Tuesday, March 01, 2011

New Books for March 2011

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B752.A964 P37 2009
Papan-Matin, Firoozeh.
Beyond death : mystical teachings of Ayn al-Qudat al-Hamadhani.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009.

B5241 .J36 2011
Japanese and Continental philosophy : conversations with the Kyoto School.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2011.

BL65.C8 H65 2010
Holy terror : understanding religion and violence in popular culture.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub. Ltd., c2010.

BL65.P7 M347 2010
Martin, Craig (Craig Edward), 1976-
Masking hegemony : a genealogy of liberalism, religion, and the private sphere.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub., c2010.

BQ4022 .G66 2010
Goonewardene, Anil.
Buddyahana : living Buddhism.
New York : Continuum, 2010.

BR325 .W45 2011
Whitford, David M. (David Mark).
Luther : a guide for the perplexed.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2011.

BR333.5.E8 B47 2009
Beruf und Berufung : der Stellenwert von Luthers Berufsethos in der globalisierten Wirtschaft ; Dokumentation der Tagung 10/2009, 20.-21. Marz 2009.
Bonn : Evangelische Akademie im Rheinland, 2009.

BR527 .H2472 2009
Hamilton, Adam, 1964-
Seeing Gray : Where Faith and Politics Meet :Participant Study Guide.
Nashville, Tenn. : Abingdon Press, c2009.

BR857.P45 R67 2004
Rose, Alexander.
Der Kirchenkampf im Kreis Peine : die evangelischen Kirchenkreise Peine, Solschen und Sievershausen in der Hitlerzeit, die evangelische Kirche im Kampf gegen die Deutschen Christen, im Kampf gegen kirchenfeindliche Tendenzen in der Nazizeit, im Kampf um eine angemessene theologische Position.
Peine : Druck- und verlagshaus AG 2004.

BS136 .E27 2010
The Earliest advocates of the English Bible : the texts of the medieval debate.
Exeter, UK : University of Exeter Press, c2010.

BS2555.52 .P68 2010
Powers, B. Ward (Beaumont Ward).
The progressive publication of Matthew : an explanation of the writing of the synoptic gospels.
Nashville, Tenn. : B&H Academic, c2010.

BS2555.6.J44 J83 2010
Judaism, Jewish identities, and the Gospel tradition : essays in honour of Maurice Casey.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub., c2010.

BS2615.2 .M38 2010
Mburu, Elizabeth W., 1968-
Qumran and the origins of Johannine language and symbolism.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, 2010.

BS2625.6.D45 H67 2009
Horton, Dennis J.
Death & resurrection : the shape and function of a literary motif in the book of Acts.
Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, c2009.

BT732.5 .O7
Orr, William W.
Does God heal today?
Wheaton, Ill., Van Kampen Press, [ca. 1960].

BT821.2 .V263 2000
Vandenbark, Marie Elaine.
Room for a future between extremes : an analysis of feminist and womanist critiques of eschatology and their implications.

BV3 .S84
Steck, Wolfgang.
Praktische Theologie.
Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, c2000-2011.

BV150.B43 N53 2010
Nielsen, Pamela.
Behold the lamb : an introduction to the signs and symbols of the church.
St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House, c2010.

BV199.F8 K45 2008
Kelly, Ewan.
Meaningful funerals : meeting the theological and pastoral challenge in a postmodern era.
London ; New York : Mowbray, c2008.

BV637 .S49 2010
Shannahan, Chris.
Voices from the borderland : re-imagining cross-cultural urban theology in the twenty-first century.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub. Ltd., c2010.

BV835 .P43 2008
Pedersen, Mary Jo.
For better, for worse, for God:Exploring the holy mystery of marriage.
Chicago, Ill. : Loyola Press, 2008.

BV4637 .B58 2010
Blue, Lionel.
The godseeker's guide.
London ; New York : Continuum, c2010.

BX134.E3 C57 2010
Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt/ edited by Gawdat Gabra, Hany N. Takla.
Cairo, Egypt ; New York, NY : American University in Cairo Press, c2010.

BX1751.2.A1 C24 1989
Catholic Church. Commissio Theologica Internationalis.
Texts and documents.
San Francisco : Ignatius Press, c1989-2009.

BX1973 .I9413 2010
Iversen, Gunilla.
Chanter avec les anges. English.
Laus Angelica : poetry in the medieval mass.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, c2010.

BX4705.M68 A3 2008
Morgan, Frank, d. 2008.
Both sides of the altar.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 2008.

BX4827.B78 L2 2011
Labron, Tim.
Bultmann unlocked.
London ; New York : T. & T. Clark, c2011.

BX9426.B3 C613 1933
Barth, Karl, 1886-1968.
Come, Holy Spirit; sermons, by Karl Barth and Eduard Thurneysen. English translation by Professor George W. Richards, Reverend Elmer G. Homrighausen, Professor Karl J. Ernst, Professor Karl J. Ernst. Translation read and approved by Karl Barth.
New York : Round Table Press, 1933.

BX9998 .L483 2009
LeWarne, Charles Pierce, 1930-
The Love Israel Family : urban commune, rural commune.
Seattle : University of Washington Press, c2009.

D804.348 .S63 2007
Sociology confronts the Holocaust : memories and identities in Jewish diasporas.
Durham : Duke University Press, 2007.

D900 .H54 2008
Hierarchie et stratification sociale dans l'Occident medieval (400-1100).
Turnhout : Brepols c2008.

E184.A1 S599 2009
Simi, Pete.
American swastika : inside the white power movement's hidden spaces of hate.
Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2009.

E184.36.S65 W49 2010
Why is America different? : American Jewry on its 350th anniversary.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2010.

GN585.B9 C74 2011
Creed, Gerald W., 1958-
Masquerade and postsocialism : ritual and cultural dispossession in Bulgaria.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2011.

GR625 .R87
Rush, Anne Kent, 1945-
Moon, moon.
New York : Random House [co-publisher, distributor] Berkeley, Calif. : Moon Books [co-publisher], c1976.

HB72 .R452 2011
Religion, consumerism and sustainability : paradise lost?.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, c2011.

LD791.9.H6 N917 2006
Numark, Mitchell William, 1971-
Translating religion : British missionaries and the politics of religious knowledge in colonial India and Bombay.

PN49 .J39 2010
Jasper, David.
Between truth and fiction : a reader in literature and Christian theology.
London : SCM Press, 2010.

PR4148.R4 R63 2010
Roberts, Jonathan, 1970-
Blake. Wordsworth. Religion..
London ; New York : Continuum, c2010.

R725.57 .N68 2007
Novak, David, 1941-
The sanctity of human life.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, c2007.

RC455.4.R4 E94 2011
Exploring therapy, spirituality and healing.
Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K. ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, c2011.

Z733.S318 H6 1961
Hoskin, Beryl, 1911-
A history of the Santa Clara Mission Library.
Oakland, Calif. : Biobooks, 1961.