Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Books for January 2012

The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.

AM121 .B85 1999
Building an emergency plan : a guide for museums and other cultural institutions.
Los Angeles, Calif. : Getty Conservation Institute, c1999.

AZ321 .T54 2011
Theophilus of Edessa's chronicle and the circulation of historical knowledge in late antiquity and early Islam.
Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2011.

B430 .V48 2011
Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.
In primum, secundum et tertii libri Ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum.
Kommentar zur Nikomachischen Ethik des Aristoteles.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2011.

B491.E7 M67 2011
Moral psychology and human action in Aristotle.
Oxford [UK] ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

B505 .M64 2010
Miller, Patrick L. (Patrick Lee), 1970-
Becoming God : pure reason in early Greek philosophy.
London ; New York : Continuum, c2010.

B689.Z7 A64 2011
Anderson, Charles A., 1975-
Philo of Alexandria's views of the physical world.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2011.

B734 .C68 2007
Courtenay, William J.
Changing approaches to fourteenth-century thought.
Toronto, Ont. : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, c2007.

B765.E34 Z85 2011
Zum Subjektbegriff bei Meister Eckhart und Nikolaus von Kues.
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, 2011, 2011.

B765. R54 N35 2011
Nakamura, Hideki.
"Amor invisibilium" : die Liebe im Denken Richards von Sankt Viktor (gest. 1173).
Munster : Aschendorff, c2011.

B765.T54 D28 2011
Davies, Brian, 1951-
Thomas Aquinas on God and evil.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

B765.T54 M67 2010
Moreland, Anna Bonta.
Known by nature : Thomas Aquinas on natural knowledge of God.
New York : Crossroad Pub. Co., c2010.

B1349.P45 N64 2011
Nols, Carmen.
Zeichenhafte Wirklichkeit : Realitat als kommunikative Prasenz Gottes in der Theologie George Berkeleys.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2011.

B1498 .B25 2011
Baier, Annette.
The pursuits of philosophy : an introduction to the life and thought of David Hume.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2011.

B1618.A574 R53 2011
Richter, Duncan.
Anscombe's moral philosophy.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2011.

B1818.V5 M67 2011
Moriarty, Michael.
Disguised vices : theories of virtue in early modern French thought.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

B2188.P7 R43 2009
The reception of pragmatism in France and the rise of Roman Catholic modernism, 1890-1914.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2009.

B2430.N363 D5413 2011
Nancy, Jean-Luc.
Dieu, la justice, l'amour, la beaute. English.
God, justice, love, beauty : four little dialogues.
New York : Fordham University Press, c2011.

B2949.R3 L49 2011
Lewis, Thomas A.
Religion, modernity, and politics in Hegel.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

B3279.H49 G36 2010

Gawrylewski, Stephen V.
An analysis of the philosophical congruencies between the Tao-te-ching and Martin Heidegger's early writings.

B3323.P433 U2213 2011
Pieper, Josef, 1904-1997.
Uber das christliche Menschenbild. English.
The Christian idea of man.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, c2011.

B3363 .W75 2006 Bd.6
Bernhard Welte, Gesammelte Schriften, Gesamtregister zu den Abteilungen I bis V.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, c2011.

B3647 .A575 2008
Antonio Rosmini e la Congregazione del Santo Uffizio : atti e documenti inediti della condanna del 1887.
Milano : F. Angeli, 2008.

B3985.Z7 N34 2011
Nadler, Steven M., 1958-
A book forged in hell : Spinoza's scandalous treatise and the birth of the secular age.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011.

B4377 .B335 2011
Backhouse, Stephen, 1976-
Kierkegaard's critique of Christian nationalism.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

B4378.C5 K575 2011
Kirkpatrick, Matthew D., 1979-
Attacks on Christendom in a world come of age : Kierkegaard, Bonhoeffer, and the question of "religionless Christianity".
Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, c2011.

B4378.D43 K54 2011
Kierkegaard and death.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2011.

B4378.T7 S56 2011
Simpson, Christopher Ben, 1973-
Truth is the way : Kierkegaard's theologia viatorum.
Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2011.

B4468.S84 S74 2011
Stengel, Friedemann, 1966-
Aufklarung bis zum Himmel : Emanuel Swedenborg im Kontext der Theologie und Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, c2011.

B5242 .P35
Die Philosophie der Kyoto-Schule Texte von Kitaro Nishida ..[et al.] Hrsg. und eingeleitet von Ryosuke Ohashi.
Freiburg, Br. ; Munchen : K. Alber, 2011.

BC60 .O25213 1998
William, of Ockham, ca. 1285-ca. 1349.
Summa logicae. Pars 1. English.
Ockham's theory of terms : part I of the Summa logicae.
South Bend, Ind. : St. Augustine's Press, 1998.

BD233 .H93 2010
Hyde, Michael J., 1950-
Perfection : coming to terms with being human.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, c2010.

BD313 .B8613 2011
Puntel, Lorenz B. (Lorenz Bruno).
Sein und Gott. English.
Being and God : a systematic approach in confrontation with Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jean-Luc Marion.
Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press, c2011.

BF575.H27 C49 2011
Chittister, Joan.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2011.

BF575.H6 A36 2011
Aho, James Alfred, 1942-
Sociological trespasses : interrogating sin and flesh.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, 2011.

BF697 .I24 2011
Ich Denke, Also Bin Ich Ich? Das Selbst Zwischen Neurobiologie, Philosophie Und Religion.
Gottingen ;Oakville, CT : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gmbh & Co 2011.

BF789.C7 P3613 2001
Pastoureau, Michel, 1947-
Bleu. English.
Blue : the history of a color.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, c2001.

BF789.C7 P3813 2009
Pastoureau, Michel, 1947-
Noir. English.
Black : the history of a color.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2009.

BF1408.2.G68 W55 2010
Wilby, Emma.
The visions of Isobel Gowdie : magic, witchcraft and dark shamanism in seventeenth-century Scotland.
Brighton ; Portland, Or. : Sussex Academic Press, c2010.

BF1555 .S65 2010
Spirit possession, theology, and identity : a Pacific exploration.
Hindmarsh, SA : ATF Theology, c2010.

BF1589 .C78 2011
Continuity and innovation in the magical tradition.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2011.

BF1777 .D58 2010
Divination and interpretation of signs in the ancient world.
Chicago, Ill. : Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010.

BJ37 .T445 2011
Teichmann, Roger, 1963-
Nature, reason, and the good life : ethics for human beings.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BJ47 .B34 2011
Baggett, David.
Good God : the theistic foundations of morality.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BJ51 .S57 2011
Singer, Peter.
The expanding circle : ethics, evolution, and moral progress.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2011.

BJ1012 .O89 2006
Oxford studies in metaethics.
Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006-< 2010>

BJ1031 .P67 2011
Portmore, Douglas W.
Commonsense consequentialism : wherein morality meets rationality.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BJ1188 .F35 2011
Fasching, Darrell J., 1944-
Comparative religious ethics : a narrative approach to global ethics.
Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

BJ1188 .H64 2010
Hogue, Michael S. (Michael Stephen).
The promise of religious naturalism.
Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2010.

BJ1245 .S48 2011
Severson, Eric R.
Scandalous obligation : rethinking Christian responsibility.
Kansas City : Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, c2011.

BJ1249 .B54613 2011
Boff, Leonardo.
Virtudes para um outro mundo possivel. English.
Virtues for another possible world.
Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2011.

BJ1249 .C195 2012
Catholic theological ethics, past, present, and future : the Trento conference.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2012.

BJ1251 .B54 2011
The Blackwell companion to Christian ethics.
Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

BJ1251 .C693 2010
Commanding grace : studies in Karl Barth's ethics.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010.

BJ1251 .G55 2010
Gill, Robin.
New challenges for Christians : from test-tube babies to euthanasia.
London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, c2010.

BJ1251 .M66 2011
Mott, Stephen Charles.
Biblical ethics and social change.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BJ1251 .N85 2010
Nullens, Patrick, 1964-
The matrix of Christian ethics : integrating philosophy and moral theology in a postmodern context.
Colorado Springs, Colo. : Paternoster, c2010.

BJ1251 .P84 2011
Pugh, Jeffrey C., 1952-
Devil's ink : blog from the basement office.
Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2011.

BJ1251 .W75 2010
Wright, N. T. (Nicholas Thomas).
Virtue reborn.
London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2010.

BJ1253 .S3213 2011
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
Christliche Sittenlehre. English. Selections.
Selections from Friedrich Schleiermacher's Christian ethics.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2011.

BJ1278.C66 B83 2011
Budziszewski, J., 1952-
What we can't not know : a guide.
San Francisco : Ignatius Press, 2011, 2011.

BJ1278.C66 R554 2011
Ringen um die Wahrheit : Gewissenskonflikte in der Christentumsgeschichte.
Fribourg : Academic Press ; Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer GmbH, [2011], 2011.

BJ1278.F45 W66 2011
Womanist theological ethics : a reader.
Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2011.

BJ1311 .K74 2011
Krebs, Dennis.
The origins of morality : an evolutionary account.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BJ1401 .K72 2011
Kraut, Richard, 1944-
Against absolute goodness.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BJ1406 .R64 2011
Rosen-Zvi, Ishay.
Demonic desires : yetzer hara and the problem of evil in late antiquity.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2011.

BJ1443 .M38 2011
Mayes, Benjamin T. G.
Counsel and conscience : Lutheran casuistry and moral reasoning after the Reformation.
Gottingen ; Oakville, Conn. : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011.

BJ1451 .W275 2011
Waller, Bruce N., 1946-
Against moral responsibility.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2011.

BJ1500.D68 L36 2010
Lang, Andrew M.
Clarifying the concept of Praeter intentionem in Aquinas.

BJ1533.C7 W53 2011
Wicks, Robert J.
Streams of contentment : lessons I learned on my uncle's farm.
Notre Dame, IN : Sorin Books, c2011.

BJ1533.M7 S53 2011
Shagan, Ethan H., 1971-
The rule of moderation : violence, religion, and the politics of restraint in early modern England.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c2011.

BJ1533.P97 B43 2011
Beck, Richard Allan, 1967-
Unclean : meditations on purity, hospitality, and morality.
Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2011.

BJ1534 .W47 2012
Westacott, Emrys.
The virtues of our vices : a modest defense of gossip, rudeness, and other bad habits.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.

BJ1601 .B46 2011
Bennett, William J. (William John), 1943-
The book of man : readings on the path to manhood.
Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson, c2011.

BJ2010 .H68 2011
How to be a perfect stranger : the essential religious etiquette handbook.
Woodstock, Vt. : SkyLight Paths Pub., 2011.

BL37 .N48 2011
Network apocalypse : visions of the end in an age of internet media.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, c2011.

BL41 .C56 2010
Clooney, Francis X. (Francis Xavier), 1950-
Comparative theology : deep learning across religious borders.
Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, c2010.

BL41 .M625 2011
Morreall, John.
The religion toolkit : a complete guide to religious studies.
Chickester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

BL41 .N67 2012
Northey, Margot, 1940-
Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing : religious studies.
Don Mills, Ont. : Oxford University Press, 2012.

BL41 .T86 2011
Turner, James, 1946-
Religion enters the academy : the origins of the scholarly study of religion in America.
Athens : University of Georgia Press, c2011.

BL51 .A925 2011
Audi, Robert, 1941-
Rationality and religious commitment.
New York : Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL51 .C698 2011
Crosby, Donald A.
Faith and reason : their roles in religious and secular life.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2011.

BL51 .H43 2011
Heintzman, Ralph Ripley.
Rediscovering reverence : the meaning of faith in a secular world.
Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011.

BL53 .A97 2011
Au, Christina aus der, 1966-
Im Horizont Der Anrede Das Theologische Menschenbild Und Seine Herausforderung Durch Die Neurowissenschaften.
Gottingen ; Oakville, CT : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gmbh & Co 2011.

BL65.A72 S74 2009
Steadman, Sharon R.
The archaeology of religion : cultures and their beliefs in worldwide context.
Walnut Creek, Calif. : Left Coast Press, c2009.

BL65.A72 T45 2009
Tellinger, Michael.
Temples of the African Gods : decoding the ancient ruins of Southern Africa.
Waterval Boven : Zulu Planet Publishers, 2009.

BL65.E36 E36 2011
Ecological awareness : exploring religion, ethics and aesthetics.
Berlin : Lit ; London : distribution, Global Book Marketing, c2011.

BL65.F65 F74 2011
Freidenreich, David M., 1977-
Foreigners and their food : constructing otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic law.
Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London : University of California Press, c2011.

BL65.H78 R43 2012
Religion and human rights : an introduction.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

BL65.I55 R453 2011
Religion and international relations theory.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2011.

BL65.L52 R37 2011
Rashkover, Randi.
Freedom and law : a Jewish-Christian apologetics.
New York : Fordham University Press, c2011.

BL65.N35 R84 2011
Rue, Loyal D.
Nature is enough : religious naturalism and the meaning of life.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2011.

BL65.P6 D76 2012
Droogers, A. F.
Play and power in religion : collected essays.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, c2012.

BL65.P7 A3313 2011
Agamben, Giorgio, 1942- author.
Regno e la gloria. English.
The kingdom and the glory : for a theological genealogy of economy and government.
Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2011.

BL65.P7 A82 2011
Audi, Robert, 1941-
Democratic authority and the separation of church and state.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL65.P7 C75 2011
Crockett, Clayton, 1969-
Radical political theology : religion and politics after liberalism.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2011.

BL65.P7 K69 2010
Kozinski, Thaddeus J., 1973-
The political problem of religious pluralism : and why philosophers can't solve it.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2010.

BL65.P7 N67 2011
Norris, Pippa.
Sacred and secular : religion and politics worldwide.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

BL65.S4 E53 2011
Endsj, Dag istein, 1968-
Sex and religion : teachings and taboos in the history of world faiths.
London : Reaktion, 2011.

BL65.S4 P55 2012
Pilon, Juliana Geran.
Soulmates : resurrecting Eve.
New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, c2012.

BL65.V55 B56 2011
The Blackwell companion to religion and violence.
Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

BL65.V55 K5613 2011
Kippenberg, Hans G. (Hans Gerhard).
Gewalt als Gottesdienst. English.
Violence as worship : religious wars in the age of globalization.
Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c2011.

BL65.V55 P75 2011
Princeton readings in religion and violence.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011.

BL65.V55 V35 2008
Validating violence--violating faith? : religion, scripture and violence.
Adelaide : ATF Press, 2008.

BL65.V55 V55 2011
Violence and new religious movements.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL65.W42 K45 2011
Keister, Lisa A., 1968-
Faith and money : how religion contributes to wealth and poverty.
New York : Cambridge University Press, c2011.

BL65.W57 D8313 2011
Dubuisson, Daniel, 1950-
Sagesses de l'homme. English.
Wisdoms of humanity : Buddhism, paganism, and Christianity.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2011.

BL73.S52 A3 2011
Sentilles, Sarah.
Breaking up with God : a love story.
New York : HarperOne, c2011.

BL80.2 .H45 2010
Heidt, Mari Rapela.
Moral traditions : an introduction to world religious ethics.
Winona, MN : Anselm Academic, 2010.

BL80.2 .W673 2010
World religions : Western traditions.
Don Mills, Ont. ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BL80.3 .C34 2003
Cagnolari, Serge.
Lexique des spiritualites.
Paris : Oxus, 2003.

BL80.3 .D46 2012
Dempsey, Corinne G.
Bringing the sacred down to earth : adventures in comparative religion.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

BL80.3 .I58 2005
Introduction to world religions.
Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c2005.

BL200 .H69 2011
Howson, Colin.
Objecting to God.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

BL221 .M66 2011
Le monotheisme biblique : evolution, contextes et perspectives.
Paris : Cerf, 2011.

BL221 .R43 2011
Reconsidering the concept of revolutionary monotheism.
Winona Lake, Ind. : Eisenbrauns, c2011.

BL238 .F86 2011
Fundamentalism in the modern world.
London ; New York : I.B. Tauris : distributed in the United States and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, c2011.

BL240.3 .C53 2011
Clayton, Philip.
The predicament of belief : science, philosophy, faith.
Oxford : Oxford Univ Press, 2011.

BL240.3 .L673 2011
Losch, Andreas, 1964-
Jenseits der Konflikte : eine konstruktiv-kritische Auseinandersetzung von Theologie und Naturwissenschaft.
Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2011.

BL240.3 .M43 2011
McCauley, Robert N.
Why religion is natural and science is not.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL240.3 .P53 2011
Plantinga, Alvin.
Where the conflict really lies : science, religion, and naturalism.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL240.3 .P6455 2011
Polkinghorne, J. C., 1930-
Science and religion in quest of truth.
New Haven : Yale University Press, c2011.

BL240.3 .S65 2010
Smith, Cynthia Anne Miller, 1963-
Shadows of things to come : the theological implications of intelligent life on other worlds.
Blountsville, AL : Fifth Estate, 2010.

BL256 .B435 2011
Bellah, Robert Neelly, 1927-
Religion in human evolution : from the Paleolithic to the Axial Age.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, c2011.

BL325.C7 E77 2011
Erschaffung und Zerstorung der Schopfung : ein Beitrag zum Thema Mythos.
Bern : Peter Lang, c2011.

BL410 .E34 2011
Egginton, William, 1969-
In defense of religious moderation.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2011.

BL432 .D38 2011
Davies, Owen, 1969-
Paganism : a very short introduction.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL439 .K46 2012
Kemmerer, Lisa.
Animals and world religions.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

BL458 .B74 2010
Breaking through the stained glass ceiling : women religious leaders in their own words.
New York : Seabury Books, c2010.

BL473 .G58 2011
Godsey, R. Kirby (Raleigh Kirby), 1936-
Is God a Christian?.
Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2011.

BL476 .L37 2011
Largen, Kristin Johnston, 1968-
Baby Krishna, infant Christ : a comparative theology of salvation.
Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, c2011.

BL477 .J66 2011
Jones, David Albert.
Angels : a very short introduction.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL485 .I35 2011
Idol anxiety.
Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2011, 2011.

BL503.2 .O94 2011
The Oxford handbook of millennialism.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL570 .A544 2011
Angenendt, Arnold.
Die Revolution des geistigen Opfers : Blut, Sundenbock, Eucharistie.
Freiburg : Herder, [2011], 2011.

BL600 .N44 2011
Negotiating rites.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL619.S3 W45 2011
Der eine Gott und das gemeinschaftliche Mahl : Inklusion und Exklusion biblischer Vorstellungen von Mahl und Gemeinschaft im Kontext antiker Festkultur.
Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, 2011.

BL625 .N38 2011
Netton, Ian Richard.
Islam, Christianity and the mystic journey : a comparative exploration.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c2011.

BL625.5 .S78 2011
The study of children in religions : a methods handbook.
New York : New York University Press, c2011.

BL629.5.D43 B54 2010
Bieber, Nancy.
Decision-making & spiritual discernment : the sacred art of finding your way.
Woodstock, Vt. : SkyLight Paths Pub., 2010.

BL640 .P47 2011
Perry, John, 1976-
The pretenses of loyalty : Locke, liberal theory, and American political theology.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BL687 .A53 2011
Ancient Mediterranean sacrifice.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL795.P7 C58 2012
Civic priests : cult personnel in Athens from the Hellenistic period to late antiquity.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, c2012.

BL980.B4 B76 2011
Brown, Andrew, 1964-
Civic ceremony and religion in medieval Bruges c.1300-1520.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

BL980.G7 R67 2011
Rosenberg, Jordana.
Critical enthusiasm : capital accumulation and the transformation of religious passion.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BL980.R8 .L84 2011
Luehrmann, Sonja.
Secularism Soviet style : teaching atheism and religion in a Volga republic.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2011.

BL1138.66 .S63 2006
Song divine : Christian commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters/W.B. Eerdmans, c2006.

BL1138.67 .N34 2011
Nagappa Gowda, K.
The Bhagavadgita in the nationalist discourse.
New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2011.

BL1175.S4235 A35 2010
Sharma, Arvind.
One religion too many : the religiously comparative reflections of a comparatively religious Hindu.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2010.

BL1212.72 .S82 2002 bk. 3
Subramuniya, Master.
Merging with Siva : Hinduism's contemporary metaphysics = Siva sayujy : Hindudharma samakalina ativijnanavidadya.
India ; USA : Himalayan Academy, [2002], c2004.

BL1212.72 .S82 2003 bk. 1
Subramuniya, Master.
Dancing with Siva : Hinduism's contemporary catechism = Sivena saha nortanam Sanatanadharmaprasnottaram = Civano\DE\tu atutal Intu camayattin tarkola vina vitai.
Kappa, Hawaii : Himalayan Academy, c2003.

BL1214.32.B53 S54 2007
Sheridan, Daniel P.
Loving God : Krsna and Christ : a Christian commentary on the Narada sutras.
Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2007.

BL1225.V52 D5413 2011
Dhere, Ramacandra Cintamana, 1930-
Srivitthala, eka mahasamanvaya. English.
The rise of a folk god : Vitthal of Pandharpur.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL1236.76.S23 G4713 2011
Girard, Rene, 1923-
Sacrifice. English.
East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, c2011.

BL1803 .C45 2011
Chinese religious life.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

BL1812.R57 B53 2011
Blake, C. Fred, 1942-
Burning money : the material spirit of the Chinese lifeworld.
Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2011.

BL1842 .W66 2011
Women and Confucianism in Choson Korea : new perspectives.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2011.

BL2015.K3 B76 2011
Bronkhorst, Johannes, 1946-
Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2011.

BL2202.3 .D83 2011
DuBois, Thomas David, 1969-
Religion and the making of modern East Asia.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

BL2211.M6 E23 2011
Earhart, H. Byron.
Mount Fuji : icon of Japan.
Columbia, S.C. : University of South Carolina Press, c2011.

BL2525 .B89 2008
Butler, Jon, 1940-
New world faiths : religion in colonial America.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

BL2525 .C444 2011
Chaves, Mark.
American religion : contemporary trends.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011.

BL2525 .D42 2011
Davidson, James D.
Ranking faiths : religious stratification in America.
Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2011.

BL2525 .G65 2011
Goldman, Marion S.
The American soul rush : Esalen and the rise of spiritual privilege.
New York : New York University Press, c2011.

BL2525 .M3925 2011
McKanan, Dan, 1967-
Prophetic encounters : religion and the American radical tradition.
Boston : Beacon Press, c2011.

BL2527.C48 Z46 2010
Zelinsky, Wilbur, 1921-
The place of religion in Chicago.
[Chicago] : Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago : Distributed by University of Chicago Press, 2010.

BL2530.C3 J35 2011
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