Monday, June 01, 2009

New Books for June 2009

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B654.Z7 R36 2008
Rankin, David (David Ivan), 1952-
Athenagoras : philosopher and theologian.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub. Ltd., 2008.

B765.T54 P46 2008
Peterson, John, 1937-
Aquinas : a new introduction.
Lanham, Md. : University Press Of America, c2008.

B945.P44 I73 2008
Irelan, Rebecca Jane.
A little experiment in pragmatic divinity : Charles Sanders Peirce and the women of early Methodism socialize the subject of John Wesley's doctrine of sanctification.

B1901.P43 M32 2008
MacKenzie, Charles Sherrard, 1924-
Blaise Pascal : apologist to skeptics.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2008.

B2799.E8 B53 2009
The Blackwell guide to Kant's ethics.
Chichester, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

B3097 .S8
Suskind, Hermann, 1879-1914.
Der Einfluss Schellings auf die Entwicklung von Schleiermachers System.
Aalen : Scientia, 1983.

B3258.H324 A53 2008
Andersen, Vagn.
Transformationen Gottes : Abhandlungen des Begriffs des Unbedingten in der Moderne.
Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, c2008.

B3601 .R67 2007
Rosmini, Antonio, 1797-1855.
Il rinnovamento della filosofia in Italia.
Roma : Istituto di studi filosofici ; Centro internazionale di studi rosminiani ; Citta Nuova, c2007-

BD435 .C495 2008
Changing values and beliefs in 85 countries : trends from the values surveys from 1981 to 2004.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008.

BF175 .B453 2008
Berke, Joseph H.
Centers of power : the convergence of psychoanalysis and Kabbalah.
Lanham, Md. : Jason Aronson, c2008.

BH56 .C65 2009
A companion to aesthetics : edited by Stephen Davies,
Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

BL48 .R4725 2009
Rodrigues, Hillary, 1953-
Introduction to the study of religion.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2009.

BL51 .T4113 2008
Terrin, Aldo N. (Aldo Natale).
La religione : temi e problemi.
Brescia : Morcelliana, c2008.

BL263 .D67 2007
Doran, Chris.
Implicit presuppositions made explicit : a critical appraisal of the theology of intelligent design as found in the work of William Dembski.

BL476 .F57 2008
Firestone, Reuven, 1952-
Who are the real chosen people? : the meaning of chosenness in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Woodstock, VT : SkyLight Paths Pub., 2008.

BL625 .I85 2009
Iskustvo Boga danas i Karmelska mistika = The experience of God today and Carmelite mysticism = L'esperienza di Dio oggi e la mistica Carmelitana : acts of the international seminar, Zidine (Bosnia and Herzegovina), September 17 -22, 2007.
Zagreb : KIZ, Karmelska izdanja, 2009.

BL690 .N45 2009
Negotiating community and difference in medieval Europe : gender, power, patronage, and the authority of religion in Latin Christendom.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009.

BL980.I8 B56 2008
Binazzi, Gianfranco.
La sopravvivenza dei culti tradizionali nell'Italia tardoantica e altomedievale.
Perugia : Morlacchi, c2008.

BL2775.3 .D39 H25 2008
Hahn, Scott.
Answering the new atheism : dismantling Dawkins' case against God.
Steubenville, Ohio : Emmaus Road Pub., c2008.

BM487 .C6 2009
Collins, Matthew A.
The use of sobriquets in the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls.
London : T & T Clark, c2009.

BM 502.3.H55 B89 2004
Buxbaum, Yitzhak.
The life and teachings of Hillel.
New York : London : Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.

BM517.S74 N48 2009
Neusner, Jacob, 1932-
Comparative midrash : Sifre to Numbers and Sifre Zutta to Numbers : two rabbinic readings of the book of Numbers.
Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2009.

BM675.D3 Z646813 1998
Siddur (Conservative, Rabbinical Assembly) Sabbath. English & Hebrew.
[Sidur Sim shalom : le-Shabat ve-Yom tov] = Siddur Sim shalom : for Shabbat and festivals.
New York City : Rabbinical Assembly : United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, c1998.

BQ734 .M58 2008
Mitchell, Scott A.
Taking refuge in the Dharma : post-colonialism, ritual theory, and American Buddhist studies.

BR60 .C49 v.20a
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 329-379.
Sermons. Latin. Selections.
Rufini Aquileiensis Homiliarum Basilii Magni interpretatio Latina.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2008.

BR75.J577 2009
Joachim, of Fiore, ca. 1132-1202.
Ioachimi abbatis Florensis Opera omnia.
Munchen : Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2009-

BR95 .M6 2006
Mosse, Walter M.
A theological German vocabulary : German theological key words illustrated in quotations from Martin Luther's Bible and the Revised standard version.
Eugene, Or. : Wipf & Stock, 2006, [c1955].

BR118 .T4825 2009
Theology as conversation : the significance of dialogue in historical and contemporary theology : a festschrift for Daniel L. Migliore.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009.

BR121.3 .W67 2008
World Christianity in the twentieth century : a reader.
London : SCM Press, 2008.

BR535 .H64 1952
Holland's, the magazine of the South.
Historic churches of the South; a collection of articles published in Holland's, the magazine of the South. Selected and edited by Mary Lorraine Smith.
Atlanta, Tupper & Love, Inc. [1952].

BR967.C76 S48 2008
Settimana europea (26th : 2004 : Gazzada, Italy).
Storia religiosa di Croazia e Slovenia.
Milano : Centro ambrosiano, c2008.

BS237 .W38 2006
Watson, Duane Frederick.
The rhetoric of the New Testament : a bibliographic survey.
Blandford Forum : Deo Publishing, c2006.

BS239 2007
Bible. German. 2007.
Bibel in gerechter Sprache.
Gutersloh : Gutersloher Verlagshaus, 2007.

BS450 .D32 2003
Dead Sea Scrolls to the forbidden book : a history of the Bible.
[S.l.] : HisStory, LLC, c2003.

BS475.3 .J66 2007
Jones, Bill, 1955-
Putting together the puzzle of the Old Testament.
Atlanta : Authentic, 2007.

BS576 .C73 2008
Craughwell, Thomas J., 1956-
Bad kids of the Bible : and what they can teach us.
Gloucester, Mass. : Fair Winds ; Hove : RotoVision [distributor], 2008.

BS580.E5 L48 2008
Leveque, James Patrick.
Elisha, Jehoram, and Israel : the dynamics of prophetic, monarchic, and popular power in the siege of Samaria (2 Kings 6:24-7:20).

BS663 .H67 2005
Hope, Edward Reginald.
All creatures great and small : living things in the Bible.
New York : United Bible Societies, c2005.

BS680.A34 H37 2008
Harris, J. Gordon.
Biblical perspectives on aging : God and the elderly.
New York : Haworth Pastoral Press, c2008.

BS680.F6 M33 2008
MacDonald, Nathan, 1975-
What did the ancient Israelites eat? : diet in biblical times.
Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Cambridge, UK : William B. Eerdmans, 2008.

BS1430.53 .G65 2006
Goldingay, John.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2006-c2008.

BS1430.54 .K75 2009
Kriegshauser, Laurence.
Praying the Psalms in Christ.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2009.

BS2341 .B3 2003
Barnett, Paul (Paul William).
Romans : the revelation of God's righteousness.
Fearn, Scotland : Christian Focus, 2003. Reprinted 2007.

BS2555.52 .M67 2007
Mosse, Martin.
The three Gospels : New Testament history introduced by the Synoptic problem.
Milton Keynes, Bucks ; Colorado Springs, CO : Paternoster, c2007.

BS2651 .B788 2003
Brune, Francois, 1931-
Saint Paul : le temoignage mystique.
Paris : Oxus, c2003.

BS2675.6.C573 B883 2007
Butarbutar, Robinson, 1961-
Paul and conflict resolution : an exegetical study of Paul's apostolic paradigm in 1 Corinthians 9.
Milton Keynes, England : Paternoster, c2007.

BS2675.6.C63 M67 2009
Morin, Eric, 1963-
Paul et les Corinthiens face a l'oracle de la Nouvelle Alliance (Jr 31, 31-34) : le role hermeneutique de la figure de Jeremie dans les lettres de Paul aux Corinthiens.
Pende : J. Gabalda, 2009.

BS2695.3 .U67 2004
Uprichard, Harry.
A study commentary on Ephesians.
Darlington, England ; Auburn, MA : Evangelical Press, 2004.

BT121.3 H66 2009
The Holy Spirit : classic and contemporary readings.
Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

BT157 .M36 2007
Mangum, R. Todd.
The dispensational-covenantal rift : the fissuring of American evangelical theology from 1936 to 1944.
Bletchley : Paternoster Press, 2007.

BT203 .T38 2009
Tatum, W. Barnes.
Jesus : a brief history.
Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

BT431.3 .S74 2007
Steinbach, Joseph.
Die Prozesse gegen Jesus : Passion und Auferstehung.
Durach : Schmid, c2007.

BT481 .G44 2008
Geis, Robert J.
The Christ from death arisen.
Lanham : University Press of America, c2008.

BT715 .C75 2007
Crisp, Oliver.
An American Augustinian : sin and salvation in the dogmatic theology of William G. T. Shedd.
Milton Keynes Waynesboro : Paternoster, 2007.

BV176.3 .S78 2004
Stuflesser, Martin.
Wo zwei oder drei versammelt sind : Was ist Liturgie?.
Regensburg : Pustet, c2004.

BV210.3 .W35 2008
Waldron, Robert G.
Thomas Merton : master of attention : an exploration of prayer.
New York : Paulist Press, 2008.

BV315 .R49 1990
Reynolds, William Jensen.
Songs of glory : stories of 300 great hymns and gospel songs.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan Books, c1990.

BV630.3 .C49 2009
Church, state, and citizen : Christian approaches to political engagement.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.

BV639.M56 K66 2008
Kondrath, William M.
God's tapestry : understanding and celebrating differences.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV639.W7 F25 1993
Fabella, Virginia.
Beyond bonding : a Third World women's theological journey.
[Manila, Philippines] : Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians and the Institute of Women's Studies, [c1993].

BV652 .S57 2008
Smith, Daniel P., 1938-
Pathway to renewal : practical steps for congregations.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV652.1 .B47 2008
Berntsen, John A.
Cross-shaped leadership : on the rough and tumble of parish practice.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV652.1 .F75 2008
Friend, Howard E.
Gifts of an uncommon life : the practice of contemplative activism.
Herndon, VA : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV652.1 .J65 2008
Jones, Jeffrey D.
Heart, mind, and strength : theory and practice for congregational leadership.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV652.1 .L57 2008
Lingenfelter, Sherwood G.
Leading cross-culturally : covenant relationships for effective Christian leadership.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2008.

BV652.9 .B75 2009
Brubaker, David R.
Promise and peril : understanding and managing change and conflict in congregations.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, c2009.

BV670.2 .O5 1993
On being a bishop : papers on Episcopacy from the Moscow consultation, 1992.
New York : Church Hymnal Corp., c1993.

BV840 .M65 2009
Molineaux, Natalie Brigit.
Medici et medicamenta : the medicine of penance in late antiquity.
Lanham : University Pr Of America, 2008.

BV1485 .W54 2007
Wickham, Frances L.
Blind folks with an elephant : comparative religion and adolescent religious development.

BV4011.3 .E65 2008
Epperly, Bruce Gordon.
Four seasons of ministry : gathering a harvest of righteousness.
Herndon, VA : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV4205 .M65 2007
Moller, Christian.
Die homiletische Hintertreppe : zwolf biographisch-theologische Begegnungen.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2007.

BV4208.I73 D524 2007
Dickson, J. N. Ian.
Beyond religious discourse : sermons, preaching and evangelical Protestants in nineteenth-century Irish society.
Bletchley, Milton Keynes, UK ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster, 2007.

BV4277 .L65
Lombard Street in Lent : a course of sermons on social subjects organized by the London Branch of the Christian Social Union, and preached in the Church of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, Lombard Street, during Lent, 1894 ; with a preface by the Bishop of Durham.
London : Elliot Stock, 1894.

BV4319 .B15 2008
Baab, Lynne M.
Reaching out in a networked world : expressing your congregation's heart and soul.
Herndon, VA : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV4319 .S32 2008
Scharer, Matthias, 1946-
The practice of communicative theology : introduction to a new theological culture.
New York : Crossroad Pub. Co., c2008.

BV4501.3 .G45 2008
Geoffrion, Timothy C., 1957-
One step at a time : a pilgrim's guide to spirit-led living.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, c2008.

BV4501.3 .R46 2008
Rhodes, Tricia McCary.
Sacred chaos : spiritual disciplines for the life you have.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Books, c2008.

BV4505 .S935 2008
Svalfors, Ulrika.
Andlighetens ordning : en diskursiv lasning av tidskriften Pilgrim.
Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, c2008.

BV4520 .W49 2009
Williams, Cassandra D.
Learning the way : reclaiming wisdom from the earliest Christian communities.
Herndon, Va. : Alban Institute, c2009.

BV4907 .S43 2009
Schroedel, Jenny.
Naming the child : hope-filled reflections on miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death.
Brewster, Mass. : Paraclete Press, 2009.

BX6.5 .E199 2007
Ecumenical and eclectic : the unity of the Church in the contemporary world : essays in honour of Alan P. F. Sell.
Milton Keynes : Paternoster, 2007.

BX300 .P38 2008
Parrinello, Rosa Maria.
Santita, eresia e politica a Bisanzio nel XII secolo : Costantino Crisomallo, il falso bogomilo.
Brescia : Morcelliana, c2008.

BX1312 .P56 2008
Pingiotti, Lorenzo, 1970-
La leggenda nera di papa Borgia.
Verona (Italy) : Fede & Cultura, c2008.

BX1407.M84 R33 2009
Rademacher, William J., 1928-
Healing and developing our multiculturalism : a new ministry for the church.
Eugene, Or. : Wipf and Stock Publishers, c2009.

BX1407.N4 U53 2009
Uncommon faithfulness : the Black Catholic experience.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2009.

BX1746 .D825 2007
Dulles, Avery Robert, 1918-2008.
Magisterium : teacher and guardian of the faith .
Naples, FL : Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, c2007.

BX1753 .M354 2008
Massaro, Thomas, 1961-
Living justice : Catholic social teaching in action.
Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2008.

BX2045.V5 R35 1990
Ramshaw, Gail, 1947-
Words around the fire : reflections on the Scriptures of the Easter Vigil.
Chicago : Liturgy Training Publications, c1990.

BX4045.Z5 I84 2008
Cassio, Giuseppe.
I salesiani di don Bosco a Terni : dal 1927 in cammino con i giovani.
[Arrone] (Terni)] : Tyrus, c[2008].

BX4363.I8 G56 2009
Giornata di studio sull'Osservanza francescana al femminile (2nd : 2007 : Foligno, Italy).
Cultura e desiderio di Dio : l'umanesimo e le clarisse dell'Osservanza : atti della II Giornata di studio sull'Osservanza francescana al femminile : 10 novembre 2007, Monastero Clarisse S. Lucia, Foligno.
S. Maria degli Angeli, Assisi (PG) [i.e. Perugia, Italy] : Porziuncola, c2009.

BX4700.F26 F45 2007
Felice da Nicosia : modello di santita per i nostri giorni : atti del secondo convegno di studi : Nicosia, 2-3 settembre 2004.
Roma : Collegio S. Lorenzo da Brindisi, 2007.

BX4705.L65 L65 2009
Loizeau, Gerard.
Prie de me taire : je revais d'une autre eglise.
Paris : Milo, c2009.

BX4711.695.S55 M95 2009
Mykhaleyko, Andriy.
"Per aspera ad astra" : der Einheitsgedanke im theologischen und pastoralen Werk von Josyf Slipyj (1892-1984) : eine historische Untersuchung.
[Wurzburg, Germany] : Augustinus bei Echter, 2009.

BX4827.B57 P54 2004
Plant, Stephen.
London ; New York : Continuum, 2004.

BX4844 .B87 2004
Busch, Eberhard, 1937-
Die Barmer Thesen 1934-2004.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2004.

BX5125 .G84 2007
Guest, Mathew.
Evangelical identity and contemporary culture : a congregational study in innovation.
Milton Keynes, U.K. ; Colorado Springs, Colo. : Paternoster, 2007.

BX5141.A1 A6 v.84
Buchanan, Colin Ogilvie.
An evangelical among the Anglican liturgists.
London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2009.

BX7731.3 .S64 2007
Spencer, Carole Dale.
Holiness : the soul of Quakerism : an historical analysis of the theology of holiness in the Quaker tradition.
Milton Keynes, Bucks, UK ; Colorado Springs, CO : Paternoster, 2007.

BX8067.A3 L76 1998
Encountering God : the legacy of Lutheran book of worship for the 21st century.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Kirk House Publishers, c1998.

BX8067.3 .S96 2007-10
Sundays and seasons.
Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Fortress, c2007-

BX8074.H65 M86 2008
Munday, John S.
Hate is the sin : putting faces on the debate over human sexuality.
New York : Routledge, 2008.

BX8495.W5 B85 2007
Bullen, Donald A.
A man of one book? : John Wesley's interpretation and use of the Bible.
Milton Keynes : Paternoster, 2007.

BX9183 .M56 2007
Milne, Garnet Howard.
The Westminster Confession of Faith and the cessation of special revelation : the majority Puritan viewpoint on whether extra-biblical prophecy is still possible.
Bletchley, Milton Keynes, UK ; Waynesboro, GA : Paternoster, 2007.

BX9225.T36 K95 2008
Kyle, I Francis.
An uncommon Christian : James Brainerd Taylor, forgotten evangelist in America's second Great Awakening.
Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c2008.

BX9418 .B3313 2009
Berg, M. R. van den.
Vrienden van Calvijn. English.
Friends of Calvin.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans, c2009.

BX9418 .J635 2009
John Calvin's impact on church and society, 1509-2009.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009.

BX9418 .S35 2009
Selderhuis, H. J., 1961-
John Calvin : a pilgrim's life.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2009.

BX9418 .S64 2009
Sober, strict, and scriptural : collective memories of John Calvin, 1800 -2000.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009.

BX9749 .G68 2006
Gouldbourne, Ruth M. B.
The flesh and the feminine : gender and theology in the writings of Caspar Schwenckfeld.
Bletchley, Milton Keynes ; Waynesboro, Ga. : Paternoster, 2006.

D839.7.D83 A4 2007
Dudman, Helga, 1925-
Letters home to San Francisco from occupied Germany, 1945-1946.
Jerusalem : Carta, c2007.

GN496 .E835 2009
The ethics of cultural appropriation.
Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

NA4600 .T44 2009
Theology in built environments : exploring religion, architecture, and design.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, c2009.

ND259.V487 A4 2005
Vilchis Roque, Alfredo.
La Revolucion imaginada : Alfredo Vilchis, pintor del barrio.
Mexico, D.F. : Ediciones Serres, c2005.

NE2237.5.K4 A4 2006
Corita, 1918-1986.
Come alive! : the spirited art of Sister Corita.
London : Four Corners Books, c2006.

PR149.B5 B5 2009
The Blackwell companion to the Bible and English literature.
Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.