The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B2799.E8 W55 2009
Witschen, Dieter, 1952-
Kants Moraltheologie : ethische Zugange zur Religion.
Berlin : Lit, c2009.
BD216 .O53 2007
Ojara, Pius.
Tragic humanity and hope : understanding our struggle to be scientific, sapiential and moral.
Eugene, Oregon : Wipf & Stock Pub, 2007.
BM40 .D44 2009
Defining Judaism : a reader.
Oakville, CT : Equinox, 2010.
BR162.3 .M43 2009
Medieval Christianity.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c2009.
BR857.N67 U43 2004
Umbruch oder Ubergang? : die Sakularisation von 1803 in Norddeutschland.
Hildescheim : Bernward Schnell + Steiner, c2004.
BR878.V65 B38 2009
Bavoni, Umberto.
Le radici cristiane di Volterra.
Ospedaletto (Pisa) : Pacini, c2009.
BS651 .K74 2007
Kreationismus in Deutschland : Fakten und Analysen.
Berlin : Lit, 2007.
BS1305.52 .E34 2008
Echols, Charles L.
"Tell me, o muse" : the Song of Deborah (Judges 5) in the light of heroic poetry.
New York ; London : T&T Clark, c2008.
BS2361.3 .S55 2008
Shillington, V. G. (V. George).
The New Testament in context : a literary and theological textbook.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2008.
BS2545.P9 T87 2009
Turcke, Christoph.
Jesu Traum : Psychoanalyse des Neuen Testaments.
Springe : Zu Klampen, 2009.
BS2595.52 .E245 2009
Ebel, Eva, Author.
Lydia und Berenike : zwei selbstandige Frauen bei Lukas.
Leipzig : Evang. Verl.-Anst., 2009.
BS2725.52 .K73 2010
Kreinecker, Christina M.
2. Thessaloniker.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2010.
BV4214 .T454 2004
Thiele, Michael.
Geistliche Beredsamkeit : Reflexionen zur Predigtkunst.
Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2004.
BX830 1962 .M54 2010
Militello, Giuseppe, 1965-
Alla scoperta del Concilio Vaticano II : il programma d'azione per il cristiano del nostro tempo.
Milano, Italia : Sugarco, c2010.
BX2250 .S28 2007
Savarimuthu, Arokiaraj.
A study of marriage rites in the Roman, Chaldean and Indian traditions : with proposals for a new Tamil Christian marriage rite in Tamil Nadu, India.
Bangalore : Asian Trading Corp., 2007.
BX2624.L45 D42 2009
De Meo, Antonio, 1953-
Il Monastero di San Giovanni Evangelista a modo mio tra XVI e XIX secolo.
Lecce : Milella, c2009.
BX3601.5 .S26 2010
Santita francescana oggi : significato, figure, formazione.
Bologna : EDB, c2010.
BX3602.3 .B37 2010
Bartoli, Marco.
Vestigia Francisci : studi di storia del francescanesimo.
Roma : Aracne, 2010.
BX3637 .F54 2008
Fidanzia, Roberta.
Francescanesimo e renovatio : aspetti storico-politici e linee interpretative dal fondatore a Dante.
Roma : Drengo, 2008.
BX3745.R8 P35 2008
Pavone, Sabina.
Una strana alleanza : la Compagnia di Gesu in Russia dal 1772 al 1820.
Napoli : Bibliopolis, 2008 (2010 printing).
BX4659.F8 S25 2009
Saints ermites en Limousin au XIIe siecle.
Turnhout : Brepols, c2009.
BX4700.F6 E72 2010
Erasmi, Maurizio, 1972-
Dal Vangelo alla fraternita : le orme si fanno sentiero : dinamiche vocazionali nell'esperienza cristiana di Francesco d'Assisi.
Bologna : EDB, c2010.
BX4827.C62 L44 2009
Lee, Brian J.
Johannes Cocceius and the exegetical roots of federal theology : reformation developments in the interpretation of Hebrews 7-10.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009.
BX4881.5.S9 A75
Armand-Hugon, Augusto, 1915-
Gli esuli valdesi in Svizzera (1686-1690).
Torre Pellice : [s.n.], 1974.
BX8066.S74 I44 1999
Steinbauer, Karl, 1906-
"Ich glaube, darum rede ich!" : Karl Steinbauer, Texte und Predigten im Widerstand.
Tubingen : TVT Medienverlag, 1999.
BX8591 .L67 2007
Lost, Christine.
Das Leben als Lehrtext : Lebenslaufe aus der Herrnhuter Brudergemeine.
Baltmannsweiler : Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, c2007.
DC20.2 .P47 2010
Pericard-Mea, Denise.
Chemins de Compostelle et patrimoine mondial.
Cahors : La Louve, 2010.
HV8593 .G67 2009
Gordon, Rebecca Allison.
The practice of torture : ethical approaches in the post-9/11 era.
NA4605 .F66 2002
Fondation Singer-Polignac. Colloque international (2002 : Paris, France).
L'architecture gothique au service de la liturgie : colloque organise a la Fondation Singer-Polignac le jeudi 24 octobre 2002.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, 2003.
ND623.S3 A773 2009
Sassetta, ca. 1400-1450.
Sassetta : the Borgo San Sepolcro altarpiece.
Florence : Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies ; Leiden : Primavera Press, 2009.
ND673.R9 C63 pt.26:2
Wood, Jeremy, 1948-
Rubens, copies and adaptations from Renaissance and later artists : Italian artists. 1, Raphael and his school.
London : Harvey Miller, c2010.