The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B2430.L484 E96 2010
The exorbitant : Emmanuel Levinas between Jews and Christians
New York : Fordham University Press, 2010.
B4238.F734 E35 2009
Ehlen, Peter.
Russische Religionsphilosophie im 20. Jahrhundert : Simon L. Frank : das Gottmenschliche des Menschen
Freiburg : Alber, 2009.
BJ1201 .H327 2003
Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940-
The peaceable kingdom : a primer in Christian ethics
London : SCM Press, 2003, c1983.
BL51 .P532 2003
Philosophy of religion : an anthology
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2003.
BQ1124.C5 N38 2008
Nattier, Jan, 1949-
A guide to the earliest Chinese Buddhist translations : texts from the Eastern Han "Dong Han" and Three Kingdoms "San Guo" periods
Tokyo : International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, 2008.
BR65.S53 C516 2008
Severus, Sulpicius.
Chronica. Italian
Roma : Citta nuova, 2008.
BR115.W4 V57 2009
Vismara, Paola, 1947-
Questioni di interesse : la Chiesa e il denaro in eta moderna
[Milano] : B. Mondadori, c2009.
BR325 .B27 2009
Barth, Hans-Martin.
Die Theologie Martin Luthers : eine kritische Wurdigung
Gutersloh : Gutersloher Verlagshaus, c2009.
BR526 .H247 2008
Hamilton, Adam, 1964-
Seeing gray in a world of black and white : thoughts on religion, morality, and politics
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2008.
BR874 .S97 2008
Susi, Eugenio.
Geografie della santita : studi di agiografia umbra mediolatina, secc. IV-XII
Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2008.
BR1446.4.B53 M35 2006
Makondesa, Patrick.
The church history of Providence Industrial Mission, 1900-1940
Zomba, Malawi : Kachere Series, 2006.
BR1720.M3 S38 2007
Severus, Sulpicius.
Lettere e dialoghi
Roma : Citta nuova, c2007.
BR1720.N46 L38 2008
Lavermicocca, Nino.
La nave dei miracoli : le storie prodigiose di San Nicola di Bari
Bari : Pagina, c2008.
BS511.3 .I67 2007
Ipsen, Avaren.
Sex working and the Bible
London ; Oakville : Equinox Pub., 2008.
BS1375.53 .W34 2009
Wahl, Harald-Martin.
Das Buch Ester : Ubersetzung und Kommentar
Berlin ; New York : Walter De Gruyter, c2009.
Gregory Palamas, Saint, 1296-1359.
Selections. Italian & Greek
Atto e luce divina : scritti filosofici e teologici
Milano : Bompiani, 2003.
BT50 .M275 2007
Marchesi, Angelo.
Nel solco della Fides et ratio
Napoli : Edizioni scientifiche italiane, c2007.
BT111.3 .K35 2007
Kalbhen, Paul, 1937-
Glaube und Naturwissenschaft : Widerspruch oder Erganzung? : Uberlegungen zur Existenz des christlichen Dreieinigen Gottes aus der Sicht der modernen Physik
Norderstedt : Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, c2007.
BT303.2 .W35 2003
Walker, P. W. L. (Peter W. L.).
Jesus and his world
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2003.
BV210.3 .M52 2007
Middleton, Arthur.
Prayer in the workaday world
Leominster : Gracewing, 2007.
BV4211.3 C172 2003
Capill, Murray A.
Preaching with spiritual vigour : including lessons from the life and practice of Richard Baxter
Fearn : Mentor, 2003.
BV4647.P6 P38 2008
Pauvrete et capitalisme : comment les pauvres franciscaines ont justifie le capitalisme et le capitalisme a prefere la modernite
Palermo : Officina di studi medievali, 2008.
BX179.A1 F54 2004
Fiey, J. M.
Saints syriaques
Princeton, New Jersey : Darwin Press, 2004.
BX320 .G732157 2003
Gregory Palamas, Saint, 1296-1359.
Selections. Italian & Greek
Atto e luce divina : scritti filosofici e teologici
Milano : Bompiani, 2003.
BX335 K28 2010
Eastern Christianity and the Cold War, 1945-91
London : Routledge, 2008.
BX395.G4 B552 2008
Blanchet, Marie-Helene.
Georges-Gennadios Scholarios (vers 1400-vers 1472) : un intellectuel orthodoxe face a la disparition de l'empire Byzantin
Paris : Institut francais d'etudes byzantines, 2008.
BX713 .S47 2005
Settimana europea (27th : 2005).
Storia religiosa di Serbia e Bulgaria
Milano : Centro ambrosiano, c2008.
BX870 2005
Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-
Insegnamenti di Benedetto XVI
[Citta del Vaticano] : Libreria editrice vaticana, 2006-<2008>.
BX1252 .C43 2007
Celestino V : cultura e societa : atti della giornata di studio, Ferentino, 17 maggio 2003
Roma : Universita La Sapienza, 2007.
BX1406.3 .B34 2009
Baggett, Jerome P., 1963-
Sense of the faithful : how American Catholics live their faith
New York : Oxford University Press, c2009.
BX1547.P38 F37 2006
Farinelli, Isabella.
Sinodi a Perugia (...1210-2006) : guida alle fonti nell'Archivio storico diocesano
Spoleto (Perugia) : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2006.
BX1566 .P39 2009
Pease, Neal.
Rome's most faithful daughter : the Catholic Church and independent Poland, 1914-1939
Athens : Ohio University Press, c2009.
BX1723 .L64 2008
Loi, Salvatore, 1943-
Streghe, esorcisti e cercatori di tesori : inquisizione spagnola ed episcopale, Sardegna, secoli XVI-XVIII
Cagliari : AM&D, c2008.
BX1749.P4 M43 2002
Mediaeval commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard : current research
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2002- <2010>
BX1970.A1 L576 2009
Liturgia e inculturazione
Padova : Messaggero : Abbazia di Santa Giustina, 2009.
BX2049.C3 T98 2008
Tutini, Camillo, 1594-1670.
Martyrologium Cartusianum singulis mensibus iuxta calendarii formam accomodatum a Camillo Tutini : sec. XVII
Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2008.
BX2347 .S33 2008
Scarvaglieri, Giuseppe.
I Cappuccini e l'impegno nel sociale
Roma : Edizioni Collegio S. Lorenzo da Brindisi, 2008.
BX2622 .C46 2006
Centro di studi avellaniti. Convegno (28th : 2006 : Serra Sant'Abbondio, Italy).
Dinamiche istituzionali delle reti monastiche e canonicali nell'Italia dei secoli X- XII : atti del XXVIII Convegno del Centro studi avellaniti, Fonte Avellana, 29-31 agosto 2006
Negarine di S. Pietro in Cariano (Verona) : Il segno dei Gabrielli, c2007.
BX2624.S3954 C46 2007
Fonte Avellana nel secolo di Pier Damiani : atti del XXIX Convegno del Centro studi avellaniti, Fonte Avellana, 29-31 agosto 2007
S. Pietro in Cariano (Verona) : Il segno dei Gabrielli, 2008.
BX3706.3 .C42 2009
Catto, Michela.
La compagnia divisa : il dissenso nell'ordine gesuitico tra '500 e '600
Brescia : Morcelliana, c2009.
BX4700.D7 H86 2008
Humbert, de Romans, 1194?-1277.
Humberti de Romanis Legendae sancti Dominici : necnon materia praedicabilis pro festis sancti Dominici et testimonia ...
Romae : Institutum historicum Ordinis fratrum praedicatorum, 2008.
BX4705.L946 M36 2008
Manenti, Lorenzo.
Giorgio Luti da Siena a Lucca : il viaggio di un mito fra Rinascimento e Controriforma
Siena : Accademia senese degli Intronati, 2008.
BX5125.5 .H69 2003
Hoyle, Lawrence.
Over the circumstances
Bradford on Avon : Terra Nova Publications, 2003.
BX5182.3 .J664 2004
Jones, Ian, Dr.
Women and priesthood in the Church of England : ten years on
London : Church House Pub., c2004.
BX6333.S69 E892 2006
Eswine, Zachary W.
Kindled fire : how the methods of C.H. Spurgeon can help your preaching
Fearn, Ross-Shire, Scotland : Christian Focus Publications, 2006.
BX9422.5 .P73 2002
The practical Calvinist : an introduction to the Presbyterian & Reformed heritage : in honor of Dr. D. Clair Davis on the occasion of his seventieth birthday and to acknowledge his more than thirty years of teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia
Fearn, Ross-shire : Christian Focus, c2002.
Compact disc 455
Tabor, James D., 1946-
The five fundamental flaws of fundamentalism [sound recording]
[Clarksburg, NJ] : Alden Films, c2005.
CR4731.I82 C374 2008
Il Gran Priorato Giovannita di Capua
Matera : Altrimedia, [2008].
CR4743 .P45 2006
Pelliconi, Marco, 1953-
Il cammino segreto : cavalieri templari in Italia
Imola (Bologna) : Bacchilega, c2006.
CR4755.I8 C34 2009
Capone, Bianca.
Alla ricerca delle mansioni templari : Italia centrale e meridionale
Torino : Edizioni librarie F. Capone, 2009.
DC112.R4 B45 2008
Belligni, Eleonora.
Evangelismo, riforma ginevrina e nicodemismo : l'esperienza religiosa di Renata di Francia
[Cosenza] : Brenner, [2008].
DS159.9.J39 D39 2002
Daviau, P. M. Michele.
Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan
Boston ; Leiden : Brill, 2002-<2010>
E59.R38 E532 2002
Sagesse indigene : la theologie indienne latino- americaine
Paris : Cerf, 2002.
G 03/19/91 C
Bradbury, William B. (William Batchelder), 1816-1868.
Bradbury's Sabbath School choir : a new collection of music and hymns for Sabbath Schools
Chicago : S.C. Griggs ; New York : Ivison & Phinney, 1857.
LC506.I82 S375 2008
Gheda, Paolo.
La Compagnia del Sacro Cuore di Evaristo Madeddu : profilo storico e prospettive educative
Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2008.
LF3194.A23 F46 2003
Fenster zur Welt : funfzig Jahre Akademiearbeit in Aachen
Aachen : Einhard-Verlag, 2003.
M2193 .B866
Bradbury, William B. (William Batchelder), 1816-1868.
Bradbury's Sabbath School choir : a new collection of music and hymns for Sabbath Schools
Chicago : S.C. Griggs ; New York : Ivison & Phinney, 1857.
ML5 .E3
Eglise qui chante
Paris, Association Saint Ambroise.
ML3849 .M77 2008
Moretti, Laura, 1969-
Dagli incurabili alla pieta : le chiese degli Ospedali Grandi di Venezia tra architettura e musica (1522-1790)
Firenze : Olschki, 2008.
NA5495.G5 K33 2007
Kadish, Sharman, 1959-
Jewish heritage in Gibraltar : an architectural guide
Reading : Spire Books in association with Jewish Heritage UK, c2007.
Z666.5 .T39 2004
Taylor, Arlene G., 1941-
The organization of information
Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited, 2004.