Sunday, May 01, 2011

New Books for May 2011

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

BR60 .C48 v.73
Studia Nazianzenica.
Turnhout : Brepols Publishers, 2000-<2010>

BL2566.J25 R45 2008
Reid, Gerard.
"What is joke to you is death to me" : African Jamaican praxis and the signs of the times - a Christian theological perspective.

BP130.4 .S53 2011
Shah-Kazemi, Reza.
Spiritual quest : reflections on Qur'anic prayer according to the teachings of Imam 'Ali.
London : I. B. Tauris, 2011.

BR60 .C491 MDL:1 1994
Blaise, Albert, 1894-
Lexicon Latinitatis Medii Aevi : praesertim ad res ecclesiasticas investigandas pertinens = Dictionnaire latin-francais des auteurs du Moyen- Age.
Turnholti : Typographi Brepols, 1975.

BR60 .S724 v.32 [etc.]
Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604.
Moralia in Job. French & Latin.
Morales sur Job.
Paris : Editions du Cerf, 1952-<2010>

BR65.G76 M36 1998
Mann, Friedhelm.
Lexicon Gregorianum : Worterbuch zu den Schriften Gregors von Nyssa.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 1998-< 2010 >

BR85 .G47 2007
Geist und Feuer : Festschrift anlasslich des 70. Geburtstages von Erzbischof Dr. Alois M. Kothgasser SDB, uberreicht von der Katholisch- Theologischen Fakultat der Paris Lodron-Universitat Salzburg.
Innsbruck : Tyrolia, 2007.

BR350.S3155 F45 2009
Felici, Lucia.
Profezie di riforma e idee di concordia religiosa : visioni e speranze dell'esule piemontese Giovanni Leonardo Sartori.
Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 2009.

BR355.I35 E34 2009
Eikenbary, Ryan Glen.
And the Lord spoke in England : Puritan iconoclasm and the creation of a verbal iconography.

BS315 .K8 2008
Bible. Korean. Revised New Korean Standard. 2008.
Nyu intopurito sutodi Baibul : Songgyong chonso pyojun sae ponyok kaejongpan.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2008.

BS551.2 .H365 1994
Hastings, Selina.
The Children's illustrated Bible.
London ; New York : Dorling Kindersley, c1994.

BT10 .G44
Gegenwartig glauben denken : systematische Theologie.
Paderborn : Schoningh, 2008-

BT123 .K63 2008
Kolbaba, Tia M., 1963-
Inventing Latin heretics : Byzantines and the Filioque in the ninth century.
Kalamazoo, MI : Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, c2008.

BT198 .O56 2008
Omoragbon, Ehi Abumwande.
At last, we may mourn : a discourse in fundamental Christology.

BT232 .W352 2009
Walck, Leslie W.
The son of man in the parables of Enoch and in Matthew.
London : New York ; T & T Clark, c2011.

BT738.45 .R34 2010
Ragasa, Dustyn Kainoa.
The virtues of solidarity in the allocation, consumption, and stewardship of water in Hawai'i.

BT966.2 .J86 2008
Jungst, Gerhard.
Engel in der Bibel - Teufel in der Bibel : was steht geschrieben?.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.

BV150.B43 N53 2010
Nielsen, Pamela.
Behold the lamb : an introduction to the signs and symbols of the church.
St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House, c2010.

BV660 .B47
Berryman, Opal Leigh.
Pioneer preacher.
New York : Crowell, c1948.

BV825.3 .H37 2010
Hasenhuttl, Gotthold.
Christen gegen Christen : der Streit um das gemeinsame Abendmahl.
Stuttgart : Radius, 2010.

BX320.3 .T74 2008
Tserklevych, Natalia.
The knowledge of God and participation in the Trinitarian community : the balanced approach of Dumitru Staniloae.
Saarbrucken : VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2008.

BX2235 .D45 2007
Dein Bleiben war nur geliehen : Abschiedsriten und Liturgien mit Sterbenden im Krankenhaus.
Innsbruck; Wien : Tyrolia-Verl., 2007.

BX3201 .T43 v.26
In labore requies : (homenaje de la Region Iberica Carmelita a los Padres Pablo Garrido y Balbino Velasco).
Rome : Edizioni Carmelitane, 2007.

BX3746.J3 T75
Trigault, Nicolas, 1577-1628.
De Christianis apud Iaponios triumphis. French.
Les triomphes chretiens des martyrs du Japon (1624).
Limoges : PULIM, [2006]-

BX4705.S736 H57 2007
Hirtenamt und Gesellschaft : das Gedenken an Bischof Josef Stangl 2007/ Karl Hillenbrand (Hg.).
Wurzburg: Echter, 2007.

BX5133.D61 O6 2008
Donne, John, 1572-1631.
On death.
London : Hesperus Press Ltd., 2008.

BX5997.Z5 L45 2010
Leite, Dessordi Peres.
The historical development and the future revision of the daily office in the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil.

BX8388 .F73162 2008
Frank, Thomas Edward.
Polity, practice, and the mission of the United Methodist Church. Korean.
Yonhap Kamni Kyohoe ui samyong kwa chongch'e ui silch'on.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2008.

CE83 .W37 2007
Ward, Benedicta, 1933-
A true Easter : the synod of Whitby 664 AD.
Oxford, England : SLG Press, c2007.

D107 .K47 2011
Kershaw, P. J. E. (Paul J. E.).
Peaceful kings : peace, power, and the early medieval political imagination.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

DE5 .N4815 2006
Neue Pauly. English.
Brill's New Pauly : encyclopaedia of the ancient world : Classical tradition.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2006-<2010>

DS106 .F33
Fabri, Felix, 1441 or 2-1502.
Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae, Arabiae et Egypti peregrinationen. French.
Les errances de Frere Felix, pelerin en Terre sainte, en Arabie et en Egypte, 1480-1483.
Montpellier : Universite Paul-Valery, Publications du CERCAM, 2000-

N7720 .G47 2010
Gertsman, Elina.
The dance of death in the Middle Ages : image, text, performance.
Turnhout : Brepols, c2010.

PA4391 .A2 2010 PA3612.P8
Historiae. English & Greek.
The histories.
Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard University Press, 2010-

PJ4833 .D53 1993
The dictionary of classical Hebrew.
Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press, 1993-<2010>