The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B367 .B37 2001
Barney, Rachel, 1966-
Names and nature in Plato's Cratylus.
New York : Routledge, 2001.
B563 .C835 2012
Cudlip, Ben.
Epictetus on education.
B759.M64 H39 1989
Hayoun, Maurice R.
La philosophie et la theologie de Mose de Narbonne (1300- 1362).
Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1989.
B765.A83 P846 2012
Kim, Young Won.
Trial of obedience to the word of God : Anselm's Proslogion and the renewal of discourse between analogia entis and analogia fidei.
B765.B91 S87 2005
Buridan, Jean, 1300-1358.
Summulae de propositionibus.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2005].
B765.D94 D873 2014
Durand of Saint-Pourcain and his sentences commentary : historical, philosophical, and theological issues.
Leuven : Peeters, 2014.
B945.Q54 H95 2007
Hylton, Peter.
New York ; London : Routledge, 2007.
B1903 .P37 2006
Pascal, auteur spirituel.
Paris : Honore Champion ; Geneve : Diffusion hors France, Editions Slatkine, 2006.
B2430.D483 W67 2001
Derrida, Jacques.
The work of mourning.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2003.
B2948 .S57 2001
Singer, Peter, 1946-
Hegel : a very short introduction.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001.
B2993 .H4413 2008
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831.
Hamann's Schriften. English.
Hegel on Hamann.
Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press, 2008.
B3258.H324 D88 2003
Duvenage, Pieter.
Habermas and aesthetics : the limits of communicative reason.
Cambridge, UK : Polity Press ; Malden, MA : Distributed in the USA by Blackwell Pub., 2003.
B3279.H49 H351746 Bd.8
Heidegger und die Dichtung.
Freiburg : Verlag Karl Alber, [2014].
BC73 .H8212 2001
Husserl, Edmund, 1859-1938.
Logik : Vorlesung 1896.
Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2001.
BF311 .S653 2001
Solso, Robert L., 1933-
Cognitive psychology.
Boston : Allyn and Bacon, c2001.
BF575.D35 H38 2000
Harvey, John H., 1943-
Give sorrow words : perspectives on loss and trauma.
Philadelphia, PA : Brunner/Mazel, c2000.
BF637.C6 A825 1999
Austin, Leonard (Leonard A.).
The counseling primer.
Philadelphia, Pa. : Accelerated Development, c1999.
BF1410 .C5715 2008
Ciruelo, Pedro.
Reprobacion de las supersticiones y hechicerias Aleman.
Verwerfung des Aberglaubens und der Zauberei : ein Inventar des Volksglaubens in der spanischen Renaissance Pedro Ciruelo ; aus dem Spanischen von Michael Lauble ; herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Mariano Delgado ; mit einem Beitrag uber den "Quijote".
[Freiburg, Schweiz] Academic Press Fribourg ; Stuttgart W.Kohlhammer [2008].
BJ1012 .H2313 2003
Habermas, Jurgen.
Zukunft der menschlichen Natur. English.
The future of human nature.
Cambridge, UK : Polity, 2003.
BJ1012 .K77 2001
Kumar, Rahul, 1967-
Consensualism in principle : on the foundations of non-consequentialist moral reasoning.
New York : Routledge, 2001.
BL51 .J245 2013
Jaffelin, Emmanuel.
On ira tous au paradis : croire en Dieu rend-il cretin.
Paris : Flammarion, 2013.
BL51 .S418318 2003
Schaeffler, Richard.
Religionsphilosophie. Spanish.
Filosofia de la religion.
Salamanca, Spain : Sigueme, 2003.
BL65.C57 R45 2013
La religion dans la rue, fait religieux et espace public : quatriemes journees de l'Ecole doctorale Sciences sociales et humanites de l'Universite de Pau et des pays de l'Adour : 31 mai-1er juin 2012.
Pau : PUPPA, [2013].
BL65.E36 B47 2014
Berry, Thomas, 1914-2009.
Works. Selections.
Selected writings on the earth community.
Maryknoll : Orbis Books, 2014.
BL71 .L55 2013
Lire et interpreter : les religions et leurs rapports aux textes fondateurs.
Geneve : Labor et Fides, c2013.
BL80.3 .D57 2013
Dieu, une enquete : judaisme, christianisme, islam : ce qui les distingue, ce qui les rapproche.
[Paris] : Flammarion, [2013].
BL240.3 .L374 2014
Larsen, Timothy, 1967-
The slain God : anthropologists and the Christian faith.
Oxford : Oxford University Press 2014.
BL1605.I8 T73 2014
Transformation of a goddess : Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite.
Fribourg : Academic Press Fribourg ; Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2014].
BL1615 .R64 2014
Rodin, Therese.
The world of the Sumerian mother goddess : an interpretation of her myths.
Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet, 2014.
BL2747.8 .T3923 2012
Gardner, Tyler Duane.
American literature and A secular age : Emerson, Thoreau, and Melville.
BM180 .A57 1987
Altmann, Alexander, 1906-
Von der mittelalterlichen zur modernen Aufklarung : Studien zur judischen Geistesgeschichte.
Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1987.
BM496 .S4915 1993
Sherira ben Hanina, Gaon, approximately 906-1006.
Igeret Rav Sherira Gaon. German & Aramaic.
Auf welche Weise wurde die Mishna geschrieben? : das Antwortschreiben des Rav Sherira Gaon : mit einem Faksimile der Handschrift Berlin Qu. 685 (Or. 160) und des Erstdrucks Konstantinopel 1566.
Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1993.
BM 506 .S75 2014
Talmud Yerushalmi. Moed. English & Hebrew.
The Jerusalem Talmud. = Talmud Yerushalmi Second order, Moed. [3], Tractates: Seqalim, Sukkah, Ros Hassanah and Yom Tov (Besah) = Masekhtot Shekalim, Sukah, Rosh ha-Shanah ve-Yom Tov (Betsah).
Berlin : De Gruyter, c2014.
BM525 .E4215 1997
Eleazar ben Judah, of Worms, approximately 1176-1238.
Hilkhot ha-kavod. German & Hebrew.
Elazar ben Yehuda von Worms, Hilkhot ha-kavod = Die Lehrsatze von der Herrlichkeit Gottes : Edition, Ubersetzung, Kommentar.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c1997.
BM535 J85 2011
Universite d'ete d'histoire religieuse (19 : 2008 : Lyon).
Juifs et chretiens a travers l'histoire : entre conflits et filiations : actes de la XIXe universite d'ete du carrefour d'histoire religieuse, Lyon, 10-13 juillet 2010.
Dunkerque : Cahiers du littoral, 2011.
BM535 .P37 2007
Parente, Fausto.
Les juifs et l'Eglise romaine a l'epoque moderne (XVe- XVIIIe siecle).
Paris : Honore Champion, 2007.
BM535 .R422 2014
Religious competition in the third century CE : Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman world.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2014].
BM585 .C66 1996
Contra Iudaeos : ancient and medieval polemics between Christians and Jews.
Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1996.
BM648 .T7313 1993
Trautner-Kromann, Hanne.
Skjold og svrd. English.
Shield and sword : Jewish polemics against Christianity and the Christians in France and Spain from 1100-1500.
Tubingen : Mohr, 1993.
BM713.5 .B728 2012
Braverman, Robin.
The halakhah of hassagat gevul : authentic Jewish boundaries for mothers and stepmothers in divorced families.
BM723 .S345
Scholem, Gershom, 1897-1982.
Jewish mysticism in the Middle Ages. The 1964 Allan Bronfman Lecture, delivered at Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, Westmount, Quebec, Canada, October 5th, 1964.
New York, Judaica Press [1964?].
BM755.N25 C86 1997
Cunz, Martin.
Die Fahrt des Rabbi Nachman von Brazlaw ins Land Israel (1798-1799) : Geschichte, Hermeneutik, Texte.
Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), c1997.
BP55 .G344 2005
Gallez, Edouard-Marie, 1957-
Le messie et son prophete : aux origines de l'islam.
Versailles : Editions de Paris, 2005.
BP172 .A8243 2011
Ataie, Ali J.
Finding Muhammad in the New Testament : an Orthodox Muslim's interpretive methodological approach to the Christian scriptures.
BP190.5.R3 A54 2012
Ali, Abdel.
Islam, race and the Maliki school : racialized thinking in Islamic theological reflection.
BQ4605 .B47 2003
Beside still waters : Jews, Christians, and the way of the Buddha.
Boston : Wisdom, c2003.
BQ5305.C4 B54 2012
Bilotti-Stark, Kathryn.
Compassionate awareness and transformation : the relevancy of mindfulness teachings and practices in chaplaincy and spiritual care.
BQ7235 .R634 2012
Rodgers, R. Anthony.
Authority in providing care : hospital chaplaincy from a Theravada Buddhist perspective.
BR65.A446 A853 2014
Avagyan, Anahit, author.
Die armenische Athanasius-Uberlieferung : das auf Armenisch unter dem Namen des Athanasius von Alexandrien tradierte Schrifttum.
Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014].
BR65.E653 P36516 2014
Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, approximately 310- 403.
Panarion : eresie 61-66.
Roma : Citta nuova, c2014.
BR115.A8 B36 2009
Bangert, Michael, 1959-
Bild und Glaube : Asthetik und Spiritualitat bei Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg (1774-1860).
Fribourg : Academic Press ; Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 2009.
BR115.C67 C66 2014
Christianity, consumerism and the market.
London : SCM Press, 2014.
BR115.C8 T4735 2014
Theology and California : theological refractions on California's culture.
Burlington : Ashgate, 2014.
BR115.H6 C36 2012
Cannon, Justin R.
The Bible, Christianity, & homosexuality.
U.S.A. : The Author, c2012.
BR115.H6 M56 2002
Miner, Jeff.
The children are free : reexamining the biblical evidence on same-sex relationships.
Indianapolis, Ind. : Jesus Metropolitan Community Church, 2002.
BR115.P7 G46 2014
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsansalt, [2014].
BR115.W4 S45 2014
Selby, Peter, author.
An idol unmasked : faith reflections on the financial crisis.
London : Darton Longman & Todd, 2014.
BR118 .P65 2014
Rubenstein, Mary-Jane, author.
Polydox reflections.
Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
BR118 .T37 2014
The task of theology : leading theologians on the most compelling questions for today.
Maryknoll : Orbis Books, 2014.
BR127 .C564 2011
Das Christentum in der Religionsgeschichte : Festschrift fur Hans Waldenfels SJ.
Fribourg : Academic Press ; Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2011.
BR139.G745 C52 2012
Chapman, Clark Myers.
"Did he become a Nazi?" : an American approach to Reformation historiography as seen through the letters and early publications of Harold J. Grimm.
BR145.3 .R45 2013
La religion vecue : les laics dans l'Europe moderne.
Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, [2013].
BR220 .S25 2014
Scintille a Efeso : anno 431 : Cristo e la Madre sua al centro del dibattito conciliare.
Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : San Paolo, c2014.
BR300 .S577 2014
Sister Reformations II - Schwesterreformationen II Reformation and Ethics in Germany and in England - Reformation und Ethik in Deutschland und in England.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BR350.F6 B65 2014
Bollbuck, Harald, author.
Wahrheitszeugnis, Gottes Auftrag und Zeitkritik : die Kirchengeschichte der Magdeburger Zenturien und ihre Arbeitstechniken.
Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag in Kommission, 2014.
BR410 .B34 2014
Basel als Zentrum des geistigen Austauschs in der fruhen Reformationszeit.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BR563.N4 P48 2002
Pinn, Anne H., 1931-
Fortress introduction to Black church history.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Fortress Press, c2002.
BR735 .K5734 2014
Kirchen in Gemeinschaft - Kirchengemeinschaft? : Impulse der Leuenberger Konkordie fur die okumenische Zukunft.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Theologie, 2014.
BR1360 .B3815 2006
Baur, John, 1920-
2000 years of Christianity in Africa. German.
Christus kommt nach Afrika : 2000 Jahre Christentum auf dem Schwarzen Kontinent.
Fribourg : Academic Press ; Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, c2006.
BR1463.N5 O88 2014
Emerald Osuigwed, Nkem.
Christian churches and nigeria's political economyof oil and conflict : Baptist and Pentecostal perspectives..
[Place of publication not identified] : Cambridge Scholars Press, 2014.
BR1640 .M672 2012
Morataya, Elba.
Towards an alternative evangelical abstinence theology : an exploration in critical deconstruction and inclusion.
BR1642.I8 F73 2014
Fratelli e sorelle di Jerry Masslo : l'iimmigrazione evangelica in Italia.
Torino : Claudiana, [2014].
BS579.B5 B37 2011
Barnowe, Tracy Colleen.
A refugee is a blind man : a critical study of blindness as cognitive metaphor in the Old Testament.
BS1110 .Z37 v.448
Samuel, Harald, 1979- author.
Von Priestern zum Patriarchen : Levi und die Leviten im Alten Testament.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2014].
BS1192 .O87 v.54
Dekker, Jaap.
Rotsvaste fundering van Sion. English.
Zion's rock-solid foundations : an exegetical study of the Zion text in Isaiah 28:16.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007.
BS1199.E84 I43 2014
Imagining the other and constructing Israelite identity in the early Second Temple period.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014.
BS1199.S2 M47 2014
Meshel, Naphtali S., Author.
The "grammar" of sacrifice : a generativist study of the Israelite sacrificial system in the Priestly writings ; A grammar of [sigma].
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014.
BS1235.52 .H533 2014
Hidden truths from Eden : esoteric readings of Genesis 1-3.
Atlanta : SBL Press, [2014].
BS1465.52 .A36 2014
Akoto-Abutiate, Dorothy B.E.A., author.
Proverbs and the African tree of life : grafting Biblical proverbs on to Ghanaian Eve folk proverbs.
Boston : Brill, 2014.
BS1465.53 .H87 2012
Bible. Proverbs. Hebrew. 2012.
Mishle : im mavo u-ferush.
Tel Aviv : Am oved ; Yerushalayim : Hotsaat sefarim a. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universtah ha-Ivrit, c2012.
BS1693.S97 A76 2005
Les apocryphes syriaques.
Paris : Geuthner, 2005.
BS1765.53 .B85 2008
Bullard, Roger Aubrey.
A handbook on Sirach.
New York : United Bible Societies, 2008.
BS1825.3 .B74 H36 2011
Bullard, Roger Aubrey.
A handbook on 1-2 Maccabees.
Reading : United Bible Societies, 2011.
BS1830.J8 K84 2012
Kugel, James L.
A walk through Jubilees : studies in the Book of Jubilees and the world of its creation.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.
BS2351.B7 C76 2015
Cronin, Sonya, author.
Raymond Brown, 'the Jews,' and the Gospel of John : from apologia to apology.
London : Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015.
BS2510 .S47 2014
Serretti, Massimo.
Il martirio dell'apostolo Paolo.
Milano : Paoline, c2014.
BS2555 .L65 2002
Loisy, Alfred, 1857-1940.
Ecrits evangeliques : un siecle apres les "petits livres rouges".
Paris : Cerf, 2002.
BS2585.52 .C43 2014
Character studies and the Gospel of Mark.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014.
BS2585.52 .J39 2014
Jay, Jeff. author.
The tragic in Mark : a literary-historical interpretation.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014].
BS2675.52 .H36 2014
Han, Paul, author.
Swimming in the sea of scripture : Paul's use of the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 4.7-13.13.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014.
BS2825.5 .P37 2006
Parvin, Samuel F., 1953-
Unlocking the mysteries : 150 FAQs about Revelation and the end of the world.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2006.
BS2825.52 .C39 2014
Cazeaux, Jacques, 1927-
Les silences de l'Apocalypse : une eglise appelee Babel.
Paris : Cerf, c2014.
BS2825.52 .M66 2014
Moore, Stephen D., 1954- author.
Untold tales from the Book of Revelation : sex and gender, empire and ecology.
Atlanta : SBL Press, [2014].
BT50 .K67 2014
Korner, Bernhard, author.
Orte des Glaubens - loci theologici : Studien zur theologischen Erkenntnislehre.
Wurzburg : Echter, 2014.
BT60 .F6715 2006
Forte, Bruno.
Das Wesen des Christentums.
Fribourg : Academic Press Fribourg ; Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, cop. 2006.
BT103 S874 2014
Striet, Magnus.
In der Gottesschleife : von religioser Sehnsucht in der Moderne.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2014.
BT121.2D54 1963
Dillenschneider, Clement.
L'Esprit-Saint et le pretre : pour une interiorisation de notre sacerdoce.
Paris : Editions Alsatia, 1963.
BT202 .M55218 1993
Moltmann, Jurgen.
Weg Jesu Christi. Spanish.
El camino de Jesucristo : Cristologia en dimensiones mesianicas.
Salamanca : Ediciones Sigueme, 1993.
BT265.3 .F656 2011
Flood, Derek.
The rebel God : understanding the cross and the radical love of God.
BT453 .C6373 R35 2014
Rainini, Marco.
Corrado di Hirsau e il "Dialogus de cruce" : per la ricostruzione del profilo di un autore monastico del XII secolo.
Firenze : SISMEL : Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014.
BT590.J8 H477 2013
Hesslein, Susannah Kayko Driedger.
'Overlapping membership' and the two natures of Jesus Christ : a nonsupersessionist Christology.
BT732.5 .C55 2008
Choson Yesu Kyohoe ichok myongjung = Joseon Yesugyohoe ijeok myeongjeung : a testment of miracles in the Joseon Jesus church.
[Seoul, Korea] : Han'guk Kodung Sinhak Yon'guwon, 2008.
BT732.5 .G6736 2013
Gordon, Elizabeth Stanhope.
Creating space : an interdisciplinary approach to spirituality, religiosity, and public mental health services.
BT751.3 .S343 2012
Sales, Malik JoDavid.
Saving possiblities : salvation, the Holy Spirit, and variegated resistance.
BT1180 .M47 2005
Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648.
L'impiete des deistes.
Paris : Champion, 2005.
BT1476 .A33 2014
Addante, Luca, 1970- author.
Valentino Gentile e il dissenso religioso nel Cinquecento : dalla riforma italiana al radicalismo europeo.
Pisa : Edizioni della Normale, [2014].
BV170 .L5513 Bd.102
Vinck, Honore, 1941- author.
Pie X et les reformes liturgiques de 1911-1914 : psautier, breviaire, calendrier, rubriques.
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, [2014].
BV178 .C73 2014
Craigo-Snell, Shannon Nichole.
The empty church : theater, theology, and bodily hope.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2014].
BV199.F8 H68 2011
Hough, J. Patrick.
"Hope for the cosmos." : Sacramental symbolism in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox funeral rites.
BV631 .R435 2014
Religion Macht Politik : Hofgeistlichkeit Im Europa der Fruhen Neuzeit (1500-1800).
Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2014.
BV657 .C374 2011
Casey, Kristin Marie.
Towards internarrative dialogue : a story of the culture war in America.
BV676 .B67 2013
Borella, Jean.
La femme et le sacerdoce.
Paris : L'Harmattan, [2013].
BV2063 .K95 2014
Kwiyani, Harvey C.
Sent forth : African missionary work in the west.
Maryknoll : Orbis Books, 2014.
BV2210 .M53 2007
Michaud, Jean, 1957-
'Incidental' ethnographers : French Catholic missions on the Tonkin- Yunnan frontier, 1880-1930.
Leiden, Netherland ; Boston, Mass. : Brill, 2007.
BV3415.2 .L589 2011
Liu, Yinghua.
Chinese converts in the Chinese controversy : ancestral rites and their identity.
BV3457.N4 F85 2011
Fukaya, Koji.
The conversion of Joseph Hardy Neesima : a critique of Tokuda Yukio's theory.
BV4460.7 .B976 2011
Byrne, Elizabeth Lauren.
Let this thing be done for me : intentional communities as a means of support in Judges 11 and the San Francisco AIDS crisis.
BV4647.G45 G53 2013
Gnada, Boukari Aristide, author.
Le concept de don : ce qui dit l'etre personnel et l'agir moral.
Paris : Harmattan, [2013].
BV5085 .G68 2008
Gottesfreundschaft : christliche Mystik im Zeitgesprach.
Fribourg : Academic Press ; Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2008.
BX8.3 .K545 2014
Klein, Christoph.
Kirche mit anderen : bemuhungen um die okumene in Rumanien.
Gottingen, Germany : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gm, 2014.
BX8.3 .K573 2014
Die Kirche : auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Vision : eine Studie der Kommission fur Glauben und Kirchenverfassung des Okumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ORK).
Gutersloh : Gutersloher Verlagshaus ; Paderborn : Bonifatius, 2014.
BX324.3 .R43 2013
Reduire le schisme? : ecclesiologies et politiques de l'union entre Orient et Occident : XIIIe-XVIIIe siecle.
Paris : Association des Amis du Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2013.
BX830 1962 .J636 2013
Johnson, Loretta Eleanore.
Vatican II's Dei verbum : evidence for a new style?.
BX830 1962 .L334 2014
Lanzetta, Serafino M., author.
Il Vaticano II, un concilio pastorale : ermeneutica delle dottrine conciliari.
Siena : Cantagalli, [2014].
BX1237 .C38 2013
Catholic Church. Pope (1216-1227 : Honorius III).
Onorio III e la Sardegna, 1216-1227.
Cagliari : Centro di studi filologici sardi : CUEC, 2013.
BX1547.R42 S76 2012
Storia della diocesi di Reggio Emilia-Guastalla.
Brescia : Morcelliana, 2012-<2014>
BX1615 .N469 2013
Nguyen, Thao.
A new way of being church for mission : Asian Catholic bishops and Asian Catholic women in dialogue : a study of the documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC).
BX1795.D53 D545 2013
Le dialogue d'apres Vatican II.
Versailles : Editions de Paris, [2013].
BX1795.S48 S48 2013
Sevegrand, Martine, author.
La sexualite, une affaire d'Eglise? : de la contraception a l'homosexualite.
Paris : Karthala, 2013.
BX1920 .L2274 2013
Ladrigan-Whelpley, Theresa Ann.
Toward spiritualities of traditioning : a critical rendering of the charismatic dimensions.
BX1970 .B6413 1988
Botte, Bernard, 1893-1980.
Mouvement liturgique. English.
From silence to participation : an insider's view of liturgical renewal.
Washington, D.C. : Pastoral Press, 1988.
BX2000 .S277 2014
Sarr, Olivier-Marie, author.
In omni tempore (Ps 32,2) : la liturgie des heures et le temps : louange quotidienne et ouverture vers l'eternite.
Roma : Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, 2014.
BX2015.25 .A773 2011
Arteaga, Anthony.
The transformation of the English translation of the Roman missal : an historical and comparative study.
BX3085 .A3X 2013
Libri tres de moribus.
Firenze : Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013.
BX4656 .L54 2013
The life of Saint Helia : critical edition, translation, introduction, and commentary.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.
BX4659.I8 P3738 2014
Tiddia, Fabrizio, 1974-
Passio sancti Alexandri, Eventii et Theoduli : studio storico- agiografico.
Roma : EDUSC, 2014.
BX4668.3.G68 A4 2014
Goss, Alexander, 1814-1872, author.
Correspondence. Selections.
The correspondence of Alexander Goss, Bishop of Liverpool, 1856-1872.
London : Published for the Catholic Record Society by the Boydell Press, 2014.
BX4705.G552738 N44 2014
Negrelli, Massimo, author.
La carita segreta : il beato Giuseppe Girotti O.P. martire.
Bologna : Edizioni Studio Domenicano, [2014].
BX4705.K665 N48 2008
Neuhold, David, 1976-
Franz Kardinal Konig - Religion und Freiheit : Versuch eines theologischen und politischen Profils.
Fribourg : Academic Press ; Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, c2008.
BX4705.M2586 M34 2014
Mariano Andrea Magrassi o.s.b. : arcivescovo di Bari-Bitonto (1977-1999), monaco, maestro, pastore.
Bari : Edipuglia, 2014.
BX4705.M263128 A3 2013
Maire, Gabriel.
Un pretre francais assassine au Bresil : 1936-1989.
Paris : Karthala, 2013.
BX4705.U19 S63 2013
Societa internazionale di studi francescani. Convegno internazionale (41st : 2013 : Assisi, Italy).
Ubertino da Casale : atti del XLI Convegno internazionale : Assisi, 18- 20 ottobre 2013.
Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2014.
BX4811.3 .M845 2014
Muhlbauer, Friederike.
Religionskontroversen in der Friedensstadt : evangelisch-katholische Beziehungen in Osnabruck 1871-1918.
Gottingen : V&R Unipress, 2014.
BX5947 .L4 2006
Episcopal Church.
Lesser feasts and fasts.
The proper for the lesser feasts and fasts : together with the fixed holy days conforming to the General Convention 2006.
New York, N.Y. : Church Publishing, c2006.
BX6452 .W44 2006
When Black preachers preach : leading Black preachers give direction and encouragement to a nation that has lost its way.
Atlanta, Ga. : Torch Publications, 2006.
BX9185 .D83 2012
Duba, Arlo D.
Presbyterian worship in the twentieth century : with a focus on the Book of common worship.
White Sulphur Springs, WV : OSL Publications, c2012.
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