The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B655.Z7 K54 2009
Knowles, Walter Roy.
Numbering liturgy : an Augustinian aesthetics of worship by Walter Roy Knowles.
BJ1188.7 .J68
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics.
Collegeville, MN : Society of Christian Ethics, c2002-
BJ1249 .P35 2008
Perrenx, Jean-Pascal, Abbe.
Theologie morale fondamentale. V, les vices et les peches.
Paris : P. Tequi, 2008.
BL265.P4 M56 2009
Min, Ki Wook.
God, nature, and quantum theory.
BL2470.K4 K35 2008
Kairu, James Kimani.
Conversion in Kenya : a paradigm shift incorporating ideas of Donald Gelpi and Lewis Rambo.
BM729.W6 S55 2008
Silverman, Emily Leah.
Crossing over : the queering of the religious identities of Edith Stein, a Jewish nun and Regina Jonas, a woman rabbi.
BR115.A35 G67 2006
Gorringe, Timothy.
Harvest : food, farming and the churches.
London : SPCK, c2006.
BR1325 .J86 2009
Jung, Seung-Ku.
Julian of Norwich, Emmanuel Levinas and Korean Protestant women : self- identity and transcendence.
BS1245.52 .C37 2009
Castori, Michael Thomas Tupou.
"Israel and the nations" in the Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael and Origen's homilies on Exodus : a study in biblical interpretation.
BS2585.6.W65 C66 2008
Connolly, Michele A.
Disorderly women and the order of God : an Australian feminist reading of the Gospel of Mark.
BS2850.A3 A66 2011
The Apocryphal Gospels : texts and translations.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
BT80 .O98 2011
Out of place : doing theology on the cross cultural brink.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub. Ltd., c2011.
BT83.78 .M48 2009
McManus, Richard.
Franciscan conversatio process : a faith story-based dialogue method.
BT109 .N48 2002
Neumann, Waltraud Maria.
Philosophie und Trinitat : Erorterungen.
Hildesheim ; New York : Olms, 2002-<2010>
BT111.3 .Q48 2008
Quesnot, Irene.
Adopting perichoretic trinitarian epistomolgy [sic] : an exposition of the degrees of mutual indwelling for an economically globalizing society.
BT695.5 .C373 2009
Carver, Joseph P.
Ignatian spirituality and ecology : an invitation to communion with creation by Joseph P. Carver.
BT738 .B474 2009
Berten, Ignace.
Enterree, la doctrine sociale : actes de la session pour membres des equipes d'aumoneries pres des mouvements.
Bruxelles : Lumen vitae, 2009.
BV825.3 .O93 2009
Oya, Jessica M.
Hope for communion : (in)visibility and liminality in an era of HIV/AIDS.
BV4406.G3 P48 2008
Peterson, Bradley Arthur.
Towards a Protestant monasticism : the convent life expressed in the evangelical church orders of 16th century Germany.
BX1682.S6 M85 2008
Mukuka, George.
The other side of the story : the silent experience of the black clergy in the Catholic Church in South Africa (1898-1976).
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa : Cluster Publications, c2008.
BX2215.3 .S34 2008
Schneider, Athanasius.
Dominus est, riflessioni di un vescovo dell' Asia Centrale sulla sacra Comunione. English.
Dominus est, it is the Lord : reflections of a Bishop of central Asia on Holy Communion.
Pine Beach, N.J. : Newman House Press, c2008.
BX4485.2 .G67 2009
Gorman, Margaret M.
Charism and the sisters of Notre Dame of Coesfeld.
Digital video disc 470
Pray the devil back to hell [videorecording].
[New York, NY] : Fork Films, 2008.
Digital video disc 471
Rise up and walk [videorecording] : the life and witness of the African indigenous churches.
Lanham, MD : National Film Network, [200-?].
Digital video disc 477
Jonestown [videorecording] : the life and death of Peoples Temple.
[Alexandria, Va.] : PBS Home Video ; Hollywood, Calif. : Distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment, [2007].
Digital video disc 484
Blessed is the match [videorecording] : the life and death of Hannah Senesh.
[United States] : Docurama Films : Distributed by New Video, [2010].
GN451 .L572
Levy-Bruhl, Lucien, 1857-1939.
Surnaturel et la nature dans la mentalite primitive. English.
Primitives and the supernatural, by Lucien Levy-Bruhl. Authorized translation by Lilian A. Clare.
New York, E.P. Dutton & Co., 1935.
GN477 .L36 2011
Langwick, Stacey Ann.
Bodies, politics, and African healing : the matter of maladies in Tanzania.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2011.
HM708 .G47 2008
Gerber, Lynne M.
Ruling the unruly body : cultural capital and symbolic power in two parachurch ministries.
HQ1170 .M65 2009
Mohr, Sarah Huxtable.
Developing a criteria for Islamic feminism : a comparison of Simone de Beauvoir and Amina Wadud.
NA4800 .C59 2009
Chung, Francis Tae-Young.
Creating a new space : gendered space and worship in Korean church architecture.
PR4147 .H37 2009
Harvey, Jonathan Lynn.
William Blake : from antinomian rebel to prophet of healing and wholeness.
PS3537.A426 C343 2008
D'Agostino, Justin Franklin.
Resuscitating God : the secular quest and J. D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye.
PS3568.O855 G65 2009
Goldberg, Sasha T.
The kosher cut : Jewish masculinity in the works of Philip Roth.