Monday, November 02, 2015

New Books for November 2015

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections. The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B29 .P53713 2013
Pieper, Josef, 1904-1997.
Tradition als Herausforderung. English.
Tradition as challenge : essays and speeches.
South Bend, Indiana : St. Augustine's Press, [2015].

B187.5 .H65 2015
Hollingworth, Miles, author.
Inventing Socrates.
New York, NY : Bloomsbury Academic, [2015].

B1545.Z7 O3 2015
Of sympathy and selfishness : the moral and political philosophy of Adam Smith.
Macon, Georgia : Mercer University Press, [2015].

B2430.T374 B49 2015
Bidlack, Bede Benjamin.
In good company : the body and divinization in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ and Daoist Xiao Yingsou.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2015].

B3611.A44 D534 2015
Dickinson, Colby.
Agamben's coming philosophy : finding a new use for theology.
London ; Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd., [2015].

B5129.I6 .M84 2015
Muhammad Iqbal : essays on the reconstruction of modern muslim thought.
Edinburgh, UK : Edinburgh Univ. Press, [2015].

B5800 .H37 2015
Hashkes, Hannah E., author.
Rabbinic discourse as a system of knowledge : "the study of Torah is equal to them all".
Leiden : Brill, [2015].

BD41 .G63 2015
God, truth, and other enigmas.
Berlin/Munich/Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].

BD125 .H377 2015
Hart, Charles A. (Charles Aloysius), 1893-1959.
Thomistic metaphysics : an inquiry into the act of existing.
Neunkirchen-Seelscheid : Editiones Scholasticae, 2015.

BD125 .P48 2015
Peterson, John, 1937- author.
Mind, truth and teleology : an introduction to scholastic philosophy.
[Heusenstamm] : Editiones Scholasticae, 2015.

BD241 .R47 2014
Rescher, Nicholas, author.
Philosophical progress : and other philosophical studies.
Boston ; Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014].

BD331 .W535 2015
Wilhelmsen, Frederick D., author.
The paradoxical structure of existence.
New Brunswick, (U.S.A.) : Transaction Publishers, [2015].

BD541 .W44 2015
Weingartner, Paul.
Nature's teleological order and God's providence : are they compatible with chance, free will, and evil?.
Boston : de Gruyter, [2015].

BF175.4.R44 L33513 2013
Lacan, Jacques, 1901-1981, author.
Triomphe de la religion. English.
The triumph of religion : preceded by Discourse to Catholics.
Cambridge : Polity, [2013].

BF1623.T56 A37 2013
Aesthetics and theurgy in Byzantium.
Berlin : Boston : De Gruyter, [2013].

BJ1200 .H38 2015
Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940-
The work of theology.
Grand Rapids, Michigan ; Cambridge, U.K : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BJ1251 .G55 2014
Gill, Robin.
A textbook of Christian ethics.
London : Bloomsbury, [2014].

BJ1253 .G76 2015
Grotefeld, Stefan.
Verantwortung von Unternehmen : Uberlegungen in theologisch- ethischer Absicht.
Zurich : Theologischer Verlag Zurich, 2015.

BJ1278.E56 P5613 2015
Pinckaers, Servais, author.
Passions et vertu. English.
Passions & virtue.
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2015].

BJ1471 .K75 2013
Krokos, Jan, author.
Conscience as cognition : phenomenological complementing of Aquinas's theory of conscience.
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, [2013].

BJ1521 .S26 2015
Sanford, Jonathan J., 1974-
Before virtue : assessing contemporary virtue ethics.
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2015].

BL48 .F56 2015
Foley, Edward, author.
Theological reflection across religious traditions : the turn to reflective believing.
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].

BL51 .D46 2014
The dialectics of the religious and the secular : studies on the future of religion.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2014].

BL65.N35 B33 2015
Lane, Belden C., 1943-
Backpacking with the saints : wilderness hiking as spiritual practice.
New York : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BL65.S8 S27 2015
Sarkissian, Ani, 1973-
The varieties of religious repression : why governments restrict religion.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BL80.3 .A85 2013
Asian perspectives on the world's religions after September 11.
Santa Barbara, California : Praeger, [2013].

BL85 .C45 2009
Children and childhood in world religions : primary sources and texts.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, [2009].

BL98 .B3813 2015
Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925-
O Bogu i czowieku. English.
Of God and man.
Malden, MA : Polity, [2015].

BL458 .W56375 2006
Women and religion in the African diaspora : knowledge, power, and performance.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.

BL473 .A45 2015
Allen, Spencer.
The splintered divine : a study of Ishtar, Baal, and Yahweh divine names and divine multiplicity in the ancient Near East.
Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].

BL580 .W87 2015
Wuthrich, Matthias Dominique, 1972-
Raum Gottes : ein systematisch-theologischer Versuch, Raum zu denken.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2015].

BL610 .B74 2014
Bremmer, Jan N., author.
Initiation into the mysteries of the ancient world.
Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014].

BL624 .M45 2014
Mercadante, Linda A., 1947-
Belief without borders : inside the minds of the spiritual but not religious.
New York : Oxford University Press, [2014].

BL625 .C663 2015
Contemplative literature : a comparative sourcebook on meditation and contemplative prayer.
Albany : State University of New York Press, [2015].

BL625.7 .T79 2012
Trzebiatowska, Marta.
Why are women more religious than men?.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2012].

BL1803 .G56 2014
Globalization and the making of religious modernity in China : transnational religions, local agents, and the study of religion, 1800-present.
Boston : Brill, [2014].

BL1803 .R4585 2015
Religious publishing and print culture in modern China, 1800-2012.
Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].

BL2400 .T735 2014
Trajectories of religion in Africa : essays in honour of John S. Pobee.
Amsterdam ; New York, NY : Rodopi, 2014.

BL2443 .H635 2015
Hoffmeier, James Karl, 1951- author.
Akhenaten and the origins of monotheism.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BL2747.3 .R835 2015
Ruse, Michael.
Atheism : what everyone needs to know.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BM199.S3 S57 2015
Sisman, Cengiz.
The burden of silence : Sabbatai Sevi and the evolution of the Ottoman- Turkish donmes.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BM205 .F47 2015
Ferziger, Adam S.
Beyond sectarianism : the realignment of American Orthodox Judaism.
Detroit : Wayne State University Press, [2015].

BP80.G8 V35 2015
Valkenberg, Pim, 1954-
Renewing Islam by service : a Christian view of Fethullah Gulen and the Hizmet Movement.
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2015].

BP130.45 .B57 2014
Birkel, Michael Lawrence.
Qur'an in conversation.
Waco, Texas : Baylor University Press, [2014].

BP135 .H35413 2003
Hamidullah, Muhammad.
An introduction to the conservation of hadith : in the light of the Sahifah of Hammam ibn Munabbih.
Kuala Lumpur : Islamic Book Trust, 2003.

BP171.5 .A5613 2015
Amirpur, Katajun, 1971- author.
Islam neu denken. English.
New thinking in Islam : the jihad for democracy, freedom and women's rights.
London : Gingko Library, [2015].

BP182 .G86 2015
Gunaratna, Rohan, 1961-
The global Jihad movement : a handbook.
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].

BP194.185 .Q83 2015
Qubadzadah, Nasir.
Religious secularity : Shiite repudiation of the Islamic state.
New York : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BP605.S2 H55 2013
Hill, Jenna Miscavige.
Beyond belief : my secret life inside scientology and my harrowing escape.
New York : William Morrow, [2013].

BQ9550.H6592 M3976 2015
Poceski, Mario, author.
The records of Mazu and the making of classical Chan literature.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BR67 .C46 2015
Chittister, Joan.
In gods holy light : wisdom from the desert monastics.
Cincinnati, OH : Franciscan Media, [2015].

BR110 .S53 2013
Simon, George K.
The Judas syndrome : why good people do awful things.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, [2013].

BR115.C8 M668 2015
Morgan, Teresa (Teresa Jean), author.
Roman faith and Christian faith : pistis and fides in the early Roman Empire and early churches.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BR115.E3 W5787 2015
"Diese Wirtschaft totet" (Papst Franziskus) : Kirchen gemeinsam gegen Kapitalismus : fur Ulrich Duchrow.
Hamburg : VSA : Verlag, [2015].

BR118 .T477 2015
Theological theology : essay in honour of John B. Webster.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, [2015].

BR129 .P37 2013
Partings : how Judaism and Christianity became two.
Washington, DC : Biblical Archaeology Society, [2013].

BR145.3 .D38 2012
Daughrity, Dyron B., 1973-
Church history : five approaches to a global discipline.
New York : P. Lang, [2012].

BR145.3 .M72 2015
Motta, Marina, author.
Carismatica Europa : come i santi hanno rivoluzionato la storia dell'Occidente.
Roma : Citta nuova, [2015].

BR157 .C37 2015
Campbell, Ted.
The sky is falling, the church is dying, and other false alarms.
Nashville, Tennessee : Abingdon Press, 2015.

BR252 .M87 2015
Murray, Alexander, 1934- author.
Works. Selections.
Conscience and authority in the medieval church.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BR323.7 .L88 2015
Lutherrenaissance : past and present.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2015].

BR515 .L465 2014
Leonard, Bill (Bill J.), author.
A sense of the heart : Christian religious experience in the United States.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, [2014].

BR560.P5 D39 2014
Day, Katie, 1951- author.
Faith on the avenue : religion on a city street.
New York : Oxford University Press, [2014].

BR600 .G675 2014
Gonzalez, Ondina E., 1958-
Nuestra fe : a Latin American Church History Sourcebook.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, [2014].

BR856.3 R455 2014
Religion - Macht - Freiheit : Deutsches Neuland: eine Zwischenbilanz.
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Pub Edition, [2014].

BR1110 .N67 2011
North American Syriac Symposium (6th: 2011 : Duke University).
Syriac encounters : papers from the Sixth North American Syriac Symposium, Duke University, 26 - 29 June 2011.
Louvain : Peeters, c2015.

BR1325 .C75 2014
Critical readings on christianity in Korea.
Leiden : Brill, 2014.

BR1607.E85 M855 2015
Muller, Daniela, Author.
Frauen und Haresie : Europas christliches Erbe.
Berlin ; Munster : LIT, 2015.

BR1615 .L365 2014
Langford, Michael J., 1931-
The tradition of liberal theology.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2014].

BR1641.M67 T35 2015
Talking doctrine : Mormons and Evangelicals in conversation.
Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, [2015].

BR1720.A5 A4376 2015
Zelzer, Klaus.
Ambrosius, Benedikt, Gregor : philologisch-literarisch-historische Studien : im Gedenken an Michaela Zelzer.
Wien : Lit, [2015].

BR1720.T33 H95 2015
Hylen, Susan.
A modest apostle : Thecla and the history of women in the early church.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2015.

BS440 .O927 2015
The Oxford encyclopedia of the Bible and theology.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BS476 .R43 2015
Reading the Bible in an Age of Crisis.
Minneapolis, MN Fortress Press [2015].

BS580.A3 B53 2015
Blenkinsopp, Joseph, 1927- author.
Abraham : the story of a life.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BS651 .G775 2015
Greenway, William P.
For the love of all creatures : the story of grace in Genesis.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BS718 .T49 2014
The text of the Hebrew Bible : from the rabbis to Masoretes.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2014].

BS1171.3 .K39 2015
Kaminsky, Joel S., 1960-
The Hebrew Bible for beginners : a Jewish and Christian introduction.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, [2015].

BS1225.52 .T66713 2011
Tora (2010). English.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, [2011].

BS1235.52 .P76 2014
Provan, Iain W. (Iain William), 1957-
Seriously dangerous religion : what the Old Testament really says and why it matters.
Waco, Texas : Baylor University Press, [2014].

BS1237 .S65 2015
Spira, Gabriele.
Paradies und Sundenfall : Stoffe und Motive der Genesis 3-Rezeption von Tertullian bis Ambrosius.
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, [2015].

BS1405.52 .D63 2015
Dobbs-Allsopp, F. W., 1962- author.
On biblical poetry.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BS1415.52 .V48 2015
Vermeylen, J. (Jacques), author.
Metamorphoses : les redactions successives du livre de Job.
Leuven : Peeters, 2015.

BS1430.54 .H37 2015
Harmon, Kathleen A., 1944-
Becoming the Psalms : a spirituality of singing and praying the Psalms.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2015].

BS1485.52 .K37 2015
Kaplan, Jonathan, 1976- author.
My perfect one : typology and early Rabbinic interpretation of Song of Songs.
New York : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BS1545.52 .L965 2015
Lyons, Michael A., author.
An introduction to the study of Ezekiel.
London, UK ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, [2015].

BS2280 .Z4 v.213
Jacobi, Christine, 1979- author.
Jesusuberlieferung bei Paulus? : Analogien zwischen den echten Paulusbriefen und den synoptischen Evangelien.
Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].

BS2280 .Z4 v.214
Augustin, Philipp, 1988- author.
Die Juden im Petrusevangelium : narratologische Analyse und theologiegeschichtliche Kontextualisierung.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2015].

BS2506.3 .P3844 2015
Paul's Graeco-Roman context.
Leuven : Peeters, 2015.

BS2515 .G86 2015
Gundry, Robert H. (Robert Horton), 1932-
Peter : false disciple and apostate according to Saint Matthew.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BS2555.52 .H45 2015
Henderson, Suzanne Watts, author.
Christ and community : the Gospel witness to Jesus.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, [2015].

BS2589.6.M39 W55 2015
Wilson, Brittany E., author.
Unmanly men : refigurations of masculinity in Luke-Acts.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BS2615.2 .S73 2015
The St Cuthbert Gospel : studies on the insular manuscript of the Gospel of John (BL, additional MS 89000).
London : The British Library, 2015.

BS2615.53 .J65 2007
John 11-21.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2007.

BS2655.G65 B37 2015
Barclay, John M. G.
Paul and the gift.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BS2655.J4 V36 2012
Vanlaningham, Michael G.
Christ, the Savior of Israel : an evaluation of the dual covenant and Sonderweg interpretations of Paul's letters.
Frankfurt am Maim : Peter Lang, [2012].

BS2785.52 .E455 2015
Ellis, Nicholas J. (Nicholas Jameson), 1982- author.
The hermeneutics of divine testing : cosmic trials and biblical interpretation in the Epistle of James and other Jewish literature.
Tubingen, Germany : Mohr Siebeck, [2015].

BS2840 .B87 2013
Burke, Tony, 1968-
Secret scriptures revealed : a new introduction to the Christian Apocrypha.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2013].

BT75.3 .E73 2015
Erickson, Millard J.
Introducing Christian doctrine.
Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, [2015].

BT82.7 .M356 2015
Marbury, Herbert Robinson.
Pillars of cloud and fire : the politics of exodus in African American biblical interpretation.
New York : New York University Press, [2015].

BT103 .P33 2015
Padilla, Elaine.
Divine enjoyment : a theology of passion and exuberance.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2015.

BT203 .C35 2015
Capes, David B.
Rediscovering Jesus : an introduction to biblical, religious, and cultural perspectives on Christ.
Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, [2015].

BT203 .G8313 2014
Guardini, Romano, 1885-1968.
Jesus Christus, geistliches Wort. English.
Meditations on Jesus Christ : model of all holiness.
Manchester, New Hampshire : Sophia Institute Press, [2014].

BT303.2 .B57 2014
Bird, Michael F.
The gospel of the Lord : how the early church wrote the story of Jesus.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2014.

BT303.2 .S28713 2014
Schroter, Jens, 1961- author.
Jesus von Nazaret. English.
Jesus of Nazareth : Jew from Galilee, savior of the world.
Waco, Texas : Baylor University Press, [2014].

BT304.918 .D4 2015
De La Torre, Miguel A.
The politics of Jesus : a hispanic political theology.
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].

BT608 .A6713 1979
Amadeus, Saint, Bishop of Lausanne, 1110-1159.
Homiliae octo de laudibus beatae Mariae. English.
Eight homilies on the praises of Blessed Mary.
Kalamazoo, Mich. : Cistercian Publications, [1979].

BT701.2 .H42413 2015
Henry, Michel, 1922-2002, author.
Incarnation. English.
Incarnation : a philosophy of flesh.
Evanston, Illinois : Northwestern University Press, [2015].

BT707.6 .W55 2014
Wilson, Alan (Alan Thomas Lawrence), 1955- , author.
More perfect union? : understanding same-sex Christian marriage.
London : Darton Longman & Todd, [2014].

BT708 .D457 2015
DeFranza, Megan K., 1975- author.
Sex difference in Christian theology : male, female, and intersex in the image of God.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BT738 .S25735 2015
Sakralitat Und Devianz Konstruktionen - Normen - Praxis.
Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2015.

BT741.3 .J64 2015
Johnson, Luke Timothy.
The revelatory body : theology as inductive art.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Pub. Company, [2015].

BT767.8 .D585 2015
Divinization : becoming icons of Christ through the liturgy.
Chicago ; Mundelein, Illinois : Hildenbrand Books, [2015].

BT1476 .O47 2015
Olson, Roger E.
Counterfeit Christianity : the persistence of errors in the church.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, [2015].

BV176.3 .F73 2014
Francis, Mark R.
Local worship, global church : popular religion and the liturgy.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2014].

BV176.3 .S25 2014
Salisbury, Matthew Cheung.
Hear my voice, O God : functional dimensions of Christian worship.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2014].

BV214 .T73 2015
Tran, Catherine C., 1959- author.
Spiritual discovery : a method for discernment in small groups and congregations.
Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].

BV226 .L38 2015
Laughlin, Corinna.
How to write the Prayer of the Faithful.
Chicago, IL : Liturgy Training Publication, [2015].

BV600.3 .M39 2015
Mead, Loren B.
The parish is the issue : what I learned and how I learned it.
New York : Morehouse Publishing, 2015.

BV600.3 .S744 2015
Stewart, John W. (John William), 1934-
Envisioning the congregation, practicing the gospel : a guide for pastors and lay leaders.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BV601.3 .M33 2015
MacDougall, Scott, author.
More than communion : imagining an eschatological ecclesiology.
London : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, an imprint of the Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, [2015].

BV601.8 .G785 2015
Guder, Darrell L., 1939-
Doing missional theology.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Pub. Company, [2015].

BV637 .N86 2015
Numrich, Paul David, 1952- author.
Religion and community in the new urban America.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BV670.3 .A95 2015
Avis, Paul D. L.
Becoming a bishop : theological handbook of episcopal ministry.
New York : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, [2015].

BV2470.K6 K55 2015
Kim, Rebecca Y., 1974-
The spirit moves West : Korean missionaries in America.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BV2500 .M38 2014
Maughan, Steven S., 1962-
Mighty England do good : culture, faith, empire, and world in the foreign missions of the Church of England, 1850-1915.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2014].

BV3265.2 .R35 1998
Raya, Binaya Bhushana.
Zenana mission : the role of Christian missionaries for the education of women in 19th century Bengal.
Delhi : Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1998.

BV3271.J7 A5 1987
Anderson, Courtney.
To the Golden Shore : the life of Adoniram Judson.
Valley Forge : Judson Press, 1987.

BV3793 .Y685 2015
Young, Shawn David.
Gray sabbath : Jesus people USA, evangelical left, and the evolution of Christian rock.
New York : Columbia University Press, [2015].

BV4011.3 .A26 2014
Acolatse, Esther.
For freedom or bondage? : a critique of African pastoral practices.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2014].

BV4012 .H83 2015
Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen.
Bearing the unbearable : trauma, gospel, and pastoral care.
Grand Rapids Michigan : Eerdmans Pub. Company, [2015].

BV4531.3 .B566 2015
Blazer, Annie.
Playing for God : evangelical women and the unintended consequences of sports ministry.
New York : New York University Press, [2015].

BV4638 .B54 2014
Boesak, Allan, 1946-
Dare we speak of hope? : searching for a language of life in faith and politics.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2014].

BV4910.9 .M34 2015
McEntyre, Marilyn Chandler, 1949-
A long letting go : meditations on losing someone you love.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BV5077.E85 M96 2015
Mysticism and reform, 1400-1750.
Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, [2015].

BV5082.3 .M2713 2014
Martinez, Luis M. (Luis Maria), 1881-1956.
Simientes divinas. English.
Worshipping a hidden God : unlocking the secrets of the interior life.
Manchester, New Hampshire : Sophia Institute Press, [2014].

BX133.2 .J68 v.20 2015
Journee d'etudes coptes (13th : 2011 : Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).
Etudes coptes XIII : quinzieme journee d'etudes (Louvain-la-Neuve, 12-14 mai 2011) .
Paris : Editions de Boccard, 2015.

BX134.E3 D38 2005
Davis, Stephen J.
The early Coptic papacy : the Egyptian church and its leadership in late antiquity.
Cairo ; New York : American University in Cairo Press, [c2004] (2005 printing).

BX324.52 .T4465 2015
Theologischer Dialog mit dem Okumenischen Patriarchat : 14. und 15.Begegnung im bilateralen Theologischen Dialog : mit einem Vortrag S. A. des Okumenischen Patriarchen Bartholomaios I. im Berliner Dom.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2015].

BX378.C47 D46 2014
Denysenko, Nicholas E.
Chrismation : a primer for Catholics.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2014].

BX384.5 .M47 2003
Merton & Hesychasm : the prayer of the heart : the Eastern Church.
Louisville, KY. : Fons Vitae, 2003.

BX493 .A433 2014
Agadjanian, Alexander, 1958-
Turns of faith, search for meaning : Orthodox Christianity and post- Soviet experience.
Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang, [2014].

BX830 1962.A45 C79 2014
Witherup, Ronald D., 1950-
The word of God at Vatican II : exploring Dei verbum.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2014].

BX830 1962.A45 L5365 2015
Freedom, truth, and human dignity : the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on religious freedom : a new translation, redaction history, and interpretation of Dignitatis humanae.
Grand Rapids, Michigan ; Cambridge, U.K. : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].

BX890 .B673 1979 v.2
Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274.
Itinerarium mentis in Deum. English & Latin.
Itinerarium mentis in Deum : Latin text from the Quaracchi edition.
St. Bonaventure, NY : Franciscan Institute, Saint Bonaventure University, 2002.

BX945.3 .O43 2015
O'Malley, John W.
Catholic history for today's church : how our past illuminates our present.
Lanham, Md : Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.

BX1378.2 .F27 2014
Faggioli, Massimo, author.
John XXIII : the medicine of mercy.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2014].

BX1378.7 .C64 2015
Collins, Michael, 1960- author.
Francis : bishop of Rome.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2015].

BX1378.7 .G44 2015
Gehring, John, 1974-
The Francis effect : a radical pope's challenge to the American Catholic Church.
Lanham, Md : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015].

BX1530 .G53 2015
God's mirror : renewal and engagement in French Catholic intellectual culture in the mid-twentieth century.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2015.

BX1583 .O437 2015
Olds, Katrina Beth, 1973- author.
Forging the past : invented histories in Counter-Reformation Spain.
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2015].

BX1751.3 .B364 2015
Barron, Robert, 1959-
Essays. Selections.
Exploring Catholic theology : essays on God, liturgy, and evangelization.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2015].

BX1751.3 .G464 2015
George, Francis E. (Francis Eugene), 1937-2015.
Essays. Selections.
Clarifying the hope that lies within.
Washington, D.C : Catholic University of America Press, [2015].

BX1751.3 .O26 2015
O'Collins, Gerald, author.
Catholicism : the story of Catholic Christianity.
Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2015].

BX1754 .M74 2015
Mulder, Jack, author.
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