Thursday, October 01, 2009

New Books for October 2009

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B2430.W474 P38 2009
Perrin, Joseph Marie, 1905-
Mon dialogue avec Simone Weil.
Bruyeres-le-Chatel : Nouvelle Cite, c2009.

BD112 .M57 2008
Mirault, Paul.
Une initiation a la philosophie de Claude Tresmontant, ou, la melodie de l'univers.
Paris : Harmattan, c2008.

BJ1251 .R67 2008
Rostagno, Sergio, 1934-
Etica protestante : un percorso.
Assisi (Perugia) : Cittadella, 2008.

BL48 .C575 2009
Contemporary theories of religion : a critical companion.
Abingdon, U.K. ; New York : Routledge, 2009.

BL221 .S5813 2009
Sloterdijk, Peter, 1947-
Gottes Eifer. English.
God's zeal : the battle of the three monotheisms.
Cambridge ; Malden, MA : Polity, c2009.

BL1060 .H635 2009
Holland, Glenn Stanfield, 1952-
Gods in the desert : religions of the ancient Near East.
Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2009.

BL2525 .L564 2009
Lippy, Charles H.
Introducing American religions.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2009.

BL2592.C35 D47 2008
Despland, Michel.
Bastide on religion : the invention of candomble.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub. Ltd., 2008.

BP160 .M37
Marghinani, Ali ibn Abi Bakr, d. 1196 or 7.
Hidayah. English.
Al-Hidayah = the Guidance : a translation of al-Hidayah fi sharh Bidayat al-mubtadi, a classical manual of Hanafi law.
Bristol, England : Amal Press, 2006-2008.

BR128.B8 L4513 2006
Leloup, Jean-Yves.
Montagne dans l'ocean. English.
Compassion and meditation : the spiritual dynamic between Buddhism and Christianity.
Rochester, Vt. : Inner Traditions, 2009.

BR515 .J4915 2008
Jewett, Robert.
Mission and menace : four centuries of American religious zeal. German.
Mission und Verfuhrung : Amerikas religioser Weg in vier Jahrhunderten.
Gottingen, Niedersachs : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2008.

BR816.3 .B44 2008
Begegnung und Inspiration : 50 Jahre Okumene in Osterreich.
Wien ; Graz ; Klagenfurt : Styria, c2008.

BR1285 .D83 2003
Ducornet, Etienne.
L'eglise et la Chine : histoire et defis.
Paris : Cerf, 2003.

BS493.3 .B74 2008
Bremond d'Ars, Nicolas de.
A la recherche de soi : La bible et notre vie interieure.
Paris : Bayard, 2008.

BS651 .R345 2009
Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-
Gottes Projekt : Nachdenken uber Schopfung und Kirche.
Regensburg: Pustet, c2009.

BS2650.52 .S7 2009
St. Paul among the philosophers.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2009.

BT40 .B57 2009
Bonhoeffer and Continental thought : cruciform philosophy.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2009.

BT111.3 .F54 2008
Fletcher, Paul.
Discipling the divine : toward an (im) political theology)/ Paul Fletcher.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.

BT216.5 .B57 2009
Bird, Michael F.
Are you the One who is to come? : the historical Jesus and the messianic question.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, 2009.

BT303 .D213 2003
Dagens, Claude, 1940-
Le rosaire de lumiere.
Paris : Cerf, c2003.

BT598 .M46 2007
Mendo Ze, Gervais.
Apparition de Marie a Yaounde Nsimalen : Entre le doute et la foi.
Paris : Guibert, 2007.

BT660.V32 F69 2008
Foyer, Dominique.
Le Saint-Cordon de Valenciennes : 1000 ans d'un miracle.
Bruyeres-le-Chatel : Nouvelle cite, 2008.

BT710 .P3 2003
Parsaniya, Hamid.
Existence & the fall.
London : Saqi, 2003.

BV178 .S63 2009
Smith, James K. A., 1970-
Desiring the kingdom : worship, worldview, and cultural formation.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, 2009.

BV652.1 .C74 2004
Creative church leadership.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2004.

BV820 .S87 2009
Streib, Heinz, 1951-
Deconversion : qualitative and quantitative results from cross-cultural research in Germany and the United States of America.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2009.

BV2010 .T54 2009
Tiedemann, R. G., 1941-
Reference guide to Christian missionary societies in China : from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2009.

BV3625.C6 F54 2008
Fleury, Alain.
Congo-Nil : a travers les recits des missionnaires, 1929-1939.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008.

BV4405 .I57 2008
Institut catholique de Paris (2007 : Paris).
Les communautes chretiennes et la formation morale des sujets : [Actes du congres de l'ATEM organise par l'institut catholique de Paris et le centre Sevres au mois d'aout 2007].
Paris : Cerf, 2008.

BV4501.3 .C496 2009
Christian spirituality : the classics.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2009.

BV5095.J3 R62 2003
Rocquet, Claude Henri.
Petite vie de Ruysbroeck.
Paris : Desclee de Brouwer, c2003.

BX1189 .D47 2008
De Rosa, Daniela, 1950-
Il pontificato di Vittore III : un riesame critico.
Roma : Aracne, 2008.

BX1257 .G74 2007
Gremmo, Roberto.
Fra Dolcino e San Dolcito : l'enigma dell'eretico ed il mistero delle reliquie.
Biella : Storia ribelle, 2007.

BX1970 .D438 2008
Debuyst, Frederic, 1922-
L'entree en liturgie : introduction a l'uvre liturgique de Romano Guardini.
Paris : Cerf, 2008.

BX1977.A35 C66 2006
Continental congress for the promotion of the liturgy in Africa and Madagascar (2006 : Kumasi, Ghana).
Liturgy in Africa and Madagascar : acts of the Congress for promotion of the liturgy : Kumasi, Ghana, 4-9 July 2006 = Liturgie en Afrique et Madagascar : actes du Congres pour la promotion de la liturgie : Kumasi, Ghana, 4-9 juillet 2006.
Citta del Vaticano : Libreria editrice vaticana, 2009.

BX2163 .E53 2003
Enard, Albert.
Assidus a la priere avec Marie, mere de Jesus : a la racine de l'evangelisation. Le rosaire regenere a la fraicheur de sa source.
Paris : Parole et silence, 2003.

BX2169 .S85 2004
St. Giles, Aysha.
Notes on bread and wine : reflections on the eucharist in daily life.
Stowmarket : Kevin Mayhew, 2004.

BX2350.3 .B68 2003
Bouchex, Raymond, 1927-.
Le mystere de la vie et le mystere de l'eglise.
Paris : Parole et silence, 2003.

BX4266 .P53 2007
Piatti, Pierantonio, 1977-
Il movimento femminile agostiniano nel Medioevo : momenti di storia dell'Ordine eremitano.
Roma : Citta nuova, c2007.

BX4705.L638 Q84 2008
Loew, Jacques, 1908-
La quete de Dieu : De l'atheisme a la nuit de la foi.
Paris : Desclee de Brouwer, c2008.

BX4827.L435 E97 2009
Explorations in Christian theology and ethics : essays in conversation with Paul L. Lehmann.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2009.

BX4843 .T47 2007
Terme, Jacques.
Mutations et crises dans l'Eglise reformee de France : le journal Horizons Protestants, 1971-1975.
Lyon : Editions Olivetan, c2007.

BX5199.P22 J26 2009
J.I. Packer and the evangelical future : the impact of his life and thought.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2009.

BX8061.M7 W458 2000
Werning, Waldo J.
LCMS worship : the rest of the story.
Fort Wayne, IN : Biblical Renewal Publications, Discipling/Stewardship Center, c2000.

BX8067.A1 R49 2004
Renewing worship Liturgies : rites and service music for provisional use.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Augsburg Fortress, c2004.

BX9418 .B66 2009
Boer, Roland, 1961-
Political grace : the revolutionary theology of John Calvin.
Louisville, KY : Westminster John Knox Press, c2009.

BX9418 .H27 2006
Hall, David W., 1955-
A heart promptly offered : the revolutionary leadership of John Calvin.
Nashville, Tenn. : Cumberland House, 2006.

CR4743 .L25 2006
La Sala, Tullio.
I poveri cavalieri del tempio.
Reggello (Firenze) : FirenzeLibri, 2006-<2009>

DA339 .B873 2009
Bush, M. L.
The pilgrims' complaint : a study of popular thought in the Early Tudor north.
Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub. Co., 2009.

HM665 .M636 2009
Mongoven, Ann, 1962-
Just love : transforming civic virtue.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2009.

HM1271 B87 2009
Burke, Peter.
Cultural hybridity.
Cambridge : Polity Press, 2009.

HQ1416 .B474 2008
Bergamasco, Lucia.
Amour du monde, amour de Dieu : Esther Edwards Burr et Sarah Prince entre evangelisme et Lumieres.
Saint-Denis : Presses Universitaires de Vincennes ; Montreal : XYZ Editeur, c2008.

JZ6392 .D68 2009
Dower, Nigel, 1942-
The ethics of war and peace : cosmopolitan and other perspectives.
Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2009.

KF4783 .G74 2006
Greenawalt, Kent, 1936-
Religion and the Constitution.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2006-

NA5469.B53 W4 2008
Williams, Ned, 1944-
Black country chapels : a third selection.
Stroud : Sutton, 2008.

NA5551.M37 A54 2003
Andre, Louis, 1960-
L'abbaye de Fontenay : De saint Bernard au patrimoine mondial.
Paris : Belin - Herscher, c2003.

PJ9101.F74 K43 2007
Kebra nagast. French.
Kebra negast : la gloire des rois d'Ethiopie.
Noisy-le-Grand : Alternativ promotion, 2007.

PL849.N4 Z648 2009
Ascenso, Adelino.
Transcultural theodicy in the fiction of Shusaku Endo.
Roma : Editrice Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, 2009.