Tuesday, September 01, 2009

New Books for September 2009

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B72 .S64 2008
Smart, Ninian, 1927-2001.
World philosophies.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.

B753.M8 A5 2008
al-Kutubi, Eiyad Salman.
Mulla Sadra's theory of substantial motion.

B945.B86 H88 2008
Hutchins, Christian K.
Departure : using Judith Butler's agency and Alfred North Whitehead's value to read temporality anew.

BD450 .C622 2006
Colloque interdisciplinaire "La personne en debat" (2006 : Paray- le-Monial, France).
La personne en debat : actes du colloque de Paray-le-Monial, 2006.
Paris : Parole et silence, c2008.

BL65.L2 A8 2004
Astley, Jeff.
Exploring God-talk : using language in religion.
London : Darton, Longman and Todd, 2004.

BL80.3 .S63 2009
Smart, Ninian, 1927-2001.
Ninian Smart on world religions.
Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2009.

BL221 .L46 2003
Lemaire, Andre, 1942-
Naissance du monotheisme : point de vue d'un historien.
Paris : Bayard, c2003.

BL2532.S5 T57 2009
Tishken, Joel E., 1971-
Sango in Africa and the African diasporaedited.
Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press, 2009.

BL2773 .M56 2009
Minois, Georges, 1946-
Le traite des trois imposteurs : histoire d'un livre blasphematoire qui n'existait pas.
Paris : Albin Michel, 2009.

BM610 .C43 2008
Chalmers, R. Scott.
The struggle of Yahweh and El for Hosea's Israel.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008.

BM729.B58 J48 2009
Jewish blood : reality and metaphor in history, religion and culture.
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2009.

BM755 .J6 2008
Jospe, Raphael.
Jewish philosophy in the Middle Ages.
Brighton, Mass. : Academic Studies ; Lancaster : Gazelle [distributor], 2008.

BP50 .S485 2009
Shepard, William E., 1933-
Introducing Islam.
New York, NY : Routledge, 2009.

BP166 .Y47 2005
Yesufu, T. M. (Tijani M.).
World inter-religious crisis : an Islamic initiative for peace.
Lagos : West African Book Publishers, 2005.

BR115.C8 G73 2004
Graystone, Peter.
Signs of the times : the secret lives of twelve everyday icons.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2004.

BS2585.52 .B44 2007
Betsworth, Sharon.
The reign of God is of such as these : a socio-literary analysis of daughters in the gospel of Mark.

BT40 .R356 2009
The radical orthodoxy reader.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2009.

BT103 .G448 2007
Geevarghese Mar Osthathios, Metropolitan of the Orthodox Syrian Church in Kerala, 1918-
Atraitadaivasastravum snehattinte ekamatavum. English.
Atraita theology and one religion of love.
Tiruvalla : Christava Sahithy Samithy, 2007.

BV639.Y7 S54 2008
Sledge, Tim, Revd.
Get a life! : a 5 session course on calling for young people.
London : Church House Pub., 2008.

BV811.3 .M55 2009
Mikoski, Gordon S.
Baptism and Christian identity : teaching in the Triune name.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009.

BV1610 .R63 2004
Robinson, Simon, 1951-
Ministry among students : a pastoral theology and handbook for practice.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2004.

BV4022 .T36 2007
The pastor and theological education : essays in memory of Rev. Derek Tan.
Singapore : Trinity Christian Centre ; Bangalore : Asia Theological Association, 2007.

BV4208.U6 M85 2007
Mumford, Debra J.
Above all prosper : a critical analysis of the preaching of Creflo Dollar, Jr..

BV4221 .B47 2008
Berndt, Brooks.
Preaching amidst class conflict : a class analysis of preaching in Oakland.

BV5095.A1 F87 2008
Fusco, Roberto, 1970-
Angela, Giuliana, Margherita : tre mistiche medievali.
Milano : Ancora, c2008.

BX1713 .M47 2008
Merlo, Grado G., 1945-
Inquisitori e inquisizione del Medioevo.
Bologna : Il mulino, c2008.

BX1723 .B37 2007
Barbierato, Federico, 1972-
La rovina di Venetia in materia de' libri prohibiti : il libraio Salvatore de' Negri e l'inquisizione veneziana, 1628-1661.
Venezia : Marsilio, c2007.

BX1805 .G38 2007
Garuti, Adriano.
Patriarca d'Occidente? : storia e attualita.
Bologna : ESD, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, c2007.

BX1912 .S77 2004
Strange, Roderick.
The risk of discipleship : the Catholic priest today.
London : Darton, Longman and Todd, 2004.

BX2015.2 .N58 2008
Nixon, J. Peter.
A crisis of reception : the constitution on the sacred liturgy and the debate over the English translation of the Roman missal.

BX2263.C6 F67 2006
Forgive us our sins : confession in late Ming and early Qing China.
Sankt Augustin : Institut Monumenta Serica, 2006.

BX2348.Z8 I8448 2008
Drago, Ulisse.
L'Azione cattolica italiana tra passato e presente.
Padova : Gregoriana libreria editrice, [2008].

BX4700.P77 B465 2007
Benericetti, Ruggero.
L'eremo e la cattedra : vita di san Pier Damiani (Ravenna 1007-Faenza 1072).
Milano : Ancora, c2007.

BX4705.B2313 A5 2008
Don Divo Barsotti, il cercatore di Dio : dieci anni di interviste.
Firenze : Societa editrice fiorentina, 2008.

BX4705.L7918 S35 2003
Sales, Michel.
L'etre humain et la connaissance naturelle qu'il a de Dieu : essai sur la structure anthropo-theologique fondamentale de la revelation chretienne dans la pensee du p. Henri de Lubac.
Les Plans (Suisse) Paris : Parole et silence, c2003.

BX4714.562 .C66 2000
Commencement of the great fast : the "divine praises" and the eucharistic celebration for commencing the great fast in the East Syriac or Chaldeo-Indian liturgical heritage.
Kottayam : Denha Services, 2000.

BX4827.M6 H57 2003
Hitching, Roger.
The church and deaf people : a study of identity, communication and relationships with special reference to the ecclesiology of Jurgen Moltmann.
Carlisle, Cumbria, U.K. ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster Press, 2003.

BX5395.H34 T73 2002
Travelling with resilience : essays for Alastair Haggart.
Edinburgh : Scottish Episcopal Church, 2002.

BX5947.L4 T43 1993
They still speak : readings for the lesser feasts.
New York : Church Hymnal Corp., 1993.

BX8067.A1 L45 2002
Life passages : marriage, healing, funeral.
Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Fortress, c2002.

Digital Video Disc 341
The Adriatic Sea [videorecording] : a sea at risk, a unity of purpose.
[California?] : Becket Films, [2002?].

Digital video disc 343
The Amazon [videorecording] : the end of infinity.
[California?] : Becket Films, [2006?].

Digital video disc 345
The Green Patriarch [videorecording].
[California?] : Becket Films, c2009.

HN31 .C4 2004
Chester, Tim.
Good news to the poor : sharing the gospel through social involvement.
Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press, 2004.

HQ314 .B35 2009
Bales, Kevin.
The slave next door : human trafficking and slavery in America today.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 2009.

HT352.U6 S87 2008
Sutton, Susan.
The estates of nature on the theological origins of Anglo-American suburbia.

NE2237.5.K4 A44 1970
Corita, 1918-1986.
Damn every thing but the circus; a lot of things put together.
New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1970].

PL794.4 .Z77 2008
Barber, Jonathan.
Solitude and vulnerability in dialogue : the poetic journeys of Matsuo Basho and John of the Cross.

QH360.2 .M55 2009
Milner, Richard, 1941-
Darwin's universe : evolution from A to Z.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2009.

QH588.S83 B28 2008
Bayer, Michael.
Basic goods and public reason.