Friday, February 01, 2013

New Books for February 2013

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections. The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B132.A8 H56 2012
Hindu and Buddhist ideas in dialogue : self and no-self.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : ASHGATE, 2012.

B765.A84 S25 2012
Saint Anselm of Canterbury and his legacy.
Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, c2012.

B765.K54 C66 2012
A companion to the philosophy of Robert Kilwardby.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

B765.O52 E5 2012
Olivi, Pierre Jean, 1248 or 9-1298.
Selections. English. 2012.
Spiritual warfare and six other spiritual writings.
St. Bonaventure, NY : Franciscan Institute Publications, c2012 (Ashland, Ohio : BookMasters, Inc.).

B945.S24 L68 2012
Lovely, Edward W., 1938-
George Santayana's philosophy of religion : his Roman Catholic influences and phenomenology.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2012.

B2430.G494 N49 2012
Newell, William Lloyd.
Desire in Rene Girard and Jesus.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2012.

B2430.G494 V56 2012
Violence, desire, and the sacred : Girard's mimetic theory across the disciplines.
New York : Continuum, c2012.

B3092 .A2 ser. 2 no. 4 1980
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
Vorlesungen zur Hermeneutik und Kritik.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2012.

B3318.B83 B73 2011
Braak, Andre van der, 1963-
Nietzsche and Zen : self-overcoming without a self.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2011.

BD331 .H53 2012
Hickey, Michael.
Get real : reality and mystery.
Lanham : University Press of America , c2012.

BD418.3 .T36 2012
Tanney, Julia, 1959-
Rules, reason, and self-knowledge.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.

BD421 .K54 2012
Klein, Terrance W., 1958-
The nature of the soul : the soul as narrative.
Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BD444 .D32813 2012
Dastur, Francoise, 1942-
Comment affronter la mort? English.
How are we to confront death? : an introduction to philosophy.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2012.

BD511 .H65 2012
Holt, Jim, 1954-
Why does the world exist? : an existential detective story.
New York : Liveright Pub. Corp., c2012.

BF51 .R63 2012
Rodkey, Christopher D. (Christopher Demuth).
The synaptic gospel : teaching the brain to worship.
Lanham, Md. : University Press Of America, c2012.

BF575.N6 I55 2012
Illbruck, Helmut.
Nostalgia : origins and ends of an unenlightened disease.
Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press, 2012.

BF639 .M17
McDonald, John, b. 1889.
The message of a master, by John McDonald ..
San Francisco, Calif., California Press, c1929.

BF1729.R4 C36 2012
Campion, Nicholas.
Astrology and popular religion in the modern West : prophecy, cosmology, and the New Age movement.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BF1997.W37 A3 2012
Wasserman, James, 1948-
In the center of the fire : a memoir of the occult, 1966-1989.
Lake Worth, FL : Ibis Press ; Newburyport, MA : Distributed to the trade by Red Wheel/Weiser, 2012.

BJ21 .G76 v.164
Sagovsky, Nicholas, 1947-
The relevance of Rawls : 'justice as fairness' in turbulent times.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, c2012.

BJ21 .G76 v.165
Sluka, Robert D. (Robert Daniel).
Hope for the ocean : marine conservation, poverty alleviation and blessing the nations.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, 2012.

BJ21 .G76 v.166
Marsh, Michael N.
The moral status of the embryo-foetus : biomedical perspectives.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, 2012.

BJ1251 .G57 2012
God & morality : four views.
Downers Grove, IL : IVP Academic, c2012.

BJ1471 .R6 2012
Rosmini, Antonio, 1797-1855.
Trattato della coscienza morale : libri tre.
Roma : Citta nuova : Istituto di studi filosofici : Centro internazionale di studi rosminiani, c2012.

BJ1589 .S65 2012
Spiritual capital : spirituality in practice in Christian perspective.
Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BL51 .O947 2008
Oxford studies in philosophy of religion.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008-

BL55 .Z34 2012
Zalewski, Wojciech, 1937-
The crucible of religion : culture, civilization, and affirmation of life.
Eugene, Or. : Wipf & Stock Publishers, c2012.

BL60 .R3335 2012
Religion and knowledge : sociological perspectives.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BL65.H64 H66 2008
Homosexual saints : the Community of Christ experience.
[Ann Arbor, Mich.] : John Whitmer Books, c2008.

BL65.P4 A79 2012
The Ashgate research companion to religion and conflict resolution.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BL65.P4 H47 2010
Hertog, Katrien, 1977-
The complex reality of religious peacebuilding : conceptual contributions and critical analysis.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2010.

BL65.P73 R37 2012
Raschke, Carl A.
Postmodernism and the revolution in religious theory : toward a semiotics of the event.
Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, c2012.

BL71 .F56 2008
Fink, Paul F.
Comparing and evaluating the scriptures : a timely challenge for Jews, Christians, Muslims and Mormons.
Lompoc, Calif. : Summerland Pub., 2008.

BL80.3 .P45 2012
Philosophical explorations of new and alternative religious movements.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BL85 .C74 2012
Corduan, Winfried.
Neighboring faiths : a Christian introduction to world religions.
Downers Grove, IL : IVP Academic, c2012.

BL240.3 .S23 2012
Sacks, Jonathan, 1948-
The great partnership : God, science and the search for meaning.
New York : Schocken Books, c2012.

BL312 .W58 2011
Witzel, Michael, 1943-
The origins of the world's mythologies.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL477 .A5366 2013
Angels of light? : sanctity and the discernment of spirits in the early modern period.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.

BL625 .K45 2012
Kellenberger, James.
Dying to self and detachment.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BL1215.C76 Y45 2013
Yelle, Robert A.
The language of disenchantment : Protestant literalism and colonial discourse in British India.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.

BL2202.3 .H36 2012
Handbook of contemporary Japanese religions.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BL2527.N7 E26 2013
Ecologies of faith in New York City : the evolution of religious institutions.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2013.

BL2747.3 .M353 2012
McCormick, Matthew S., 1966-
Atheism and the case against Christ.
Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2012.

BM176 .T55 2012
Tilly, Michael.
Geschichte und Tradition : Aufsatze zum antiken Judentum und zum judischen Erbe des fruhen Christentums.
Berlin : Institut Kirche und Judentum, Zentrum fur Christlich- Judische Studien an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 2012.

BM185 .L37 2008
Lasker, Daniel J.
From Judah Hadassi to Elijah Bashyatchi : studies in late medieval Karaite philosophy.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008.

BM390 .T654 2012
Topel, Marta F.
Jewish Orthodoxy and its discontents : religious dissidence in contemporary Israel.
Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c2012.

BM501.15 .E37 2013
Eisenberg, Ronald L.
Essential figures in the Talmud.
Lanham, Md. : Jason Aronson, c2013.

BM538.S43 J487 2012
Jewish secularity : the search for roots and the challenges of relevant meaning.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2012.

BM635 .C525 2012
Chester, Andrew.
Future hope and present reality.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2012.

BM645.A6 M53 2012
Michalak, Aleksander R., 1974-
Angels as warriors in late Second Temple Jewish literature.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2012.

BP52 .G56 2011
Global Islamophobia : Muslims and moral panic in the West.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate Pub., 2011.

BP65.A1 S365 2012
Schmid, Hansjorg.
Islam im europaischen Haus : Wege zu einer interreligiosen Sozialethik.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2012.

BP131.5 .N38 2013
Nasser, Shady Hekmat.
The transmission of the variant readings of the Quran : the problem of tawatur and the emergence of shawadhdh.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.

BP172 .G68 2012
Gott und Befreiung : befreiungstheologische Konzepte in Islam und Christentum.
Paderborn : Ferdinand Schoningh, c2012.

BP172 .H5456 2013
Hirvonen, Heidi.
Christian-Muslim dialogue : perspectives of four Lebanese thinkers.
San Francisco : Ignatius Press, 2012.

BP172 .M645 2012
Monks and Muslims : monastic and Shi'a spirituality in dialogue.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2012.

BP605.S2 H8222 2012
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Freedom fighter : articles & essays.
Commerce, Calif. : Bridge Publications, c2012.

BP605.S2 H82227 2012
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Selections. 2012.
Philosopher & founder : rediscovery of the human soul.
Commerce, Calif. : Bridge Publications, c2012.

BP605.S2 H8223 2012
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Correspondence. Selections.
Dianetics letters & journals.
Commerce, Calif. : Bridge Publications, c2012.

BP605.S2 L76 2012
L. Ron Hubbard : a profile.
Commerce, Calif. : Bridge Publications, c2012.

BQ2057 .R44 2010
Reeves, Gene.
The stories of the Lotus sutra.
Boston : Wisdom Publications, c2010.

BR60 .S724 v.552 [etc.]
Amphilochius, Saint, Bishop of Iconium, fl. 373-394.
Paris : Editions Du Cerf, 2012.

BR65.A443 D413 2011
Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, d. 373, author.
De incarnatione. English.
On the Incarnation.
Yonkers, N.Y. : St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2011.

BR65.A5 E53 1990 v.1:6
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
De civitate Dei. English.
The city of God = (De civitate Dei).
Hyde Park, N.Y. : New City Press, c2012-

BR65.C65 S7725 2010
Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (2010 : Olomouc, Czech Republic).
The seventh book of the Stromateis : proceedings of the Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (Olomouc, October 21-23, 2010).
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BR65.C93 C315 1999
Cyril, Saint, Bishop of Jerusalem, ca. 315-386.
Catecheses. Aramaic & Greek.
The catechism of Cyril of Jerusalem in the Christian Palestinian Aramaic version.
Groningen, The Netherlands : STYX Publications, 1999.

BR65.C936 B76 2013
Broek, R. van den.
Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem on the life and the passion of Christ : a Coptic apocryphon.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.

BR65.D66 R55 2012
Rhodes, Michael Craig, 1973-
Mystery in philosophy : an invocation of Pseudo-Dionysius.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2012.

BR65.E653 P36413 2009
Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, ca. 310-403.
Panarion. Book 1. English.
The panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis. Book I (Sects 1-46).
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009.

BR65.G75 C6513 2012
Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394.
Commentarius in Canticum canticorum. English.
Homilies on the Song of songs.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, c2012.

BR65.G75 O7 1996
Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394.
Oratio catechetica magna.
Gregorii Nysseni Oratio catechetica : Opera dogmatica minora, pars IV.
Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1996.

BR67 .E37 2013
Ehrman, Bart D.
Forgery and counterforgery : the use of literary deceit in early Christian polemics.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Moreschini, Claudio.
Hermes Christianus : the intermingling of Hermetic piety and Christian thought.
Turnhout : Brepols ; Abingdon : Marston [distributor], 2012.

BR115.P7 S5155 2012
Sider, Ronald J.
Just politics : a guide for Christian engagement.
Grand Rapids, MI : Brazos Press, c2012.

BR129 .M566 2012
Mimouni, Simon Claude.
Early Judaeo-Christianity : historical essays.
Leuven : Peeters, 2012.

BR251 .B583 2012
Bischofe, Kloster, Universitaten und Rom : Gedenkschrift fur Josef Semmler (1928-2011).
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c2013.

BR359.M3 M373 2012
Die Marburger Artikel als Zeugnis der Einheit.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2012.

BR563.N4 C648 2011
Cone, James H.
The cross and the lynching tree.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2011.

BR735 .E797 2010
Die europaische Integration und die Kirchen.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010-

BR755 .G48 2012
Getting along? : religious identities and confessional relations in early modern England : essays in honour of Professor W.J. Sheils.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BR1603.A1 F67 1996
The forty martyrs of the Sinai Desert, Eulogios, the stone-cutter, and Anastasia.
Groningen : STYX Publications, 1996.

BR1603 .A36 2012
Ado, Saint, Archbishop of Vienne, ca. 800-875.
Un compendio del "Martyrologium Adonis" proveniente dall'Abbazia di Novalesa : (Torino, Bibl. Reale, cod. Varia 143).
Roma : CLV, Edizioni Liturgiche, c2012.

BS410 .G76 v.62
Travis, Stephen.
The Galilee that Jesus knew.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, c2011.

BS410 .G76 v.63
Williams, Jenni.
Reading Deuteronomy.
Cambridge : Grove Books, 2012.

BS410 .G76 v.64
Instone Brewer, David.
Did the church change the Bible?.
Cambridge : Grove Books, c2012.

BS440 .B524 2002
Dictionnaire encyclopedique de la Bible.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2002.

BS449 .I34 2012
Ideology, culture, and translation.
Nurnberg : VTR ; Bonn : VKW, 2012.

BS475.3 .E87 2008
Essex, Barbara J. (Barbara Jean), 1951-
Bible for vital congregations.
Cleveland, Ohio : Pilgrim Press, 2008.

BS500 .W438 2012
What is Bible?.
Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2012.

BS511.3 .F88 2012
The future of the biblical past : envisioning biblical studies on a global key.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, c2012.

BS511.3 .R523 2012
Richards, E. Randolph (Ernest Randolph).
Misreading Scripture with Western eyes : removing cultural blinders to better understand the Bible.
Downers Grove, IL : IVP Books, c2012.

BS543 .B49 2012
Beyond biblical theologies.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2012.

BS543 .H435 2008
Helyer, Larry R.
The witness of Jesus, Paul, and John : an exploration in biblical theology.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2008.

BS544 .W35 2012
Walsh, Carey, 1960-
Chasing mystery : a Catholic Biblical theology.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2012.

BS575 .E88 2009
Essex, Barbara J. (Barbara Jean), 1951-
More bad girls of the Bible.
Cleveland : Pilgrim Press, 2009.

BS621 .A47 2012
Alpert, Bernard.
Archaeology and the biblical record.
Lanham, Md. : Hamilton Books, 2012.

BS670 .J83 2011
Judaic and Christian visions of the social order : describing, analyzing and comparing systems of the formative age.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2011.

BS680.F3 E87 2005
Essex, Barbara J. (Barbara Jean), 1951-
Krazy kinfolk : exploring dysfunctional families of the Bible.
Cleveland, Ohio : Pilgrim Press, 2005.

BS1110 .V4 v.157
Text-critical and hermeneutical studies in the Septuagint.
Boston : Brill, 2013.

BS1158.H4 Z3413 2012
Zakovitch, Yair.
Lo kakh katuv ba-Tanakh. English.
From Gods to God : how the Bible debunked, suppressed, or changed ancient myths & legends.
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2012.

BS1184 .N48 2012
Neujahr, Matthew.
Predicting the past in the ancient Near East : mantic historiography in ancient Mesopotamia, Judah, and the Mediterranean world.
Providence, R.I. : Brown Judaic Studies, c2012.

BS1199.J38 D38 2012
Daughter Zion : her portrait, her response.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, c2012.

BS1235.53 .C64 2012
Coleson, Joseph E., 1947-
Genesis 1-11.
Kansas City, Mo. : Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, c2012.

BS1245.52 .B53 2012
Blackburn, W. Ross.
The God who makes himself known : the missionary heart of the book of Exodus.
Nottingham, England : Apollos ; Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2012.

BS1255.53 .W55 2009
Willis, Timothy M.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2009.

BS1275.3 .B78 2001
Brueggemann, Walter.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2001.

BS1275.52 .T75 2011
Triplet-Hitoto, Valerie, author.
Mysteres et connaissances cachees a Qumran : Dt 29, 28 a la lumiere des manuscrits de la mer Morte.
Paris : Les Editions du Cerf, 2011.

BS1305.52 .G55 2013
Gillmayr-Bucher, Susanne, 1962-
Erzahlte Welten im Richterbuch : narratologische Aspekte eines polyfonen Diskurses.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.

BS1305.53 .W43 2012
Webb, Barry G.
The Book of Judges.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012.

BS1315.53 .F46 2012
Fentress-Williams, Judy.
Nashville, Tenn. : Abingdon Press, c2012.

BS1325.52 .D548 2012
Dietrich, Walter.
Die Samuelbucher im deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk : Studien zu den Geschichtsuberlieferungen des Alten Testaments II.
Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, c2012.

BS1345.53 .M37 2004
McKenzie, Steven L., 1953-
1-2 Chronicles.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2004.

BS1345.6.P7 L33 2012
Labahn, Antje.
Levitischer Herrschaftsanspruch zwischen Ausubung und Konstruktion : Studien zum multi-funktionalen Levitenbild der Chronik und seiner Identitatsbildung in der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2012.

BS1375.52 .D39 2005
Day, Linda.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2005.

BS1375.52 D48 2003b
De Troyer, Kristin.
Rewriting the sacred text.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2003.

BS1415.53 .W35 2012
Walton, John H., 1952-
Roma : Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2012.

BS1430.3 .C56 2003
Clifford, Richard J.
Psalms 73-150.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2003.

BS1430.52 .R43 2012
Rechberger, Uwe.
Von der Klage zum Lob : Studien zum "Stimmungsumschwung" in den Psalmen.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2012.

BS1430.53 .C57 2002
Clifford, Richard J.
Psalms 1-72.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2002.

BS1465.53 .Y63 2009
Yoder, Christine Elizabeth, 1968-
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2009.

BS1465.6.R5 L98 2012
Lyu, Sun Myung, 1963- author.
Righteousness in the Book of Proverbs.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.

BS1525.6.W73 S54 2013
Shead, Andrew G.
A mouth full of fire : the word of God in the words of Jeremiah.
Nottingham, England : Apollos ; Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2013.

BS1535.53 .B465 2003
Bergant, Dianne.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2003.

BS1545.53 .B69 2010
Bowen, Nancy R., 1956-
Nashville, Tenn. : Abingdon Press, c2010.

BS1560 .O27 2004
O'Brien, Julia M.
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, c2004.

BS1560 .S53 2005
Simundson, Daniel J.
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2005.

BS1830.T32 S76 2012
Stone, Michael E., 1938-
Armenian apocrypha relating to Abraham.
Groningen : STYX Publications, 1998.

BS2331 .C76 2011
Croy, N. Clayton.
Prima Scriptura : an introduction to New Testament interpretation.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2011.

BS2350 .S47 2012
Sheppard, Beth M., 1966-
The craft of history and the study of the New Testament.
Bologna : EDB, 2012.

BS2417.T39 F64 2012
Forster, Niclas, 1967-
Jesus und die Steuerfrage : Die Zinsgroschenperikope auf dem religiosen und politischen Hintergrund ihrer Zeit : mit einer Edition von Pseudo-Hieronymus, "De haeresibus Judaeorum".
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2012.

BS2430 .E87 2005
Essex, Barbara J. (Barbara Jean), 1951-
Bad boys of the New Testament : exploring men of questionable virtue.
Cleveland : Pilgrim Press, c2005.

BS2515 .H35 2012
Helyer, Larry R.
The life and witness of Peter.
Downers Grove, IL : IVP Academic, c2012.

BS2562 .P69 2012
Poythress, Vern S.
Inerrancy and the Gospels : a God-centered approach to the challenges of harmonization.
Wheaton, Ill. : Crossway, c2012.

BS2585.52 .L34 2012
Lafleur, Didier.
La Famille 13 dans l'evangile de Marc.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BS2595.54 .K37 2012
Karris, Robert J.
St. Bonaventure's commentary on Luke's Gospel : thirty days of reflection and prayer.
St. Bonaventure, NY : Franciscan Institute Publications, c2012.

BS2615.52 .B33 2012
Back, Frances.
Gott als Vater der Junger im Johannesevangelium.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2012.

BS2615.52 .K665 2008
Kostenberger, Andreas J., 1957-
Father, Son, and Spirit : the Trinity and John's Gospel.
Nottingham, England : Apollos ; Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2008.

BS2615.52 .N37 2012
Narrativitat und Theologie im Johannesevangelium.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2012.

BS2625.52 .T56 2011
Thompson, Alan J.
The Acts of the risen Lord Jesus : Luke's account of God's unfolding plan.
Nottingham, England : Apollos ; Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2011.

BS2650.52 .C655 2012
A companion to St. Paul in the middle ages.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BS2650.52 .O37 2012
Oestreich, Bernhard, 1949-
Performanzkritik der Paulusbriefe.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2012.

BS2650.52 .S65 2012
Smith, Claire S. (Claire Seymour), 1960-
Pauline communities as "scholastic communities' : a study of the vocabulary of 'teaching' in 1 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2012.

BS2650.52 .T36 2012
Taylor, Walter F., 1946-
Paul, Apostle to the nations : an introduction.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c2012.

BS2651 .B88 2006
Burke, Trevor J.
Adopted into God's family : exploring a Pauline metaphor.
Nottingham, England : Apollos ; Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2006.

BS2651 .O78 2012
Ortlund, Dane Calvin.
Zeal without knowledge : the concept of zeal in Romans 10, Galatians 1, and Phlippians 3.
London ; New York : T&T Clark, 2012.

BS2655.L35 S7 2012
St. Paul, the natural law, and contemporary legal theory.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, 2012.

BS2655.P66 P65 2012
Pollmann, Ines.
Gesetzeskritische Motive im Judentum und die Gesetzeskritik des Paulus.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012.

BS2665.52 .R375 2012
Reading Paul's letter to the Romans.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2012.

BS2665.52 .S744 2012
Stegemann, Ekkehard.
Der Romerbrief: Brennpunkte der Rezeption : Aufsatze.
Zurich : TVZ, Theologischer Verlag Zurich, c2012.

BS2675.52 .M86 2012
Munch, Stephan.
Das Geschenk der Einfachheit : 2 Korinther 8,1-15 und 9,6-15 als Hinfuhrung zu dieser Gabe.
Wurzburg : Echter Verlag, c2012.

BS2675.52 .Z84 2012
Der zweite Korintherbrief : literarische Gestalt - historische Situation - theologische Argumentation : Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Dietrich-Alex Koch.
Gottingen [etc.] : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2012.

BS2675.53 .K535 2012
Klaiber, Walter.
Der zweite Korintherbrief : die Botschaft des Neuen Testaments.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2012.

BS2685.52 .M87 2012
Murphy-O'Connor, J. (Jerome), 1935-
Keys to Galatians : collected essays.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2012.

BS2705.2 .P47 1995
Peterlin, Davorin.
Paul's letter to the Philippians in the light of disunity in the church.
Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1995.

BS2715.52 .C36 2012
Canavan, Rosemary, 1956-
Clothing the body of Christ at Colossae : a visual construction of identity.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, cop. 2012.

BS2785.2 .K78418 2005
Kruger, Rene.
Pobres y ricos en la epistola de Santiago : el desafio de un cristiano profetico.
Buenos Aires : Lumen, 2005.

BS2785.52 E65 2012
L'epitre de Jacques dans sa tradition d'exegese.
Paris : Cerf, 2012.

BS2825.52 .W58 2012
Witulski, Thomas.
Apk 11 und der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand : eine zeitgeschichtliche Interpretation.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2012.

BT50 .F76 2012
From faith in reason to reason in faith : transformations in philosophical theology from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries.
Lanham : University Press of America, 2012.

BT75.3 .C43 2004
Charting the future of theology and theological education in Asian contexts.
New Delhi : ISPCK, 2004.

BT83.55 .W645 2012
Women, wisdom, and witness : engaging contexts in conversation.
Collegeville, MInnesota : Liturgical Press, c2012.

BT83.57 .A485 2012
Aguilar, Mario I.
Church, liberation and world religions : towards a Christian-Buddhist dialogue.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury T&t Clark, 2012.

BT94 .K57 2012
Kingdoms apart : engaging the two kingdoms perspective.
Phillipsburg, N.J. : P&R Pub., c2012.

BT98 .G58 2012
God : the sources of Christian theology.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2012.

BT121.3 .W6813 2011
Works on the Spirit : Athanasius's letters to Serapion on the Holy Spirit, and, Didymus's On the Holy Spirit.
Yonkers, N.Y. : St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2011.

BT203 .C473 2012
Christie, Ann.
Ordinary Christology : who do you say I am? : answers from the pews.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.

BT590.S65 G7 v.120
Mills-Powell, Mark.
Exploring humility : towards a healthy sense of self.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, c2012.

BT590.S65 G7 v.121
Jenkins, Gary.
A tale of two preachers : preaching in the Simeon-Stott tradition.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, c2012.

BT590.S65 G7 v.122
Greenman, Jeffrey P.
The Lord's prayer.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, c2012.

BT660.G8 B3413 2008
Badde, Paul, 1948-
Maria von Guadalupe. English.
Maria of Guadalupe : shaper of history, shaper of hearts.
San Francisco : Ignatius Press, c2008.

BT707.6 .V54 2010
Viefhues-Bailey, Ludger H., 1965-
Between a man and a woman? : why conservatives oppose same-sex marriage.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2010.

BT732.5 .S64 2006
Smith, Linda L.
Called into healing : reclaiming our Judeo-Christian legacy of healing touch.
Arvada, Colo. : HTSM Press, 2006.

BT741.3 .R46 2012
Religion and the senses in early modern Europe :.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

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Holiness as a liberal art.
Eugene, OR : Pickwick Publications, c2012.

BT873 .A94 2012
Auferstehung .
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt ; 2012.

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West, Steven D., 1979-
Resurrection, scripture, and reformed apologetics : a test for consistency in theology and apologetic method.
Eugene, OR : Pickwick Publications, c2012.

BT1315.3 .C67 2012
Coren, Michael.
Heresy : ten lies they spread about Christianity.
Toronto : Signal, c2012.

BT1315.3 .K45 2012
Kelly, Joseph F. (Joseph Francis), 1945-
History and heresy : how historical forces can create doctrinal conflicts.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2012.

BT1390 .E39 2012
Edwards, M. J. (Mark J.).
Christians, gnostics and philosophers in late antiquity.
Farnham ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate Variorum, 2012.

BT1390 .Q47 2008
Quispel, Gilles.
Essays. Selections.
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Ways to pray.
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BV225 .S65 2012
Spilka, Bernard, 1926-
The psychology of prayer : a scientific approach.
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Kim, Simon C.
An immigration of theology : theology of context as the theological method of Virgilio Elizondo and Gustavo Gutierrez.
Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, c2012.

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Gender in theology, spirituality and practice.
London : SCM Press, 2012.

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Allen, Holly Catterton.
Intergenerational Christian formation : bringing the whole church together in ministry, community and worship.
Downers Grove, IL : IVP Academic, c2012.

BV652.1 .C745 2012
Crosby, Robert.
The teaming church : ministry in the age of collaboration.
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Christopher, J. Clif.
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BV2626.4.F2314 A3 2012
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BV3625.M2 S63 2013
Skeie, Karina Hestad.
Building God's kingdom : Norwegian missionaries in highland Madagascar, 1866-1903.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.

BV3770 .G7 v.97
Hibberd, John.
Six big questions : wrestling with objections to the Christian faith.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, c2012.

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Kuhrt, Stephen.
Using film with older people.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, 2012.

BV3777.S2 S26 2012
Santos, Jose Leonardo, 1976-
Evangelicalism and masculinity : faith and gender in El Salvador.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2012.

BV4011.3 .H37 2012
Hawkins, J. Barney (James Barney).
Episcopal etiquette and ethics : living the craft of priesthood in the Episcopal Church.
Harrisburg, PA : Morehouse Pub., c2012.

BV4011.3 .J36 2011
Jansen, Mechteld.
Inter related stories : intercultural pastoral theology.
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BV4020 .K37 2012
Kapic, Kelly M., 1972-
A little book for new theologians : why and how to study theology.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2012.

BV4070.P76 M66 2012
Moorhead, James H.
Princeton Seminary in American religion and culture.
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BV4400 .G7 v.128
Simpson, Rick.
Supervising a curate : a short guide to a complex task.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, c2011.

BV4400 .G7 v.129
Cox, Joanna.
Meetings, better meetings! : improving the way we do business and make decisions.
Cambridge, England : Grove Books, 2012.

BV4400 .G7 v.130
Walton, Ali.
Dealing with personal criticism.
Cambridge : Grove Books, c2012.

BV4466 .S69 2012
Snyder, Susanna, 1978-
Asylum-seeking, migration and church.
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Cave Refectory Road : monastic rhythms for contemporary living.
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Morris, Danny E.
Discerning God's will together : a spiritual practice for the church.
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Gottvertrauen : die okumenische Diskussion um die fiducia.
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Nur zehn Worte : Moral und Gesellschaft des Dekalogs.
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Harris, Paul T. (Paul Turner), 1926-
Frequently asked questions about Christian meditation : the path of contemplative prayer.
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An open place : the ministry of group direction.
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Woman mystic : selections from Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias.
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Olivera, Bernardo.
The sun at midnight : monastic experience of the Christian mystery.
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Il monachesimo bizantino.
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Innovation in the Orthodox Christian tradition? : the question of change in Greek Orthodox thought and practice.
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Languages and cultures of Eastern Christianity. Georgian.
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Vatican II : the essential texts.
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Iuxta modum : il Vaticano II riletto alla luce della tradizione della Chiesa.
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Soldier of Christ : the life of Pope Pius XII.
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The good Pope : the making of a saint and the remaking of the church : the story of John XXIII and Vatican II.
New York, NY : HarperOne, c2012.

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Storia della diocesi di Reggio Emilia-Guastalla.
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The seven big myths about the Catholic Church : distinguishing fact from fiction about Catholicism.
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Flying in the face of tradition : listening to the lived experience of the faithful.
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Holy sex! : a Catholic guide to toe-curling, mind-blowing, infallible loving.
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The charism of priestly celibacy : biblical, theological, and pastoral reflections.
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Abiding word : Sunday reflections for year C.
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Ambrose, Glenn P.
The theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet : overcoming onto-theology with the sacramental tradition.
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Sacrifice as gift : Eucharist, grace, and contemplative prayer in Maurice de la Taille.
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Let us pray : a guide to the rubrics of Sunday Mass.
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Gender, nation and religion in European pilgrimage : old routes, new journeys.
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Talbot, John Michael.
The universal monk : the way of the new monastics.
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La vita consacrata nel postconcilio : tra novita e ridimensionamento.
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Reading medieval anchoritism : ideology and spiritual practices.
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Armstrong, Regis J.
The Franciscan tradition.
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Dating God : live and love in the way of St. Francis.
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Premiere recontre avec avec Francois d'Assise. English.
First encounter with Francis of Assisi.
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BX4705.B163 K847 2012
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Gabe und Gestalt : theologische Phanomenologie bei Hans Urs von Balthasar.
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Don Tonino Bello e la politica : l'incontro col suo tempo.
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Saved by beauty : a spiritual journey with Dorothy Day.
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Joseph Kardinal Hoffner, 1906-1987.
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Uno scisma moderno : la comunita lefebvriana.
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Freedom, justice and sincerity : reflections on the life and spirituality of Mary Ward.
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In-between God : theology, commmunity and discipleship.
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Tarrant, Ian, 1957-
Worship and freedom in the Church of England : exploring the boundaries.
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BX5157 .G63 2013
God and war : the Church Of England and armed conflict in the twentieth century.
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Truax, Jean, 1947-
Archbishops Ralph d'Escures, William of Corbeil, and Theobald of Bec : heirs of Anselm and ancestors of Becket.
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Archbishop Fisher, 1945-1961 : church, state and world.
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Jonathan Edwards and justification by faith.
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Directory of Asian-American & Pacific Islander UMC's & clergy.
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Spiritual literacy in John Wesley's Methodism : reading, writing, and speaking to believe.
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Rasputin : the untold story.
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Jewish wayfarers in modern China : tragedy and splendor.
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Honne, the spirit of the Chehalis : the indian interpretation of the origin of the people and animals.
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E184.S2 N852 2011
Norwegian American women : migration, communities, and identities.
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Daniel Alexander Payne : the venerable preceptor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
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Jahrbuch fur christliche Sozialwissenschaften.
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The social teaching of rabbinic Judaism.
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Ehen vor Gericht. English.
Marriage on trial : late medieval German couples at the papal court.
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Humanitarian : rehabilitating a drugged society.
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Kinship across borders : a Christian ethic of immigration.
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Defending American religious neutrality.
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Singing the glory down : amateur gospel music in south central Kentucky, 1900-1990.
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ND1135 .E44 1999
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What painting is : how to think about oil painting, using the language of alchemy.
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Bestiaire medieval. English.
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The Chreia and ancient rhetoric : commentaries on Aphthonius's Progymnasmata.
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Raison baroque. English.
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Smith, Lisa, 1967-
The first great awakening in colonial American newspapers : a shifting story.
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Dante and the Franciscans.
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A late fifteenth-century dominical sermon cycle.
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PS3515.U1417 A6 2012
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Poems. Selections.
The poet/lyricist : the aesthetics of verse.

PS3515.U1417 Z48 2012
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Correspondence. Selections.
Early years of adventure : letters & journals.

PS3515.U1417 Z48 2012b
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Correspondence. Selections.
Literary correspondence : letters & journals.

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Writer : the shaping of popular fiction.
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Wolff, Ruth, 1909-1972.
A crack in the sidewalk, a novel.
New York, John Day Co. [1965].

PT671 .B413 1977
Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940.
Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels. English.
The origin of German tragic drama.
London : NLB, 1977.

Q175.5 .B57 2012
Bloom, Howard K., 1943-
The God problem : how a godless cosmos creates.
Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2012.

RC437.5 .F354 2012
Farber, Seth, 1951-
The spiritual gift of madness : the failure of psychiatry and the rise of the mad pride movement.
Rochester, Vt. : Inner Traditions, c2012.

SB318 .H833 2012
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Horticulture : for a greener world.
Commerce, Calif. : Bridge Publications, c2012.

TR654 .H82 2012
Photographer : writing with light.
Commerce, Calif. : Bridge Publications, c2012.

TX817.C4 P75 2013
Prinz, Deborah.
On the chocolate trail : a delicious adventure connecting Jews, religions, history, travel, rituals and recipes to the magic of cacao.
Woodstock, Vermont : Jewish Lights Publishing, 2013.

Z658.G3 P74 2013
The preservation of Jewish religious books in sixteenth-century Germany: Johannes Reuchlin's Augenspiegel.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.