BL2370.5 .B47 2007
Berman, Michael, 1951-
The nature of shamanism and the shamanic story.
Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars, 2007.

BL2775.3 .Z83 2008
Zuckerman, Phil.
Society without God.
New York : New York University Press, 2008.

BM150 .N48 2008
Neusner, Jacob, 1932-
Persia and Rome in classical Judaism.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2008.

BM487 .F4 2008
Fitzmyer, Joseph A.
A guide to the Dead Sea scrolls and related literature.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2008.

BM532 .N5413 2008
Nigal, Gedalyah.
Siporet ha-Hasidit. English.
The Hasidic tale.
Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, c2008.

BM538.P3 S27 2008
Saperstein, Marc.
Jewish preaching in times of war, 1800-2001.
Oxford ; Portland, Or. : The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2008.

BP70 .K53 2008
Khan, Muhammad Mojlum.
The Muslim 100 : the lives, thoughts and achievements of the most influential Muslims in history.
Markfield, U.K. : Kube Publishing Ltd., 2008.

BP131 .W67 2007
Word of God, Art of Man: the Qur'an and Its Creative Expressions (2003 : London, England).
Word of God, art of man : the Qur'an and its creative expressions : selected proceedings from the International Colloquium, London, 18-21 October 2003.
Oxford : Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2007.

BP134.E8 D37 2008
Daraz, Muhammad Abd Allah.
Morale du Koran. English.
The moral world of the Quran.
London ; New York : I.B. Tauris ; New York : Distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

BP172 .T48 2007
Thompson, Livingstone A.
A formula for conversation : Christians and Muslims in dialogue.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2007.

BP188.5 .S34 2008
Schwartz, Stephen, 1948-
The other Islam : Sufism and the road to global harmony.
New York : Doubleday, 2008.

BP189.26 .I264 2002
Ibn al-Arabi, 1165-1240.
Futuhat al-Makkiyah. English. Selections.
The Meccan revelations.
New York : Pir Press, 2002-

BR50 .G79 2008
Gryson, Roger.
Scientiam salutis : quarante annees de recherches sur l'antiquite chretienne.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2008.

BR65.E636 S54 2008
Shepardson, Christine C., 1972-
Anti-Judaism and Christian orthodoxy : Ephrem's hymns in fourth-century Syria.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2008.

BR65.J476 A44 2008
Amerise, Marilena.
Girolamo e le Senectus : eta della vita e morte nell'epistolario.
Roma : Institutum patristicum Augustinuanum, 2008.

BR65.T753 .S56 2008
Siniossoglou, Niketas.
Plato and Theodoret : the Christian appropriation of Platonic philosophy and the Hellenic intellectual resistance.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

BR115.A8 B76 2008
Brown, David, 1948 July 1-
God and mystery in words : experience through metaphor and drama.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

BR115.G59 P66 2007
Plonz, Sabine, 1962-
Himmlisches Burgerrecht - Liebe zur Welt : Anlaufe zu einer dialogisch-politischen Theologie im okumenischen Kontext.
Frankfurt am Main : Otto Lembeck, c2007.

BR115.H5 D646 1999
Donadio, Francesco, 1940-
Elogio della storicita : orizzonti ermeneutici ed esperienza credente.
Milano : Paoline, 1999.

BR127 .C474 2001
Christianity and other religions : selected readings.
Oxford : Oneworld, c2001.

BR127 .F76 2008
From temple to church : destruction and renewal of local cultic topography in late antiquity.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008.

BR138 .S45 2005
Seminario per il cinquantesimo del Pontificio Comitato di scienze storiche (2005 : Vatican City).
Storia del cristianesimo : bilanci e questioni aperte : atti del Seminario per il cinquantesimo del Pontificio comitato di scienze storiche : Citta del Vaticano, 3-4 giugno 2005.
Citta del Vaticano : Libreria editrice vaticana, c2007.

BR150 .H54 2007
Hill, Jonathan, 1976-
The history of Christianity.
Oxford : Lion, 2007.

BR190 .C37 2007
Cappozzo, Mario.
Il cristianesimo nel Medio Egitto.
Todi (PG) [i.e. Perugia, Italy] : Tau, c2007.

BR333.5.C72 R84 2008b
Ruge-Jones, Philip, 1962-
Cross in tensions : Luther's theology of the cross as theologico-social critique.
Eugene, OR : Pickwick Publications, 2008.

BR333.5.J8 R65 2008
Rolf, Sibylle, 1972-
Zum Herzen sprechen : eine Studie zum imputativen Aspekt in Martin Luthers Rechtfertigungslehre und zu seinen Konsequenzen fur die Predigt des Evangeliums.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, c2008.

BR350.V37 I8 2008
Zuidema, Jason.
Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1562) and the outward instruments of divine grace.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.

BR481 .M297 2007
McLeod, Hugh.
The religious crisis of the 1960s.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press Inc., 2007.

BR735 .E9 2008
Evans, G. R. (Gillian Rosemary).
The history of Christian Europe.
Oxford : Lion, 2008.

BR750 .B74 2008
Brentano, Robert, 1926-2002.
Bishops, saints, and historians : studies in the ecclesiastical history of medieval Britain and Italy.
Aldershot [England] ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate/Variorum, c2008.

BR758 .I54 2007
Ingram, Robert G.
Religion, reform and modernity in the eighteenth century : Thomas Secker and the Church of England.
Woodbridge : Boydell Press, 2007.

BR796.3 .P69 2007
Power, Maria (Maria Clemence).
From ecumenism to community relations : inter-church relationships in Northern Ireland, 1980-2005.
Dublin ; Portland, OR : Irish Academic Press, 2007.

BR857.B37 B49 2008
Bezzel, Hermann von, 1861-1917.
Lohe und seine Zeit : Einsegnungsunterricht 1908.
Neuendettelsau : Freimund-Verlag : Verein fur bayerische Kirchengeschichte, 2008.

BR874 .L679 2007
Loud, G. A.
The Latin Church in Norman Italy.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BR1050.M2 B84 2007
Buhagiar, Mario, 1945-
The christianisation of Malta : catacombs, cult centres, and churches in Malta to 1530.
Oxford, England : Archaeopress, 2007.

BR1640 .W65 2006
Wolffe, John.
The expansion of evangelicalism : the age of Wilberforce, More, Chalmers and Finney.
Nottingham : Inter-Varsity Press, 2006.

BS500 .R4 2008
The reception and interpretation of the Bible in late antiquity : proceedings of the Montreal colloquium in honour of Charles Kannengiesser, 11-13 October 2006.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008.

BS511.3 .D365 2008
Daube, David.
The deed and the doer in the Bible.
Philadelphia, PA : Templeton Foundation Press, 2008.

BS525 .B255 2008
Barrick, W. Boyd, 1946-
BMH as body language : a lexical and iconographical study of the word BMH when not a reference to cultic phenomena in biblical and post-biblical Hebrew.
New York : T&T Clark, c2008.

BS551 .B38 1959
Beron, Richard, 1903-
The Bible story.
Chicago : Catholic Press, 1959.

BS680.P45 R45 2008
Religious responses to political crisis.
New York : T & T Clark International, c2008.

BS1110 .Z37 v.389
Wohrle, Jakob.
Der Abschluss des Zwolfprophetenbuches : buchubergreifende Redaktionsprozesse in den spaten Sammlungen.
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, c2008.

BS1140.3 .J67 2008
The Jewish Bible.
Philadelphia : The Jewish Publication Society, 2008.

BS1192.6 .H37 2008
Hartenstein, Friedhelm, 1960-
Das Angesicht JHWHs : Studien zum seinen hofischen und kultischen Bedeutungshintergrund in den Psalmen und in Exodus 32-34.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2008.

BS1192.6 .W36 2008
Wardlaw, Terrance Randall, 1973-
Conceptualizing words for "God" within the Pentateuch : a cognitive- semantic investigation in literary context.
New York : T&T Clark, c2008.

BS1199.W2 W75 2008
Writing and reading war : rhetoric, gender, and ethics in biblical and modern contexts.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, c2008.

BS1225.53 .S355 2008
Scharfstein, Sol, 1921-
Torah and commentary : the five books of Moses : translation, rabbinic and contemporary commentary.
Jersey City, NJ : KTAV Pub. House, c2008.

BS1245.52 .K65 2008
Konkel, Michael, 1969-
Sunde und Vergebung : eine Rekonstruktion der Redaktionsgeschichte der hinteren Sinaiperikope (Exodus 32-34) vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Pentateuchmodelle.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2008.

BS1265.52 .M64 2008
Mpungu Muzinga, Paul.
La pratique des rituels de Nombres 19 pendant la periode hellenistique et romaine.
Pende : Gabalda, 2008.

BS1335.6.W2 D45 2008
Deijl, Aarnoud van der.
Protest or propaganda : war in the Old Testament book of Kings and in contemporaneous ancient Near Eastern texts.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008.

BS1415.6.C73 S55 2008
Schifferdecker, Kathryn, 1968-
Out of the whirlwind : creation theology in the Book of Job.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Theological Studies, Harvard Divinity School : Distributed by Harvard University Press, c2008.

BS1505.52 .M68 2008
Moughtin, Sharon, 1976-
Sexual and marital metaphors in Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

BS1520 .C84 2008
Cuellar, Gregory Lee.
Voices of marginality : exile and return in second Isaiah 40-55 and the Mexican immigrant experience.
New York : Peter Lang, c2008.

BS1555.52 .A726 2007
Ben Avraham, Calev.
The book of Daniel unsealed.
Sussex, England : Book Guild Publishing, 2007.

BS1665.52 .B55 2008
Bilic, Niko.
Jerusalem an jenem Tag : Text und Botschaft von Sach 12-14.
Wurzburg : Echter, c2008.

BS1904.5 .P37 2008
Parker, D. C. (David C.).
An introduction to the New Testament manuscripts and their texts.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

BS2170.C56 M6 2008
Norfolk, Georgina Fitzalan-Howard, Duchess of.
A calendar of Catholic devotion.
Norwich : Canterbury, 2008.

BS2585.52 .J69 2008
Joy, David, 1966-
Mark and its subalterns : a hermeneutical paradigm for a postcolonial context.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox, 2008.

BS2625.6.C5 T44 2008
Thompson, Alan J.
One Lord, one people : the unity of the church in Acts in its literary setting.
London : T&T Clark, c2008.

BS2715.53 .S86 2008
Sumney, Jerry L.
Colossians : a commentary.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2008.

BS2775.6.S9 C533 2008
Ciccarelli, Michele.
La sofferenza di Cristo nell'Epistola agli Ebrei : analisi di una duplice dimensione della sofferenza : soffrire-consoffrire con gli uomini e soffrire-offrire a Dio.
Bologna : EDB, c2008.

BS2825.55 .W66 2008
Woodman, Simon Patrick.
SCM core text Book of Revelation.
London : SCM Press, 2008.

BS2860.N5 G7 2008
Gospel of Nicodemus (Byzantine version). French & Greek.
Les recensions byzantines de l'Evangile de Nicodeme.
Turnhout : Brepols ; Prahins [Switzerland] : Editions du Zebre, 2008.

BS2860.T52 P67 2007
Popkes, Enno Edzard, 1969-
Das Menschenbild des Thomasevangeliums : Untersuchungen zu seiner religionsgeschichtlichen und chronologischen Einordnung.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2007.

BT15 .M35 2008
McIntosh, Mark Allen, 1960-
Divine teaching : an introduction to Christian theology.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2008.

BT30.A35 E43 2003
Ela, Jean Marc, 1936-
Repenser la theologie africaine : le Dieu qui libere.
Paris : Editions Karthala, c2003.

BT30.A35 M85 2007
Mulago gwa Cikala M.
Theologie africaine et problemes connexes : au fil des annees, 1956-1992.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007.

BT40 .B43 2008
Beaudoin, Tom, 1969-
Witness to dispossession : the vocation of a postmodern theologian.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2008.

BT50 .R47 2008
Rist, John M.
What is truth? : from the academy to the Vatican.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

BT83.55 .T443 2007
Theologie von Frauen fur Frauen? : Chancen und Probleme der Ruckbindung feministischer Theologie an die Praxis : Beitrage zum Internationalen Kongress anlasslich der Zwanzigjahrigen Grundungsjubilaums der Europaischen Gesellschaft fur Theologische Forschung von Frauen (ESWTR).
Wien : Lit, c2007.

BT83.59 .J64 2007
Johnson, Kristen Deede.
Theology, political theory, and pluralism : beyond tolerance and difference.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BT94 .B37 2007
Barker, Margaret, 1944-
The hidden tradition of the Kingdom of God.
London : SPCK, c2007.

BT180.J8 T47 2007
Terry, Justyn Charles.
The justifying judgement of God : a reassessment of the place of judgement in the saving work of Christ.
Milton Keynes, UK ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster, 2007.

BT203 .T55 2008
Tilley, Terrence W.
The disciples' Jesus : christology as reconciling practice.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2008.

BT205 .P4 2008
Picknett, Lynn.
The masks of Christ : behind the lies and cover-ups about the man believed to be God.
London : Sphere, 2008.

BT301 .G58 1916
Glover, T. R. (Terrot Reaveley), 1869-1943.
The Jesus of history.
New York : Harper & Brothers Publishers, [1916].

BT301.2 .W54 2008
Winter, Miriam Therese.
The gospel according to Mary : a new testment for women.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis, 2008.

BT301.9 .B35 2008
Bailey, Heather.
Orthodoxy, modernity, and authenticity : the reception of Ernest Renan's Life of Jesus in Russia.
Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2008.

BT590.P9 J47 2007
Jesus and psychology.
London : Darton, Longman & Todd, 2007.

BT590 .S65 G7 v.105
Margaret Magdalen, Sister, 1930-
Vocation : exploring call and identity.
Cambridge : Grove Books, 2008.

BT695.5 .H6 2008
Hodson, Margot R.
Cherishing the earth : how to care for God's creation.
Oxford : Monarch, 2008.

BT741.3 .B76 2007
Brown, David, 1948 July 1-
God and grace of body : sacrament in ordinary.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.

BT885 .S3 2007
Siddiqui, Moid, 1944-
The return of Christ : the end is close : the Jewish, Christian and Islamic perspectives.
New Delhi : Adam Publishers & Distributors, 2007.

BT1319 .F73 2008
Frassetto, Michael.
The great medieval heretics : five centuries of religious dissent.
New York : BlueBridge, c2008.

BT1450 .T67 2007
Toscano, Santo, 1951-
Tolle divitem : etica, societa e potere nel De divitiis.
Catania : Edizioni del Prisma, 2006.

BV10.2 .W72 1982
Worship in the round : patterns of informal and participative worship.
Melbourne : Joint Board of Christian Education of Australia and New Zealand, c1982.

BV16 .B53 2007
Bharat, Sandy.
A global guide to interfaith : reflections from around the world.
Winchester : O Books, 2007.

BV178 .B87 2006
Burns, Stephen, 1970-
Worship in context : liturgical theology, children and the city.
Werrington, Peterborough : Epworth Press, 2006.

BV210.3 .B78 2008
Brummer, Vincent.
What are we doing when we pray? : on prayer and the nature of faith.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.

BV601.5 .R665 2008
Romisches Monopol? : der Streit um die Einheit der Kirche.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, c2008.

BV630.3 .H86 2007
Hunter, Ian, 1949-
The secularisation of the confessional state : the political thought of Christian Thomasius.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BV2240 .E39 2007
Egiguren Iraola, Antton.
True Confucians, bold Christians : Korean missionary experience, a model for the third millennium.
Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2007.

BV3269.K86 M57 2007
Mission with the marginalized : life and witness of Rev. Dr. Prasanna K.Samuel.
Tiruvalla : Christava Sahitya Samthi, 2007.

BV3793 .B37 2008
Baucum, Tory K., 1960-
Evangelical hospitality : catechetical evangelism in the early church and its recovery for today.
Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press ; [Wilmore, KY] : Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements, c2008.

BV4211.3 .A43 2002
Allen, Ronald J. (Ronald James), 1949-
Preaching : an essential guide.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2002.

BV4235.L43 F43 2008
Feasting on the Word : preaching the revised common lectionary.
Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press,

BV4335 .M37 2007
Mcsherry, Wilfred.
The meaning of spirituality and spiritual care within nursing and health care practice : a study of health care professionals, patients and the public.
London : Quay Books, 2007.

BV4404.I8 A18 2007
A servizio del Vangelo : il cammino storico dell'evangelizzazione a Brescia.
Brescia : La scuola, 2007-

BV4438.5 .W43 2008
Weatherholt, Anne O.
Breaking the silence : the church responds to domestic violence.
Harrisburg, PA : Morehouse Pub., c2008.

BV4509 .C3 2006
Carswell, Roger.
Where is God in a messed up world? : living with questions, looking for answers.
Leicester : Inter-varsity Press, 2006.

BV5082.3 .L38 2008
Late medieval mysticism of the Low Countries.
New York : Paulist Press, 2008.

BX8.2 .H85 1999
Hume, Basil, 1923-1999.
One in Christ : unity and diversity in the church today.
New York : Catholic Common Ground Initiative, National Pastoral Life Center, c1999.

BX154.C6 K44 2008
Keevak, Michael, 1962-
The story of a stele : China's Nestorian Monument and its reception in the West, 1625-1916.
Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press ; London : Eurospan [distributor], 2008.

BX1300 .M85 2007
Mullins, Edwin B.
Avignon of the Popes : city of exiles.
Oxford : Signal Books, 2007.

BX1535 .E538 2008
Eleventh-century Germany : the Swabian chronicles.
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2008.

BX1970 .B688 2007
Brandolini, Luca, 1933-
Unus panis unum corpus : la liturgia sorgente della vita e della missione della Chiesa : miscellanea in occasione del XX anniversario di ordinazione episcopale di S.E. Mons. Luca Brandolini.
Roma : Edizioni liturgiche, c2007.

BX2281.3 .S93 2007
Swanson, R. N. (Robert Norman).
Indulgences in late medieval England : passports to paradise?.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.

BX2595.A23 G73 2007
Gransden, Antonia.
A history of the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds, 1182-1256 : Samson of Tottington to Edmund of Walpole.
Woodbridge : Boydell Press, 2007.

BX4220.I8 T37 2007
Tarabotti, Arcangela.
La semplicita ingannata : edizione critica e commentata.
Padova : Il poligrafo, c2007.

BX4655 .L4 1962
The Lives of the Saints for every day of the year : a new, illustrated collection, offering the modern reader the inspiration and example of God's heroes through twenty centuries.
Chicago : Catholic Press, c1962.

BX4700.B5 B54 2008
Biffi, Inos, 1934-
Bernardo e Tommaso : duplice vertice sublime di unica fiamma.
Milano : Jaca Book, 2008.

BX4700.C4 P35 2008
Parsons, Gerald.
The cult of Saint Catherine of Siena : a study in civil religion.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.

BX4705.K76 S56 2007
Simut, Corneliu C.
The ontology of the church in Hans Kung.
Bern ; Oxford : Peter Lang, 2007.

BX4705.N5 S836 2008
Strange, Roderick.
John Henry Newman : a mind alive.
London : Darton Longman & Todd, 2008.

BX4705.S6365 M46 2007
Menesto, Enrico.
Simone da Collazzone francescano e il processo per la sua canonizzazione (1252).
Spoleto (Perugia) : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2007.

BX4734.I73 O26 2008
O'Connor, Thomas.
Irish Jansenists, 1600-70 : religion and politics in Flanders, France, Ireland, and Rome.
Dublin ; Portland, OR : Four Courts Press, c2008.

BX4827.B3 .D44 2008
Demut, Andre.
Evangelium und Gesetz : eine systematisch-theologische Reflexion zu Karl Barths Predigtwerk.
Berlin : Walter De Gruyter, c2008.

BX4827.B57 R455 2008
International Bonhoeffer Symposion (2nd : 2007 : Freie Universitat Berlin).
Religion, religionlessness and contemporary western culture : explorations in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theology.
Frankfurt am Main ; Oxford : Peter Lang, 2008.

BX4827.S3 M37 2008
Marina, Jacqueline.
Transformation of the self in the thought of Friedrich Schleiermacher.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

BX5005 .F35 2008
A fallible church : Lambeth essays.
London : Darton, Longman & Todd, 2008.

BX5098 .P47 2008
Pereiro, James.
Ethos and the Oxford Movement : at the heart of Tractarianism.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press Inc., 2008.

BX5107.C6 M3
Wilberforce, Samuel, 1805-1873.
A charge delivered at the ordinary visitation of the archdeaconry of Surrey, November 1843.
London : J. Burns, 1843.

BX5199.P753 I56 2008
Pridmore, John.
The inner-city of God : the diary of an East End parson.
London : Canterbury Press Norwich, c2008.

BX5700.55.Z8 O376 2006
Oluoch, Jemima Atieno.
The Christian political theology of Dr. John Henry Okullu.
Nairobi : Uzima Pub. House ; Oxford : Regnum Books International, 2006.

BX8656 .B9 2007
Morris, Colin, 1929-
Bullet point belief : the best of Colin Morris.
London : Canterbury Press Norwich, 2007.

BX8712 .H5 2006
Nowlan, Howard.
Preparing for heaven on earth : an introduction to creational Christianity.
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