The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1991.
B105.F66 B65 2014
Boisvert, Raymond D.
I eat, therefore I think : food and philosophy.
Madison : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, [2014].
B105.L45 D68 2015
Douglass, Curran Fletcher, 1945-
Rationality, control, and freedom : making sense of human freedom.
Madison, NJ : Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2015.
B133.S5 M38 2015
Mathew, John V., 1977- author.
Advaita Vedanta re-explored towards ecological and dalit theology.
New Delhi : Christian World Imprints, 2015.
B443 .S56 1984
Simon, of Faversham, -1306.
Quaestiones veteres.
Quaestiones super libro elenchorum.
Toronto, Ont., Canada : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1984.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1989.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1990.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1991.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1992.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1993.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1994.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1995.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1996.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1997.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1998.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta Ga. : Scholars Press, 1999.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Providence R.I. : Brown University, 2000.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Providence R.I. : Brown University, 2001.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Providence R.I. : Brown University, 2002.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Providence R.I. : Brown University, 2003.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Providence R.I. : Brown University, 2004.
B689. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Atlanta, Ga. : Society of Biblical Literature, c2006.
B698. S88
The Studia Philonica Annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.
Providence R.I. : Brown University, 2005.
B721 .I55 2015
Intentionality, cognition, and mental representation in medieval philosophy.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2015.
B738.T5 M847 2014
Muir-Small, Teresa.
The fullness of time : integrating science, philosophy and theology on the question of time and eternity.
B765.B74 S25 2014
Salto Sola, Carlos Esteban, 1975- author.
La funcion del deseo en la vida espiritual segun Buenaventura de Bagnoregio.
Roma : Antonianum, 2014.
B765.T54 D332 2015
Daguet, Francois, author.
Du politique chez Thomas d'Aquin.
Paris : J. Vrin, 2015.
B765.T54 F475 2014
Ferrant, Alexander H.
Through the eye of the owl : understanding the role of the phantasm for Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus.
B765.T54 J546 2014
Johnson, John T.
Passion and beatific connaturality according to St. Thomas Aquinas.
B765.T54 M3887 2013
McGrath, Moira.
Minds and models : exploring the implications of a physicalist philosophy of mind and interpretation of neuroscience for the Thomistic concept of the Imago Dei as intellectual nature.
B765.T54 M675 2013
Mosher, Gabriel Thomas.
Between Aquinas and Buber : W. Norris Clarke's retrieval of inter- personal relationality in the anthropology of St. Thomas Aquinas.
B785.B223 Q47 2015
Bernardo, da Firenze, -approximately 1400, author.
Questio que scientiarum vel artium nobilitate prefulgeat an medicine vel legis = Welche Wissenschaft oder Kunst an Adel hervorragt, die Medizin oder die Jurisprudenz.
Fribourg : Academic Press, 2015.
B829.5 .W66 2015
Wood, Robert E., 1934- author.
Essays. Selections.
The beautiful, the true, and the good : studies in the history of thought.
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2015].
B839 .C275 2013
Case, Nicholas S.
Thomisms : methodological plurality in the study of St. Thomas Aquinas.
B2430.T374 B6783 2014
Braverman, John M.
Theology and science : Teilhard's contribution.
B2430.W474 A668
Alvarez, Mauricio Jose Najarro.
Between Perrin and Weil : rootedness, conversion, and vocation.
B3098.R3 S365 2015
Schmidtke, Sabine.
Schleiermachers Lehre von Wiedergeburt und Heiligung : "Lebendige Empfanglichkeit" als soteriologische Schlusselfigur der "Glaubenslehre".
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2015].
B3213.B84 D465 2015
Dialogue as a trans-disciplinary concept : Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and its contemporary reception.
Boston : De Gruyter, 2015.
B5800 .S3913 2011
Schweid, Eliezer.
Toldot filosofyat ha-dat ha-Yehudit ba-zeman he-hadash. English.
A history of modern Jewish religious philosophy.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2011-
BC60 .B8713 2015
Buridan, Jean, 1300-1358.
Tractatus de consequentiis. English.
Treatise on consequences.
New York : Fordham University Press, [2015].
BD111 .L28 2013
Later medieval metaphysics : ontology, language, and logic.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2013.
BD111 .N68 2013
Novotny, Daniel.
Ens rationis from Suarez to Caramuel : a study in scholasticism of the Baroque Era.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2013.
BD418.3 .K557 2012
Kim, Simon Andrew.
Materiality, immateriality, and unity : a Thomistic critique of John Searle's biological naturalism.
BF575.G8 S385 2015
Schuld - uberholte Kategorie oder menschliches Existential? : interdisziplinare Annaherungen.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2015.
BF1575 .R28 2015
Ray, Benjamin C., 1940-
Satan and Salem : the witch-hunt crisis of 1692.
Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2015.
BF1769 .B3354 2015
Bacchi, Ashley L.
Uncovering Jewish creativity : gender & intertextuality in book III of the Sibylline Oracles.
BJ1253 .M85547 2015
Muller, Stephan E., 1950-
Bausteine zur theologischen Ethik.
Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2015.
BJ1286.C5 .G37 2015
Gardner, Gregg, 1976- author.
The origins of organized charity in rabbinic Judaism.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
BL55 .L28 2014
The law of God : exploring God and civilization.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2014.
BL60 .P67873 2015
Postsakularismus : zur Diskussion eines umstrittenen Begriffs.
Frankfurt : Campus Verlag, [2015].
BL240.3 .E254 2015
Eckel, Rainer, 1977-
Gegner oder geschwister? : glaube und wissenschaft.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2015].
BL241 .S382165 2002
Science and theology. Korean.
Kwahak kwa chonggyo : saeroun kongmyong.
Soul : Tongyon, 2002.
BL535 .M98 2015
The myth of an afterlife : the case against life after death.
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].
BL980.G7 L38 2014
Lavoie, Jeffrey D., 1981-
A search for meaning in Victorian religion : the spiritual journey and esoteric teachings of Charles Carleton Massey.
Lanham : Lehigh University Press, 2014.
BM85.P37 H65 2013
Holzer, Elie.
Philosophy of havruta : understanding and teaching the art of text study in pairs.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2013.
BM487 .Q558 2015
Q in context I/ The separation between the just and unjust in Early Judaism and in the sayings source/ Markus Tiwald (ed.).
Gottingen : V&R unipress ; Bonn : Bonn University Press, 2015-
BM506 .T2 2015
The Jerusalem Talmud. Second order, Moed. Tractates Taaniot, Megillah, Hagigah and Moed Qatan (Masqin).
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].
BM526 .A79 2015
Arzy, S. (Shahar), author.
Kabbalah : a neurocognitive approach to mystical experiences.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2015.
BM535 .S53 1988
Simonsohn, Shlomo, 1923-
The Apostolic See and the Jews.
Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1988-
BM612 .S66 2015
Sommer, Benjamin D., 1964- author.
Revelation and authority : Sinai in Jewish scripture and tradition.
New Haven [Connecticut] : Yale University Press, 2015.
BM660 .S42 2015
Septimus, Yehuda, author.
On the boundaries of talmudic prayer.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2015.
BM712 .M48 2015
Metzler, Luise.
Das Recht Gestorbener Rizpa als Toralehrerin fur David.
Berlin : LIT, [2015].
BM729.L43 I53 2015
The individual in history : essays in honor of Jehuda Reinharz.
Waltham, Massachusetts : Brandeis University Press, 2015.
BM755.S75 B47 2015
Bernstein, Jeffrey Alan, author.
Leo Strauss on the borders of Judaism, philosophy, and history.
Albany : State University of New York Press, 2015.
BP63.S33 C66 2015
Commins, David Dean, author.
Islam in Saudi Arabia.
Ithaca, New York : Cornell University Press, 2015.
BP135.A3 M39 2005
Mazrui, Al-Amin Bin Ali.
The content of character : ethical sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.
[San Francisco] : Sandala, c2005.
BP172 .H816 2005
Husein, Fatimah.
Muslim-Christian relations in the New Order Indonesia : the exclusivist and inclusivist Muslims' perspectives.
Bandung, Indonesia : Mizan : Distributed by Mizan Media Utama, 2005.
BP182 .S63 2006
Sofjan, Dicky.
Why Muslims participate in jihad : an empirical survey on Islamic religiosity in Indonesia and Iran.
Bandung, Indonesia : Mizan, c2006.
BP188.18.W65 J68 2015
Jouili, Jeanette Selma, author.
Pious practice and secular constraints : women in the Islamic revival in Europe.
Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2015.
BP189.2 .J57 2002
Jironet, Karin.
The image of spiritual liberty in the western Sufi movement following Hazrat Inayat Khan.
Leuven : Peeters, 2002.
BP189.6 .J57 2009
Jironet, Karin.
Sufi mysticism into the West : life and leadership of Hazrat Inayat Khan's brothers 1927-1967.
Leuven, Belgium : Peeters, 2009.
BP193.5.S53 S532 2009
Le shi'isme imamite quarante ans apres : hommage a Etan Kohlberg.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2009.
BP355.N4 V75 2002
Vries, Jelle de.
The Babi question you mentioned-- : the origins of the Bahai community of the Netherlands, 1844-1962.
Leuven : Peeters, 2002.
BQ286 .F65 2015
Fogelin, Lars, author.
An archaeological history of Indian Buddhism.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2015.
BQ736 .B83 2015
Buddhism beyond borders : new perspectives on Buddhism in the United States.
Albany : State University of New York Press, 2015.
BQ7141 .M33 2015
Madhyamaka and Yogacara : allies or rivals?.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].
BQ7436.C57 S657 2013
Spiranec, Tomislav.
The cultivation of virtue in St. Ignatius and Santideva.
BR55 .O25 v.17
Stolle, Volker 1940-
Das Markusevangelium : Text, Ubersetzung und Kommentierung (unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Erzahltechnik).
Gottingen : Edition Ruprecht, 2015.
BR65.A62 R55 2015
Rigby, Paul, 1941- author.
The theology of Augustine's Confessions.
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
BR67 .P3 v.57
Berti, Vittorio, 1975- author.
L'au-dela de l'ame et l'en-deca du corps : approches d'anthropologie chretienne de la mort dans l'Eglise syro-orientale.
Fribourg : Academic Press Fribourg, [2015].
BR115.C8 B545 2015
Boin, Douglas, author.
Coming out Christian in the Roman world : how the followers of Jesus made a place in Caesar's empire.
New York, NY : Bloomsbury Press, 2015.
BR115.C8 R377 1998
Religion populaire, liturgie et evangelisation = Popular religion, liturgy and evangelizaton.
Leuven : Peeters, 1998.
BR115.C8 R45 2014
Religion Im Transnationalen Raum Raumbezogene, Literarische Und Theologische Grenzerfahrungen Aus Deutscher Und Polnischer Perspektive..
Berlin : Logos ; Subice : Collegium Polonicum, [2014].
BR115.G58 W546 2015
Wiemeyer, Joachim.
Keine Freiheit ohne Gerechtigkeit : christliche Sozialethik angesichts globaler Herausforderungen.
Freiburg : Herder, [2015].
BR115.G59 G55 2005
Gill, Rowan.
Theology and globalisation : a commentary.
Adelaide, Australia : ATF Press, 2005.
BR115.H6 E34 2006
Whose homosexuality? Which authority? : homosexual practice, marriage, ordination and the church.
Adelaide, S. Aust. : ATF Press, 2006.
BR117 .E37 2015
Early Christian and Jewish narrative : the role of religion in shaping narrative forms.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2015].
BR118 C3713 2003
Cassiodorus, Senator, ca. 487-ca. 580.
Institutiones. English.
Institutions of divine and secular learning ; and, On the soul.
Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2004.
BR118 .W4735 2015
Werbick, Jurgen.
Theologische Methodenlehre.
Freiburg : Herder, [2015].
BR141 .S84 v.51
Christianity and religious plurality : [plenary lectures of the 2013 Summer Conference and the 2014 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society].
Woodbridge : Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by Boydell Press, 2015.
BR158 .R43 2012
The rediscovery of Jewish Christianity : from Toland to Baur.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, c2012.
BR162.3 .O77 2015
Orselli, Alba Maria, author.
Essays. Selections.
Basileousa polis - regia civitas : studi sul Tardoantico cristiano.
Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2015.
BR162.3 .W45 2015
Weiss, Alexander.
Soziale elite und christentum : studien zu ordo-angehorigen unter den fruhen christen.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2015.
BR166 .S77 2014
Stewart-Sykes, Alistair.
The original bishops : office and order in the first Christian communities.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, 2014.
BR190 .C49 2014
Christianity in Roman Africa : the development of its practices and beliefs.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2014.
BR200 .G76 2015
Group identity and religious individuality in late antiquity.
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, 2015.
BR300 .V5 v.215
Profil und Wirkung des Heidelberger Katechismus : neue Forschungsbeitrage anlasslich des 450jahrigen Jubilaums = The Heidelberg Catechism : origins, characteristics, and influences : essays in reappraisal on the occasion of its 450th anniversary.
Gutersloh : Gutersloher Verlagshaus, [2015].
BR333.3 .R67 2015
Rostagno, Sergio, 1934- author.
Doctor Martinus : studi sulla Riforma.
Torino : Claudiana, [2015].
BR333.3 .U584 2015
Unterburger, Klaus.
Unter dem Gegensatz verborgen : Tradition und Innovation in der Auseinandersetzung des jungen Martin Luther mit seinen theologischen Gegnern.
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, [2015].
BR410 .B33 2015
Die Badener Disputation von 1526 : kommentierte Edition des Protokolls.
Zurich : TVZ, Theologischer Verlag Zurich, [2015].
BR515 .M18 2013
Major problems in American religious history : documents and essays.
Australia : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, [2013].
BR520 .S65 2015
Smith, John Howard, 1968- author.
The First Great Awakening : redefining religion in British America, 1725 -1775.
Madison, [NJ] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, [2015].
BR757 .L35 2015
Lake, Peter, author.
Scandal and Religious Identity in Early Stuart England : A Northamptonshire Maid's Tragedy.
Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK : The Boydell Press, 2015.
BR815 .K38 2015
Institut fur Ostdeutsche Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte (Bonn). Arbeitstagung (48th : 2011 : Stift St. Florian (Markt St. Florian, Austria)).
Katholische Aufklarung und Josephinismus : Rezeptionsformen in Ostmittel- und Sudosteuropa.
Koln : Bohlau Verlag, [2015].
BR852 .R44676 2015
Reformation und Politik : europaische Wege von der Vormoderne bis heute.
Halle (Saale) : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2015.
BR952 .S73 2014
Stasiewski, Bernhard 1905-1995.
Die Anfange der Christianisierung Polens auf dem Hintergrund der slavischen Missionsgeschichte des fruhen Mittelalters.
Munster : Verlagshaus Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2014.
BR1105 .F5
Fiey, J. M.
Assyrie chretienne, contribution a l'etude de l'histoire et de la geographie ecclesiastiques et monastiques du nord de l'Iraq.
Beyrouth, Impr. catholique [1965]-68.
BR1156.B48 K87 2005
Kurikilamkatt, James.
First voyage of the Apostle Thomas to India : ancient Christianity in Bharuch and Taxila.
Bangalore : Asian Trading Corp., 2005.
BR1156.G63 C67 2009
Costa, Cosme Jose, author.
Apostolic Christianity in Goa and in the West Coast.
Pilar, Goa : Xaverian Publication Society, 2009.
BR1156.K47 M38 2013
Mathew Oruvattithara, O. M., author.
A critique on the dynamics of the Syrian Jacobite Church of Kerala in her relation with the Church Missionary Society of England during 1806-1836.
Cheeranchira, Changanaserry : Mor Adai Study Centre, 2013.
BR1601.3 .S3635 2015
Schockenhoff, Eberhard.
Entschiedenheit und Widerstand : das Lebenszeugnis der Martyrer.
Freiburg : Herder, [2015].
BR1642.C3 R42 2015
Reimer, Sam, author.
A culture of faith : evangelical congregations in Canada.
Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2015.
BR1644.5.A35 W365 2013
Wankar, Gabriel Terzungwe.
Towards the new evangelization : lessons from Pentecostal/charismatic Christianity to the Catholic Church in Africa.
BR1644.5.I4 B38 2015
Bauman, Chad M., author.
Pentecostals, proselytization, and anti-Christian violence in contemporary India.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].
BR1720.S54 U84 2014
Uthemann, Karl-Heinz, author.
Anastasios Sinaites : byzantinisches Christentum in den ersten Jahrzehnten unter arabischer Herrschaft.
Berlin : De Gruyter, [2015].
BS106 .F35 2015
Falluomini, Carla.
The gothic version of the Gospels and Pauline Epistles : cultural background, transmission and character.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].
BS220.C9 B64 2013
Bohemicum Dresdense (Conference) (7th : 2013 : Technische Universitat Dresden).
Die tschechische Bibel : ihre Bedeutung in der Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte : Beitrage zum 7. Bohemicum Dresdense, 25. Oktober 2013.
Munchen : Verlag Otto Sagner, 2015.
BS410 .G69 v.24 2015
Les noces de Cana.
Arras : Artois presses universite, 2015.
BS475.3 .K36 2014
Kaminsky, Joel S., 1960-
The Abingdon introduction to the Bible : understanding Jewish and Christian scriptures.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, [2014].
BS476 .B58 2015
Blum, Erhard, 1950-
Grundfragen der historischen Exegese methodologische, philologische und hermeneutische Beitrage zum Alten Testament.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2015].
BS476 .R43 2015
Reception history and biblical studies : theory and practice.
London : Bloomsbury T & T Clark, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2015.
BS511.3 .C695 2015
Cox, Harvey, 1929-
How to read the Bible.
New York, NY : HarperOne, 2015.
BS575 .R45 2015
Religion and female body in ancient Judaism and its environments.
Boston : Walter de Gruyter, [2015].
BS580.A4 G53 2015
Giberson, Karl.
Saving the original sinner : how Christians have used the Bible's first man to oppress, inspire, and make sense of the world.
Boston, Massachusetts : Beacon Press, 2015.
BS580.J3 K54 2007
Klein, Renate Andrea, 1969-
Jakob : Wie Gott auf krummen Linien gerade schreibt.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007.
BS580.J55 W43 2012
Weber, Beat, 1955-
Jona : Der widerspenstige Prophet und der gnadige Gott.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2012.
BS580.J6 L89 2001
Lux, Rudiger 1947-
Josef : der Auserwahlte unter seinen Brudern.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014.
BS580.N45 F58 2015
Fitzpatrick-McKinley, Anne, author.
Empire, power, and indigenous elites : a case study of the Nehemiah memoir.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2015].
BS580.N6 E23 2015
Ebach, Jurgen.
Noah : die Geschichte eines Uberlebenden.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2001, [2015].
BS580.S3 B395 2015
Baziomo, Raoul, 1970-
La famille de Saul dans le conflit Saul versus David : etude de la construction narrative des personnages de Jonathan, Merav et Mikal.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2015].
BS580.S3 H45 2003
Hentschel, Georg.
Saul : Schuld, Reue und Tragik eines Gesalbten.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2003.
BS680.F83 E97 2005
European Association for Biblical Studies. Meeting (3rd : 2005 : Dresden, Germany).
Lebendige Hoffnung, ewiger Tod?! : Jenseitsvorstellungen im Hellenismus, Judentum und Christentum.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007.
BS680.M4 M47 2015
Der Messias im interreligiosen Dialog : christliche, judische und islamische Stimmen aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2015.
BS680.W7 D86 2015
Du Mez, Kristin Kobes.
A new gospel for women : Katharine Bushnell and the challenge of Christian feminism.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2015.
BS744.A7 .M38 2015
Matusova, E. D. (Ekaterina D.), author.
The meaning of the Letter of Aristeas : in light of biblical interpretation and grammatical tradition, and with reference to its historical context.
Gottingen ; Bristol, CT, U.S.A. : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015.
BS1110 .Z37 v.475
Hiebel, Janina Maria, 1979- author.
Ezekiel's vision accounts as interrelated narratives : a redaction- critical and theological study.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2015.
BS1171.3 .P64 2015
Poets, prophets, and texts in play : studies in biblical poetry and prophecy in honour of Francis Landy.
London, UK ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015.
BS1178.J3 W3864 1924
Watanabe, Zenda, 1885-1978.
Kyuyakusho no bungaku.
Tokyo : Keiseisha Shoten, Taisho 13 [1924].
BS1199.E38 P68 2015
Pouchelle, Patrick, author.
Dieu educateur : une nouvelle approche d'un concept de la theologie biblique entre Bible Hebraique, Septante et litterature grecque classique.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2015].
BS1223 .C37 2005
Bible. Pentateuch. English. Jewish Publication Society. 2005.
The commentators' Bible : the JPS Miqra'ot gedolot = Mikraot gedolot.
Philadelphia, PA : The Jewish Publication Society, 2005-<2015>
BS1235.52 .P45 2015
Peleg, Itzik, author.
Going up and going down : a key to interpreting Jacob's dream (Genesis 28:10-22).
London, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015.
BS1325.3 .J676 2011
Joseph, Nashin B.
War, sex, and violence : characterization in 2 Samuel 10-12.
BS1325.53 .B38 2015
Barron, Robert, 1959-
2 Samuel.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Brazos Press, [2015].
BS1375.52 .T74 2008
Treloar, Richard Stanley, 1965-
Esther and the end of 'final solutions' : theodicy and Hebrew biblical narrative.
Adelaide : ATF Press, 2008.
BS1414.A86 C6 2006
Cox, Claude E.
Armenian Job : reconstructed Greek text, critical edition of the Armenian with English translation.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2006.
BS1415.52 .B76 2015
Brown, Ken, 1982- author.
The vision in Job 4 and its role in the book : reframing the development of the Joban dialogues.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2015].
BS1415.52 .K676 2014
Korneck, Eva Jenny.
Das Buch Hiob als padagogisches Konzept : die Rede von Gottes Allmacht in religiosen Bildungsprozessen.
Berlin : Lit, 2014.
BS1415.53 .W55 2015
Wilson, Lindsay, 1955-
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015.
BS1430.52 .A555 2011
Aoki, Takako, 1960-
"Wann darf ich kommen und schauen das Angesicht Gottes?" : Untersuchungen zur Zusammengehorigkeit beziehungsweise Eigenstandigkeit von Ps 42 und Ps 43.
Wien ; Munster : Lit, 2011.
BS1430.52 .O75 2015
Homilies on the Psalms.
Die neuen Psalmenhomilien : eine kritische Edition des Codex monacensis graecus 314.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2015.
BS1430.52 .R356 2015
Ramon Ruiz, Eleuterio, 1964-
Das Land ist fur die Armen da : Psalm 37 und seine immer aktuelle Bedeutung.
Stuttgart : KBW Bibelwerk, [2015].
BS1450 130th .K746 2015
Kremser, Konrad, 1980-
Augustins Auslegung des Psalms 131 (130) im Horizont neuzeitlicher Bibelwissenschaft.
Stuttgart : KBW, Katholisches Bibelwerk, [2015].
BS1450 90th .A245 2013
Abelava, Robert.
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