The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B908.B64 C33 2009
Cacchione, Eraldo.
O. A. Brownson's theology of education in an apologetic context.
B2948 .B56 2009
Bjorge, Nathan W.
The inverted essence : the Young Hegelian critique of religion 1835 - 1845.
B3258.H324 J856 2011
Junker-Kenny, Maureen.
Habermas and theology.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2011.
B5234.F4 X8 2006
Xu, Chuan.
The realm of sagehood : a study of Feng Youlan's (1895-1990 CE) doctrine of Tiandijingjie (sphere of heaven and earth).
BF575.H26 P49 2009
Park, Sinhyang Lee.
Experiencing and transforming Han : exploring Korean Protestant women's suffering.
BH301.G74 B45 2009
Belz, Elaine Elizabeth.
Seeing through the cross : the grotesque in the comedy of salvation.
BL65.P75 N48 2009
Nguyen, Anh Tuan Tran.
The poor as a basis for interreligious dialogue.
BL65.U54 H84 2008
Hug, Katherine Laura.
Theorizing cloned flesh : Raelian religion and its implications for a post-humanist self.
BM495 .I57 2004
Instone-Brewer, David.
Traditions of the rabbis from the era of the New Testament.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Eerdmans, c2004-<2011>
BM535 .B75 2008
Bridgen, Elise.
Anti-Judaism in Christian biblical exegesis : "authenticity," "originality" and "emerging-missional" theology in the primitive Christian narrative.
BP189.6 .P55 2009
Pike, Perry Richard.
Christian Zikr : Jesus, Sufism and embodied prayer.
BQ7364 .D57 2009
DiSimone, Charles.
The impact of forest-dwelling on early Mahayana Buddhism : being a study focused in this light and a translation of the eleventh chapter of the Siksasamuccaya of Santideva.
BR55 .O25 v.4
Lutherische Identitat in kirchlicher Verbindlichkeit : Erwagungen zum Weg lutherischer Kirchen in Europa nach der Millenniumswende.
Gottingen : Edition Ruprecht, c2007.
BR563.J35 K38 2009
Kato, Masato.
Negotiation of religious, ethnic, and racial identity among Japanese American Tenrikyo followers in the San Francisco Bay area.
BR1328 .C56 2009
Choi, Youngkeun.
Rethinking Protestant nationalism in colonial Korea, 1910-1945 : Chong In-gwa and the Christianization of Korea.
BS537 .R63 2008
Robinette, Susan J.
A combined cognitive and rhetorical-critical approach to biblical Hebrew poetic texts : Psalm 1 and Jeremiah 17:5-8.
BS1136 .J4 v.3
Yeivin, Israel.
Keter Aram Tsovah : nikudo u-teamav.
Yerushalayim : Hotsaat sefarim al shem Y.L. Magnes, ha- Universitah ha-Ivrit, 1968.
BS1205.52 .K56 2008
Kim, YoungHye.
The Levitical Heptateuch and Phinehas the high priest.
BS1430.52 .E56 2008
Ekom, Niku Martin.
From anger to communion : the psalmist's vision of social justice in Psalms 35, 59, and the psalter.
BS1430.52 .M9 2008
My words are lovely : studies in the rhetoric of the Psalms.
New York : T & T Clark, c2008.
BS1625.52 .L36 2006
Lanner, Laurel.
"Who will lament her?" : the feminine and the fantastic in the book of Nahum.
New York : T & T Clark, c2006.
BS2585.52 .A75 2008
Aringo, Margaret.
Blood and bleeding... "Wholeness of life" : reading the hemorrhaging woman's story (Mark 5:25-34) for Luo Kenyan women.
BS2589.6.H55 L44 2009
Lee, DooHee.
Luke-Acts and "tragic history".
BT30.I5 D39 2009
Dayam, Joseph Prabhakar.
Re-imagining an Indian theology of the cross using Dalit cultural resources..
BT65 .C46 2010
Hall, Lindsey.
Christian doctrine : a reader.
London : Scm Press, 2010.
BT83.78 .A63 2008
Andalas, Patrisius Mutiara.
Theologian as the poet of God : a dialogical interaction between literature and theology in the post-narrative age.
BT83.9 .D79 2009
Dowdell, Megan.
"The story can be told another way" : the contributions of womanist ethics to the principle of respect for autonomy.
BT111.3 .B349 2008
Baik, Chung-Hyun.
Ontology and epistemology in contemporary discussions on the relation between the immanent Trinity and the economic Trinity.
BT140 .L48 2008
Lewis, Andrew T.
Death and resurrection : the atoning work of divine agape and eros.
BT738.15 .N44 2008
Ndomba, Mathieu.
Human rights as taboos : toward an African metaphorical reconstruction of the meaning and framework of the concept of human rights.
BT738.27 .G36 2009
Ganza, Jean Baptiste G.
The principle of integral reconciliation : beyond political arrangements in Rwanda.
BT738.27 .N55 2009
Nikubwayo, Jean Clement.
The Catholic Church and the challenge of reconciliation in Rwanda.
BT1410 .B25 2011
Baker-Brian, Nicholas, 1973-
Manichaeism : an ancient faith rediscovered.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2011.
BV178 .R67 2009
Rorabaugh, Andrew.
Method in liturgical theology : definitions, motives and directions.
BV637 .M58 2008
Mnubi, Charles L.
Small Christian communities and proclamation of the kingdom of God in urban Tanzania.
BV677 .C74 2009
Crane, Yvonne L.
Go forth to love and serve the Lord : discerning ministry in daily life.
BV1443.U33 K37 2009
Karatunga, Vincent.
An approach to ecumenical.
BV3420.M2 P37 2008
Park, Hyung Shin.
Presbyterian missionaries in southern Manchuria, 1867 - 1931 : religion, society, and politics by Hyung Shin Park.
BV4390 .C51 2008
Choi, Seong Uk.
Purity of heart and Foucauldian identity : reconsidering priestly celibacy from a virtue ethics perspective.
BV4460 .L67 2008
Lortie, Kathleen M.
A queer look at theophany : divinity, disability, and transcendence.
BV4468 .L4 2009
Le, Grace Duc.
Integrating cultural and spiritual identities among the 1.5 and 2nd generation Vietnamese-Americans.
BV4503 .H345 2006
Hagele, Klaus, 1957-
Deiner wart ich mit Verlangen : mystische Spiritualitat entdecken mit dem Evangelischen Gesangbuch.
Berlin : WDL-Verlag, 2006.
BV4647.F7 .C44 2007
Cheung, Man Chung.
Friendship east and west : a reworking of Chinese friendship from a Thomistic perspective.
BV5083 .W52 2009
Wieck, Anthony J. I.
Discernment of spirits in Evagrios of Pontus and Ignatius of Loyola : a comparative study.
BX156.3 A73 2008
Arangassery, Lonappan.
Orders of priesthood and orders of service : an East Syrian perspective.
Kottayam : Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, 2008.
BX830 1962 .A45 C857 2007
Robouam, Thierry Jean.
Lumen gentium and Jesuit interreligious discourse revisited : an experiential theology in dialogue with Buddhism for the "ear of the mind".
BX1665 .K56 2008
Kim, Hyon-Duk.
The universal church through the eyes of the Chinese Catholic Church : toward a Chinese ecclesiology.
BX1751.2 .R37 2008
Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-
Works. 2008.
Gesammelte Schriften.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, c2008-
BX1795.E44 V53 2009
Videla Cordova Quero, Martin Hugo.
Multiply hybrids : Japanese Brazilian migrants negotiating their identities within the Roman Catholic Church in Japan.
BX1905 .L5 2008
Li, Joseph Hezu.
A study of the election of bishops by the Chinese Catholics based on early church tradition and Chinese experience.
BX3004.Z5 J62 2008
Joachim, of Fiore, ca. 1132-1202.
Tractatus in expositionem vite et regule beati Benedicti : cum appendice fragmenti (I) de duobus prophetis in novissimis diebus praedicaturis.
Roma : Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2008.
BX4735.A6 M33 2008
McCormack, Elissa.
Texts and contexts : a study of Jansenism and Gallicanism in the early writings of Antoine Arnauld.
BX4827.P3 L44 2009
Lee, Sung Ho.
Pannenberg's theology and the theory of symbiogenesis : is there consonance?.
BX4827.T53 M33 2009
Matthews, Paul R.
In(con)tension : Tillich, being, and the meaning (Sinn) of meaning.
BX5121 .P5 2008
Pickering, W. S. F.
Anglo-Catholicism : a study in religious ambiguity.
Cambridge, U.K. : James Clarke & Co., 2008.
BX8080.N8 S54 2009
Sigman, Ambrose.
Selfish love : eros, agape, and caritas in the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Anders Nygren.
BX9162.N5 A66 2009
Amogu, Nene.
Towards a political theology for the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria : voicing African Christian women's perspective.
BX9437.G4 R33 1996
Registres du Consistoire de Geneve au temps de Calvin.
Geneve : Libr. Droz, 1996-<2010>
CS3010 .I43 2002
Ilan, Tal.
Lexicon of Jewish names in late antiquity.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2002-
DS432.N3 L66 2008
Longchar, Moakumla.
Revisiting and retrieving Naga spirituality through narrative preaching.
DT545.45.B87 A33 2008
Adangba, Victor Boudjou.
An ethics of hospitality in the context of immigration : the case of Burkinabe immigrants in Ivory Coast from 1990 to 2002.
E457.2 .S35 2008
Salvini, Teresa Stinson.
The religious perspectives of Abraham Lincoln.
HF1359 .C53 2007
Chaney, Karen.
Thinking globally, acting nationally : negotiating the duties of justice within the first world agricultural protectionism debate at the World Trade Organization.
HF1359 .J46 2009
Jeong, Hee-Wan.
Theology, church, and economic globalization : mapping theological discourses on economic globalization.
HQ1381 .H36 2009
Hanley, Casey.
An ethical critique of sub-Saharan African women's work.
HV4160.5.N34 U33 2008
Udahemuka, Fidelis F.
Poverty among slum dwellers : the case of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya.
K3240.4 .M37 2009
Martin, Patricia A.
Toward an inductive theory of human rights : learning from experience how rights can promote human flourishing.
N8070 .B78 2009
Bruntz, Courtney.
Discussing Buddhism and Christianity : the roles of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and the Virgin Mary.
PJ4150.Z5 O4613 2004
Olmo Lete, Gregorio del.
Diccionario de la lengua ugaritica. English.
A Dictionary of the Ugaritic language in the Alphabetic tradition.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004.
PN1995.9.R4 H46 2009
Henson, David R.
Holy Rollin' : a history of American Pentecostals in film by David R. Henson.
RA644.A25 B93 2009
Byarugaba, George William.
The response of the Roman Catholic Church in South Africa to the problems of HIV.
RA644.A25 I56 2009
Ilombe Wilondja, Crispin.
Prevention of HIV.
RA644.A25 L89 2009
Luzolo Ndol, Jean-Pierre.
Constructive changes and dilemmas : a reading of Psalms 6 and 38 in the context of HIV.
RG135 .B46 2009
Benedict, Joseph M.
A consideration of human embryo adoption within the Roman Catholic moral tradition.