The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B745.C6 C55 2007
Chittick, William C.
Science of the cosmos, science of the soul : the pertinence of Islamic cosmology in the modern world.
Oxford : Oneworld, 2007.
B2430.B584 E54 2007
English, Adam C., 1974-
The possibility of Christian philosophy : Maurice Blondel at the intersection of theology and philosophy.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2007.
BD595 .B378 2008
Bartholomew, David J.
God, chance, and purpose : can God have it both ways?.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
BF637.R45 C68 2008
Cottrell, Stephen.
Do nothing to change your life : discovering what happens when you stop.
London : Church House Publishing, 2008.
BL53 .W5185 2009
White, Christopher G., 1969-
Unsettled minds : psychology and the American search for spiritual assurance, 1830-1940.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2009.
BL60 .O94 2009
The Oxford handbook of the sociology of religion.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BL65.P4 P4314 2008
Peace education and religious plurality : international perspectives.
Abingdon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2008.
BL65 .S4 R66 2007
A question of sex? : gender and difference in the Hebrew Bible and beyond.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2007.
BL73.L58 A3 2008
Livermore, Colette.
Hope endures : leaving Mother Teresa, losing faith, and my ongoing search for meaning.
New York : Free Press, 2008.
BL73.R39 A3 2008
Raymo, Chet.
When God is gone everything is holy : the making of a religious naturalist.
Notre Dame, IN : Sorin Books, c2008.
BL783 .L37 2007
Larson, Jennifer (Jennifer Lynn).
Ancient Greek cults : a guide.
New York : Routledge, 2007.
BL2525 .G47 2008
Gentile, Emilio, 1946-
Democrazia di Dio. English.
God's democracy : American religion after September 11.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2008.
BM602 .N484 2008
Neusner, Jacob, 1932-
Theological and philosophical premises of Judaism.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2008.
BM723 .W444 2006
Wege mystischer Gotteserfahrung : Judentum, Christentum und Islam = Mystical approaches to God : Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Munchen : Oldenbourg, 2006.
BM755.E76 F57 2008
Fishbane, Simcha.
The boldness of an halakhist : an analysis of the writings of Rabbi Yechiel Mechel Halevi Epstein the Arukh Hashulhan : a collection of social- anthropological essays.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2008.
BP109 .K44 2008
Koran. English.
The Qur'an : a new translation.
London ; New York : Penguin Books, 2008.
BP130.2 .W55 2007
Whittingham, Martin.
Al-Ghazali and the Quran : one book, many meanings.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2007.
BP163 .R44 2008
Reformist voices of Islam : mediating Islam and modernity.
Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2008.
BQ597 .J47 2007
Jerryson, Michael K.
Mongolian Buddhism : the rise and fall of the Sangha.
Chiang Mai, Thailand : Silkworm Books, 2007.
BQ5630.S2 K83 2008
Kuan, Tse-fu, 1965-
Mindfulness in early Buddhism : new approaches through psychology and textual analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit sources.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.
BR65.A9 F74 2008
Fredriksen, Paula.
Augustine and the Jews : a Christian defense of Jews and Judaism.
New York : Doubleday, 2008.
BR65.G53 M6734 2007
Hester, Kevin L., 1971-
Eschatology and pain in St. Gregory the Great : the Christological synthesis of Gregory's Morals on the Book of Job.
Bletchley, Milton Keynes ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster, 2007.
BR100 .K63 2008
Kotsko, Adam.
Zizek and theology.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2008.
BR115.C8 K557 2006
Kirche, Macht, Kultur.
Gutersloh : Gutersloher Verlagshaus, c2006.
BR115.L25 R58 2008
Robertson, David, 1967-
Word and meaning in ancient Alexandria : theories of language from Philo to Plotinus.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
BR115.8.A8 S56 2008
Siedell, Daniel A., 1966-
God in the gallery : a Christian embrace of modern art.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, c2008.
BR305.3 .S75 2007
Smith, Hubert J.
God's hundred years : a brief history of the Reformation.
Cambridge [England] : Lutterworth, 2007.
BR516 .D57 2009
Djupe, Paul A.
The political influence of churches.
New York : Cambridge University Press, c2009.
BR516.5 .A425 2008
American denominational history : perspectives on the past, prospects for the future.
Tuscaloosa, [Ala.] : University of Alabama Press, c2008.
BR517 .K67 2009
Kosek, Joseph Kip.
Acts of conscience : Christian nonviolence and modern American democracy.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2009.
BR856 .H476 2008
Heschel, Susannah.
The Aryan Jesus : Christian theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2008.
BR856 .S586 2003
Sozialer Protestantismus im Nationalsozialismus : diakonische und christlich-soziale Verbande unter der Herrschaft des Nationalsozialismus.
Munster : Lit, c2003.
BR926 .M36 2007
Maner, Hans-Christian.
Multikonfessionalitat und neue Staatlichkeit : orthodoxe, griechisch-katholische und romisch-katholische Kirche in Siebenburgen und Altrumanien zwischen den Weltkriegen (1918-1940).
Stuttgart : Steiner, 2007.
BR1463.N5 C78 2008
Crumbley, Deidre Helen, 1947-
Spirit, structure, and flesh : gendered experiences in African Instituted Churches among the Yoruba of Nigeria.
Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, c2008.
BR1725.C35 A3 2008
Campbell, Susan, 1959-
Dating Jesus : a story of fundamentalism, feminism, and the American girl.
Boston, Mass. : Beacon Press, 2008.
BS476 .B478 2008
Die Bibel als Text : Beitrage zu einer textbezogenen Bibelhermeneutik.
Tubingen ; Basel : Francke, c2008.
BS680.T56 M67 2007
Mosser, David, 1952-
Stewardship services.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2007.
BS1182 .M35 2008
Mazor, Yair, 1950-
Who wrought the Bible? : unveiling the Bible's aesthetic secrets.
Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, c2008.
BS1199.L28 D39 2009
Davis, Ellen F.
Scripture, culture, and agriculture : an agrarian reading of the Bible.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
BS1505.52 .O27 2008
O'Brien, Julia M.
Challenging prophetic metaphor : theology and ideology in the prophets.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.
BT30.A8 W54 2006
Wilfred, Felix.
Margins : site of Asian theologies.
Delhi : ISPCK, 2008.
BT83.57 .D8715 2000
Dussel, Enrique D.
Prinzip Befreiung : kurzer Aufriss einer kritischen und materialien Ethik.
Aachen : Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz in Aachen, c2000.
BT83.9 .W558 2006
Willis, Gladys J., 1944-
Alice Walker's influence on womanist theology : a minority response.
[S.l.] : Xlibris, c2006.
BT140 .P67 2008
Post, Stephen Garrard, 1951-
Godly love : a rose planted in the desert of our hearts.
West Conshohocken, Pa. : Templeton Foundation Press, c2008.
BT198 .S595 2008
Sloyan, Gerard Stephen, 1919-
Jesus : Word made flesh.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2008.
BT220 .H58 2008
Ho, Man Kei.
A critical study on T. F. Torrance's theology of incarnation.
New York : Peter Lang, c2008.
BT431.3 .K46 2008
Kennedy, Michael, S.J.
Jesus, the risen prisoner : an invitation to freedom.
New York : Paulist Press, c2008.
BT453 .H353 2007
Halbig, Klaus W.
Die Hochzeit am Kreuz : eine Hinfuhrung zur Mitte.
Munchen : Don Bosco, c2007.
BT764.3 .K65 2007
Kleinschwarzer-Meister, Birgitta, 1969-
In allem auf Christus hin : zur theologischen Funktion der Rechtfertigungslehre.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, c2007.
BT877 .K69 2007
Koziel, Bernd Elmar, 1966-
Apokalyptische Eschatologie als Zentrum der Botschaft Jesu und der fruhen Christen? : ein Diskurs zwischen Exegese, Kulturphilosophie und Systematischer Theologie uber die bleibende Bedeutung einer neuzeitlichen Denklinie.
Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang, c2007.
BT1103 .O77 2008
Orr-Ewing, Amy.
Is believing in God irrational?.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Books, c2008.
BV197.B5 R58 2008
Rivard, Derek A.
Blessing the world : ritual and lay piety in medieval religion.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2008.
BV210.3 .K46 2008
Kelley, Joseph T., 1948-
101 questions & answers on prayer.
Mahwah, NJ : Paulist Press, c2008.
BV600.3 .K66 2008
Komonchak, Joseph A.
Who are the church?.
Milwaukee, WI : Marquette University Press, c2008.
BV639.I4 H23 2008
Hagan, Jacqueline Maria, 1954-
Migration miracle : faith, hope and meaning on the undocumented journey.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2008.
BV683 .D69 2008
Dozeman, Thomas B.
Holiness and ministry : a biblical theology of ordination.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BV4164.5 .P38 2006
Paver, John E., 1938-
Theological reflection and education for ministry : the search for integration in theology.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2006.
BV4211.3 .P47 2008
Performance in preaching : bringing the sermon to life.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, 2008.
BV4626 .K5313 2008
Kleinberg, Aviad M.
Peches capitaux. English.
7 deadly sins : a very partial list.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2008.
BV4637 .W38 2008
Waters, John, 1955-
Lapsed agnostic.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2008.
BV5095.L3 G74 2008
Gregory, Alan P. R., 1955-
Quenching hell : the mystical theology of William Law.
New York : Seabury Books, c2008.
BX830 1962 .J87 2007
Justitia et Pax 1967 - 2007 : 40 Jahre Einsatz fur Gerechtigkeit und Frieden ; eine Dokumentation.
Paderborn : Schoningh, 2007.
BX1270 .B38 2008
Basse, Michael.
Von den Reformkonzilien bis zum Vorabend der Reformation.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, c2008.
BX3004.Z5 Q45 2007
Quellen und Texte zur Benediktusregel.
St. Ottilien : EOS Verlag, 2007.
BX3603 .F74 2007
Franciscans at prayer.
Leiden : Boston : Brill, 2007.
BX4700.C567 L525 2008
The life of Christina of Markyate.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2008.
BX4705.N87 H47 2008
Hernandez, Wil.
Henri Nouwen and soul care : a ministry of integration.
New York : Paulist Press, c2008.
BX4844 .K467 2005
Kirche, Christen, Juden in Nordelbien 1933-1945 : die Ausstellung im Landtag 2005.
[Kiel] : Schleswig-Holsteinischer Landtag, c2006.
BX4844.6.A44 W87 2003
Kuhl-Freudenstein, Olaf, 1965-
Kirchenkampf in Wurzburg : aus der Geschichte der evangelischen Gemeinden Wurzburgs in der NS-Zeit.
Dettelbach : Roll, c2003.
BX5131.3 .P55 2007
Platten, Stephen.
Rebuilding Jerusalem : the Church's hold on hearts and minds.
London : SPCK, c2007.
BX5199 .W398 H4 2007
Haydon, Colin, 1955-
John Henry Williams, 1747-1829 : "political clergyman" : war, the French Revolution, and the Church of England.
Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2007.
BX8080.P388 A4 2000
Pechmann, Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1859-1948.
Widerstand und Solidaritat der Christen in Deutschland 1933-1945 : eine Dokumentation zum Kirchenkampf aus den Papieren des D. Wilhelm Freiherrn von Pechmann.
Neustadt/Aisch : Landessynode der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern, 2000.
BX9183 .P562 2005
Pipa, Joseph A., Jr.
The Westminster confession of faith : study book, a study guide for churches.
Great Britain : Christian Focus, c2005.
BX9469.B68 D54 2007
Dienst, Karl.
Der andere Kirchenkampf: Wilhelm Boudriot - Deutschnationale - Reformierte - Karl Barth : eine theologie- und kirchenpolitische Biographie.
Berlin : Lit, c2007.
CB245 .D37 2008
Dawson, Christopher, 1889-1970.
Understanding Europe.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2008.
DC91 .L39513 2008
Le Goff, Jacques, 1924-
Saint Louis. English.
Saint Louis.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2008.
DS35.74.U6 A433 2006
Alam, M. Shahid (Mohammad Shahid), 1950-
The new orientalism : dissenting essays on the "War against Islam".
North Haledon, NJ : Islamic Publications International, 2006.
DS109.916 .A28 2007
Abu-Munshar, Maher Y.
Islamic Jerusalem and its Christians : a history of tolerance and tensions.
London ; New York : Tauris Academic Studies, 2007.
DS111 .I87 2008
Israel in transition : from late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 B.C.E.).
New York : T&T Clark, c2008-
DS134.36.W88 H35 2007
Haigis, Peter.
Sie halfen Juden : schwabische Pfarrhauser im Widerstand.
Stuttgart : Edition Gemeindeblatt, c2007.
DS135.I9 G648 2008
Goldman, Louis, 1925-
Friends for life : the story of a Holocaust survivor and his rescuers.
Mahwah, N.J : Paulist Press, c2008.
E185.97.M95 P56 2008
Pinn, Anthony B.
Becoming "America's problem child" : an outline of Pauli Murray's religious life and theology.
Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, c2008.
GN564.S26 G83 2009
Guadeloupe, Francio, 1971-
Chanting down the new Jerusalem : calypso, Christianity, and capitalism in the Caribbean.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2009.
GR137 H3 2006
Harris-Logan, Stuart A.
Singing with blackbirds : the survival of primal Celtic shamanism in later folk-traditions.
Girvan : Grey House in the Woods, 2006.
HB501 .R345 2007
Reekie, W. Duncan.
Spiritual capital, natural law and the secular market place.
London : Civitas, 2007.
HV640.4.S9 J45 2001
Jehle-Wildberger, Marianne.
Das Gewissen sprechen lassen : die Haltung der Evangelisch-Reformierten Kirche des Kantons St. Gallen zum Kirchenkampf, zur Fluchtlingsnot und zur Fluchtlingspolitik 1933-1945.
Zurich : TVZ, Theologischer Verlag, c2001.
LB775.P48 R48 2007
Retter, Hein.
Reformpadagogik und Protestantismus im Ubergang zur Demokratie : Studien zur Padagogik Peter Petersens.
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, c2007.
ML3921 .C63 2008
Cobussen, Marcel, 1962-
Thresholds : rethinking spirituality through music.
Aldershot, Hants ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
N7943 .A78 2007
Art re-formed : re-assessing the impact of the Reformation on the visual arts.
Newcastle, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.
PN1992.4.R56 H66 2005
Hollingsworth, Amy.
The simple faith of Mister Rogers : spiritual insights from the world's most beloved neighbor.
Nashville : Integrity Publishers, c2005.
PR6063.U7 Z53 2008
Altorf, Marije.
Iris Murdoch and the art of imagining.
London ; New York : Continuum Logo, c2008.
PS3557.L387 C8515 2006
Glazener, Mary.
The Cup of Wrath : A Novel Based on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Resistance of Hitler.
Der Kelch des Zorns : Dietrich Bonhoeffer ; ein Roman.
Giessen : Brunnen, c1999.
RA485 .C37 2008
Caring for Hindu patients.
Oxford ; New York : Radcliffe Publishing, c2008.
RC489.L6 F675 2005
Frankl, Viktor Emil.
Der leidende Mensch : [anthropologische Grundlagen der Psychotherapie].
Bern : Huber, c2005.
RC489.S676 G83 2008
Gubi, Peter Madsen, 1963-
Prayer in counselling and psychotherapy : exploring a hidden meaningful dimension.
London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.