Monday, June 08, 2015

New Books for June 2015

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections. The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

AM7 .K495 2014
Key, Landon Jay.
'On earth as it is in heaven' : 3 case studies in secular & sacred art & archtiecture [i.e., architecture].

B67 .A34 2008
Achtner, Wolfgang.
Vom Erkennen zum Handeln : die Dynamisierung von Mensch und Natur im ausgehenden Mittelalter als Voraussetzung fur die Entstehung naturwissenschaftlicher Rationalitat.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2008.

B132.Y6 G557 1970
Ghose, Aurobindo, 1872-1950.
Letters on yoga.
Pondicherry : Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1970.

B667.G74 L563 2014
Lingo, Mac.
Platonic philosophy and Christian theology : the encounter of Plato and Gregory of Nyssa.

B738.S63 U66 2014
Uncertain knowledge : scepticism, relativism, and doubt in the middle ages.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols Publishers, 2014.

B765.D74 R338 2014
Ragusa, Christopher.
Only a formality : Blessed John Duns Scotus on being, the Trinity, and the formal distinction.

B765.D74 T567 2013
Thornton, Ryan Thomas.
When this isn't that : formal distinction and John Duns Scotus' account of the Trinity.

B765.E34 L364 2014
Langley, Michael.
A historical and philosophical juxtaposition of Meister Eckhart and Baruch Spinoza.

B765.K334 D67 2015
orevic, Milan, author.
Nikolas Kabasilas : ein Weg zu einer Synthese der Traditionen.
Leuven : Peeters, 2015.

B765.T54 B687 2015
Brannan, Christopher.
Truth and hermeneutics : how a Thomist epistemology can illumine the hermeneutic circle.

B824.4 .C543 2009
Clayton, Philip, 1956-
In quest of freedom : the emergence of spirit in the natural world.
Gottingen [Germany] : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009.

B995.L654 R68 2015
Rotundo, Nicola, author.
Verso una nuova politica economica per l'uomo? : la posizione morale di B.J.F. Lonergan.
Siena : Cantagalli, [2015].

B1348 .S7
Steinkraus, Warren E., editor.
New studies in Berkeley's philosophy, edited by Warren E. Steinkraus.
New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1966].

B2430.D454 M53 2014
Mickey, Sam, 1981- author.
On the verge of a planetary civilization : a philosophy of integral ecology.
London ; Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield International, [2014].

B2430.T374 A967 2010
Ayotte, David J.
Christogenesis : globalization reinterpreted : a Teilhardian reading of the book of nature discerned through the four senses of scripture.

B2899.B5 R88 2015
Ruttenauer, Alban, author.
Schelling und die Bibel : Philosophie und Exegese im Gesprach.
Freiburg : Herder, [2015].

B3279 .H45 1975 v.97
Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976, author.
Anmerkungen I-V (Schwarze Hefte 1942-1948).
Frankfurt am Main : Vittorio Klostermann, [2015].

B3329.S54 E5
Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben: Albert Schweitzer. Eine Freundesgabe zu seinem 80. Geburtstag.
Bern, P. Haupt [1954].

BD171 .W74 2015
Wrenn, Chase B., 1974- author.
Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity Press, 2015.

BD411 .C543 2011
Chidiac, Fady El.
Infinity at the confluence of theology and mathematics.

BD450 .F3885 2015
Feldman, Simon, 1972-
Against authenticity : why you shouldn't be yourself.
Lanham, MD : LEXINGTON BOOKS, 2015.

BD450 .R34 2012
Rager, Gunter H., 1938-
Grundzuge einer modernen Anthropologie.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2012].

BF51 .B77 2010
Browning, Don S.
Reviving Christian humanism : the new conversation on spirituality, theology, and psychology.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2010.

BF637.C6 S384 1958
Schultz, Karl V.
Applied dynamic psychology : personality and group processes (principles, methods, and cases) : syllabus.
[Berkeley, Calif.] : University of California, Liberal Arts Extension, 1958.

BF697.5.S65 C73 2015
Crawford, Matthew B., author.
The world beyond your head : on becoming an individual in an age of distraction.
New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015.

BF731 .K52
Klineberg, Otto, 1899-1992.
Race and psychology.
[Paris] UNESCO [1961].

BJ47 .M35
Martineau, James, 1805-1900.
The relation between ethics and religion : an address at the opening of the session 1881-2 of Manchester New College, London.
London : Williams and Norgate, 1881.

BJ1221 .S68 2012
Southwell, Thomas, 1592-1637.
Caroline casuistry : the cases of conscience of Fr Thomas Southwell, SJ.
Woodbridge, Suffolk : Published for the Catholic Record Society by the Boydell Press, 2012.

BJ1249 .M338 2006
Melia, John, M. Ed.
The questioning of Christianity.
Liskeard, Cornwall : Exposure, 2006.

BJ1249 .V39 2014
Vaz, Savio Antonio Ferreira, author.
Autonome Moral und christlicher Glaube : die methodische Neuausrichtung der theologischen Ethik.
St. Ottilien : Eos Verlag, [2014].

BJ1251 .B77 2006
Browning, Don S.
Christian ethics and the moral psychologies.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006.

BJ1251 .J374 2015
Jensen, Steven J., 1964-
Knowing the natural law : from precepts and inclinations to deriving oughts.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2015.

BJ1251 .N49 2014
New horizons in Christian ethics : reflections from India.
Bangalore, India : Asian Trading Corporation, [2014].

BJ1253 .H36338 2015
Handbuch der Evangelischen Ethik : HEE.
Munchen : Beck, 2015.

BJ1468.5 .S466 2014
Sennello, Brian Hyde.
Akrasia, sin, and neuroscience : a re-evaluation of the Thomistic treatment of akrasia in light of cognitive neuroscience.

BJ1475 .R335 2014
Rahmanov, Enver.
Engaging suffering, embodying compassion : the Bodhisattva ideal, contextual theology, and the Dalai Lama's dialogue beyond religion.

BJ1533.F8 J87 2014
Jusdanis, Gregory, 1955- author.
A tremendous thing : friendship from the Iliad to the Internet.
Ithaca ; London : Cornell University Press, 2014.

BL41 .S69 2014
La storiografia storico-religiosa italiana tra la fine dell'800 e la seconda guerra mondiale.
Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso, [2014].

BL51 .P2613 2015
Panikkar, Raimundo, 1918-2010.
Religione e religioni. English.
Religion and religions.
Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, [2015].

BL51.R6 M4 1975
Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen, 1888-1973.
Metanoia : to think anew.
Santa Cruz [Calif.] : William James Press, 1975.

BL65.P7 C85 2015
Cultures in comparison : religion and politics in ancient Mediterranean regions.
Munster : Ugarit-Verlag, 2015.

BL65.P7 N45 2015
Nelsen, Brent F. author.
Religion and the struggle for European union : confessional culture and the limits of integration.
Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, 2015.

BL65.W67 R43 2004
Reid, Lucy.
Working with spirit : engaging spirituality to meet the challenges of the workplace.
Toronto : Path Books., 2004.

BL72 .E444 2002
Eigentlich ein Liebesbrief -.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2002.

BL80.3 .L43 2014
Leaf, Murray J., author.
The anthropology of Western religions : ideas, organizations, and constituencies.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, [2014].

BL205 .W479 2014
Wetzel, James.
In the beginning : tracing the philosophical path from Plato's demiurge to the one creator God of Aquinas.

BL221 .M89 2014
Muzorewa, Gwinyai H.
African origins of monotheism : challenging the eurocentric interpretation of god concepts on ... the continent and in diaspora.
[Place of publication not identified] : Pickwick Publications, 2014.

BL240.2 .B3715 2003
Barbour, Ian G.
Religion and science. German.
Wissenschaft und Glaube : Historische und zeitgenossische Aspekte.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2003.

BL240.3 .B65 2008
Boisvert, Kate Grayson, 1943-
Religion and the physical sciences.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2008.

BL240.3 .G74 2004
Grant, Edward, 1926-
Science and religion, 400 B.C. to A.D. 1550 : from Aristotle to Copernicus.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2004.

BL240.3 .J56 2015
Jimenez-Rodriguez, Luis Orlando.
The articulation between natural sciences and systematic theology : a philosophical mediation based on the contributions of Jean Ladriere and Xavier Zubiri.
Leuven : Peeters, 2015.

BL240.3 .Y65 2005
Yoko Civilization International Conference (4th : 2005 : Hyogo, Japan).
Fourth Yoko Civilization International Conference : lecture papers and commentaries : science and religion in the age of crisis = Dai 4-kai Yoko Bunmei Kokusai Kaigi : koen shiryo shu : kiki no jidai ni okeru kagaku to shukyo.
Tokyo, Japan : L.H. Yoko Publishers, c2005.

BL241 .B445 2015
Beyond physicalism : toward reconciliation of science and spirituality.
Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.

BL241 .Z85 2011
Zukunftsperspektiven Im theologisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Dialog.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2011], 2011.

BL256 .A84 2015
The Ashgate research companion to theological anthropology.
Burlington, VT : Ashgate Publishing Company, 2015.

BL462 .C68 2005
Covenant marriage in comparative perspective.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2005.

BL625 .D29 1999
D'Aquili, Eugene G., 1940-
The mystical mind : probing the biology of religious experience.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c1999.

BL790 .A685 2015
Antike Mythologie in christlichen Kontexten der Spatantike.
Berlin : De Gruyter, [2015].

BL980.S9 G58 2006
Glaubenssache : ein Buch fur Glaubige und Unglaubige.
Baden : Hier + Jetzt, c2006.

BL2430 .P9713 2015
Pyramid texts. English.
The ancient Egyptian pyramid texts.
Atlanta : SBL Press, [2015].

BL2620.F4 C447 2012
Chong, Peter.
Toward a Fijian contextual theology : a Catholic response to Fiji's coup culture.

BL2776 .R63 1982
Rodriguez, Erwin.
Un evangelio segun la clase dominante.
Mexico : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Coordinacion de Humanidades, 1982.

BM42 .I6 2015
In memoriam John Strugnell : four studies.
Pende : Gabalda, 2015.

BM176 .G82 1939
Guignebert, Charles, 1867-1939.
Monde juif vers le temps de Jesus. English.
The Jewish world in the time of Jesus.
London : Routledge & Kegan Paul ; New York : Dutton & Company Inc., 1939 (1951 printing).

BM290 .B38 2014
Baumgarten, Elisheva.
Practicing piety in medieval Ashkenaz : men, women, and everyday religious observance.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2014].

BM488.T5 H38 2015
Hasselbalch, Trine, author.
Meaning and context in the Thanksgiving Hymns : linguistic and rhetorical perspectives on a collection of prayers from Qumran.
Atlanta : SBL Press, [2015].

BM496.9.F67 P76 2015
The prophets speak on forced migration.
Atlanta : SBL Press, [2015].

BM501 .F744 2014
Freedman, H. (Harry), author.
The Talmud : a biography : banned, censored and burned : the book they couldn't suppress.
London : Bloomsbury, 2014.

BM520.3 .B764 2014
Brody, Shlomo M.
A guide to the complex : contemporary halakhic debates.
New Milford, CT : Maggid Books : Jerusalem : Koren Publishers, 2014.

Sacks, Jonathan.
Wealth and poverty : a Jewish analysis.
London : Social Affairs Unit, [1985].

BM645.D53 T733 2015
Tracy, Elizabeth B.
See me! Hear me! : divine/human relational dialogue in Genesis.
Leuven : Peeters, 2015.

BM675.D3 G597 2014b
Sidur Koren Ani tefilah li-yemot ha-hol = The Koren Ani tefilla weekday Siddur.
Jerusalem : Koren Publishers, 2014.

BM729.P7 E664 2015
Epstein, Lawrence J. (Lawrence Jeffrey), author.
Converts to Judaism : stories from biblical times to today.
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].

BM755.S288 T45 2014
Telushkin, Joseph, 1948- author.
Rebbe : the life and teachings of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the most influential Rabbi in modern history.
New York, NY : HarperWave, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, [2014].

BP135 .A92 1992
Azami, Muhammad Mustafa.
Studies in Hadith methodology and literature.
Indianapolis : American Trust Publications, 1992, 1977.

BP135 .K333 2005
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim.
A textbook of Hadith studies : authenticity, compilation, classification and criticism of Hadith.
Markfield, Leicestershire : Islamic Foundation, c2005.

BP161.2 .C375 2007
Caspar, Robert.
credo English.
Islamic theology.
Rome : PISAI, Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d'Islamistica, 1998 -2007.

BP166.8 .G46513 1989
Ghazzali, 1058-1111.
Dhikr al-mawt wa-ma badah. English.
The remembrance of death and the afterlife = Kitab Dhikr al-mawt wa-ma badahu : book XL of The revival of the religious sciences, Ihya ulum al-din.
Cambridge, U.K. : Islamic Texts Society, 1989.

BP172 .D48 2015
Deutung des Wortes - Deutung der Welt im Gesprach zwischen Islam und Christentum : XXII. Reihlen-Vorlesung/XVI. Bonhoeffer-Vorlesung.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2015].

BP173.75 .K645 2014
Koehler, Benedikt, author.
Early Islam and the birth of capitalism.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, [2014].

BP174 .A245 2014
Abou El Fadl, Khaled, 1963-
Reasoning with God : reclaiming Shari'ah in the modern age.
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2014].

BP189.3 .H544 2014
Hiller, David.
Breathe in union : a brief look at Islamic pluralism.

BP190.5.S3 I672 2007
Iqbal, Muzaffar, 1954-
Science and islam.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2007.

BP605 .P46 K5
Kilduff, Marshall.
The suicide cult : the inside story of the Peoples Temple sect and the massacre in Guyana.
New York : Bantam Books, 1978.

BQ956.J487 I88 1984
Itten shikai kaiki myoho.
The Wonderful law : universal refuge = [Itten shikai kaiki myoho].
Tokyo, Japan : Japan-Bharat Sarvodaya Mitra Sangha, c1984.

BQ6345.P82 B78 2014
Bruntz, Courtney.
Commodifying Mount Putuo : state nationalism, religious tourism, and Buddhist revival.

BR50 .T4225 2014
The theologically formed heart : essays in honor of David J. Gouwens.
Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, [2014].

BR60 .C6 v.86
Donati Regula ; Pseudo-Columbani Regula monialium (frg.).
Berlin ; Munchen ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].

BR60 .C6 v.95:2
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, author.
Enarrationes in Psalmos. Selections.
Enarrationes in Psalmos 110-118. pars 2. Enarrationes in Psalmos 101-150.
Berlin : DeGruyter, 2015.

BR65.A5 F7 2014
Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, 354-430, Author. (NL-LeOCL)068358903.
La cite de Dieu = De civitate Dei : Livres I-V/ [Saint Augustin] ; texte de la 4e edition de B. Dombart et A. Kalb ; introduction generale et notes par G. Bardy ; traduction francaise de G. Combes.
Paris : Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 2014.

BR65 .A5 v.76 2008
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Homelies sur la premiere Epitre de Saint Jean : In Iohannis epistulam ad Parthos tractatus decem.
Paris : Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 2008.

BR65.A9 C463 2015
Cipriani, Nello, author.
La teologia di sant'Agostino : introduzione generale e riflessione trinitaria.
Roma : Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2015.

BR65.G76 M445 2014
McNabb, Clark Andrew.
Being and knowledge : Gregory of Nyssa's anti-Eunomian epistemology.

BR65.T753 G73 2015
Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus, author.
De graecarum affectionum curatione = Heilung der griechischen Krankheiten.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2015.

BR110 .R45 2015
Religion and identity in post-conflict societies.
London : SCM Press, 2015.

BR115.A8 B38 2013
Bauer, Michael J., 1956-
Arts ministry : nurturing the creative life of God's people.
Grand Rapids Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

BR115.C8 A87 2008
Association of Christian Philosophers of India. Meeting (32nd : 2007 : St. Thomas Seminary).
Culture as gift and task : philosophical reflections in the Indian context : papers presented at the Annual ACPI Conference St. Thomas Seminary, Vadavathoor, Kottayam, 10-13 October 2007.
Bangalore : Asian Trading Corp., 2008.

BR115.C8 B549 2014
Bolgiani, Franco, author.
Essays. Selections.
Cristianesimo e culture.
Bologna : Societa editrice Il mulino, [2014].

BR115.C8 C35 2008
Camps, Carlos.
Bajo la accion de su palabra : reflexiones en tiempos de participacion comprometida.
La Habana : Editorial Caminos, 2008.

Anderson, Digby C.
The Church's debate on social affairs.
[Canterbury] : Centre for the Study of Religion and Society, University of Kent, 1987.

BR115.E3 A83 1985
Atherton, John R.
Feasible alternatives to a two-nations policy.
Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Oxford Institute for Church and Society, 1985.

BR115.P7 R2 1989
Raban, Jonathan.
God, man, & Mrs Thatcher.
London : Chatto & Windus, 1989.

BR115.P7 Y67 2009b
York, Tripp.
Living on hope while living in Babylon : the Christian anarchists of the twentieth century.
Eugene, Or. : Wipf & Stock, 2009.

BR118 .D835 2000
Duffield, Ian K.
Crucibles : creating theology at UTU.
Sheffield : Urban Theology Unit, 2000.

BR127 .J466 2014
Jeong, Rhian.
A postcolonial feminist critique and affirmation of religious pluralism.

BR145.2 .G54 Index
Gilles, Anthony E.
The people of God series : index and timelines for all six volumes.
[Cincinnati, Oh.] : St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1988.

BR145.2 .W65 2015
Wolf, Hubert.
Krypta : unterdruckte Traditionen der Kirchengeschichte.
Munchen : Beck, 2015.

BR165 .G45 1985
Gilles, Anthony E.
The people of the creed : the story behind the early Church.
Cincinnati, OH : St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1985.

BR200 .C3 2006
I canoni dei concili della chiesa antica.
Roma : Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2006-<2013>

BR200 .D8 1897
Dubose, William Porcher, 1836-1918.
The ecumenical councils.
Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1897.

BR252 .G55 1986
Gilles, Anthony E.
The people of the faith : the story behind the Church of the Middle Ages.
Cincinnati, OH : St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1986.

BR290 .G55 1988
Gilles, Anthony E.
The people of hope : the story behind the modern Church.
Cincinnati, OH : St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1988.

BR305.2 .G55 1987
Gilles, Anthony E.
The people of anguish : the story behind the Reformation.
Cincinnati, OH : St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1987.

BR323.7 .R446 2014
Reformation und Toleranz - ein spannungsreiches Verhaltnis.
Bonn : Habelt, 2014.

BR516 .C74 2015
The crisis of religious liberty : reflections from law, history, and Catholic social thought.
Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].

BR517 .K78 2015
Kruse, Kevin Michael, 1972-
One nation under God : how corporate America invented Christian America.
New York : Basic Books, 2015.

BR563.K67 A367 2014
Ahn, Taehyun John.
A cultural paradigm for Korean American congregations.

BR615.M4 D53 1985
Diaz de la Serna, Maria Cristina, 1954-
El movimiento de la renovacion carismatica como un proceso de socializacion adulta.
Mexico, D.F. : Division de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Antropologia, Area de Cultura, 1985.

BR645.C9 A74 1975
Arce Martinez, Sergio, 1924-
Teologia en revolucion.
Matanzas, Cuba : Centro de Informacion y Estudio Augusto Cotto, [1975?].

BR856.3 .K6 2015
Konemann, Judith, author.
Religiose Interessenvertretung : Kirchen in der Offentlichkeit : Christen in der Politik.
Paderborn : Schoningh, 2015.

BR902 .H313 2015
Handboek Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis. English.
Handbook of Dutch church history.
Gottingen, Germany : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. ; Bristol, CT, U.S.A. : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht LLC ; [2014].

BR1305 .C75 2015
Critical readings on Christianity in Japan.
Leiden : Brill, 2015.

BR1644.5.G7 E33 1985
Edgar, David, 1948-
The new right and the church.
London : Jubilee Group, 1985.

BR1720.J5 .V854 2015
Vulgata-studies. Volume 1: Beitrage zum I. Vulgata-Kongress des Vulgata Vereins Chur in Bukarest (2013).
Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang, 2015.

BS73 1949
Vetus Latina (Series).
Vetus Latina : die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel.
Freiburg : Herder, 1949-<2013>

BS73 1949
Vetus Latina : gemeinnutzige Stiftung zur Forderung der Herausgabe einer vollstandigen Sammlung aller erhaltenen Reste der altlateinischen Bibelubersetzungen aus Handschriften und Zitaten bei alten Schriftstellern.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder Verlag, 2010.

BS73 1949
Vetus Latina : gemeinnutzige Stiftung zur Forderung der Herausgabe einer vollstandigen Sammlung aller erhaltenen Reste der altlateinischen Bibelubersetzungen aus Handschriften und Zitaten bei alten Schriftstellern.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder Verlag, 2011.

BS73 1949
Vetus Latina : gemeinnutzige Stiftung zur Forderung der Herausgabe einer vollstandigen Sammlung aller erhaltenen Reste der altlateinischen Bibelubersetzungen aus Handschriften und Zitaten bei alten Schriftstellern.
Beuron : Gemeinnutzige Stiftung Vetus Latina, 2012.

BS73 1949
Vetus Latina : gemeinnutzige Stiftung zur Forderung der Herausgabe einer vollstandigen Sammlung aller erhaltenen Reste der altlateinischen Bibelubersetzungen aus Handschriften und Zitaten bei alten Schriftstellern.
Beuron : Gemeinnutzige Stiftung Vetus Latina, 2013.

BS73 1949
Vetus Latina : gemeinnutzige Stiftung zur Forderung der Herausgabe einer vollstandigen Sammlung aller erhaltenen Reste der altlateinischen Bibelubersetzungen aus Handschriften und Zitaten bei alten Schriftstellern.
Beuron : Gemeinnutzige Stiftung Vetus Latina, 2014.

BS391.3 .B54 2005
Seerveld, Calvin.
Voicing God's psalms.
Grand Rapids, Mich : William B. Eerdmans Pub, 2005.

BS432 .Q68 2006
The quotable Bible.
New York : Testament Books, 2006.

BS440 .B48 2008
Bettencourt Meyers, Francoise, 1953-
Les trompettes de Jericho.
Paris : L'Oeuvre editions, 2008.

BS445 .G6
Gladden, Washington, 1836-1918.
Who wrote the Bible? A book for the people, by Washington Gladden.
Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1891.

BS476 .J295 2002
Jagt, Krijn Adriaan van der, 1945-
Anthropological approaches to the interpretation of the Bible.
New York : United Bible Societies, 2002.

BS520.5 .M46 2014
Menzies, James W.
True myth : C.S. Lewis and Joseph Campbell on the veracity of Christianity.
Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, [2014].

BS521.4 .J678 2014
Jost, Renate.
Feministische Bibelauslegungen : Grundlagen - Forschungsgeschichtliches - Geschlechterstudien.
Berlin : Lit, 2014.

BS521.7 .C65 2006
Colloque international d'analyse narrative des textes de la Bible (3rd : 2006 : Paris, France).
Regards croises sur la Bible : etudes sur le point de vue : actes du IIIe colloque international du Reseau de recherche en narrativite biblique, Paris, 8-10 juin 2006.
Paris : Cerf, 2007.

BS521.86 .P86 2015
Punt, J. (Jeremy).
Postcolonial biblical interpretation : reframing Paul.
Boston : Brill, 2015.

BS575 .H286 2015
Hamori, Esther J., author.
Women's divination in biblical literature : prophecy, necromancy, and other arts of knowledge.
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, [2015].

BS580.D3 W65 2014
Wolpe, David J., author.
David : the divided heart.
New Haven [Connecticut] : Yale University Press, [2014].

BS617 .R468 2012
Le lecteur : sixieme colloque international du Rrenab, Universite Catholique de Louvain, 24-26 mai 2012.
Leuven : Peeters, 2015.

BS637.2 .K713
Kramer, Karl F.
Geschichtstafel zur biblischen Zeitgeschichte Alten und Neuen Testaments. English.
A chronological chart of salvation history [by] Karl F. Kramer; [translated from the German by Alexa Suelzer].
London, Burns & Oates; New York, Herder and Herder, 1968.

BS651 .E86 2009
Evolution Im Fadenkreuz Des Kreationismus : Darwins religiose Gegner und ihre Argumentation.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gmbh & Co., 2009.

BS670 .B64 2015
Boer, Roland, 1961- author.
The sacred economy of ancient Israel.
Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, [2015].

BS680.F7 C76 1978
Croatto, J. Severino (Jose Severino).
Liberacion y libertad : pautas hermeneuticas.
[Lima] : [Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones], [1978].

BS680.P47 H49
Hexham, Irving.
The Bible, justice and the culture of poverty : emotive calls to action versus rational analysis.
London : Social Affairs Unit, [1985?].

BS715 1989
Bible. Hebrew. 1989. Jerusalem.
Torah, nevi'im, ketuvim = The Holy Scriptures.
Jerusalem : Koren Publishers, 1989.

BS1110 .V4 v.167
Tov, Emanuel, author.
Textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, Septuagint.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2015].

BS1110 .Z37 v.480
Ziegert, Carsten, 1970-
Diaspora als Wustenzeit : Ubersetzungswissenschaftliche und theologische Aspekte des griechischen Numeribuches.
Boston : De Gruyter, 2015.

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