The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B517 .R46 2008
Remes, Pauliina.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2008.
B765.A84 D36 2006
Daniel, David Mills.
Briefly : Anselm's Proslogion with the replies of Gaunilo and Anselm.
London : SCM Press, 2006.
B931.P454 M37 2006
Mascord, Keith.
Alvin Plantinga and Christian apologetics.
Milton Keynes : Paternoster, 2006.
B1853.E5 M67 2008
Descartes, Rene, 1596-1650.
Meditationes de prima philosophia. English.
Meditations on first philosophy : with selections from the Objections and replies.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2008.
B2430.S34 F85 2008
Fullbrook, Edward.
Sex and philosophy : rethinking de Beauvoir and Sartre.
London ; New York : Continuum, c2008.
B2779 .M83 2008
Mosser, Kurt.
Necessity and possibility : the logical strategy of Kant's critique of pure reason.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2008.
B4377 .K4552 2007
Kierkegaard and his German contemporaries.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2007.
BD241 .W55 2007
Wilkens, Lorenz.
Hermeneutik nach dem Existentialismus : theologische Vortrage und Aufsatze.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, c2007.
BF1080 .O24 2008
Oberhelman, Steven M.
Dreambooks in Byzantium : six oneirocritica in translation, with commentary and introduction.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
BF1566 .W7395 2008
The witchcraft reader.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.
BF1999 .L3395 2008
Levenda, Peter.
Stairway to heaven : Chinese alchemists, Jewish kabbalists, and the art of spiritual transformation.
New York : Continuum, 2008.
BL41 .R433 2008
Religious studies : a global view.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.
BL51 .C537 2008
Clack, Beverley.
The philosophy of religion : a critical introduction.
Cambridge : Polity, 2008.
BL60 .B27 2008
Barker, Eileen, 1938-
The centrality of religion in social life : essays in honour of James A.Beckford.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
BL65.P7 .F75 2008
Friedensstiftende Religionen? : Religion und die Deeskalation politischer Konflikte.
Wiesbaden : VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften, 2008.
BL240.3 .D37 2008
Davis, Jimmy H., 1948-
Chance or dance : an evaluation of design.
West Conshohocken, Pa. : Templeton Foundation Press, c2008.
BL625.9.S53 F67 2008
Fosarelli, Patricia D.
Prayers and rituals at a time of illness and dying : the practices of five world religions.
West Conshohocken, Pa. : Templeton Foundation Press, c2008.
BL803 .R8513 2007
Rupke, Jorg.
Religion der Romer. English.
Religion of the Romans.
Cambridge : Polity, 2007.
BL980.B54 F56 2007
Fine, John V. A. (John Van Antwerp), 1939-
The Bosnian Church : its place in state and society from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries: a new interpretation.
London ; Berkeley, Calif. : Saqi in association with The Bosnian Institute, 2007.
BL1226.82.G24 N42 2008
Nicholas, Ralph W.
Rites of spring : Gajan in village Bengal.
New Delhi : Chronicle Books, 2008.
BL2566.J25 S74 2005
Stewart, Dianne M.
Three eyes for the journey : African dimensions of the Jamaican religious experience.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
BL2747.8 .S65 2008
Smith, Graeme.
A short history of secularism.
London : I. B. Tauris, 2008.
BM580.M6 L5513 2008
Likhtenshtain, Mosheh.
Tsir ve-tson. English.
Moses : envoy of God, envoy of his people : leadership and crisis from the Exodus to the plains of Moab.
Jersey City, NJ : KTAV Pub. House, Inc., c2008.
BM755.M6 K685 2008
Kraemer, Joel L.
Maimonides : the life and world of one of civilization's greatest minds.
New York : Doubleday, c2008.
BP170 .M84 2008
Muhammad Rashid Rida.
Christian criticisms, Islamic proofs : Rashid Rida's modernist defence of Islam.
Oxford : Oneworld, 2008.
BP195.I8 D33 2007
Daftary, Farhad.
The Ismals : their history and doctrines.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.
BP605.N48 B768 2006
Brown, Phil, 1956-
Any guru will do : a modern man's search for meaning.
St. Lucia, Qld. : University of Queensland Press, 2006.
BQ2 .B47 2008
The best Buddhist writing 2008.
Boston, Mass. : Shambhala ; Enfield : Publishers Group UK [distributor], 2008.
BQ7405 .W55 2009
Williams, Paul.
Mahayana Buddhism : the doctrinal foundations.
London ; 24New York : Routledge, 2009.
BR50 .B635 2008
Border crossings : explorations of an interdisciplinary historian : Festschrift for Irving Hexham.
Stuttgart : Steiner, 2008.
BR60 .G6 2008
Downing, Francis Gerald.
God with everything : the divine in the discourse of the first Christian century.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008.
BR115.L28 C487 2008
Christianity and law : an introduction.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
BR121.2 .D318 2008
Davies, Noel A. (Noel Anthony), 1942-
World Christianity in the 20th century.
London : SCM Press, 2008.
BR121.3 .A33 2008
Adair, James R., 1923-
Introducing Christianity.
New York ; London : Routledge, 2008.
BR121.3 .O99 2008
The Oxford handbook of early Christian studies.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BR121.3 .P65 2008
Poloma, Margaret M.
Blood and fire : godly love in a Pentecostal emerging church.
New York : New York University Press, c2008.
BR162.3 .I93 2008
Izbicki, Thomas M.
Reform, ecclesiology, and the Christian life in the late Middle Ages.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Varorium, c2008.
BR252 .M3935 2007
Medieval religion : a sourcebook.
London : Routledge, 2007.
BR516 .B58 2008
Bivins, Jason.
Religion of fear : the politics of horror in conservative evangelicalism.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BR744 .A544 2007
Angerson, John.
Love, power, sacrifice : life with the Jesus Army.
Stockport : Dewi Lewis, 2007.
BR759 .B765 2008
Brown, Stewart J. (Stewart Jay), 1951-
Providence and empire : religion, politics and society in the United Kingdom, 1815-1914.
Harlow, England ; New York : Pearson Education, 2008.
BR765.D85 H37 2006
Harvey, Margaret (Margaret M.).
Lay religious life in late medieval Durham.
Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2006.
BR795 .M33 2007
Mac Cuarta, Brian.
Catholic revival in the north of Ireland, 1603-41.
Dublin, Ireland ; Portland, OR : Four Courts Press, c2007.
BR1609 .C64 2008
Cobb, L. Stephanie.
Dying to be men : gender and language in early Christian martyr texts.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2008.
BR1640 .E89 2008
Evangelicalism and fundamentalism : a documentary reader.
New York : New York University Press, c2008.
BR1644.5.A35 K34 2008
Kalu, Ogbu.
African Pentecostalism : an introduction.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BR1720.P42 F37 2009
Farina, William, 1955-
Perpetua of Carthage : portrait of a third-century martyr.
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2009.
BS445 .F47 2009
Ferrell, Lori Anne, 1957-
The Bible and the people.
New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 2009.
BS476 .S84 2008
Sugirtharajah, R. S. (Rasiah S.).
Troublesome texts : the Bible in colonial and contemporary culture.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008.
BS476 .T375 2008
Tate, W. Randolph.
Biblical interpretation : an integrated approach.
Peabody, Mass. : Hendrickson Publishers, c2008.
BS511.3 .P38 2007
Patriarchs, prophets and other villains.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox, 2007.
BS521.4 M36 2008
Marxist feminist criticism of the Bible.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008.
BS521.7 .Y36 2007
Yamasaki, Gary.
Watching a biblical narrative : point of view in biblical exegesis.
New York : T&T Clark, c2007.
BS680.F6 M34 2008
MacDonald, Nathan, 1975-
Not bread alone : the uses of food in the Old Testament.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BS1171.3 L46 2008
Lemche, Niels Peter.
The Old Testament between theology and history : a critical survey.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.
BS1197 .C559 2009
Coogan, Michael David.
A brief introduction to the Old Testament : the Hebrew Bible in its context.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
BS1199.E72 B47 2008
Berman, Joshua.
Created equal : how the Bible broke with ancient political thought.
Oxford ; New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BS1199.P68 B78 2008
Brueggemann, Walter.
Great prayers of the Old Testament.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.
BS1200.A3 S5 2008
Smith Graham, Shirley E.
The unlikely chosen : a graphic novel translation of the Biblical books of Jonah, Esther, and Amos.
New York, N. Y. : Seabury Books, 2008.
BS1235 .B435 2008
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
On Genesis.
Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2008.
BS1235.53 .A76 2008
Arnold, Bill T.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
BS1355.52 .U558 2008
Unity and disunity in Ezra-Nehemiah : redaction, rhetoric and reader.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008.
BS1525.52 .P53 2008
Plant, R. J. R. (Robin J. R.).
Good figs, bad figs : judicial differentiation in the book of Jeremiah.
New York : T & T Clark, c2008.
BS1585.53 .L56 2008
Linville, James Richard.
Amos and the cosmic imagination.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
BS2361.3 .W67 2008
Words well spoken : George Kennedy's rhetoric of the New Testament.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, c2008.
BS2370 .H37 2006
Harris, J. Rendel (James Rendel), 1852-1941.
New Testament autographs and other essays.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, c2006.
BS2555.52 .K56 2008
Kloppenborg, John S., 1951-
Q, the earliest Gospel : an introduction to the original stories and sayings of Jesus.
Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press, c2008.
BS2585.52 .S73 2008
St. Clair, Raquel Annette.
Call and consequences : a womanist reading of Mark.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c2008.
BS2615.52 .S65 2008
Smith, D. Moody (Dwight Moody).
The Fourth Gospel in four dimensions : Judaism and Jesus, the Gospels and Scripture.
Columbia, S.C. : University of South Carolina Press, c2008.
BS2665.52 .M43 2007
Medieval readings of Romans.
New York : T&T Clark International, c2007.
BS2665.53 .G74 2008
Greathouse, William M.
Romans 1-8.
Kansas City, Mo. : Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, c2008.
BS2775.2 .C56 2008
A cloud of witnesses : the theology of Hebrews in its ancient contexts.
London : T & T Clark, c2008.
BS2795.52 .H677 2008
Horrell, David G.
1 Peter.
New York : T&t Clark Ltd., 2008.
BS2871 .K57313 2008
Klauck, Hans-Josef.
Apokryphe Apostelakten. English.
The apocryphal acts of the apostles : an introduction.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, c2008.
BT55 .A53 2007
Anderson, James, 1973-
Paradox in Christian theology : an analysis of its presence, character, and epistemic status.
Milton, Keynes, UK : Waynesboro, Ga. : Paternoster, 2007.
BT83.9 .C65 2008
Coleman, Monica A., 1974-
Making a way out of no way : a womanist theology.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2008.
BT121.3 .M67 2006
Morgan-Wynne, J. E.
Holy Spirit and religious experience in Christian literature ca. AD 90- 200.
Milton Keynes, UK ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster, 2006.
BT135 .L37 2008
Langtry, Bruce.
God, the best, and evil.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BT153 .I49 R64 2007
The impartial God : essays in biblical studies in honor of Jouette M. Bassler.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2007.
BT198 .C26 2009
Campbell, Ted.
The Gospel in Christian traditions.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2009.
BT301.3 .R68 2005
Rovira Belloso, Josep M.
Jesus, el Mesias de Dios : una teologia para unir conocimiento, afecto y vida.
Salamanca : Ediciones Sigueme ; 2005.
BT315.3 .H67 2006
Hornsby, Ken.
The house of bread : the full story of the birth of Jesus.
London : FreeHand , 2006.
BT375.3 .P47 2008
Peterson, Eugene H., 1932-
Tell it slant : a conversation on the language of Jesus in his stories and prayers.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008.
BT603 .H47 2008
Herringer, Carol Engelhardt.
Victorians and the Virgin Mary : religion and gender in England, 1830- 1885.
Manchester : Manchester University Press, c2008.
BT732.5 .D84 2008
Duffin, Jacalyn.
Medical miracles : doctors, saints, and healing in the modern world.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BT751.3 .R356 2005
Rainbow, Paul A. (Paul Andrew).
The way of salvation : the role of Christian obedience in justification.
Bletchley, Milton Keynes, UK ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster, 2005.
BT825 .A87 2006
Associazione professori di liturgia. Settimana di studio (34th : 2006 : Assisi, Italy).
La morte e i suoi riti : per una celebrazione cristiana delle esequie : atti della XXXIV Settimana di studio dell'Associazione professori di liturgia, Assisi, 27 agosto-1 settembre 2006.
Roma : Edizioni liturgiche, c2007.
BT825 .W57 2008
Wilson, Kenneth, 1937-
Dying to live? : a Christian approach to the matter of mortality.
[Peterborough, England] : Epworth, c2008.
BT903 .W55 2006
White, Vernon.
Life beyond death : threads of hope in faith, life and theology.
London : Darton, Longman and Todd, 2006.
BT993.3 .B4618 2005
Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-
Einfuhrung in das Christentum. Spanish.
Introduccion al Cristianismo : lecciones sobre el credo apostolico.
Salamanca : Ediciones Sigueme, 2005.
BT1031.3 .M37 2008
McQuade, Paula.
Catechisms written for mothers, schoolmistresses, and children, 1575- 1750.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
BT1392.G652 B6313 2007
Boer, Esther de.
Geliefde discipel. English.
The Mary Magdalene cover-up : the sources behind the myth.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, 2007.
BV3 .P38 2007
Pattison, Stephen.
The challenge of practical theology : selected essays.
London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
BV30 .G847 2008
Guthrie, Suzanne, 1951-
Grace's window : entering the seasons of prayer.
Harrisburg, Pa. ; New York : Morehouse Publishing, c1996, 2008.
BV40 .G67 2008
Gordon-Taylor, Benjamin.
Celebrating Christ's appearing : Advent to Candlemas.
London : SPCK, 2008.
BV178 .H35 2008
Hamilton, Reid.
Better get it in your soul : what liturgists can learn from jazz.
New York : Church Pub., 2008.
BV600.3 .G88 2008
Guthrie, Shirley C., 1927-
Always being reformed : faith for a fragmented world.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2008.
BV600.5 .B56 2008
Bloom, Anthony, 1914-2003.
The living body of Christ.
London : Darton, Longman & Todd, 2008.
BV630.3 .S78 2005
Stunde des Gerichts : der Kampf um kirchliche Autonomie in Berlin- Brandenburg zwischen 1933 und 1945.
[Berlin] : Wichern, c2005.
BV637 .C47 2008
The church at the centre of the city.
Peterborough : Epworth, 2008.
BV639.C6 D88 2008
Dutton, Edward, 1980-
Meeting Jesus at University : rites of passage and student evangelicals.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
BV639.W7 T39 2008
Tessore, Dag.
La donna cristiana : secondo l'insegnamento della tradizione apostolica.
Torino : Il leone verde, 2008.
BV652.1 .S47 2006
Serving God's people.
Carlisle, UK : for Partnership by Paternoster, 2006.
BV652.23 .E56 2008
Einstein, Mara.
Brands of faith : marketing religion in a commercial age.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.
BV772 .S611 2008
Smith, Christian, 1960-
Passing the plate : why American Christians don't give away more money.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BV823 .J43 2008
Jeanes, Gordon P.
Signs of God's promise : Thomas Cranmer's sacramental theology and the Book of common prayer.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2008.
BV825.5 .W58 2008
Withers, Margaret.
Creative communion : engaging the whole church in a journey of faith.
Abingdon, UK : Bible Reading Fellowship, 2008.
BV895 .O46 2007
O'Loughlin, Thomas.
Adomnan and the holy places : the perceptions of an insular monk on the locations of the biblical drama.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, 2007.
BV3267 .S7 2008
Stephen, S. Jeyaseela.
Caste, Catholic Christianity, and the language of conversion : social change and cultural translation in Tamil country, 1519-1774.
Delhi : Kalpaz Publications, 2008.
BV4011.3 .B37 2008
Barr, Beth Allison.
The pastoral care of women in late medieval England.
Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2008.
BV4023 .M37 2008
Markschies, Christoph.
Antike ohne Ende.
Berlin : Berlin University Press, 2008.
BV4460.7 .D83 2008
Dube Shomanah, Musa W., 1964-
The HIV & AIDS bible : selected essays.
Scranton : University of Scranton Press ; Chicago, IL : Distribution, University of Scranton Press, Chicago Distribution Center, c2008.
BV4501.3 .M337 2008
McGuire, Meredith B.
Lived religion : faith and practice in everyday life.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BV4501.3 .T46 2008
Thompson, Ross, 1953-
SCM studyguide to Christian spirituality.
London : SCM Press, 2008.
BV4593 .B78 2008
Bruno, Robert Anthony.
Justified by work : identity and the meaning of faith in Chicago's working-class churches.
Columbus : Ohio State University Press, c2008.
BV4813 .M313 2006
Main, John, O.S.B.
Word into silence : [a manual for Christian meditation].
London : Canterbury Press Norwich , 2006.
BX290 .K58 2007
Kitromilides, Paschalis.
An Orthodox commonwealth : symbolic legacies and cultural encounters in southeastern Europe.
Aldershot : Ashgate Variorum, c2007.
BX830 1962 .O46 2008
O'Malley, John W.
What happened at Vatican II.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008.
BX830 1962 .V3265 2007
Vatican II : did anything happen?.
New York : Continuum, c2007.
BX1378.5 .S536 2008
John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005.
Sono con voi! : vi ho cercato, adesso siete venuti da me e per questo vi ringrazio.
Vimercate (Milano) : Italianova, 2008.
BX1378.6 .S35 2008
Salvati nella speranza : commento e guida alla lettura dell'Enciclica Spe salvi di Benedetto XVI.
Milano : Paoline, 2008.
BX1396 .H96 2008
Hill, Harvey, 1965-
By those who knew them : modernists left, right, and center.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2008.
BX1495.D87 L54 2008
Liddy, Christian D. (Christian Drummond), 1973-
The Bishopric of Durham in the late Middle Ages : lordship, community and the cult of St Cuthbert.
Woodbridge : Boydell Press, 2008.
BX1505 .R34 2008
Rafferty, Oliver.
The Catholic Church and the Protestant state : nineteenth-century Irish realities.
Dublin, Ireland ; Portland, OR : Four Courts Press, 2008.
BX1547.C437 A43 2007
Amaducci, Walter.
Il Concilio a Cesena : la ricezione del Vaticano II nella diocesi di Cesena-Sarsina : lettere dal Concilio del vescovo Augusto Gianfranceschi.
Cesena (Forli) : Societa di studi romagnoli, 2007.
BX1746 .K66 2008
Koskela, Douglas M., 1972-
Ecclesiality and ecumenism : Yves Congar and the road to unity.
Milwaukee, Wis. : Marquette University Press, c2008.
BX2321.S3 L42 2007
Leach, Jane.
Walking the story : in the steps of saints and pilgrims.
Werrington, UK : Inspire, c2007.
BX2592 .K47 2007
Kerr, Julie.
Monastic hospitality : the Benedictines in England, c.1070-c.1250.
Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell & Brewer, 2007.
BX2624.C43 S26 2006
Santa Maria di Casanova : un'abbazia cistercense fra i marchesi di Saluzzo e il mondo dei comuni ....
Cuneo : Societa per gli studi storici, archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo ; Carmagnola (Torino) : Centro studi carmagnolesi, 2006.
BX3604.A2 2007
Constitutiones generales ordinis fratrum minorum.
Grottaferrata (Roma) : Frati editori di Quaracchi, 2007-
BX4662 .C38 2008
Cartwright, Jane, 1968-
Feminine sanctity and spirituality in medieval Wales.
Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2008.
BX4700.A423 M55 2006
Milo, monachus Sancti Amandi, ca. 810-871.
Vita Sancti Amandi metrica.
Tavarnuzze (Firenze) : SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006.
BX4700.C18 C37 2007
Castelli, Mirella.
Camillo de Lellis : un soldato della carita.
Genova [etc.] : Marietti 1820, 2007.
BX4700.D3 S73 2007
St. David of Wales : cult, church, and nation.
Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2007.
BX4705.J767 D35 2008
Daly, Michael, 1952-
The book of Mychal : the surprising life and heroic death of Father Mychal Judge.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 2008.
BX4705.L8 A3
Lubac, Henri de, 1896-1991.
Claudel et Peguy.
Paris : Cerf, 2008.
BX4705.S2625 R67 2007
Rosso, Paolo, 1966-
Cultura e devozione fra Piemonte e Provenza : il testamento del cardinale Amedeo di Saluzzo (1362-1419).
Cuneo : Societa per gli studi storici archeologici ed artistici della provincia di Cuneo, 2007.
BX4730 .W4 1978
Weaver, F. Ellen.
The evolution of the reform of Port-Royal : from the rule of Citeaux to Jansenism.
Paris : Beauchesne, 1978.
BX4827.B3 A4 2007
Barth, Karl, 1886-1968.
Als Laien die Fuhrung der Bekenntnisgemeinde ubernehmen : Briefe aus dem Kirchenkampf von Karl Barth und Karl und Dorothee Stoevesandt (1933-1938).
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlag, c2007.
BX4844 .V655 2006
Von der babylonischen Gefangenschaft der Kirche im Nationalen : Regionalstudien zu Protestantismus, Nationalsozialismus und Nachkriegsgeschichte 1930 bis 2000.
[Berlin] : Wichern-Verlag, c2006.
BX4905 .H83 2008
Hudson, Anne, 1938-
Studies in the transmission of Wyclif's writings.
Aldershot [England] ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
BX5005 .M52 2008
Middleton, Arthur.
Restoring the Anglican mind.
Leominster, Herefordshire : Gracewing, 2008.
BX5093 .F595 2008
Floyd, Richard D.
Church, chapel and party : religious dissent and political modernization in nineteenth-century England.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
BX5145.A62 C591 2008
Church of England.
Common worship : festivals.
London : Church House Publishing, 2008.
BX8080.S285 E45 2008
Elisabeth Schmitz und ihre Denkschrift gegen die Judenverfolgung : Konturen einer vergessenen Biografie (1893-1977).
Berlin : Wichern-Verlag, c2008.
BX8495.F6 A4 2008
Fletcher, John, 1729-1785.
"Unexampled labours" : letters of the Revd John Fletcher to leaders in the evangelical revival.
Werrington, Peterborough, [England] : Epworth, 2008.
BX8495.W3293 A3 2006
Webb, Pauline.
World-wide Webb.
London : Canterbury Press Norwich, 2006.
BX9418 .P375 2008
Partee, Charles.
The theology of John Calvin.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.
BX9869.P8 J73 2008
Joseph Priestley, scientist, philosopher, and theologian.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
CR5037 .A43 2008
Alias, Jean-Luc.
L'ordre de Saint-Lazare : La chevalerie au service des lepreux.
Le Coudray-Macouard : Cheminements, 2008.
D169 .D53 2008
Dickson, Gary (M. Gary).
The Children's Crusade : medieval history, modern mythistory.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
DA44 .S22 2007
Sacks, Jonathan, 1948-
The home we build together : recreating society.
London : Continuum, 2007.
DA405 .E47 2007
The English Revolution c.1590-1720 : politics, religion and communities.
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2007.
DC111 .T56 2006
Tingle, Elizabeth C.
Authority and society in Nantes during the French wars of religion, 1558 -98.
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2006.
DP269.8.R4 R3313 2007
Raguer Suner, Hilario M.
Polvora y el incienso. English.
Gunpowder and incense : the Catholic Church and the Spanish Civil War.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2007.
DS69.6 .O753 2006
Orientalism, Assyriology and the Bible.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2006.
DS135 .E84 2008
Lambert, Nick (Nick J. A.), 1972-
Jews and Europe in the twenty-first century : 'thinking Jewish'.
London ; Portland, OR : Vallentine Mitchell, 2008.
DS143 .H277 2007
Hartman, Donniel.
Boundaries of Judaism.
London ; New York, NY : Continuum, 2007.
E209 .B38 2008
Bell, James B., 1932-
A war of religion : dissenters, Anglicans, and the American Revolution.
Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
G156.5.H47 C65 2008
Cohen, Erik.
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