The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B3359.V63 W4 2009
Von Hildebrand, Dietrich, 1889-1977.
Wesen der Liebe. English.
The nature of love.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, c2009.
BQ9269.4.C35 K46 1996
Kennedy, Robert E., 1933-
Zen spirit, Christian spirit : the place of Zen in Christian life.
New York : Continuum, 1996.
BR50 .E93 2008
Exchanges of grace : essays in honour of Ann Loades.
London : SCM Press, c2008.
BR67 .Q34 2008
Quaerite faciem eius semper : Studien zu den geistesgeschichtlichen Beziehungen zwischen Antike und Christentum ; Dankesgabe fur Albrecht Dihle zum 85. Geburtstag aus dem Heidelberger "Kirchenvaterkolloquium".
Hamburg : Kovac, 2008.
BR1642. A78 E93 2006
Evangelical Christianity and democracy in Asia.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
BS191.5.A1 2007 N49
Bible. English. New Revised Standard. 2007.
Holy Bible : with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books.
New York : Harper Bibles, c2007.
BS191.5.A1 2007 N49c
Bible. English. New Revised Standard. 2007.
Holy Bible : NRSV, New Revised Standard version, Catholic edition, Anglicized text.
New York : Harper Catholic Bibles, c2007.
BS195 .E64 2009
Bible. English. English Standard. 2009.
The English Standard Version Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
BS580.A4 H45 2007
Heither, Theresia.
Biblische Gestalten bei den Kirchenvatern : Adam.
Munster : Aschendorff, c2007.
BS2615.2 .G49 2008
Gerigk, Eva-Maria.
Wahlverwandtschaften : die Herkunfts- und Verwandtschaftsmetaphorik im Johannesevangelium als Suche nach den judischen Wurzeln christlicher Identitat ; ein Zugang unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Gebetes zum Vater (Joh 17).
Laer : Oros, c2008.
BT10 .G44 2008
Gegenwartig Glauben Denken : systematische Theologie.
Paderborn : Schoningh, 2008-
BT83.59 .R45 2008
Reikerstorfer, Johann.
Weltfahiger Glaube : theologisch-politische Schriften.
Wien : Lit, c2008.
BT821.3 .G44 2008
Die Gegenwart der Zukunft : Geschichte und Eschatologie.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlag, c2008.
BV4520 .M34 2009
Malphurs, Aubrey.
Strategic disciple making : a practical tool for successful ministry.
Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books, 2009.
BX830 1962 .M92 2007
"Mutig in die Zukunft" : dominikanische Beitrage zum Vaticanum II.
Leipzig : Benno Verlag, c2007.
BX870 2005
Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-
Insegnamenti di Benedetto XVI.
[Citta del Vaticano] : Libreria editrice vaticana, 2006-<2008>
BX1749.P395 F73
Franciscus, de Marchia, 14th cent.
Commentarius in IV libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi.
Grottaferrata (Roma) : Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, <2003-2006>
BX3614.P4 I93
Izaguirre, Bernardino, b. 1870.
Historia de las misiones franciscanas y narracion de los progresos de la geografia en el Oriente del Peru : relatos originales y producciones en lenguas indigenas de varios misioneros.
Lima : Provincia Misionera de San Francisco Solano del Peru, Convento de los PP. Descalzos, 2001-2007.
BX3654 .H57 2008
History of the Third Order Regular Rule : a source book.
St. Bonaventure, NY : Franciscan Institute Publications, Franciscan Institute, Saint Bonaventure University, 2008.
BX4045.Z5 I83 2005
Ciammaruconi, Clemente, 1965-
Un clero per la citta nuova : i salesiani da Littoria a Latina.
Roma : LAS, 2005-
BX4700.P7755 S63 2007
Socci, Antonio, 1959-
Il segreto di Padre Pio.
Milano : Rizzoli, 2007.
BX4705.P7146 I53 2007
In der Freiheit des Geistes : Dank an Joseph Pritz.
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, c2007.
BX4705.V65 C53 2007
Cicholaz, Roger Krzysztof.
Glauben und Leben : die Theologie des geistlichen Lebens bei Hermann Kardinal Volk.
Berlin Munster Lit 2006.
BX5199.A6 B44 2008
Before the King's majesty : Lancelot Andrewes and his writings.
Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2008.
BX8050 .C76 2003
Crossings : Norwegian-American Lutheranism as a transatlantic tradition.
Northfield, Minn. : Norwegian American Historical Association, 2003.
ND2955 .A73 2007
Arab painting : text and image in illustrated Arabic manuscripts.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007.
PA3612 .A66 1998
Works. English & Greek. 1998.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1998-2007.
PA3612 .P4 2005
Philostratus, the Athenian, 2nd/3rd cent.
Life of Apollonius of Tyana. English & Greek.
The life of Apollonius of Tyana.
Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 2005-2006.
PN1077 .S77 2008
Strunk, Reiner, 1941-
Poetische Theologie : Grundlagen, Bausteine, Perspektiven.
Neukirchen Vluyn : Neukirchener, c2008.
PT147 .P764 2007
Protestantismus & Literatur : ein kulturwissenschaftlicher Dialog.
Wien : Evangelischer Presseverband, c2007.