Monday, February 01, 2010

New Books for February 2010

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

BL50 .A7 3006
Association of Christian Philosophers of India. Meeting (31st : 2006 : Sacred Heart Seminary).
Romancing the sacred? : towards an Indian Christian philosophy of religion
Bangalore : Asian Trading Corp., 2007.

BL60 .D74 2009
Drehsen, Volker, 1949-
Der Sozialwert der Religion : Aufsatze Zur Religionssoziologie
Berlin ; New York : Walter De Gruyter ; c2009.

BL239 .B38 2009
Baudler, Georg.
Darwin, Einstein - und Jesus : Christsein im Universum der Evolution
Dusseldorf : Patmos, 2009.

BM318.S64 B78 2004
Bruno, Johannes, 1933-
Die Weisen von Speyer, oder, Judische Gelehrte des Mittelalters an der hiesigen Talmudschule : ein Gedenkbuch
Speyer : Stadtverwaltung Speyer, 2004.

BM535 .L393 2006
Levine, Amy-Jill, 1956-
The misunderstood Jew : the Church and the scandal of the Jewish Jesus
[San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, c2006.

BR53 .C363 2008
Chiesa latina e greca VIII secolo
Citta del Vaticano : Libreria editrice vaticana, 2008.

BR65.P423 F8 2007
Peter, Chrysologus, Saint, Archbishop of Ravenna, ca. 400-450.
Sermons. Selections
Le signe des signes : Sermons sur la passion et la resurrection
Paris : Migne, 2007.

BR1070 .A53 2004
Andrew, Brother.
Light force : the last hope for the Middle East
London : Hodder Christian, 2004.

BS240 .G68 2008
Gott heisst nicht nur Vater : zur Rede uber Gott in den Ubersetzungen der "Bibel in gerechter Sprache" : mit 7 Tabellen
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.

BS1245.52 .P7 2005
Prasad, Manohar Chandra.
The book of Exodus and Dalit liberation : with reference to Minjung theology
Bangalore : Asian Trading Corp., 2005.

BS2775.53 .V56 2008
Violi, Giacomo.
Usciamo dall'accampamento verso di lui : Eb 13,13 e le parenesi della Lettera
Assisi (Perugia) : Cittadella, 2008.

BT60 .L34 2003
Lafont, Ghislain.
Promenade en theologie
Paris : Lethielleux, 2003.

BT114 .G87 2009
Guretzki, David.
Karl Barth on the Filioque
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., 2009.

BT121.3 .W45 2003
Weissenborn, Thomas, 1947-
Gott ganz nah : der Heilige Geist und wir
Marburg : Francke, 2003.

BT265.2 .V477 2009
Versohnt durch den Opfertod Christi? : die christliche Suhnopfertheologie auf der Anklagebank
Zurich : TVZ, Theologischer Verlag Zurich, 2009.

BT810.2 .E7516 2003
Erigena, Johannes Scotus, ca. 810-ca. 877.
De divina praedestinatione liber. Italian
De praedestinatione liber : dialettica e teologia all'apogeo della rinascenza carolingia
Firenze : Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2003.

BT1390 .D54 2008
Dietzfelbinger, Konrad, 1940-
Erlosung durch Erkenntnis : die Gnosis
Konigsdorf : Konigsdorfer Verlag, c2008.

BV176 .V35 2008
Valenziano, Crispino.
Liturgia : chiesa in corso d'opera
Roma : CLV, Edizioni liturgiche, 2008.

BV3457.V35 A55 2008
Alessandro Valignano S.I. : uomo del Rinascimento, ponte tra Oriente e Occidente
Roma : Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2008.

BX1304 .M54 2008
Missione e carita : scritti in onore di p. Luigi Mezzadri C.M.
Roma : CLV, 2008.

BX1378 .P37 2008
Persico, Alessandro Angelo.
Il caso Pio XII : mezzo secolo di dibattito su Eugenio Pacelli
Milano : Guerini e associati, 2008.

BX1529 .V22 2006
Valgimogli, Lorenzo, 1970-
Lo "Speculum Gregorii" di Adalberto di Metz
Firenze : SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006.

BX1912 .I34 2008
Identita e missione del diacono : per ritus et preces
Roma : CLV-Edizioni liturgiche, 2008.

BX1970.15 .G57 2008
Giraudo, Cesare, 1941-
Ascolta, Israele! ascoltaci signore! : teologia e spiritualita della liturgia della parola
Citta del Vaticano : Libreria editrice vaticana, 2008.

BX3201 .T43 v.26
In labore requies : (homenaje de la Region Iberica Carmelita a los Padres Pablo Garrido y Balbino Velasco)
Rome : Edizioni Carmelitane, 2007.

BX3637 .B33 2009
Badalamenti, Marcello.
La nostra vita e il Vangelo : note esistenziali sulla regola dei frati minori
S. Maria degli Angeli (Perugia) : Porziuncola, 2009.

BX4634.F44 S26 2008
San Romolo a Gaville : storie di una pieve in eta medievale : atti del convegno di Figline Valdarno, 22 ottobre 2005
Roma : Viella, c2008.

BX4705.C375 C47 2008
Christophe, Jean-Christophe.
Demeurer dans le coeur de Jesus : Bienheureux Marie-Joseph Cassant
Flavigny-sur-Ozerain : Traditions monastiques, 2008.

BX4705.M41233 M66 2008
Mongin, Helene.
Louis et Zelie Martin : les saints de l'ordinaire
Paray-le-Monial : Emmanuel, 2008.

BX4705.M45365 P34 2008
Padre Enrico Mauri e la spiritualita del Novecento in Italia
Milano : In dialogo, 2008.

BX8067.24 .O318 2000
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Occasional services. Spanish
Ritos ocasionales
Minneapolis : Augsburg Fortress, c2000.

Digital video disc 363
For the Bible tells me so [videorecording]
[New York, N.Y.] : First Run Features, c2007.

E450 .M37 2009
Marc, Stephen.
Passage on the Underground Railroad
Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2009.

HQ1236 .R4 2009
Reilly, Niamh.
Women's human rights : seeking gender justice in a globalizing age
Cambridge : Polity, 2009.