The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
AZ186 .P74 2014
Presner, Todd Samuel, author.
HyperCities : thick mapping in the digital humanities.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2014.
B105.S79 F86 2013
Fuster Camp, Ignasi X.
El Comenzar y el destinarse de la persona humana : la cuestion de Dios despues de Auschwitz.
Barcelona : Balmes, 2013.
B187.H3 S33 2006
Schall, James V.
Sum total of human happiness.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 2006.
B689.Z7 A43 2014
Albano, Emmanuel, author.
I silenzi delle Sacre Scritture : limiti e possibilita di rivelazione del logos negli scritti di Filone, Clemente e Origene.
Roma : Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2014.
B734 .A75 2014
L'Aristotelisme expose : aspects du debat philosophique entre Henri de Gand et Gilles de Rome.
Fribourg : Academic Press, 2014.
B765.N54 G45 2013
Gelmi, Josef, 1937- author.
Nikolaus von Kues (1401-1464) : Leben und Wirken eines Universalgenies auf dem Brixner Bischofsstuhl : zum 550. Todestag.
Brixen : Verlag A. Weger, 2013.
B2430.L484 H67 2008
Horowitz, Asher, 1950-
Ethics at a standstill : history and subjectivity in Levinas and the Frankfurt School.
Pittsburgh, Pa. : Duquesne University Press, c2008.
B2430.M3764 H38 2008
Hass, Lawrence.
Merleau-Ponty's philosophy.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2008.
B2430.T374 M345 2005
Martelet, Gustave.
Teilhard de Chardin, prophete d'un Christ toujours plus grand : primaute du Christ et transcendance de l'homme.
Bruxelles : Lessius, c2005.
B3376.W564 P6513 2006
Pouivet, Roger, 1958-
Apres Wittgenstein, saint Thomas. English.
After Wittgenstein, St. Thomas.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 2006, c2008.
B4377 .E84 2008
Ethics, love, and faith in Kierkegaard : philosophical engagements.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2008.
B4377 .P27 2005
Pattison, George, 1950-
The philosophy of Kierkegaard.
Chesham : Acumen, 2005.
B5254.Y834 K57 2013
Kim, Hub-yong.
Kaon tchikki : Tasok Yu Yong-mo ui kullobol Han'guk sinhak sosol.
Soul-si : Tongyon, 2013.
BD125 .F47 2014
Feser, Edward.
Scholastic metaphysics : a contemporary introduction.
[Heusenstamm, Germany] : Editiones Scholasticae, c2014.
BD212 .A45 2006
Alston, William P.
Beyond 'justification' : dimensions of epistemic evaluation.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press ; Bristol : University Presses Marketing [distributor], 2006.
BD450 .M346 2007
McCarthy, Joan.
Dennett and Ricoeur on the narrative self.
Amherst, NY : Humanity Books, 2007.
BF637.S4 K49x 1984
The Key : and the name of the key is willingness.
Mountain View, Calif. : The Center, c1984.
BF1879.T2 L683 2014
Louis, Anthony, 1945-
Tarot : beyond the basics : gain a deeper understanding of the meanings behind the cards.
Woodbury, Minnesota : Llewellyn Publications, [2014].
BJ1063 .F53 2014
Flanagan, Owen J.
Moral sprouts and natural teleologies : 21st century moral psychology meets classical Chinese philosophy.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin : Marquette University Press, [2014].
BJ1275 .C43 2005
Chandler, Andrew.
Presences felt : encounters in a lost century.
London : Darton Longman & Todd, 2005.
BJ1533.C8 T55 2014
Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965, author.
The courage to be.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2014.
BL48 .G65 2006
Goichot, Emile.
Henri Bremond, historien de la "faim de Dieu".
Grenoble : Editions Jerome Millon, c2006.
BL51 .S5258 2006
Sih, Samuel S.
I know there is a God : the wise, living, and loving watchmaker.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2006.
BL60 .H62 1999
Horwitz, Claudia.
A stone's throw : living the act of faith : social transformation through faith and spiritual practice.
Durham, N.C. : Stone Circles, c1999.
BL65.C8 G47 2014
Gesellschaftliche Umbruche und religiose Netzwerke : Analysen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart.
Bielefeld : transcript, [2014].
BL65.L2 W459 2014
Welbers, Ulrich.
Religiose Semantik : eine sprachphilosophische Grundlegung.
Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink, 2014.
BL80.3 .C665 2012
A concise introduction to world religions.
Don Mills, Ont. ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.
BL265.M3 A53 2014
Albertson, David, author.
Mathematical theologies : Nicholas of Cusa and the legacy of Thierry of Chartres.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2014].
BL458 .D57 2007
Discipleship of Asian women at the service of life.
Bangalore, India : Claretian Publications, 2007.
BL625 .J635 2004
Jones, Richard H., 1951-
Mysticism and morality : a new look at old questions.
Lanham, Md. ; Oxford : Lexington Books, c2004.
BL639 .C66 2013
Conversions : looking for ideological change in the early Middle Ages.
Vienna : Fassbaender, 2013.
BL695 .E87 2014
Europa braucht Spiritualitat.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, [2014].
BL1108.7.G3 A37 2013
Adluri, Vishwa.
The nay-science : a history of German Indology.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2014.
BL2016.G6 H46 2014
Henn, Alexander, 1952- author.
Hindu-Catholic encounters in Goa : religion, colonialism, and modernity.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2014].
BL2765.E85 D548 2014
Dietl, Regina.
Erinner dich, dass du Gott vergisst : der europaische Atheismus im 20. Jahrhundert als Erinnerungsverweigerung und Absolution im Kontext des europaisch-christlichen Geschichtszusammenhangs.
Nordhausen : Bautz, 2014.
BM496.6 .T35 2014
Talmuda de-Eretz Israel : archaeology and the rabbis in late antique Palestine.
Boston : Walter de Gruyter, [2014].
BM504.3 .L4813 1994
Levinas, Emmanuel.
Au-dela du verset. English.
Beyond the verse : talmudic readings and lectures.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1994.
BM534 .F45 1993
Feldman, Louis H.
Jew and Gentile in the ancient world : attitudes and interactions from Alexander to Justinian.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 1993.
BM535 .J497 2014
Jews in early Christian law : Byzantium and the Latin West, 6th-11th centuries.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2014].
BM535 .W4647 2014
Wengst, Klaus.
Christsein mit Tora und Evangelium : Beitrage zum Umbau christlicher Theologie im Angesicht Israels.
Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2014.
BM755.B52 P47 2012
Perl, Gil S.
The pillar of Volozhin : Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin and the world of nineteenth-century Lithuanian Torah scholarship.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2012.
BP172 .R445 2007
Relations islamo-chretiennes : bilan et perspectives.
Versailles : Editions de Paris, c2007.
BP187.55.S95 M85 2014
Mulder, Stephennie F., author.
The shrines of the 'Alids in medieval Syria : Sunnis, Shi'is and the architecture of coexistence.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2014].
BQ9288 .H83 1990
Huber, Cheri.
That which you are seeking is causing you to seek : includes one less act of violence.
Mountain View, CA : A Center for the Practice of Zen Buddhist Meditation, c1990.
BR60 .A5716 2013
Apophthegmata Patrum. Italian.
Detti : collezione sistematica.
Magnano (BI) [i.e. Biella, Italy] : Qiqajon, Comunita di Bose, c2013.
BR60 .F31 v.15
Duns Scotus, John, approximately 1266-1308.
Quaestiones super libro Praedicamentorum Aristotelis. English.
Questions on Aristotle's Categories.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, [2014].
BR60 .S724 v.565 2014
Hilary, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers, -367?, author.
Tractatus super Psalmos. French & Latin.
Commentaires sur les Psaumes.
Paris : Cerf, 2008-
BR65.A5 E53 2014
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
New Testament I and II.
Hyde Park, N.Y. : New City Press, 2014.
BR65.A52 E6 2006
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Selections. English & Latin. 2005.
The St. Augustine LifeGuide : words to live by from the great Christian saint.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 2006.
BR65.A6975 E5 2007
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
De ordine. English & Latin.
On order = De ordine.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 2007.
BR65.G76 D87 2007
Durel, Alain, 1961-
Eros transfigure : variations sur Gregoire de Nysse.
Paris : Cerf, 2007.
BR65.J63 E96 2013
John, of Damascus, Saint.
Esposizione della fede = De fide orthodoxa.
Bologna : San Clemente : Studio domenicano, 2013.
BR65.T7 F67 2005
Foster, Edgar G.
Angelomorphic christology and the exegesis of Psalm 8:5 in Tertullian's Adversus Praxean : an examination of Tertullian's reluctance to attribute angelic properties to the Son of God.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2005.
BR67 .P4435 2014
Pellegrino, Michele, author.
Lectures. Selections. French.
Le peuple de Dieu et ses pasteurs dans la patristique latine.
Firenze : Leo S. Olschki editore, 2014.
BR95 .L4 2005
Le Tourneau, D. (Dominique), 1942-
Les mots du christianisme : catholicisme, protestantisme, orthodoxie.
Paris : Fayard, 2005.
BR115.P7 G55 2007
God and country? : diverse perspectives on Christianity and patriotism.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
BR115.W6 B785 2014
Brush, Jack E.
Kirche als Prozess im Zeitalter der Technologie : Public Relations (selbst), Information (Kraft), Konsumismus (Zeit), Korporationen (Leben).
Zurich : Lit, 2014.
BR115.W6 I45 2014
Ilic, Angela. (DE-588)103440427X.
Churches in the Face of Political and Social Transition : German-Serbian Ecumenical Consultations 1999-2009 = Kirchen und der politisch-gesellschaftliche Wandel.
Leipzig : Evang. Verl.-Anst., 2014.
BR115.W6 L495 2010
Lewis, Ray.
Both are true!.
Blomington, IN : Trafford Publishing, 2010.
BR127 .W625 2014
Wogaman, J. Philip, author.
What Christians can learn from other religions.
Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, [2014].
BR128.B8 K36 2012
Kang, In-gun.
Buddhist-Christian dialogue and action in the Theravada countries of modern Asia : a comparative analysis of the radical orthopraxis of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa and Aloysius Pieris.
[S.l. : s.n., 2012?].
BR128.C43 K55 2012
Kim, Hub-yong, author.
To ui sinhak. II.
Soul-si : Tongyon, 2012.
BR162.3 .C45 2014
Chiese locali e chiese regionali nell'alto Medioevo : Spoleto, 4-9 aprile 2013.
Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2014.
BR195.C49 L3313 1995
Ladner, Gerhart B. (Gerhart Burian), 1905-
Handbuch der fruhchristlichen Symbolik. English.
God, cosmos, and humankind : the world of early Christian symbolism.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c1995.
BR253 .M38 2001
The medieval theologians.
Oxford ; Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2001.
BR262 .C68 2012
Council of Constantinople (4th : 869-870 : Constantinople).
Gesta sanct ac universalis octavae synodi quae Constantinopoli congregata est.
Firenze : Sismel edizioni del Galluzzo, 2012.
BR305.2 .B22 2005
Babel, Henry.
Le protestantisme : de la Reforme d'hier a celle d'aujourd'hui et de demain.
Geneve : Slatkine, 2005.
BR307 .P54 2005
Piety and family in early modern Europe : essays in honour of Steven Ozment.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2005.
BR333.3 .C375 2014
Christe, Wilhelm.
Gerechte Sunder : eine Untersuchung zu Martin Luthers "Simul iustus et peccator".
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014.
BR339 .K63 2014
Kobler, Beate, 1972- author.
Die Entstehung des negativen Melanchthonbildes : protestantische Melanchthonkritik bis 1560.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BR517 .Z56 2013
Zimmerman, Yvonne C.
Other dreams of freedom : religion, sex, and human trafficking.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.
BR754.A56 C66 2010
Congresso internazionale La partecipazione di Anselmo al processo di costruzione della "nuova" Europa (2010 : Pontificia Universita gregoriana).
Anselmo e la "nuova" Europa.
Roma : Gregorian & Biblical Press, [2014].
BR856 .B593 2009
Bonney, Richard.
Confronting the Nazi war on Christianity : the Kulturkampf newsletters, 1936-1939.
Oxford ; New York : Peter Lang, 2009.
BR856 .C48 2014
Christen im Dritten Reich.
Darmstadt : WBG - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, [2014].
BR856 .V65 2014
Voigt, Karl Heinz, author.
Okumene in Deutschland : internationale Einflusse und Netzwerkbildung - Anfange 1848-1945.
Gottingen : V&R unipress, [2014].
BR877.C67 M34 2013
Maggioni, Maurizio, 1960-
Piombino sacra : santi e misteri in Maremma.
Piombino (Livorno) : Il foglio, 2013.
BR1065 .C46 2003
Church in the service of Asia's peoples :.
Pune : Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, 2003.
BR1065. W54 2000
Wilfred, Felix.
Asian dreams and Christian hope : at the dawn of the millennium.
Delhi : ISPCK, 2000.
BR1367.I2 .I34 2013
Ikechukwu, Eze, 1962-
Being a Christian in Igbo Land : facts, fictions and challenges : a pastoral theological investigation into the challenges in practising the Christian faith within the Igbo cultural context.
Berlin : Logos Verlag Berlin GMBH, [2013].
BR1463.C17 M47 2005
Messina, Jean-Paul.
Histoire du christianisme au Cameroun : des origines a nos jours : approche oecumenique.
Paris : Karthala ; Yaounde : Cle, c2005.
BR1604.23 .B47 2014
Bergjan, Silke-Petra, author.
Martyrerverehrung im fruhen Christentum : Zeugnisse und kulturelle Wirkungsweisen.
Stuttgart : Verlag W. Kohlhammer, [2014?].
BR1720.M37 S62 2013
Soraci, Cristina.
Patrimonia sparsa per orbem : Melania e Piniano tra errabondaggio ascetico e carita eversiva.
Acireale : Bonanno, c2013.
BS191.5.A1 2008
Bible. English. New Revised Standard. 2008.
The green Bible : New Revised Standard Version.
San Francisco, Calif. : HarperOne, c2008.
BS394 .A539 2013
Das Album Reformatorum Cygnaeum (1542/1543) in der Prachtbibel des Zwickauer Burgermeisters Oswald Lasan.
Stuttgart : Dr. Ernst Hauswedell & Co., [2013].
BS476 .R69 2004
Robinson, Roy, Rev.
The thoughtful guide to the Bible.
New York, NY : O Books, 2004.
BS494 .G47 2014
Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637, author.
Meditationes sacrae.
Postilla (1613).
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog, [2014].
BS511.3 .B74 2014
Breed, Brennan W.
Nomadic text : a theory of biblical reception history.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2014].
BS539 .M46 2014
Menke, Volker, author.
Nur durch die Wurzel bluht auch ihr! : Kinderbibeln im Lichte des christlich-judischen Dialogs.
Berlin : Institut Kirche und Judentum, 2014.
BS580.J6 L46 1989
L'Engle, Madeleine.
Sold into Egypt : Joseph's journey into human being.
Wheaton, Ill. : H. Shaw Publishers, c1989.
BS580.R8 B36 1987
Bankson, Marjory Zoet.
Seasons of friendship : Naomi and Ruth as a pattern.
San Diego, Calif. : LuraMedia, 1987.
BS592 .I5 1965
Introduction to college theology through sacred Scripture : a course designed for college students.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 1965, 1963.
BS680.B6 B63 2014
The body in biblical, Christian and Jewish Texts.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury T & T Clark 2014.
BS680.O26 B47 2005
Bessiere, Richard.
Un autre regard sur la bible.
Paris : Dualpha, 2005.
BS1110 .Z37 v.465
Sauerwein, Ruth.
Elischa : eine redaktions- und religionsgeschichtliche Studie.
Boston : DE GRUYTER, 2014.
BS1136 .P56 2014
A pillar of cloud to guide : text-critical, redactional, and linguistic perspectives on the OldTestament in honour of Marc Vervenne.
Leuven ; Paris ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2014.
BS1174.3 .V65 2014
Vom Erzahlen zum Verheissen : Beitrage eines alttestamentlichen Symposions.
St. Ottilien : Eos Verlag, 2014.
BS1184 .W55 2014
Wikander, Ola.
Drought, death, and sun in Ugarit and ancient Israel : a philological and comparative study.
Winona Lake, Indiana : Eisenbrauns, 2014.
BS1198 .S345 2014
Schmitt, Rudiger.
Mantik im Alten Testament.
Munster : Ugarit-Verlag, 2014.
BS1199.J38 H46 2014
Henderson, Ruth Margaret, 1948-
Second Temple songs of Zion : a literary and generic analysis of the Apostrophe to Zion (11QPSA xxii 1-15); Tobit 13:9-18 and 1 Baruch 4:30-5:9.
Berlin ; Boston : Walter de Gruyter, 2014.
BS1199.P45 W45 2014
Weingart, Kristin, author.
Stammevolk - Staatsvolk - Gottesvolk? : Studien zur Verwendung des Israel-Namens im Alten Testament.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BS1199.W2 W37 2014
Warfare, ritual, and symbol in biblical and modern contexts.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, [2014].
BS1235.52 .W55 2004
Wilson, Lindsay, 1955-
Joseph, wise and otherwise : the intersection of wisdom and covenant in Genesis 37-50.
Carlisle : Paternoster, 2004.
BS1305.2 .E98 1976a
Exum, J. Cheryl.
Literary patterns in the Samson saga : an investigation of rhetorical style in Biblical prose.
BS1325.2 .B43 2014
Rereading the Relecture (Symposium) (2012 : Friedrich-Schiller- Universitat Jena).
Rereading the relecture? : the question of (post)chronistic influence in the latest redactions of the Books of Samuel.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BS1345.52 .L963 2014
Lynch, Matthew, 1979-
Monotheism and institutions in the Book of Chronicles : temple, priesthood, and kingship in post-exilic perspective.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
BS1405.52 .S65 2014
Spieckermann, Hermann, author.
Lebenskunst und Gotteslob in Israel : Anregungen aus Psalter und Weisheit fur die Theologie.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2013].
BS1475.52 .H54 2012
Hieronymus als Exeget und Theologe : interdisziplinare Zugange zum Koheletkommentar des Hieronymus.
Leuven ; Paris ; Walpole, MA : Uitgeverij Peeters, 2014.
BS1505.52 .U65 2013
Uomini e profeti : scritti in onore di Horacio Simian-Yofre SJ.
Roma, Italy : Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013.
BS1515 .B373 C38 2014
Cattaneo, Enrico.
Il Commento a Isaia di Basilio di Cesarea : attribuzione e studio teologico-letterario.
Roma : Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2014.
BS1515.6.V56 O24 2014
Obermayer, Bernd, author.
Gottliche Gewalt im Buch Jesaja : Untersuchung zur Semantik und literarischen Funktion eines theologisch herausfordernden Aspekts im Gottesbild.
Gottingen : V&R unipress ; Bonn : Bonn University Press, [2014].
BS1525.52 .R67 2013
Rossi, Benedetta, 1975-
L'intercessione nel tempo della fine : studio dell'intercessione profetica nel libro di Geremia.
Roma : Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013.
BS1635.53 .D36 2014
Dangl, Oskar.
Das Buch Habakuk.
Stuttgart : Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, [2014].
BS1765.52 .B8713 2013
Bussino, Severino, author.
The Greek additions in the book of Ben Sira.
Roma : Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013.
BS2280 .Z4 v.198
Paul and Mark : comparative essays part I, Two authors at the beginnings of Christianity.
Boston : De Gruyter, 2014.
BS2397.A1 R49 2014
Reconsidering the relationship between Biblical and systematic theology in the New Testament : essays by theologians and New Testament scholars.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
BS2545.L3 S69 2014
Snyder, Julia A.
Language and identity in Ancient narratives : the relationship between speech patterns and social context in the Acts of the Apostles, Acts of John, and Acts of Philip.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
BS2555.52 .N62 2014
Nodet, Etienne.
Synoptiques et actes : quel texte original ?.
Pende : J. Gabalda, c2014.
BS2555.52 .S85 2014
Strickland, Michael, 1974- author.
The evangelicals and the synoptic problem.
New York, NY : Peter Lang, [2014].
BS2555.52 .T835 2014
Tuckett, C. M. (Christopher Mark).
From the Sayings to the Gospels.
Tubingen, Germany : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BS2555.6.H4 P67 2014
Popkes, Enno Edzard.
Der Krankenheilungsauftrag Jesu : Studien zu seiner ursprunglichen Gestalt und seiner fruhchristlichen Interpretation.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2014.
BS2565 .M27 2002
Malone, Peter.
Lights, camera-- faith! : a movie lover's guide to Scripture.
Boston, MA : Pauline Books & Media, 2002-2003.
BS2589.6.H62 M34 1991
Mainville, Odette, 1948-
L'Esprit dans l'oeuvre de Luc.
[Saint-Laurent, Quebec] : Fides, 1991.
BS2595.52 .A678 2013
Die Apostelgeschichte des Lukas in ihrem historischen Kontext : drei Fallstudien.
Zurich : Lit, 2013.
BS2595.52 .C37 2013
Carrega, Gian Luca, 1972-
La Vetus Syra del Vangelo di Luca : trasmissione e ricezione del testo.
Roma : G & BP, Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013.
BS2615.52 .H455 2014
Heilmann, Jan, author.
Wein und Blut : das Ende der Eucharistie im Johannesevangelium und dessen Konsequenzen.
Stuttgart : Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 2014.
BS2615.52 .R56 2014
Ringleben, Joachim, author.
Das philosophische Evangelium : theologische Auslegung des Johannesevangeliums im Horizont des Sprachdenkens.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BS2651 .O88 2014
Osten-Sacken, Peter von der, 1940- author.
Essays. Selections.
Der Gott der Hoffnung : gesammelte Aufsatze zur Theologie des Paulus.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2014].
BS2675.52 .C475 2003
"Le Christ tout et en tous" (Col 3, 11) : l'epitre aux Colossiens.
Rome : "Benedictina, " Abbaye de S. Paul, 2003.
BS2675.52 .T446 2013
Theologizing in the Corinthian conflict : studies in the exegesis and theology of 2 Corinthians.
Leuven : Peeters, 2013.
BS2685.53 .D37 2014
Das, A. Andrew.
St. Louis, MO : Concordia Publishing House, c2014.
BS2705.52 .P47 2001
Per me il vivere e Cristo (Filippesi 1,1-3,21).
Roma : "Benedictina", Abbazia di S. Paolo, 2001.
BS2705.53 .S358 2014
Schluep-Meier, Christoph.
Der Philipperbrief.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2014.
BS2725.53 .J66 2005
Jones, Ivor H.
The epistles to the Thessalonians.
Werrington, Peterborough [England] : Epworth, 2005.
BS2775.53 .T76 2006
Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274.
Super Epistolam ad Hebraeos lectura. English.
Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 2006.
BS2775.6.R65 W55 2014
Whitlark, Jason A., author.
Resisting empire : rethinking the purpose of the letter to "the Hebrews".
London : Bloomsbury, 2014.
BS2825.52 .C74 2014
Cremer, Oliver, 1975- author.
Das sagt der Sohn Gottes : die Christologie der Sendschreiben der Johannesoffenbarung.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2014.
BS2825.6.V57 V57 2014
Les visions de l'Apocalypse : heritage d'un genre litteraire et interpretations dans la litterature chretienne des premiers siecles.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2014.
BS2833 .N3 2014
Nagel, Peter, 1938- author.
Codex apocryphus gnosticus Novi Testamenti.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014]-
BS2860.T52 G375 2014
Gathercole, Simon J.
The Gospel of Thomas : introduction and commentary.
Boston : Brill, 2014.
BT10 .E47 2006
The emerging Christian way : thoughts, stories, and wisdom for a faith of transformation.
Kelowna, BC : CopperHouse, c2006.
BT25 .I43 2013
Incontro di studiosi dell'antichita cristiana (41st : 2013 : Rome, Italy).
La teologia dal V all'VIII secolo fra sviluppo e crisi : XLI Incontro di studiosi dell'antichita cristiana (Roma, 9-11 maggio 2013).
Roma : Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2014.
BT83.55 .I53 2013
In-between spaces : creative possibilities for theologies of gender = Entre espacios : propuestas creativas para las teologias del genero = Zwischenraume : kreative Moglichkeiten fur Gender-Theologien.
Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2013.
BT83.57 .K4584 2013
Kern, Bruno.
Theologie der Befreiung.
Tubingen : Francke, 2013.
BT93 .L53 2001
Lindsay, Mark R., 1971-
Covenanted solidarity : the theological basis of Karl Barth's opposition to Nazi antisemitism and the Holocaust.
New York : Peter Lang, c2001.
BT121.3 .L69 2014
Loyer, Kenneth.
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