The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B105.N68 S43 2016.
Sebastian, C. D.
Cloud of nothingness.
[Place of publication not identified] : Springer, India 2016.
B655.Z7 R48 2014.
Rist, John M.
Augustine deformed : love, sin, and freedom in the western moral tradition . Rist, University of Toronto.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014.
B828.2 .H69 2017.
How biology shapes philosophy : new foundations for naturalism .
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2017.
B2430.L484 F334 2012.
Facing nature : Levinas and environmental thought .
Pittsburgh, Pa. : Duquesne University Press, c2012.
B2430.L484 L466 2013.
Levinas and Asian thought .
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : Duquesne University Press, [2013].
B3224.E374 H367 2017.
Hans Ehrenberg als Grenzganger zwischen Philosophie und Theologie .).
Kamen : Hartmut Spenner, 2017.
B3323.P434 K84 2017.
Kuhlem, Albert-Henri.
Josef Piepers "Denkubung" im Glauben .
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, 2017.
B3363.W754 L67 2016.
Lorenz, Johannes, 1986- author.
Personsein, Freiheit und Verantwortung : anthropologische Voraussetzungen der Ethik bei Bernhard Welte .
Freiburg : Herder, [2016].
B3376.W563 T73253 2016.
Dobrzeniecki, Marek, 1980- author.
The conflicts of modernity in Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico- philosophicus .
New York : Peter Lang, [2016].
B4377 .S335 2011.
Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard : von der Metaphysik des Willen zur Philosophie der Existenz .
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2011.
B4377 .S348 2011.
Schulz, Heiko, 1959-
Aneignung und Reflexion .
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2011-2014.
BF1571 .H37 2011.
Harvey, Graham, 1959-
Contemporary paganism : religions of the earth from Druids and witches to heathens and ecofeminists .
New York : New York University Press, 2011.
BL65.N35 N375 2016.
Naturalism and beyond : religious naturalism and its alternatives .
Leuven : Peeters, 2016.
BL65.S38 H65 2017.
Holtz, Gudrun, author.
Die Nichtigkeit des Menschen und die Ubermacht Gottes : Studien zurGottes- und Selbsterkenntnis bei Paulus, Philo und in der Stoa .
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2017].
BL65.T47 C36 2017.
The Cambridge companion to religion and terrorism .
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017.
BL65.T55 B63 2017.
Bock, Christian, 1976-, author.
Zeitenfulle : Annaherungen an das paradoxe Verhaltnis von Verganglichkeit und Vollendung .
Wurzburg : Echter, [2017].
BL240.3 .M665 2016.
Moritz, Joshua M.
Science and religion : beyond warfare and toward understanding . Moritz.
Winona, Minnesota : Anselm Academic, [2016].
BL625.7 .W66 2017.
Women, religion, and the gift an abundance of riches .
Switzerland : Springer, [2017].
BL626.5 .K37 2016.
Karowicz, Dariusz, 1964-
The archparadox of death : martyrdom as a philosophical category .
New York : Peter Lang, 2016.
BL1150 .N53 2010.
Nicholson, Andrew J.
Unifying Hinduism : philosophy and identity in Indian intellectual history . Nicholson.
New York : Columbia University Press, 2010.
BL2747.3 .N493 2017.
New atheism : critical perspectives and contemporary debates . Cotter, Philip Andrew Quadrio, Jonathan Tuckett, editors.
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2017].
BM502.5 .L43 2016.
Learning to read Talmud : what it looks like and how it happens . Kanarek and Marjorie Lehman.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2016.
BM517.M65 A8428 2016.
Williams, Benjamin, 1985- author.
Commentary on Midrash rabba in the sixteenth century : the Or ha-sekhel of Abraham Ben Asher .
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.
BP63.A37 A458 2017.
Aljunied, Syed Muhd. Khairudin, 1976- author.
Muslim cosmopolitanism : Southeast Asian Islam in comparative perspective .
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2017].
BP189.6 .D68 2005.
Douglas-Klotz, Neil.
The Sufi book of life : 99 pathways of the heart for the modern dervish .
New York : Penguin Compass, 2005.
BQ4610.T3 M65 2008.
Mollier, Christine.
Buddhism and Taoism face to face : scripture, ritual, and iconographic exchange in medieval China .
Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, 2008.
BQ4960.T5 P43 2012.
Phatthana Kitiasa, author.
Mediums, monks, and amulets : Thai popular Buddhism today .
Chiang Mai : Silkworm Books, [2012].
BQ6337.S862 W377 2016.
Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. (Benedict Richard O'Gorman), 1936-2015, author.
The fate of rural hell : asceticism and desire in Buddhist Thailand .
London ; New York, NY ; Calcutta : Seagull Books, 2016.
BQ8719.4.C5 J34 2011.
Jager, Stefan S. author.
Glaube und religiose Rede bei Tillich und im Shin-Buddhismus : einereligionshermeneutische Studie . Jager.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2011.
BR60.G7 E93 2017.
Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 260-approximately 340, author.
Das Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsnamen .
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2017].
BR65.A9 T746 2017.
Trenkler, Almut, author.
Die beiden Rezensionen von Augustins Adnotationes in Iob im Licht von Hieronymus' erster Ijob-Ubersetzung : genetische Analysen aufgrund der altesten Codex-Fragmente Inguimbertinus 13 und Ashburnhamianus 95 .
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2017].
BR115.A8 B33 2017.
Babka, Susie Paulik, author.
Through the dark field : the incarnation through an aesthetics of vulnerability .
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2017].
BR115.G54 S23 2017.
Saarinen, Risto, author.
Luther and the Gift .
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2017.
BR118 .R385 2017.
Rationalitatstypen in der Theologie .
Freiburg im Breisgau : Verlag Herder, 2017.
BR327 .L88 2017.
Luthers Norden .
Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2017].
BR327 .R67 2017.
Roper, Lyndal.
Luther und ich : wie eine Frau dazu kam, die Biographie eines Patriarchen zu schreiben : Verleihung des Gerda Henkel Preises 2016 und 40-jahriges Stiftungsjubilaum, 7. November 2016, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen K21 Standehaus, Dusseldorf .).
Munster : Rhema, 2017.
BR333.3 .M364 2017.
Mattes, Mark C., author. Author.
Martin Luther's theology of beauty : a reappraisal . Mattes.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, [2017].
BR1601.3 .P47 2017.
Pesthy-Simon, Monika, 1954- author.
Isaac, Iphigeneia, Ignatius : martyrdom and human sacrifice .
New York : Central European University Press, 2017.
BS579.K5 G35 2016.
Galvin, Garrett, 1968- author.
David's successors : kingship in the Old Testament .
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, A Michael Glazier Book, [2016].
BS680.B68 B67 2016.
Borders : terminologies, ideologies, and performances .
Tubingen, Germany : Mohr Siebeck, [2016].
BS680.L33 I88 2017.
Ist die Tora Gesetz? : zum Gesetzesverstandnis im Alten Testament, Fruhjudentum und Neuen Testament .) ; mit Beitragen von Jan Dochhorn [and 4 others].
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.
BS1110 .Z37 v.452.
Rudnig-Zelt, Susanne, author.
Glaube im Alten Testament : Eine begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von Jes 7,1-17; Dtn 1-3; Num 13-14 und Gen 22,1-19 .
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2017].
BS1110 .Z37 v.506.
Kohler, Sarah. author.
Jeremia - Furbitter oder Klager? : eine religionsgeschichtliche Studie zur Furbitte und Klage im Jeremiabuch .
Berlin : De Gruyter, [2017].
BS1177.3 .E46 2016.
Elorza Ugarte, Jose Luis.
Drama y esperanza : lectura existencial del Antiguo Testamento .
Vitoria : Frontera : Estella : EVD, 2016-
BS1184 .W56 2017.
Wikander, Ola, author.
Unburning fame : horses, dragons, beings of smoke, and other Indo-European motifs in Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible .
Winona Lake, Indiana : Eisenbrauns, 2017.
BS1199.M2 I54 2017.
Individualitat und Selbstreflexion in den Literaturen des Alten Testaments .
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2017].
BS1225.52 .G45 2016.
Gellman, Jerome I., author.
This was from God : a contemporary theology of Torah and history .
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2016.
BS1235.52 .G66 2018.
Gonzalez Holguin, Julian Andres, author.
Cain, Abel, and the politics of God : an Agambenian reading of Genesis 4:1-16 .
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
BS1275.52 .B73 2016.
Braulik, Georg, author.
Studien zu Buch und Sprache des Deuteronomiums .
Stuttgart : Kbw, Bibelwerk, [2016].
BS1430.52 .H45 2017.
Heither, Theresia, author. Author.
Die Psalmen bei den Kirchenvatern : Psalm 1-30 .
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, [2017].
BS1455 .T695 2016.
Tracing Sapiential traditions in ancient Judaism .C. Tigchelaar.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2016].
BS1545.52 .K35 2003.
Kamionkowski, S. Tamar.
Gender reversal and cosmic chaos : a study on the book of Ezekiel . Tamar Kamionkowski.
London ; New York : Sheffield Academic Press, 2003.
BS2280 .Z4 v.224.
Wolff, Dominik, author.
Paulus beispiels-weise : Selbstdarstellung und autobiographisches Schreiben im Ersten Korintherbrief .
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2017].
BS2545.F3 G538 2017.
Glaube : das Verstandnis des Glaubens im fruhen Christentum und in seiner judischen und hellenistisch-romischen Umwelt .
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2017].
BS2545.G65 G68 2016.
Gotte, Monika Elisabeth, 1985- author.
Von den Wachtern zu Adam : fruhjudische Mythen uber die Ursprunge des Bosen und ihre fruhchristliche Rezeption .
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2016].
BS2545.H63 T68 2017.
Townsley, Gillian, author.
The straight mind in Corinth : queer readings across 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 .
Atlanta, GA : SBL Press, [2017].
BS2615.52 .D74 2017.
Drews, Alexander, author.
Semantik und Ethik des Wortfeldes "Ergon" im Johannesevangelium .
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2017].
BS2615.52 .H57 2017.
Hirsch-Luipold, Rainer, 1967-
Gott wahrnehmen : die Sinne im Johannesevangelium .
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2017].
BS2615.52 .M656 2017.
Moloney, Francis J., author.
Johannine studies, 1975-2017 . Moloney.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2017].
BS2775.53 .K55 2017.
Kleinig, John W., author.
Hebrews . Kleinig.
St. Louis : Concordia Publishing House, [2017].
BS2825.52 .S85 2015.
Studien zum Text der Apokalypse .
Boston : De Gruyter, 2015-2017.
BT75.2 .G78 1994.
Grudem, Wayne A.
Systematic theology : an introduction to biblical doctrine .
Leicester, England : Inter-Varsity Press ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan Pub. House, 1994.
BT133 .G688 2017.
Gottes Schwache Macht : Alternativen zur Rede von Gottes Allmacht und Ohnmacht . Klein, Friederike Rass (Hrsg.).
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2017].
BT137 .R45 2017.
Reimers, Adrian J., author.
Hell and the mercy of God . Reimers.
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2017].
BT148 .D83 2016.
Duby, Steven J., author.
Divine simplicity : a dogmatic account . Duby.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury T & T Clark, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2016.
BT153.I47 N45 2017.
Neidhart, Ludwig. author.
Gott und Zeit .
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, 2017.
BT597 .M3 v.25.
Congresso mariologico mariano internazionale (24th : 2016 : Fatima,Portugal).
Fatima - 100 Jahre danach : Geschichte, Botschaft, Relevanz .).
Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, [2017].
BT597 .M3 v.26.
Podgorelec, Ivan, 1963- author.
Marienrede, nicht Mariologie : die Gestalt Marias bei Karl Barth .
Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, [2017].
BT751.3 .R43 2015.
Reardon, Patrick Henry, 1938-
Reclaiming the atonement : an Orthodox theology of redemption .
Chesterton, Indiana : Ancient Faith Publishing, [2015].
BT764.3 .A9724 2017.
Aus Glauben gerecht : weltweite Wirkung und okumenische Rezeption der reformatorischen Rechtfertigungslehre .).
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2017].
BT767.5 .V66 2016.
Voss, Hank, author.
The priesthood of all believers and the missio dei : a canonical, Catholic, and contextual perspective .
Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, [2016].
BT774 .N33 2017.
Nachdenken uber den Zweifel : theologische Perspektiven .).
Ostfildern [Germany] : Matthias Grunewald Verlag, [2017].
BT1391 .B522 v.36.
Expose du mythe valentinien et textes liturgiques (NH XI, 2) .
Quebec : Les Presses le l'Universite Laval ; Louvain : Editions Peeters, 2016.
BV178 .B454 2017.
Berger, Teresa, author.
@ worship : liturgical practices in digital worlds .
New York : Routledge, 2018.
BV185 .S46 2016.
Sion, mere des eglises : melanges liturgiques offerts au Pere Charles Athanase Renoux .).
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, [2016].
BV630.3 .M66 2017.
Soper, J. Christopher, author.
The challenge of pluralism : church and state in six democracies . Christopher Soper, Kevin R. den Dulk, and Stephen V. Monsma.
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2017].
BV825.3 .S365 2017.
Schmiechen, Peter.
Gift and promise : an evangelical theology of the Lord's Supper .
Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, [2017].
BV1465 .T75 2017.
Trisoglio, Francesco, author.
Le catechesi dei Padri della Chiesa : uno scrigno di tesori da riscoprire .
Cantalupa (Torino) : Effata editrice, [2017].
BX134.E3 C563 2017.
Christianity and monasticism in northern Egypt : Beni Suef, Giza, Cairo,and the Nile Delta . Takla.
Cairo ; New York : The American University in Cairo Press, [2017].
BX342 .K863 2016.
Kupari, Helena, author.
Lifelong religion as habitus : religious practice among displaced Karelian Orthodox women in Finland .
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2016].
BX1528 .H47 2017.
Heterodoxies croisees : catholicismes pluriels entre France et Italie, XVIe-XVIIe siecles .
Rome : Ecole francaise de Rome, 2017.
BX1615 .G85 2017.
Guillen Preckler, F. (Fernando), author.
History of the church in Asia : a historical survey .
Citta del Vaticano, Roma : Urbaniana University Press, 2017.
BX1751.3 .C372413 2017.
Carron Perez, Julian, author.
Essays. Selections. English.
Disarming beauty : essays on faith, truth, and freedom .
Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, 2017.
BX1756.F677 S4713 2016.
Francis, Pope, 1936-
Sermons. Selections. English.
Pope Francis morning homilies : in the Chapel of St. Martha's guest house .
Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 2016-
BX1795.P72 N67 2017.
Nos pratiques homiletiques: enjeux liturgiques et theologiques : 62e semaine d'etudes liturgiques, Paris, Institut Saint-Serge, 22-25 juin 2015 .).
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, [2017].
BX3201 .T43 v.40.
Raiti, Francesco Maria.
Francesco Maria Raiti, carmelitano vescovo di Lipari e di Trapani : profilo biografico lettere pastorali e altri scritti .
Roma : Edizioni Carmelitane, 2016.
BX3201 .T43 v.41.
Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzi, la experiencia mistica y su comunicacion (Conference) (2015 : Madrid, Spain).
Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzi : imagen y mistica : (450 anos de su nacimiento 1566-2016) .
Roma, Italia : Edizioni carmelitane, [2016].
BX4659.I8 F47 2017.
Ferrari, Anna, author.
I santi in Piemonte tra arte e leggenda : repertorio enciclopedico da Abaco a Zita .
Torino : Blu edizioni, [2017].
BX4700.J7 P27 2017.
Paci, Luigi, 1971- author.
Intuizione estetica, mistica e simbolismo in San Giovanni della Croce .
Canterano (RM) : Aracne editrice, maggio 2017.
BX4705.G1183 G76 2017.
Groccia, Pietro, author.
L'antropologia personalistica di Nunzio Galantino . Francesco Savino ; postfazione di Gennaro Cicchese.
Siena : Cantagalli, [2017].
BX4705.K76 A2 2015 v.10.
Kung, Hans, 1928- author. Author.
Ewiges Leben? .
Freiburg im Breisgau : Verlag Herder, [2017].
BX4705.S814 C35 2014.
Calcagno, Antonio, 1969-
Lived experience from the inside out : social and political philosophy in Edith Stein .
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : Duquesne University Press, [2014].
BX4705.T7858 O886 2016.
Otto Truchsess von Waldburg (1514-1573) .).
Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2016.
BX4817 .L884 2017.
Luther 2017 : Protestantische Ressourcen der nachsten Moderne . Kordesch.
Weilerswist : Velbruck Wissenschaft, 2017.
BX4827.T53 M43 2016.
Meditz, Robert E., 1960- author.
The dialectic of the holy : Paul Tillich's idea of Judaism within the history of religion . Meditz.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2016].
BX4827.T53 P297 2017.
Paul Tillich im Exil .
Berlin ; Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, [2017].
BX4844 .A43 2017.
Albrecht, Christian.
Offentlicher Protestantismus : zur aktuellen Debatte um gesellschaftliche Prasenz und politische Aufgaben des evangelischen Christentums .
Zurich : Theologischer Verlag Zurich, [2017].
BX5141 .O46 2017.
Ommen, Armand Leon van, author.
Suffering in worship : Anglican liturgy in relation to stories of suffering people .
London ; New York : Routledge, 2017.
BX8063.E87 B49 2017.
Beyer, Jurgen (Senior Research Fellow), author.
Lay prophets in Lutheran Europe (c. 1550-1700) .
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2017].
BX9418 .F58 2017.
Fiume, Emanuele, 1969- author.
Giovanni Calvino .
Roma : Salerno editrice, [2017].
BX9749 .W454 2017.
Weigelt, Horst, author.
Migration and faith : the migrations of the Schwenkfelders from Germany to America - risks and opportunities .
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2017].
D151 .U84 2017.
The Uses of the Bible in Crusader Sources .
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2017].
DD176.8 .F65 2016.
Folgenreich : Reformation und Kulturgeschichte .
[Bonn, Germany] : AsKI, Arbeitskreis selbstandiger Kultur-Institute e.V., 2016.
DE86 .C85 2017.
Cultural contact and appropriation in the Axial-Age Mediterranean world : a periplos . Sacks ; associate editor, Tyler Edward Kelley.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2017].
DG507 .O9913 2016.
Ozog, Monika, 1977- author.
Inter duas potestates English.
Inter duas potestates : the religious policy of Theoderic the Great .
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, [2016].
DS110.B35 H64 2016.
Hohn, Stefan, 1985- author.
Das Beerscheba-Tal zur Zeit der Konige Judas .
Munster : Ugarit-Verlag, 2016.
E185.86 .M583 2016.
Mocombe, Paul Camy, author.
Jesus and the streets : the loci of causality for the intra-racial gender academic achievement gap in Black urban America and the United Kingdom . Mocombe, Carol Tomlin, and Victoria Showunmi.
Lanham : University Press of America, Inc., [2016].
GE70 .E184 2017.
EarthEd : rethinking education on a changing planet .
Washington, DC: Island Press, [2017].
ML420.S77 .Y3 2016.
Yadin-Israel, Azzan, author.
The grace of God and the grace of man : the theologies of Bruce Springsteen .
Highland Park, NJ : Lingua Press, 2016.
ML3921.8.R36 H64 2010.
Hodge, Daniel White, 1974-
The soul of hip hop : rims, timbs and a cultural theology .
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Books, 2010.
PJ5024 .S2413 2016.
Sagi, Abraham, author.
Petsue tefilah. English.
Prayer after the death of God : a phenomenological study of Hebrew literature .
Brighton, MA : Academic Studies Press, 2016.
PN756 .T47 2017.
Tears, sighs and laughter : expressions of emotions in the Middle Ages .
Stockholm : Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien, [2017].
PN1995.9.C49 G63 2017.
God in the movies : a guide for exploring four decades of film . Barsotti and Robert K. Johnston ; foreword by Ralph Winter.
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Brazos Press, a division of Baker Publishing Group, [2017].
PN1995.9.P37 K56 2017.
Kinnard, Roy, 1952- author.
Italian sword and sandal films, 1908-1990 .
Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2017].
PN3351 .L35 2017.
Lakeland, Paul, 1946- author.
The wounded angel : fiction and the religious imagination .
Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, [2017].
PQ4401 .G79 2015.
Grzybowski, Jacek, 1973- author.
Cosmological and philosophical world of Dante Alighieri : the divine comedy as a Medieval vision of the universe .
Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang Edition, [2015].
PR1992.8.R45 C35 2016.
Callaway, Kutter, 1979- author.
Watching TV religiously : television and theology in dialogue : engagingculture .
Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, [2016].
PR4141 .E73 2008.
Blake, William, 1757-1827.
Works. 2008.
The complete poetry and prose of William Blake . Erdman.
Berkeley : University of California Press, [2008].
PS3619.T493 G64 2017.
Stewart, R. Desbrow, Jr. author.
God's courageous carpenter : the life of Saint Joseph . Desbrow Stewart, Jr.
Little Elm, TX : eLectio Publishing, [2017].
UB418.G38 S69 2014.
Snyder-Hill, Stephen, author.
Soldier of change : from the closet to the forefront of the gay rights movement .
[Lincoln, Nebraska] : Potomac Books, an imprint of the University of Nebraska Press, [2014].
Z1003.5.I8 V535 2017.
Vian, Nello, author.
Il cardinale che sapeva leggere : storie di libri e di scritture .
Genova : Marietti 1820, 2017.