The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B528 .D53513 1999
Didymos, ho Areios.
Epitome of Stoic ethics. English & Greek.
Epitome of Stoic ethics.
Atlanta, Ga. : Society of Biblical Literature, c1999.
BL2470.C6 N75 2009
Nsielanga, Simon Tukumu.
The challenges of the presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the reconstruction of Congolese faithful citizenship.
BM155.3 .D38 2011
Davies, Philip R.
On the origins of Judaism.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox, 2011.
BS537 .K64 2010
Kleine Untersuchungen zur Sprache des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt.
Waltrop: Spenner, 2010.
BS2615.52 .A65 2011
Anderson, Paul N., 1956-
The riddles of the Fourth Gospel : an introduction to John.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2011.
BT732.5 .C49 2009
Choi, Jae Haeng.
A group spiritual exercise for healing Han.
BV601.3 .D43 2010
Deaderick, Laura M.
Sacred other : difference and the congregational practice of catholicity.
BV3310 .T78 2009
Truong, Tu Thien Van.
Menh Tri : toward a Vietnamese theology of mission.
BV4647.F55 N45 2010
Ngijoe-Yanke, Clemence Leonie.
Becoming a loving community : transforming resentment into love, power and justice through healing and forgiveness, a case study of the Bawock community, northwest region, Cameroon, West Africa.
BX4705.J63 F66 2007
Fontes vitae beatae Johannae.
Signa (Firenze) : Masso delle fate, 2007.
BX4705.N17 R63 2009
Rodrigues, Charles.
"Composition of place" as "composition of self" : the role of Jerome Nadal's Adnotationes et meditationes in forming Ignatian identity.
BX4931.3 .E47 2009
Eisenbise, Kathryn S.
For thy neighbors' good : Anabaptist soteriology, separatism, and social salvation.
ND1053.4 .H56 2009
Hioki, Naoko Frances.
The shape of conversation : the aesthetics of Jesuit folding screens in Momoyama and early Tokugawa Japan (1549 - 1639).
NX180.R4 L4413 2006
Leeuw, G. van der (Gerardus), 1890-1950.
Vom Heiligen in der Kunst. English.
Sacred and profane beauty : the holy in art.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.