Monday, May 03, 2010

New Books for May 2010

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B765.P33 S46 2007
Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, ca. 1100-1160.
Sententiarum libri IV. English.
The Sentences.
Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, c2007-c2010.

B945.R5263 M48 2002
Rosen, Stanley, 1929-
Metaphysics in ordinary language.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 2002.

B2430.G494 S55 2001
Silva, Gilberto da.
Am Anfang war das Opfer : Rene Girard aus afroindiolateinamerikanischer Perspektive.
Munster : Lit, [2001].

BL980.G7 D395 2002
De la Bedoyere, Guy.
Gods with thunderbolts : religion in Roman Britain.
Stroud, Gloucestershire ; Charleston, SC : Tempus, 2002.

BL2010 .I45 2006
Indian religions : renaissance and renewal : the Spalding papers on Indic studies.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub., 2006.

BP130.4. .M3 2009
Maudoodi, Syed Abul Ala, 1903-1979.
Towards understanding the Qur'an.
Markfield : Islamic Foundation, 2007.

BQ4230 .N53 1999
Nhat Hanh, Thich.
The heart of the Buddha's teaching : transforming suffering into peace, joy & liberation : the four noble truths, the noble eightfold path, and other basic Buddhist teachings.
New York : Broadway Books, 1999.

BS493.5 .G69 2003
Gozier, Andre.
De la vie a la Vie : la Bible me parle de ma vie : jalons pour une lectio divina.
Chateaufort (Yvelines) : Soceval, 2003.

BS2460.J8 B68 2008
Bouthors, Jean-Francois, 1954-
La nuit de Judas.
Paris : Editions de l'Atelier.
Citta del Vaticano : Urbaniana University Press, 2009.

BS2665.53 .P46
Penna, Romano.
Lettera ai Romani.
Bologna : EDB, 2004-c2008.

BT30.G3 G78 2007
Grundtexte der neueren evangelischen Theologie.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verl.-Anst., c2007.

BT140 .F54 2007
Flecha, Jose Roman, 1941-
Dios es amor : Comentarios a la Enciclica de Benedicto XVI. Deus Caritas Est.
Salamanca : Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2007.

BT207 .O23 1994
Ocariz Brana, Fernando.
Misterio de Jesucristo. English.
The mystery of Jesus Christ : a christology and soteriology textbook.
Dublin : Four Courts Press, c1994.

BT825 .B26514 2005
Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 1905-1988.
Leben aus dem Tod. French.
La vie surgie de la mort : Meditations sur le mystere pascal.
Magny-les-Hameaux : Soceval, 2005.

BX2350.3 .T44 2008
Theodossios-Marie de la croix.
Sur les pas de l'agneau : Enseignements sur la vie consacree.
Paris : Guibert, 2008.

BX5194 .E43 2004
Elders, Joseph.
Revealing the past, informing the future : a guide to archaeology for parishes.
London : Church House Pub., 2004.

BX7191 .J6513 2004
Jones, R. Tudur (Robert Tudur).
Congregationalism in Wales.
Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2004.

BX9183 .D912 2003
The Westminster Confession into the 21st century : essays in remembrance of the 350th anniversary of the Westminster Assembly.
Fearn : Mentor, 2003-

DA690.B8 J33 2006
Jackson, Reg.
Excavations at St. James's Priory, Bristol.
Oxford [England] : Oxbow Books, c2006.

GT3271.F5 H65 1985b
Holm, Nils G., 1943-
Arkkuhautaus vai tuhkahautaus? : tutkimus hautaustavoista Suomessa.
Turku : Abo akademi, 1985.