The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
BX1756 .N5532 2009
Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890.
Sermons preached on various occasions.
Charleston, SC : BiblioLife, [2009].
BX1548.R557 S76 2010
Storia della chiesa riminese.
Villa Verucchio (Rimini) : Pazzini ; Rimini : Guaraldi, 2010-2015.
BJ1521 .T5 .R55 1996
Ripperger, F. Chad.
The Morality of the exterior act in the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Romae, 1996, 2013.
BL619.C57 D53 2013
Dibley, Amy Genevive.
Abraham's uncircumcised children : the Enochic precedent for Paul's paradoxical claim in Galatians 3:29 : a dissertation by.
PA6156 .A6 2014
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, author.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2014-2016.
BT720 .O43 2014
O'Halloran, Nathan W.
Tributary to glory : the cosmic preconditions for the human experience of original sin.
HQ728 .F36 2013
Farley, Lawrence R.
One flesh : salvation through marriage in the Orthodox Church.
Chesterton, Indiana : Ancient Faith Publishing, 2013.
P53.27 .T728 2016
Traditions of eloquence : the Jesuits and modern rhetorical studies.
New York : Fordham University Press, 2016.
NA4605 .E4347 2013
Elberti, Arturo, 1951- author.
Storia e fondamenti del culto e dell'architettura sacra.
Napoli : Chirico, marzo 2013-
BJ47 .B338 2016
Baggett, David, author.
God and cosmos : moral truth and human meaning.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2016].
BL2540 .C365 2016
The Cambridge history of religions in Latin America.
New York : Cambridge University Press, [2016].
BL641 .F69 2016
Fox, Jonathan, 1968- author.
The unfree exercise of religion : a world survey of discrimination against religious minorities.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2016.
BM729.T55 G6513 2016
Goldberg, Sylvie Anne, author.
Clepsydre. English.
Clepsydra : essay on the plurality of time in Judaism.
Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2016].
BM198.56.N38 I53 2016
Inbari, Motti, author.
Jewish radical ultra-orthodoxy confronts modernity, Zionism and women's equality.
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, [2016].
BT75.3 .W35 2016
Ward, Graham, 1955- author.
How the light gets in : ethical life I.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2016].
BT652.E85 M83 2016
Maunder, Chris, author.
Our lady of the nations : apparitions of Mary in Twentieth-Century Catholic Europe.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2016].
BR1360 .G54 2016
Gifford, Paul, 1944- author.
Christianity, development and modernity in Africa.
Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2016].
DE94 .F76 2016
Fromherz, Allen James, author.
The Near West : Medieval North Africa, Latin Europe and the Mediterranean in the Second Axial Age.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2016].
BQ4660.J3 F38 2016
Faure, Bernard, author.
Gods of medieval Japan.
Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 2016.
BL65.E36 P63 2011
Placing nature on the borders of religion, philosophy and ethics.
Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2011].
BX1546.S25 C53 2014
Ciardo, Mauro, author.
La Controriforma nel Salento meridionale : nuovi documenti.
Lecce : Edizioni Grifo, [2014].
BL635 .R63 2016
Roberts, Daniel A. (Daniel Alan), 1942- author.
Clergy retirement : every ending a new beginning for clergy, their family, and the congregation.
Amityville : Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., [2016].
BP166.2 .V65 2011
Volf, Miroslav.
Allah : a christian response.
New York : HarperOne, [2012].
BR115.P7 W4945 2015
Wilsey, John D., author.
American exceptionalism and civil religion : reassessing the history of an idea.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, [2015].
BS1405.52 .A48 2011
Alter, Robert.
The art of Biblical poetry.
New York : Basic Books, [2011].
BT40 .K365 2013
Kang, Namsoon, author.
Cosmopolitan theology : reconstituting planetary hospitality, neighbor- love, and solidarity in an uneven world.
St. Louis : Chalice Press, [2013].
BV4221 .M67 2015
Moss, Otis, author.
Blue note preaching in a post-soul world : finding hope in an age of despair.
Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, [2015].
BR65.A9 U58 2009
Unterseher, Lisa A., 1964-
The mark of Cain and the Jews : Augustine's theology of Jews and Judaism.
Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press, 2009.
BT823 .A45 2016
Allison, Dale C., Jr., 1955- author.
Night comes : death, imagination, and the last things.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BS500 .W48 2016
Westerholm, Stephen, 1949- author.
Reading sacred scripture : voices from the history of biblical interpretation.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BX7260.E3 C666 2015
Crisp, Oliver.
Jonathan Edwards among the theologians.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].
BR115.N87 K74 2016
Kreglinger, Gisela H., 1967- author.
The spirituality of wine.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BV4580 .S702 2016
Stevens, R. Paul, 1937- author.
Aging matters : finding your calling for the rest of your life.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BS2361.3 .S45 2016
Selby, Gary S.
Not with wisdom of words : nonrational persuasion in the New Testament.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BV601.8 .C38 2016
Cavanaugh, William T., 1962-
Field hospital : the church's engagement with a wounded world.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BV4163 .H69 2016
How youth ministry can change theological education-if we let it : reflections from the Lilly Endowment's High School Theology Program Seminar.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
B2799.R4 I57 2016
Insole, Christopher J., author.
The intolerable God : Kant's theological journey.
Grand Rapids, Michighan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
B4378.R44 C66 2016
Connell, George, 1957-
Kierkegaard and the paradox of religious diversity.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BT701.3 .T45 2016
The theological anthropology of David Kelsey : responses to eccentric existence.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BT155 .P28 2016
Pally, Marcia, author.
Commonwealth and covenant : economics, politics, and theologies of relationality.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
KF358 .O5 2016
On secular governance : Lutheran perspectives on contemporary legal issues.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BX5199.B355 C43 2016
Chandler, Andrew, author.
George Bell, Bishop of Chichester : church, state, and resistance in the age of dictatorship.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2016].
BX1795.B63 P48 2016
Petri, Thomas (Assistant Professor of Theology).
Aquinas and the theology of the body : the Thomistic foundations of John Paul II's anthropology.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, [2016].
BX1746 .R87 2009
Rush, Ormond, 1950-
The eyes of faith : the sense of the faithful and the church's reception of revelation.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2009.
BR65.A9 T44 2008
Teske, Roland J., 1934-
To know God and the soul : essays on the thought of Saint Augustine.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2008.
PS3602.U7417 W44 2015
Burge, Gary M., 1952-
A week in the life of a Roman centurion.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2015].
BT1117 .M67 2015
Morley, Brian.
Mapping apologetics : comparing contemporary approaches.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2015].
BR118 .B88 2015
Buschart, W. David.
Theology as retrieval : receiving the past, renewing the church.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2015].
BV4221 .J64 2015
Johnson, Patrick W. T., 1979-
The mission of preaching : equipping the community for faithful witness.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2015].
BV4211.2 .L6737 2000
Loscalzo, Craig A.
Apologetic preaching : proclaiming Christ to a postmodern world.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2000.
BT708 .H57 2015
Hirsch, Debra, 1963-
Redeeming sex : naked conversations about sexuality and spirituality.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Books, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2015].
HV554.4 .A84 2015
Aten, Jamie D., author.
Disaster ministry handbook.
Downers Grove, Illinios : IVP Books, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2016].
BV625 .C37 2015
Castellanos, Noel.
Where the cross meets the street : what happens to the neighborhood when God is at the center.
Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, [2015].
BR1601.3 .Y36 2015
Yancey, George A., 1962-
Hostile environment : understanding and responding to anti-Christian bias.
Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, [2015].
BV4070.R66 S94 2016
Sweetser, William B., Jr., author.
A copious fountain : a history of Union Presbyterian Seminary, 1812-2012.
Louisville, KY : Westminster John Knox Press, [2016].
BX4818.3 .R63 2015
Rock, Paul (Paul T.), author.
Jesus, Pope Francis, and a Protestant walk into a bar : lessons for the Christian church.
Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, [2015].
BT75.3 .G47 2015
Gerrish, B. A. (Brian Albert), 1931- author.
Christian faith : dogmatics in outline.
Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, [2015].
BS511.3 .B76 2015
Brown, William P., 1958-
Sacred sense : discovering the wonder of God's word and world.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2015].
BS2575.53 .M58 2010
Mitch, Curtis.
The Gospel of Matthew.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, [2010].
N72.R4 R667 2015
Rosen, Aaron, author.
Art + religion in the 21st century.
London : Thames & Hudson, 2015.
BX1751.3 .R388 2016
Rausch, Thomas P.
Systematic theology : a Roman Catholic approach.
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2016].
BS2615.53 .M37 2015
Martin, Francis, 1930-
The Gospel of John.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2015].
BS2625.53 .K87 2013
Kurz, William S., 1939-
Acts of the Apostles.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2013].
BS2675.53 .M66 2011
Montague, George T.
First Corinthians.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, [2011].
PA817 .W54 2015
Whitacre, Rodney A., author.
Using and enjoying biblical Greek : reading the New Testament with fluency and devotion.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2015].
BT75.3 .C46 2016
Christian dogmatics : reformed theology for the church Catholic.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2016].
BR145.3 .B73 2016
Bray, Gerald Lewis, author.
The church : a theological and historical account.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, [2016].
BT103 .L48 2016
Levering, Matthew, 1971- author.
Proofs of God : classical arguments from Tertullian to Barth.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, [2016].
BR1641.C37 E945 2015
Evangelicals and Catholics together at twenty : vital statements on contested topics.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Brazos Press, a division of Baker Publishing Group, [2015].
BR479 .S86 2015
Sunquist, Scott W. (Scott William), 1953-
The unexpected Christian century : the reversal and transformation of global Christianity, 1900-2000.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2015].
BV600.3 .S485 2015
Sherman, Robert (Robert J.).
Covenant, community, and the Spirit : a Trinitarian theology of church.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2015].
BR162.3 .K74 2016
Kreider, Alan, 1941- author.
The patient ferment of the early church : the improbable rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, [2016].
BV2063 .L434 2016
Lingenfelter, Sherwood G., author.
Ministering cross-culturally : a model for effective personal relationships.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, [2016].
BT821.3 .G54 2016
Gladd, Benjamin L.
Making all things new : inaugurated eschatology for the life of the church.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, [2016].
BV4511 .R435 2015
Reed, Angela H.
Spiritual companioning : a guide to Protestant theology and practice.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2015].
BV4470 .N47 2016
Nesbit Sbanotto, Elisabeth A., 1981- author.
Effective generational ministry : biblical and practical insights for transforming church communities.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, [2016].
BR145.3 .S53 2016
Sider, Ronald J.
The future of our faith : an intergenerational conversation on critical issues facing the church.
Grand Rapids, MI : Brazos Press, [2016].
B721 .O94 2013
Oxford Studies in Medieval philosophy.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013-<2015>
BX1396 .S34 2016
Schepers, Judith, 1978- author.
Streitbare Bruder : ein parallelbiographischer Zugriff auf Modernismuskontroverse und Antimodernisteneid am Beispiel von Franz und Konstantin Wieland.
Paderborn : Ferdinand Schoningh, 2016.
N7865 .S845 2016
Steiger, Johann Anselm.
Ikonographie und Meditation des Hohenliedes in der Barockzeit zwischen Konfessionalitat und Transkonfessionalitat : die "Gottliche Liebesflamme" (1651) Johann Michael Dilherrs und Georg Philipp Harsdorffers sowie das Bildprogramm an der Patronatsempore in Steinhagen (Vorpommern).
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2016].
BX2170.C55 B54 2016
Biffi, Inos, author.
Lungo il tempo di Dio.
Milano : Jaca book, gennaio 2016.
BX2049.F7 A1 2015
Franciscus liturgicus : editio fontium saeculi XII.
Padova : EFR - Editrici francescane, [2015].
BX3637 .O36 2015
Odorifera verba domini mei : la predicazione minoritica da Francesco fino ai cappuccini.
Assisi : Cittadella editrice, settembe 2015.
BV4534 .O73 2015
Gli oratori ambrosiani del Novecento : educazione e pastorale giovanile nella Chiesa di Milano.
Milano : VP, Vita e pensiero, [2015].
BS2545.H62 H65 2016
The Holy Spirit and the Church according to the New Testament : Sixth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Belgrade, August 25 to 31, 2013.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2016].
BX4220.I8 C377 2015
Carraro, Silvia, author.
La laguna delle donne : il monachesimo femminile a Venezia tra IX e XIV secolo.
Pisa : Pisa University Press, [2015].
NA5621.B474 C45 2015
La chiesa San Giovanni XXIII = The St. John Church XXIII.
Bergamo : Grafica & arte, [2014].
BT203 .D83 2016
Duchi, Simone, author.
L'impeccabile liberta di Gesu : recensione critica d'una lezione manualistica.
Assisi : Cittadella editrice, febbraio 2016.
BR1720.B45 G35 2016
Galdi, Amalia, author.
Bologna : Il mulino, [2016].
BX2436 .C66 2013
Convegno Sacrense (22nd : 2013 : Sacra di S. Michele).
Regole e spiritualita monastiche : atti del XXII Convegno Sacrense, Sacra di S. Michele, 20-21 settembre 2013.
Stresa : Edizioni rosminiane, 2014.
B3258.H324 J8884 2016
Jutte, Stephan R.
Analogie statt Ubersetzung : eine theologische Selbstreflexion auf den inneren Zusammenhang von Glaubensgrund, Glaubensinhalt und Glaubensweise in Auseinandersetzung mit Jurgen Habermas.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2016].
B56 .V47 2015
Vernunftreligion und Offenbarungsglaube : zur Erorterung einer seit Kant verscharften Problematik.
Freiburg : Herder, [2015].
B3279.H48 S36213 2016
Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976, author.
Schwarze Hefte. Selections. English.
Ponderings II-VI : Black notebooks 1931-1938.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2016]-
GF75 .M685 2016
Morton, Timothy, 1968- author.
Dark ecology : for a logic of future coexistence.
New York : Columbia University Press, [2016].
PR1611.A3 V535 2015
Vickrey, John F., 1924- author.
Genesis B and the comedic imperative.
Bethlehem [Pennsylvania] : Lehigh University Press, [2015].
BX8643.J4 T87 2016
Turner, John G., author.
The Mormon Jesus : a biography.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016.
BJ1012 .H37 2016
Harris, John, 1945- author.
How to be good : the possibility of moral enhancement.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.
PR5892.N2 R93 2016
Ryan, Robert M., 1941- author.
Charles Darwin and the church of Wordsworth.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.
E184.J3 E83 2016
Esaki, Brett J.
Enfolding silence : the transformation of Japanese American religion and art under oppression.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2016].
BL71.5 .D74 2016
Drescher, Elizabeth.
Choosing our religion : the spiritual lives of America's Nones.
New York : Oxford University Press, [2016].
BL439 .C36 2016
Capper, Daniel, 1962- author.
Learning love from a tiger : religious experiences with nature.
Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2016].
BL600 .M363 2016
McClymond, Kathryn, 1960- author.
Ritual gone wrong : what we learn from ritual disruption.
New York, NY, United States of America : Oxford University Press, [2016].
BL1855 .C685 2016
Confucianism, a habit of the heart : Bellah, civil religion, and East Asia.
Albany : State University of New York Press, [2016].
BL2017.456 .S56 2015
Singh, K. (Kamalroop), author.
The Granth of guru Gobind Singh : essays, lectures, and translations.
New Delhi : Oxford University Press, [2015].
BP161.3 .I727 2016
Islam and popular culture.
Austin : University of Texas Press, [2016].
BQ336 .C65 2016
Collett, Alice, author.
Lives of early Buddhist nuns : biographies as history.
New Delhi, India : Oxford University Press, 2016.
BR65.A9 C53 2016
Clair, Joseph Allan, 1980- author.
Discerning the good in the letters and sermons of Augustine.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2016.
BR1642.S64 E43 2016
Elder, Robert, 1981- author.
The sacred mirror : evangelicalism, honor, and identity in the Deep South, 1790-1860.
Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, [2016].
BS2397 .B3513 2016
Baur, Ferdinand Christian, 1792-1860, author.
Vorlesungen uber neutestamentliche Theologie. English.
Lectures on New Testament theology Ferdinand Christian Baur ; edited by Peter C. Hodgson ; translated by Robert F. Brown.
Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2016.
BT83.59 .I58 2016
An insurrectionist manifesto : four new gospels for a radical politics.
New York : Columbia University Press, [2016].
BX2181 .M57 2016
A mirror to devout people (speculum devotorum).
United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2016.
BX1355 .B46 2016
Benedict XIV and the enlightenment : art, science, and spirituality.
Toronto, ON : University of Toronto Press, [2016].
B995.L654 R68 2016
Roy, Louis, 1942- author.
Engaging the thought of Bernard Lonergan.
Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2016].
BX4705.J28 E67 2016
Epstein, Steven, 1952- author.
The talents of Jacopo da Varagine : a Genoese mind in Medieval Europe.
Ithaca ; London : Cornell University Press, [2016].
BX4839 .A44 2016
Akenson, Donald H., author.
Discovering the end of time : Irish Evangelicals in the age of Daniel O'Connell.
Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2016].
BX393 .H64 2016
Holy men of Mount Athos.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2016.
BX1493 .J36 2016
James, Serenhedd, 1982- author.
George Errington and Roman Catholic identity in nineteenth-century England.
Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2016.
BT203 .P39 2016
Pawl, Timothy. author.
In Defense of Conciliar Christology : a Philosophical Essay.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.
BS1421 .O43 2016
Old English psalms.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2016.
BM729.W6 B7466 2016
Brettschneider, Marla, author.
Jewish feminism and intersectionality.
Albany : State University of New York Press, [2016].
BM635.4 .H35 2016
Halkin, Hillel, 1939- author.
After one-hundred-and-twenty : reflecting on death, mourning, and the afterlife in the Jewish tradition.
Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2016].
BX1970 .D463 2009
De Mattei, Roberto, 1948-
La liturgia della Chiesa nell'epoca della secolarizzazione.
Chieti : Solfanelli, 2009.
BV230 .V34 2016
Das Vaterunser in seinen antiken Kontexten : zum Gedenken an Eduard Lohse.
Gottingen ; Bristol, CT : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2016].
BX1752 .S4 2004
Schreck, Alan.
Catholic and Christian : an explanation of commonly misunderstood Catholic beliefs.
Cincinnati, Ohio : Servant Books, [2004].
BV4211.2 .J58 2001
Johnston, Graham, 1960-
Preaching to a postmodern world : a guide to reaching twenty-first- century listeners.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books, [2001].
BV652.25 .R365 2005
Rainer, Thom S.
Breakout churches : discover how to make the leap.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, [2005].
RC489.D3 M37 2016
Marich, Jamie.
Dancing mindfulness : a creative path to healing & transformation.
Woodstock, Vermont : SkyLight Paths Publishing, [2016].
BV4447 .J664 2001
Jones, Tony, 1968-
Postmodern youth ministry : exploring cultural shift, creating holistic connections, cultivating authentic community.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Youth Specialties, [2001].
NX180.S6 C48 1998
Chow, Rey.
Ethics after idealism : theory, culture, ethnicity, reading.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [1998].
BT431 .K45 1977
Kemper, Frederick W.
The trials of Jesus : meditations and sermons for Lent and Easter.
St. Louis : Concordia Pub. House, [1977].
BV4531.3 .T57 2008
Tirabassi, Maren C.
God in my life : faith stories and how and why we share them.
Cleveland, Ohio : Pilgrim Press, [2008].
BV3151.3 .K76 2014
Becoming missionary disciples.
Manila, Philippines : Pontifical Mission Societies, [2014].
BX1615 .K75 2014
Kroeger, James H., author.
Asia's dynamic local churches : serving dialogue and mission.
Quezon City, Philippines : Claretian Communications, [2014].
BR60 .C6 v.100
Prosper, of Aquitaine, Saint, approximately 390-approximately 463, author.
Liber epigrammatum. Latin (Horsting).
Liber epigrammatum.
Berlin : De Gruyter, [2016].
N8070 .O74 2000
Orsini, Jacqueline.
Mary : images of the Holy Mother.
San Francisco : Chronicle Books, [2000].
BX4705.C327 A3 2009
Carroll, James, 1943-
Practicing Catholic.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.
BX8635.2 .L44 1992
Lee, Rex E., 1935-1996.
What do Mormons believe?.
Salt Lake City, Utah : Deseret Book Co., [1992].
BJ1521 .T88 2010
Tutu, Desmond.
Made for goodness : and why this makes all the difference.
New York : HarperOne, [2010].
BS2585.53 .A87 2015
Aus, Roger David, 1940- author.
Essays in the Judaic background of Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 ; 15:23 ; Luke 1 :37 ; John 19:28-30 ; and Acts 11:28.
Lanham, Maryland : University Press of America, [2015].
BV4005 .S38 2015
Serving God's community : studies in honor of W. Ward Gasque.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada : Regent College Publishing ; Singapore : Graceworks Private Limited, 2015.
BX1407.M84 .M36 2013
Many tongues, one spirit : local ecclesiologies in dialogue.
Berkeley, CA : Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, [2013].
PR1191 .K48 1994
King Solomon's garden : poems and art inspired by the Old Testament.
New York : Abrams, 1994.
BH201 .C59 2000
The Continental aesthetics reader.
London ; New York : Routledge, [2000].
BS551.2 .B23 1991
Bach, Alice.
Miriam's well : stories about women in the Bible.
New York, N.Y. : Delacorte Press, [1991].
BL325.L3 S195 2001
Sands, Helen Raphael.
The healing Labyrinth.
Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's Educational Series, [2001].
BS575 .C34 1990
Cartledge-Hayes, Mary.
To love Delilah : claiming the women of the Bible.
San Diego, Calif. : LuraMedia, [1990].
BD175 .F834 1992
Fuchs, Stephan, 1958-
The professional quest for truth : a social theory of science and knowledge.
Albany : State University of New York Press, [1992].
N8189.R9 S26 1998
Salmond, Wendy R.
Russian icons at Hillwood.
Washington, D.C. : Hillwood Museum and Gardens, [1998].
KF3827.E87 D93 2001
Dyck, Arthur J., 1932-
When killing is wrong : physician-assisted suicide and the courts.
Cleveland, Ohio : Pilgrim Press, [2001].
PS3569.H39115 H6
Shea, John, 1941-
The hour of the unexpected.
Niles, Ill. : Argus Communications, [1977].
P37 .R54 2005
Riley, Denise, 1948-
Impersonal passion : language as affect.
Durham : Duke University Press, 2005.
BL241 .R35 2009
The religion and science debate : why does it continue?.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2009.
BD175 .S27 1993
Sassower, Raphael.
Knowledge without expertise : on the status of scientists.
Albany : State University of New York Press, [1993].
BX9853 .L54 2015
Lifting our voices : readings in the living tradition.
Boston : Unitarian Universalist Association, [2015].
BT746 .L58 2009
Linzey, Andrew.
Creatures of the same God : explorations in animal theology.
New York : Lantern Books, [2009].
BX1754 .K76 2014
Kroeger, James H., author.
Walking in the light of faith.
San Antoniio Village : St. Pauls ; Makati City, Philippines : St. Pauls, [2014].
BX 4700 .C6 V5 2011
San Antonio Maria Claret. English.
St. Anthony Mary Claret : autobiography and complimentary writings.
Bangalore, India : Claretian Pub., [2011].
BV4501.3 .Y5 2009
Yi, Song-bong, 1900-1965.
Myongsimdo kanghwa : the discourse on the Myeongsimdo.
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