Tuesday, February 01, 2005

New Books for February 2005

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B765.T54 C637 2003
Contemplating Aquinas : on the varieties of interpretation.
London : SCM, 2003.

BF637.C6 B815 2005
Burke, Mary Thomas.
Religious and spiritual issues in counseling : applications across diverse populations.
New York : Brunner-Routledge, 2005.

BF1429 .O94 2004
Owen, Alex, 1948-
The place of enchantment : British occultism and the culture of the modern.
Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 2004.

BF1434.G5 T74 2004
Treitel, Corinna.
A science for the soul : occultism and the genesis of the German modern.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

BF1566 .W57 2004
Witchcraft continued : popular magic in modern Europe.
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2004.

BF1589 .C58 2003
Churton, Tobias, 1960-
The golden builders : alchemists, rosicrucians and the first Free Masons.
Lichfield : Signal, 2003.

BJ47 .G76 v.134
Bretherton, Luke.
The use and abuse of drugs : a Christian response.
Cambridge : Grove Books, 2004.

BJ1395 .H37 2004
Harrison, Beverly Wildung, 1932-
Justice in the making : feminist social ethics.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BL65.G55 R84 2005
Ruether, Rosemary Radford.
Integrating ecofeminism, globalization, and world religions.
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005.

BL65.N35 S73 2004
The earth path : grounding your spirit in the rhythm of nature.
[San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, 2004.

BL640 .R42 2002
Religious freedom in Asia.
Hauppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science Publishers, 2002.

BL695 .P38 2004
Patterns and processes of religious change in modern industrial societies : Europe and the United States.
Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2004.

BM45 .N36 2004
Neusner, Jacob, 1932-
The emergence of Judaism.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BQ9449.D657 K562 2004
Kim, Hee-Jin.
Eihei Dogen : mystical realist.
Boston : Wisdom Publications, 2004.

BR65.A5 E53 1990
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Expositions of the Psalms, 121-150.
Hyde Park, N.Y. : New City Press, 2004.

BR65.G74 E53 2004
Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394.
Selections. English. 2004.
Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa : testimonies against the Jews.
Atlanta, Ga. : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.

BR129 .R43 2004
Redescribing Christian origins.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.

BR165 .G66 2004
Grant, Robert McQueen, 1917-
Augustus to Constantine : the rise and triumph of Christianity in the Roman world.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BR305.3 .H46 2004
Hendrix, Scott H.
Recultivating the vineyard : the Reformation agendas of Christianization.
Louisville, KY : Westminister John Knox Press, 2004.

BR350.B93 G7413 2004
Greschat, Martin.
Martin Bucer. English.
Martin Bucer : a reformer and his times.
Louisville, KY : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BR517 .C46 2005
Christerson, Brad.
Against all odds : the struggle for racial integration in religious organizations.
New York : New York University Press, 2005.

BR517 .O35 2004
Ogletree, Thomas W.
The world calling : the church's witness in politics and society.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BR563.N4 H6536 2004
Holmes, Barbara Ann, 1943-
Joy unspeakable : contemplative practices of the Black church.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2004.

BR563.N4 N454 2005
Nelson, Timothy Jon.
Every time I feel the Spirit : religious experience and ritual in an African American church.
New York : New York University Press, 2005.

BS531 .D47 2004
Derrida's Bible : reading a page of scripture with a little help from Derrida.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

BS580.A3 C34 2004
Calvert-Koysis, Nancy.
Paul, monotheism and the people of God : the significance of Abraham traditions for early Judaism and Christianity.
London; New York : T & T Clark, 2004.

BS645 .P89 2004
Psychology and the Bible : a new way to read the Scriptures.
Westport, Ct. : Praeger, 2004.

BS680.C65 K56 2004
Kim, Chong-hun, 1939-
The significance of clothing imagery in the Pauline Corpus.
London ; New York : T&T Clark International, 2004.

BS680.P47 H67 2004
Hoppe, Leslie J.
There shall be no poor among you : poverty in the Bible.
Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, 2004.

BS680.S7 P68 2004
Powell, Mark Allan, 1953-
Loving Jesus.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, 2004.

BS1160 .P38 2004
Parsons, Michael.
Luther and Calvin on Old Testament narratives : Reformation thought and narrative text.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2004.

BS1192 .D285 2004
David and Zion : biblical studies in honor of J.J.M. Roberts.
Winona Lake, Ind. : Eisenbrauns, 2004.

BS1192 .O87 v.51
Becking, Bob.
Between fear and freedom : essays on the interpretation of Jeremiah 30- 31.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004.

BS1295.52 .C36 2004
Campbell, Antony F.
Joshua to Chronicles : an introduction.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BS1420 .F65 2002
Fokkelman, J. P.
The Psalms in form : the Hebrew psalter in its poetic shape.
Leiden, The Netherlands : Deo Pub., 2002.

BS2255 .W34 2004
Wahlen, Clinton, 1960-
Jesus and the impurity of spirits in the Synoptic Gospels.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2004.

BS2341.53 .B67 2004
Boring, M. Eugene.
The people's New Testament commentary.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BS2361 .M55 2004
Minear, Paul Sevier, 1906-
The kingdom and the power : an exposition of the New Testament gospel.
Louisviller, KY : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BS2417.P6 H53 2004
Hidden transcripts and the arts of resistance : applying the work of James C. Scott to Jesus and Paul.
Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2004.

BS2506.3 .S76 2004
Stourton, Edward.
In the footsteps of Saint Paul.
London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2004.

BS2530 .P56 2003
Pinero Saenz, Antonio.
Nuevo Testamento. English.
The study of the New Testament : a comprehensive introduction.
Leiden : Deo, 2003.

BS2555.54 .A45 2004
Allen, Ronald J. (Ronald James), 1949-
Preaching the Gospels without blaming the Jews : a lectionary commentary.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BS2575.52 .A87 2004
Aus, Roger David.
Matthew 1-2 and the virginal conception : in light of Palestinian and Hellenistic Judaic traditions on the birth of Israel's first redeemer, Moses.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2004.

BS2575.52 .S35 2004
Scaer, David P., 1936-
Discourses in Matthew : Jesus teaches the church.
St. Louis, Mo. : Concordia Pub. House, 2004.

BS2575.54 .T39 2004
Taylor, Barbara Brown.
The seeds of heaven : sermons on the Gospel of Matthew.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BS2615.6.R54 S25 2004
Salier, Willis Hedley, 1959-
The rhetorical impact of the semeia in the Gospel of John.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2004.

BS2665.54 .S54 2004
Shields, Bruce.
Preaching Romans.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2004.

BS2675.6.L42 H55 2003
Hiigel, John L.
Leadership in 1 Corinthians : a case study in Paul's ecclesiology.
Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2003.

BS2775.53 .M35 2004
McKnight, Edgar V.
Macon, Ga. : Smyth & Helwys Pub., 2004.

BS2900.B3 R56 2004
Rhodes, James N., 1966-
The Epistle of Barnabas and the Deuteronomic tradition : polemics, paraenesis, and the legacy of the golden-calf incident.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2004.

BT40 .T5 1964
Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965.
Theology of culture.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1964.

BT93 .P677 2004
Post-Shoah dialogues : re-thinking our texts together.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2004.

BT140 .P5 2001
Pinnock, Clark H., 1937-
Most moved mover : a theology of God's openness.
Carlisle, Cumbria, UK : Paternoster Press ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, 2001.

BT203 .P36 2004
Panikkar, Raimundo, 1918-
Christophany : the fullness of man.
New York : Orbis, 2004.

BT216.3 .F87 2003
Furlong, Andrew.
Tried for heresy : a 21st century journey of faith.
New Alresford : O Books, 2003.

BT375.3 .H44 2004
Hedrick, Charles W.
Many things in parables : Jesus and his modern critics.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BT736.4 .A76 2004
Ariarajah, S. Wesley.
Axis of peace : Christian faith in times of violence and war.
Geneva : WCC Publications, 2004.

BT746 .J66 2003
Jones, Gerald E. (Gerald Edward), 1933-
Animals and the church.
Salt Lake City, Utah : Eborn Books, 2003.

BV15 .D42 2005
De Waal Malefyt, Norma.
Designing worship together : models and strategies for worship planning.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, 2005.

BV2063 .P67 2002
Postmission : world mission by a postmodern generation.
Carlisle : Paternoster Press, 2002.

BV4012 .S53 2005
Sitze, Bob.
Your brain goes to church : neuroscience and congregational life.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, 2005.

BV4207 .W46 2004
What's the matter with preaching today?.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

BV4211.3 .P74 2004
A preacher's companion : essays from the College of Preachers.
Oxford : Bible Reading Fellowship, 2004.

BV4501.3 .S58 2005
The spiritual revolution : why religion is giving way to spirituality.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2005.

BV4596.A48 N68 1998
Nowak, John M.
Sobriety amen : growth beyond the initial spiritual experience.
Chino Valley, Ariz. : Providence Two, 1998.

BV4597.555 .H86 2004
Human development and faith : life-cycle stages of body, mind, and soul.
St. Louis, MO : Chalice Press, 2004.

BX9,5.A37 F67 2004
For a new Africa : with hope and dignity.
Geneva : WCC Publications, 2004.

BX1378.5 .J615 2004
John Paul II, Pope, 1920-
Wstancie, chodzmy! English.
Rise, let us be on our way.
New York : Warner Books, 2004.

BX1406.3 .O77 2005
Orsi, Robert A.
Between heaven and earth : the religious worlds people make and the scholars who study them.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2005.

BX1548.F55 D334 2005
Dameron, George W. (George Williamson).
Florence and its church in the age of Dante.
Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.

BX2333 .C86 2005
Cunningham, Lawrence.
A brief history of saints.
Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2005.

BX2615.M629 C4913 2003
Chronicle of Morigny. English & Latin.
A translation of the Chronicle of the abbey of Morigny, France, c. 1100- 1150.
Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2003.

BX4102.3 .D45 2003
Delisi, Anthony, 1928-
What makes a Cistercian Monk? : chapter talks on the charisms of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance.
Conyers, Ga. : Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 2003.

BX4705.D6375 L36 2003
Langlois, John, 1963-
A Catholic response in sixteenth-century France to Reformation theology : the works of Pierre Dore.
Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2003.

BX4705.H77 J64 2004
Johns, David L.
Mysticism and ethics in Friedrich von Hugel.
Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2004.

BX4705. N5 I84 2004
Oxford International Newman Conference (3rd 2001 Keble College (University of Oxford).
Newman and faith .
Louvain, Dudley, MA. : Peeters Press ; [Grand Rapids, Mich.] : W.B. Eerdmans, 2004.

BX4827.B57 R62 2005
Roberts, J. Deotis (James Deotis), 1927-
Bonhoeffer and King : speaking truth to power.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.

BX5005 .P53 2003
Platten, Stephen.
Anglicanism and the Western Christian Tradition : Continuity, Change and the Search for Communion.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2003.

BX5199.H83 M37 2004
Marshall, Rob.
Hope, the archbishop : a portrait.
New York ; London : Continuum, 2004.

BX5980.S33 L44 2004
Lehmberg, Stanford E.
Holy Faith of Santa Fe, 1863-2000.
Albuquerque, N.M. : LPD Press, 2004.

BX7635 .Q83 2003
The Quaker presence in America : "let us then try what love will do".
Lewiston, NY : Edwin Mellen Press, 2003.

BX8116 .B43 2004
Beck, Ervin.
MennoFolk : Mennonite and Amish folk traditions.
Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 2004.

BX8331.3 .A53 2004
Anderson, Neil D., 1952-
A definitive study of evidence concerning John Wesley's appropriation of the thought of Clement of Alexandria.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2004.

BX8495.W5 R593 2003
Rogal, Samuel J.
A daily calendar of John Wesley's evangelical travels in Georgia, the British Isles, Holland, and Germany.
Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2003.

BX9339.G54 M34 2004
McGinnis, Timothy Scott.
George Gifford and the reformation of the common sort : Puritan priorities in Elizabethan religious life.
Kirksville, Mo. : Truman State University Press, 2004.

CB365 .R58 2004
Rites of passage : cultures of transition in the fourteenth century.
[York, England] : York Medieval Press ; Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2004.

D161.5.F7 F73 2004
France and the Holy land : Frankish culture at the end of the crusades.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

DA933 .F49 2004
FitzPatrick, Elizabeth.
Royal inauguration in Gaelic Ireland c.1100-1600 : a cultural landscape study.
Woodbridge, Suffolk, U.K. ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2004.

DD247.M595 A313 2003
Moltke, Freya von.
Erinnerungen an Kreisau, 1930-1945. English.
Memories of Kreisau and the German resistance (Erinnerungen an Kreisau).
Lincoln, Neb. : University of Nebraska Press, 2003.

DS275 .F67 2004
Fried, Lisbeth S.
The priest and the great king : temple-palace relations in the Persian Empire.
Winona Lake, Ind. : Eisenbrauns, 2004.

DS559.5 .H85 2004
Hunter, R. Lanny.
My soul to keep : a journey of faith.
St. Louis, Mo. : Chalice Press, 2004.

DS759.4.R45 R44 2004
Reilly, Thomas H., 1954-
The Taiping heavenly kingdom : rebellion and the blasphemy of empire.
Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2004.

F74.D4 B38 2004
Batinski, Michael C., 1943-
Pastkeepers in a small place : five centuries in Deerfield, Massachusetts.
Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 2004.

F157.F8 B87 2004
Burdge, Edsel, 1960-
Building on the Gospel foundation : the Mennonites of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and Washington County, Maryland, 1730-1970.
Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 2004.

GR153.5 .F74 2004
Freitag, Barbara.
Sheela-na-gigs : unravelling an enigma.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2004.

GT2910 .W56 1995
Wind in the pines : classic writings of the way of tea as a Buddhist path.
Fremont, Calif. : Asian Humanities Press, 1995.

HD75 .G377 2004
Gasper, D.
The ethics of development : from economism to human development.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2004.

HM101 .K56 1995
Kindred spirits. Volume 3, Life challenges [sound recording].
Cambridge, Mass. (Box 777, Cambridge, MA 02139-0009) : Far Reaching Communications, 1995.

HN31 .D52 2004
A different world is possible.
London : SCM Press, 2004.

HQ1073 .D383 2005
Davies, Douglas James.
A brief history of death.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2005.

HV885.N49 N49 2005
Wosh, Peter J.
Covenant House : journey of a faith-based charity.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.

HV8688 .A36 2004
Acorn, Annalise E.
Compulsory compassion : a critique of restorative justice.
Vancouver : UBC Press, 2004.

JX4005 .W43 2004
Weeks, Noel.
Admonition and curse : the ancient near Eastern treaty/covenant form as a problem in inter-cultural relationships.
London, New York : T & T Clark, 2004.

KD6968 .S55 2004
Shirley, Kevin L. (Kevin Lee), 1961-
The secular jurisdiction of monasteries in Anglo-Norman and Angevin England.
Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2004.

LA177 .U53 2003
Universities in the Middle Ages.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003.

ML2911 .C67 2004
Costen, Melva Wilson, 1933-
In spirit and in truth : the music of African American worship.
Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

ML3060 .D86 2004
Duncan, Stephen F., OCCA, DMA.
A history of the sacred musical life of an Orthodox church in America.
Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2004.

N8193.2 .J673 2003
Jordan, Michael, 1941-
Buddha : his life in images.
London : Carlton, 2003.

NA5453 .W53 2003
The white mantle of churches : architecture, liturgy, and art around the millennium.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, 2003.

NE1052 .H43 2004
A heavenly craft : the woodcut in early printed books, illustrated books purchased by Lessing J. Rosenwald at the sale of the library of C.W. Dyson Perrins.
New York : G. Braziller ; Washington : Library of Congress, 2004.

PL2471.Z7 S425 2005
Selover, Thomas Whitfield.
Hsieh liang-tso and the analects of confucius : humane learning as a religious quest.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.

PN1999.W27 P56 2004
Pinsky, Mark I., 1947-
The Gospel according to Disney : faith, trust, and pixie dust.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

PR6039.O32 L63258 2003
Caldecott, Stratford.
Secret fire : the spiritual vision of J.R.R. Tolkien.
London : Darton Longman & Todd, 2003.

PR9510.9.B74 I52 2005
Brenner, Athalya.
I am-- : biblical women tell their own stories.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2005.

PS509.S62 B47 2004b
The best American spiritual writing 2004.
New York : Houghton Mifflin Co., 2004.

QL21.I74 S35 2003
Schimmel, Annemarie.
Islam and the wonders of creation. English & Arabic.
Islam and the wonders of creation : the animal kingdom.
London : Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 2003.

R725.56 .K438 2004
Kelly, David F.
Contemporary Catholic health care ethics.
Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2004.