Tuesday, June 01, 2010

New Books for June 2010

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

BR127 .C65 2003
Cordonnier, Jacky.
Mythologies paiennes et christianisme : Culture religieuse.
Lyon : Chronique sociale, 2003.

BS432 .S78 1870z
Students' hand-book of topical texts : a scripture text-book for the use of ministers, teachers, visitors, etc.
New York : F.H. Revell, [18--?].

BS744 .M87 2002
Muraoka, T.
A Greek-English lexicon of the Septuagint : chiefly of the Pentateuch and twelve prophets.
Louvain ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2002.

BT82.3 .J35 2007
Jalla, Giovanni.
Stato di grazia : fondamentalismo della modernita.
Marina di Massa (Massa Carrara) : Edizioni clandestine, 2007.

BT83.9 .M558 2005a
Miller, Gwendolyn Eldora.
Experience, narrative and ritual in Black women's writing : a womanist perspective in pastoral care.

BT201 .M78 1935
Mueller, F. J. (Francis John), 1894-
Christ [by] Rev. F. J. Mueller.
Milwaukee, The Bruce Pub. Co. [c1935].

BT201 .R8 1944
Russell, William Henry, 1895-
Jesus, the divine teacher, [by] Reverend William H. Russell.
New York, P. J. Kenedy & sons [1944].

BT295 .M86 1949
Mueller, F. J. (Francis John), 1894-
Christ in Main Street.
Milwaukee, Bruce [1949].

BT301 .M751 1882
Moriarity, James J., Rev.
All for love.
Catholic Publications Society, 1882.

BT307 .R82 1937
Russell, William Henry, 1895-
Christ, the leader.
Milwaukee, Bruce, 1937.

BT309 .M3 1941
McNabb, Vincent, 1868-1943.
Some mysteries of Jesus Christ.
London : Burns Oates & Washburne, 1941.

BT601 .C97 1949
Cyril Bernard of the Mother of God.
Manjummel, S. India : Little Flower Press, 1949.

BT601 .L335 1946
Leen, Edward, 1885-1944.
Our Blessed Mother : talks on Our Lady.
New York : Kenedy, 1946.

BT601 .L6 1942
Lord, Daniel A. (Daniel Aloysius), 1888-1955.
Our Lady in the modern world, by Daniel A. Lord, S. J.
St. Louis, Mo., The Queen's work [c1940].

BT601 .L92 1947
Lucas, Joseph, b. 1875.
Hand in hand with Our Mother, tr. from the German by the Dominican Sisters of the Perpetual Rosary, Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co. [1948,c1947].

BT605 .M22 1954
McLoughlin, William A.
The holy years of Mary; edited by Joseph G. Cox.
Philadelphia, Winston [1954].

BT652.F7 M89 2008
Muizon, Francois de.
Un nouveau regard sur les apparitions : le Laus, la rue du Bac, la Salette, Lourdes, Pontmain, Fatima.
Paray-le-Monial : Ed. de l'Emmanuel, c2008.

BT695 .R65 2007
Roque, Benoit-Marie.
Le monde comme probleme de theologie fondamentale chez Jean- Baptiste Metz : Hermeneutique et contexte apres le tournant anthropologique. These presentee pour l'obtention du doctorat en theologie selon une co-tutelle entre la faculteit Godgeleerdheid, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, et la faculte de theologie et de sciences religieuses, institut catholique de Paris, octobre 2007.
Lille : ANRT. Atelier national de reproduction des theses, 2008.

BV3415 .B33 1906
Bashford, J. W. (James Whitford), 1849-1919.
China and Methodism, by James W. Bashford.
Cincinnati, Jennings and Graham [c1906].

BV3625.R82 .G8 2002
Guillebaud, Meg, 1943-
Rwanda : the land God forgot? : revival, genocide and hope.
London : Monarch, 2002.

BV4009 .Y6 1813
The young minister's companion : or, A collection of valuable and scarce treatises on the pastoral office ..
Boston : Printed and sold by Samuel T. Armstrong, 1813.

BV4375 .B73
Brasted, Alva J. (Alva Jennings), b. 1876.
A symposium on the work of the chaplain in the civilian conservation corps, by Colonel Alva J. Brasted ..
Fort Leavenworth, The Command and General Staff School Press, n.d.

BX825 .A2 2006
Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta : editio critica.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2006-<2010>

BX825 .A2006
Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta : editio critica.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2006-<2010>

BX1751 .D8 1903
Drury, Edwin.
What the church teaches; an answer to earnest inquirers.
New York : Benziger [1903].

BX4394.5.Z8 A56 2008
Annie de Jesus, petite sur, 1928-
Petite soeur Magdeleine de Jesus : l'experience de Bethleem jusqu'aux confins du monde.
Paris : Cerf, 2008.

NA5621.O82 M67 2009
Moskowitz, Anita Fiderer, 1937-
The facade reliefs of Orvieto Cathedral.
London : Harvey Miller, c2009.