Thursday, March 01, 2012

New Books for February 2012

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

B187.M25 R57 1996
Rist, John M.
Man, soul and body : essays in ancient thought from Plato to Dionysius.
Aldershot, Great Britain ; Brookfield, VT : Variorum, c1996.

B804 .K65
Krikorian, Yervant H. (Yervant Hovhannes), 1892-1977, ed.
Contemporary philosophic problems : selected readings.
New York : Macmillan ; [1959].

B2297 .R58 2006
Riviale, Philippe.
Lamennais : de la difference en matiere de religion.
Paris : Harmattan, c2006.

B2430.R554 P379 2011
Paul Ricoeur : honoring and continuing the work.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2011.

B2949.A4 H44 2000
Hegel and aesthetics.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2000.

B3092 .A2
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
Predigten 1809 - 1815.
Berlin [u.a.] : de Gruyter, 2011.

B3279 .H45 1975
Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976.
Der Anfang der abendlandischen Philosophie : Auslegung des Anaximander und Parmenides.
Frankfurt am Main : V. Klostermann, 2012.

BF575.M44 F45 2011
Feld, Alina N., 1956-
Melancholy and the otherness of God : a study of the hermeneutics of depression.
Lanham : Lexington Books, c2011.

BF1999 .A13 2011
2012 : decoding the countercultural apocalypse.
London ; Oakville : Equinox Pub., c2011.

BJ1012 .P39 1984
Parfit, Derek.
Reasons and persons.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, c1984.

BJ1251 .L695 2011
Lovin, Robin W.
An introduction to Christian ethics : goals, duties, virtues.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2011.

BJ1521 .A55 2011
Annas, Julia.
Intelligent virtue.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL51 .P28 2011
Past minds : studies in cognitive historiography.
London ; Oakville, CT : Equinox , c2011.

BL65.P7 R45 2011
Religion -- Wirtschaft -- Politik : Forschungszugange zu einem aktuellen transdisziplinaren Feld.
Zurich : Pano Verlag ; Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlag, c2011.

BL458 .O94 2012
The Oxford handbook of feminist theology.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

BL560 .M38 2011
Martella-Whitsett, Linda.
How to pray without talking to God : moment by moment, choice by choice.
Charlottesville, VA : Hampton Roads, c2011.

BL1510 .S55 2011
Skjrv, Prods O.
The spirit of Zoroastrianism.
New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, c2011.

BL1530 .R56 2011
Ringer, Monica M., 1965-
Pious citizens : reforming Zoroastrianism in India and Iran.
Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, c2011.

BM175.E8 Q86 2011
The Qumran legal texts between the Hebrew Bible and its interpretation.
Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, c2011.

BM176 .T55 2011
This world and the world to come : soteriology in early Judaism.
London ; New York : T&T Clark, c2011.

BM487 .Q62 2011
Qumran und die Archaologie : Texte und Kontexte.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2011].

BM487 .S8 v.98
Prayer and poetry in the Dead Sea scrolls and related literature : essays in honor of Eileen Schuller on the occasion of her 65th birthday.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, c2012.

BM487 .S8 v.100
Heger, Paul, 1924-
Challenges to conventional opinions on Qumran and Enoch issues.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BM535 .L76 2011
Lucass, Shirley.
The concept of the Messiah in the scriptures of Judaism and Christianity.
London ; New York : T&T Clark International, c2011.

BM546 .A54 2011
Angel, Marc.
Maimonides' essential teachings on Jewish faith and ethics : the Book of Knowledge and the Thirteen Principles of Faith : selections annotated and explained.
Woodstock, VT : SkyLight Paths Pub. : Jewish Lights Pub., c2011.

BM655 .W37 2012
Was 70 CE a watershed in Jewish history? : on Jews and Judaism before and after the destruction of the Second Temple.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BM690 .S72 2007
Steinberg, Paul, 1973-
Celebrating the Jewish year.
Philadelphia, PA : Jewish Publication Society, c2007-<2009>

BM695.A8 D38 2012
The Day of Atonement : its interpretations in early Jewish and Christian traditions.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BM905 .S63 2008
Societe d'etudes samaritaines. International Congress (6th : 2008 : Papa, Hungary).
Samaria, Samarians, Samaritans : studies on Bible, history and linguistics.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, c2011.

BP88.G47 K513 2012
Ghazzali, 1058-1111.
Kitab al-arbain fi usul al-din. Selections. English.
Ghazali on the principles of Islamic spirituality : selections from the Forty foundations of religion annotated & explained.
Woodstock, VT : SkyLight Paths Pub., c2012.

BP166.4.T53 K43 2009
Klar, Marianna, 1970-
Interpreting al-Tha'labi's Tales of the prophets : temptation, responsibility and loss.
Abingdon, Oxon : New York : Routledge, 2009.

BP192.7.I68 G65 2012
Goldberg, Ori.
Shi'i theology in Iran : the challenge of religious experience.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, c2012.

BQ9288 .L47 2011
Leighton, Taigen Daniel.
Zen questions : Zazen, Dogen, and the spirit of creative inquiry.
Boston : Wisdom Publications, c2011.

BR60 .S724 v.546 2011
Avitus, Saint, Bishop of Vienne.
De consolatoria castitatis laude.
Eloge consolatoire de la chastete = Sur la virginite.
Paris : Les editions du Cerf, 2011.

BR65.A6324 M388 2011
Massie, Alban.
Peuple prophetique et nation temoin : le peuple juif dans le Contra Faustum manichaeum de Saint Augustin.
Paris : Institut d'etudes augustiniennes, 2011.

BR65.E926 B86 2011
Bunge, Gabriel, 1940-
"Die Lehren der heiligen Vater" (RB 73, 2) : Aufsatze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten.
Beuron : Beuroner Kunstverlag, 2011.

BR65.O68 M378 2012
Martens, Peter William.
Origen and scripture : the contours of the exegetical life.
Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2012.

BR65.O68 O754 2011
Origenes und sein Erbe in Orient und Okzident.
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, 2011.

BR65.P283 K3867 2011
Katos, Demetrios S.
Palladius of Helenopolis : the origenist advocate.
Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BR100 .S37 2011
Schroder, Winfried.
Athen und Jerusalem : die philosophische Kritik am Christentum in Antike und Neuzeit.
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog, c2011.

BR115.A8 N52 2011
Nichols, Aidan.
Lost in wonder : essays on liturgy and the arts.
Farnham, Surrey, UK ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.

BR115.T73 C47 2011
Christian theology and tragedy : theologians, tragic literature and tragic theory.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.

BR115.W6 C573 2011
The Church made strange for the nations : essays in ecclesiology and political theology.
Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, c2011.

BR121.3 .C57 2011
Chryssides, George D., 1945-
Christians in the twenty-first century.
Sheffield ; Oakville, CT : Equinox Pub., c2011.

BR131 .S647 2011
Sorries, Reiner.
Christliche Archaologie compact : ein topographischer Uberblick: Europa - Asien- Afrika.
Wiesbaden : Reichert Verlag, 2011.

BR141 .D63 2011
Documents of the Christian Church.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BR185 .D749 2011
Drewermann, Eugen.
Die Apostelgeschichte : Wege zur Menschlichkeit.
Ostfildern : Patmos Verlag, 2011.

BR195.J8 L86 2012
Luomanen, Petri, 1961-
Recovering Jewish-Christian sects and gospels.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BR307 .S28 2011
Sandl, Marcus.
Medialitat und Ereignis : eine Zeitgeschichte der Reformation.
Zurich : Chronos, c2011.

BR334.3 .A94 2010
Auf Luthers Spuren Unterwegs : eine Reise durch Deutschland, die Schweiz und Italien.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2010.

BR335 .H953 2011
Der Humanist als Reformator : uber Leben, Werk und Wirkung Philipp Melanchthons.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2011], 2011.

BR335 .P4385 2011
Philipp Melanchthon : Lehrer Deutschlands, Reformator Europas.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt c2011.

BR1050.B32 B35 2011
Kirchliches Leben und Theologie in den baltischen Gebieten vom 16. bis 20. Jahrhundert : zwolf Beitrage zum 21. Baltischen Seminar 2009.
Luneburg : Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft, 2011.

BR1653.B76 J633 2011
Joachim Justus Breithaupt (1658-1732) : Aspekte von Leben, Wirken und Werk im Kontext.
Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2011], 2011.

BS476 .R455 2011
Reinmuth, Eckart.
Neues Testament, Theologie und Gesellschaft : hermeneutische und diskurstheoretische Reflexionen.
Stuttgart : Verlag W. Kohlhammer, [2011], 2012.

BS534.8 .D47 2011
Deppe, Dean B.
All roads lead to the Text : eight methods of inquiry into the Bible : a template for model exegesis with exegetical examples employing Logos Bible Software.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c2011.

BS543 .A78 2009
Teologia dalla scrittura : attestazione e interpretazioni.
Milano : Glossa, 2011.

BS575 .M325 2011
Many pious women : edition and translation.
Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, c2011.

BS621 .G64 2012
"Go out and study the land" (Judges 18:2) : archaeological, historical, and textual studies in honor of Hanan Eshel.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BS646 .A544 2011
Am Ende der Tage : apokalyptische Bilder in Bibel, Kunst, Musik und Literatur.
Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2011.

BS652 .W933 2011
Worthington, Jonathan D., 1978-
Creation in Paul and Philo : the beginning and before.
Tubingen, Germany : Mohr Siebeck, c2011.

BS680.P435 Y66 2011
Yong, Amos.
The Bible, disability, and the church : a new vision of the people of God.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c2011.

BS680.S66 B87 2011
Burke, Trevor J.
The message of sonship : at home in God's household.
Downers Grove, Ill. : Inter-Varsity Press, c2011.

BS1151.55 .R88 2011
Rutledge, Fleming.
And God spoke to Abraham : preaching from the Old Testament.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c2011.

BS1161.S46 P35 2012
Palmer, Ulrich.
Ernst Sellin - Alttestamentler und Archaologe.
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2012.

BS1171.3 .W34 2011
Wajdenbaum, Philippe, 1977-
Argonauts of the desert : structural analysis of the Hebrew Bible.
London ; Oakville : Equinox Pub., c2011.

BS1174.3 .L394 2011
Lauenstein, Diether.
Der neu zu schaffende Mensch : Entwurfe und Fragmente zum Alten und Neuen Testament.
Stuttgart : Mayer, [2011], 2011.

BS1198 .C66 2011
Cook, L. Stephen, 1968-
On the question of the "Cessation of Prophecy" in ancient Judaism.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2011.

BS1199.I54 M59 2011
Mixed marriages : intermarriage and group identity in the Second Temple period.
New York : T & T Clark International, c2011.

BS1225.52 .H437 2012
The Hebrew Bible in light of the Dead Sea scrolls.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012.

BS1235.52 .Z44 2012
Zeelander, Susan.
Closure in biblical narrative.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BS1245.52 .M48 2010
Methods for Exodus.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

BS1285 .L9815 2011
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.
Decem praecepta Wittenbergensi praedicata populo. German.
Martin Luthers Dekalogpredigten in der Ubersetzung von Sebastian Munster.
Koln : Bohlau Verlag, 2011.

BS1295.53 .R67 2011
Rosel, Hartmut N.
Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, c2011.

BS1455 .D44 2000
Dell, Katharine J. (Katharine Julia), 1961-
Get wisdom, get insight : an introduction to Israel's wisdom literature.
Macon, Ga. : Smyth & Helwys, c2000.

BS1565.53 .L36 2011
Landy, Francis, 1947-
Sheffield, England : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2011.

BS1705 .B39 2012
Baynes, Leslie.
The heavenly book motif in Judeo-Christian apocalypses, 200 B.C.E.-200 C.E..
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BS1755.52 .L38 2011
Lavatori, Renzo.
Empi e giusti : quale sorte? : lettura di Sapienza 1-6.
Bologna : EDB, 2011.

BS1825.53 .S39 2008
Schwartz, Daniel R.
2 Maccabees.
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, c2008.

BS1830.E7 S783 2007
Stuckenbruck, Loren T.
1 Enoch 91-108.
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, c2007.

BS2280. Z4 v.185
Welborn, L. L., 1953-
An end to enmity : Paul and the "wrongdoer" of Second Corinthians.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, c2011.

BS2344 .M45 v.9:3 2012
Muller, Peter, 1950-
Der Brief an Philemon.
Gottingen [etc.] : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012.

BS2361.3 .R43 2011
Reading ideologies : essays on the Bible and interpretation in honor of Mary Ann Tolbert.
Sheffield, UK : Sheffield Phoenix Press, c2011.

BS2364.3 .B334 2011
Bachmann, Michael, 1946-
Von Paulus zur Apokalypse--und weiter : exegetische und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien zum Neuen Testament, samt englischsprachigen summaries.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011.

BS2395 .L74 2011
Lindemann, Andreas.
Glauben, Handeln, Verstehen : Studien zur Auslegung des Neuen Testaments.
Tubingen [Germany] : Mohr Siebeck, c2011.

BS2398 .S73 2012
Staudt, Darina.
Der eine und einzige Gott : Monotheistische Formeln im Urchristentum und ihre Vorgeschichte bei Griechen und Juden.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012.

BS2510 .P487 2011
Petrus und Paulus in Rom : eine interdiszipliare Debatte.
Freiburg : Herder, [2011], 2011.

BS2545.S45 H344 2011
Hagenow, Stephan.
Heilige Gemeinde, sundige Christen : zum Umgang mit postkonversionaler Sunde bei Paulus und in weiteren Texten des Urchristentums.
Tubingen Francke c2011.

BS2555.52 .E45 2011
Elliott, Scott S.
Reconfiguring Mark's Jesus : narrative criticism after poststructuralism.
Sheffield, England : Sheffield Phoenix Press, c2011.

BS2555.52 .W66 2012
Wong, Eric.
Evangelien im Dialog mit Paulus : eine intextuelle Studie zu den Synoptikern.
Gottingen ; Oakville, Conn. : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2012.

BS2575.52 .J47 2011
Jesus, Matthew's gospel and early Christianity : studies in memory of Graham N. Stanton.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2011.

BS2575.52 .M34 2011
Malgioglio, Matteo.
Gesu, quale Messia? : rilevanza comunicativa e teologica dei capitoli 14-17 di Matteo.
Assisi (Perugia) : Cittadella, 2011.

BS2595.52 .E48 2011
Elvey, Anne F.
Matter of the text : material engagements between Luke and the five senses.
Sheffield, England : Sheffield Phoenix Press, c2011.

BS2615.52 .V366 2011
Vanni, Ugo.
Dal quarto Vangelo all'Apocalisse : una comunita cresce nella fede.
Assisi (Perugia) : Cittadella, 2011.

BS2625.52 .M333 2011
McCabe, David R.
How to kill things with words : Ananias and Sapphira under the prophetic speech-act of divine judgement (Acts 4.32-5.11).
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2011.

BS2665.52 .D52 2011
Di Marco, Liborio.
L'offerta di se a Dio : indagine esegetico-teologica su Rm 12,1-2.
Trapani : Il pozzo di Giacobbe, 2011.

BS2675.52 .F566 2011
Finney, Mark T.
Honour and conflict in the ancient world : 1 Corinthians in its Greco- Roman social setting.
London : T & T Clark, c2012.

BS2675.52 .I554 2011
Inkelaar, Harm-Jan.
Conflict over wisdom : the theme of 1 Corinthians 1-4 rooted in scripture.
Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2011.

BS2695.52 .B73 2011
Brannon, M. Jeff.
The heavenlies in Ephesians : a lexical, exegetical, and conceptual analysis.
London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2011.

BS2725.52 .L944 2012
Ludemann, Gerd.
Der alteste christliche Text : erster Thessalonicherbrief.
Springe : Zu Klampen!, [2012], 2012.

BT26 .K958 2011
Kulturkontakte und Rezeptionsvorgange in der Theologie des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts.
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, [2011], 2011.

BT103 .W44 2011
Wegter-McNelly, Kirk, 1967-
The entangled God : divine relationality and quantum physics.
New York : Routledge, 2011.

BT111.3 .O94 2011
The Oxford handbook of the trinity.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BT122 .L67 2011
Lord and life-giver : Spirit today.
London : SCM Press, 2011.

BT216.3 .B533 2011
Blackwell, Ben C., 1974-
Christosis : Pauline soteriology in light of deification in Irenaeus and Cyril of Alexandria.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2011], 2011.

BT295 .Z555 2011
Zilling, Henrike Maria, 1968-
Jesus als Held : Odysseus und Herakles als Vorbilder christlicher Heldentypologie.
Paderborn : Ferdinand Schoningh, [2011], 2011.

BT450 .S854 2011
Stiewe, Martin.
Bedeutung und Deutungen des Todes Jesu im Neuen Testament : ein theologischer Essay.
Tubingen : A. Francke Verlag, [2011], 2011.

BT575 .J36 2011
Janowiak, Paul, 1951-
Standing together in the community of God : liturgical spirituality and the presence of Christ.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2011.

BT587.M3 N53 2011
Nicolotti, Andrea.
Dal Mandylion di Edessa alla Sindone di Torino : metamorfosi di una leggenda.
Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011.

BT611 .S44 2011
Seeanner, Michael.
Siehe, die Magd des Herrn (Lk 1,38) : die Selbstbezeichnung Marias vor ihrem biblischen Hintergrund.
Kleinhain : Verlag St. Josef, 2011.

BT738.3 .S26 2010
Santiago-Vendrall, Angel Daniel.
Contextual theology and revolutionary transformation in Latin America : the missiology of M. Richard Shaull.
Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, c2010.

BT741.3 .H335 2011
Hack, Tobias, 1973-
Der Streit um die Beseelung des Menschen : eine historisch-systematische Studie.
Freiburg, Schweiz : Academic Press Fribourg ; Freiburg : Verlag Herder, 2011, 2011.

BV598 .H373 2011
Harasta, Eva, 1977-
Die Bewahrheitung der Kirchen durch Jesus Christus : eine christologische Ekklesiologie.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [2011], 2011.

BV652.1 .W453 2011
Whitesel, Bob.
Organix : signs of leadership in a changing church.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2011.

BV2155.M583 S63 2011
La Societe des Missions Etrangeres de Paris : 350 ans a la rencontre de l'Asie : 1658-2008 : colloque a l'Institut Catholique de Paris (4 et 5 avril 2008).
Paris : Karthala, c2011.

BV2290 .C56 2008
Clossey, Luke, 1975-
Salvation and globalization in the early Jesuit missions.
New York : Cambridge University Press, c2008.

BV2853.P6 F58 2012
Fitzpatrick-Behrens, Susan.
The Maryknoll Catholic mission in Peru, 1943-1989 : transnational faith and transformation.
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2012.

BV4012.2 .C528 2011
Clinebell, Howard John, 1922-
Basic types of pastoral care & counseling : resources for the ministry of healing and growth.
Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2011.

BV4639 .S3425 2011
Schindler, David L., 1943-
Ordering love : liberal societies and the memory of God.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c2011.

BV4647.J68 B554 2011
Bindseil, Christiane, 1973-
Ja zum Gluck : ein theologischer Entwurf im Gesprach mit Bonhoeffer und Adorno.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2011.

BV4647.S4 N68 2007
Nouwen, Henri J. M.
The selfless way of Christ : downward mobility and the spiritual life.
Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, 2007.

BV4655 .B378 1998
Barclay, William, 1907-1978.
Plain mans guide to ethics.
The Ten Commandments.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c1998.

BV5077.G7 R544 2011
Riehle, Wolfgang, 1937-
Englische Mystik des Mittelalters.
Munchen : Verlag C.H. Beck, [2011], 2011.

BX127.A5 G3 2011
Winkler, Gabriele.
Die armenische Liturgie des Sahak : Edition und Ubersetzung des Cod. arm. 17 von Lyon und Vergleich mit der armenischen Basilius-Liturgie unter besonderer ..
Roma : Pontificio istituto orientale, 2011.

BX134.E3 J5 2011
Jirjis, Majdi.
The emergence of the modern Coptic papacy : the Egyptian Church and its leadership from the Ottoman period to the present.
Cairo : American University in Cairo Press, 2011.

BX1536.2 M466 2011
Das Memorandum : die Positionen im Fur und Wider.
Freiburg i.Br : Herder, c2011.

BX1749 .H45213 2011
Henry, of Ghent, 1217-1293.
Summa quaestionum ordinariarum. Art. 6-10. English.
Henry of Ghent's Summa of ordinary questions. Articles six to ten on theology.
Milwaukee, Wis. : Marquette University Press, c2011.

BX1970 .B54 2011
Biffi, Inos.
Per continuare a sentirci cristiani : a proposito di liturgia, eucarestia e Chiesa.
Milano : Jaca Book, 2011.

BX2015.6 .M38 2011
Maurer, Pius.
Sanctus-Deutungen in Werken der griechischen Patristik Pius Maurer.
Wien : Lit 2011.

BX2347.8.W6 W655 2010
Women, sex, and the church : a case for Catholic teaching.
Boston : Pauline Books & Media, c2010.

BX4656 .F54 2011
Flemmig, Stephan.
Hagiografie und Kulturtransfer : Birgitta von Schweden und Hedwig von Polen.
Berlin : Akademie Verlag, c2011.

BX4700.C155 S53 2011
Siccardi, Cristina.
Giuseppe Cafasso : un santo del Risorgimento.
Milano : Paoline, 2011.

BX4700.T6 T5913 2011
Torrell, Jean-Pierre.
Selections. English. 2011.
Christ and spirituality in St. Thomas Aquinas.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2011.

BX4705.G8 A3 2012
Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte, 1648-1717.
Selections. English. 2012.
Jeanne Guyon : selected writings.
New York : Paulist Press, c2012.

BX4705.S39 A3 2011
Schungel-Straumann, Helen, 1940-
Meine Wege und Umwege : eine feministische Theologin unterwegs : Autobiografie.
Paderborn : Schoningh, c2011.

BX4705.S5142 A4 2011
Lettere di Ildefonso Schuster e altri saggi.
Milano : Glossa, 2011.

BX4705.V47 M66 2011
Montonati, Angelo, 1931-
A gratis per amore : beata Antonia Maria Verna, fondatrice delle Suore di Carita dell'Immacolata Concezione d'Ivrea.
Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : San Paolo, 2011.

BX4827.B57 D548 2011
Dietrich Bonhoeffers Christentum : Festschrift fur Christian Gremmels.
Gutersloh : Gutersloher Verlagshaus, [2011], 2011.

BX5149.C5 D68 2012
Douglas, Brian (Brian E.).
A companion to Anglican eucharistic theology.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

BX5199.F74 W35 2011
Walter Frere : scholar, monk, bishop.
Norwich, Norfolk : Canterbury Press, c2011.

BX6153.4.S6 M34 2011
Mafani, Hlanga.
From genesis to germination.
[South Africa] : H. Mafani, c2011.

BX6310.H9 K57 2012
Kish, G. Alexander (George Alexander).
The origins of the Baptist movement among the Hungarians : a history of the Baptists in the kingdom of Hungary from 1846 to 1893.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

Schenck, Patience A.
Living our testimony on equality : a white Friend's experience.
Wallingford, PA : Pendle Hill Publications, 2011.

BX8020 .S78 2012
Soergel, Philip M.
Miracles and the Protestant imagination : the Evangelical wonder book in Reformation Germany.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

BX8695.P7 P37 2011
Parley P. Pratt and the making of Mormonism.
Norman, Okla. : A.H. Clark Co., 2011.

BX9418 .B713 2011
Boulton, Matthew Myer, 1970-
Life in God : John Calvin, practical formation, and the future of Protestant theology.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Eerdmans, 2011.

BX9422.3 .F749 2011
Freudenberg, Matthias, 1962-
Reformierte Theologie : eine Einfuhrung.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2011.

CJ1375 .A75 2012
Ariel, Donald T.
The coins of Herod : a modern analysis and die classification.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.

CR4755.F8 A933 2007
Aubarbier, Jean-Luc, 1955-
La France des Templiers : [sites, histoire et legendes].
Bordeaux : Sud ouest, 2007.

DS99.D8 E324 2011
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