The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
AM7 .P25 2013
Paine, Crispin.
Religious objects in museums : private lives and public duties.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury, 2013.
B638 .S465 2013
Sfameni Gasparro, Giulia.
La conoscenza che salva : lo gnosticismo, temi e problemi.
Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, c2013.
B701.I53 B47 1984
Berthold, von Moosburg, active 1318-1361.
Expositio super Elementationem theologicam Procli.
Hamburg : F. Meiner, c1984-
B759.S36 E45 2013
Eliezer Schweid : the responsibility of Jewish philosophy.
Leiden : Brill, 2013.
B765.O54 T65 2013
Toivanen, Juhana.
Perception and the internal senses : Peter of John Olivi on the cognitive functions of the sensitive soul.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.
B765.T54 J47 2013
Jensen, Steven J., 1964-
Living the good life : a beginner's Thomistic ethics.
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, [2013].
B765.T54 L664 2007
Long, Steven A.
The teleological grammar of the moral act.
Naples, FL : Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, c2007.
B765.T54 T87 2013
Turner, Denys, 1942-
Thomas Aquinas : a portrait.
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].
B802 .F55 2013
Fleming, John V.
The dark side of the enlightenment : wizards, alchemists, and spiritual seekers in the Age of Reason.
New York, N.Y. : W. W. Norton & Company, [2013].
B945.A62 B44 1995
Being human in the ultimate : studies in the thought of John M. Anderson.
Amsterdam ; Atlanta, GA : Rodopi, 1995.
B945.M373 P76 1999
Marsh, James L.
Process, praxis, and transcendence.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c1999.
B1854 .F68 2008
Francks, Richard.
Descartes' Meditations : a reader's guide.
London ; New York : Continuum, c2008.
B2430.S374 G65 2013
Goodin, David K., 1967-
The new rationalism : Albert Schweitzer's philosophy of reverence for life.
Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2013.
B2929 .H68 2013
Houlgate, Stephen.
Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit : a reader's guide.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury 2013.
B3279.H49 H35256 2009
Heidegger und der Nationalsozialismus.
Freiburg ; Munchen : Verlag Karl Alber, c2009.
B3279.H49 H356 2005
Heidegger und Nietzsche.
Freiburg : Karl Alber, c2005.
B3279.H49 H454 2007
Heidegger und Aristoteles.
Freiburg : Verlag Karl Alber, 2007.
B3332.S55 D54 2013
Dienst an der Wahrheit : Jorg Spletts Philosophie fur die Theologie.
Paderborn : Ferdinand Schoningh, [2013].
B3376.W564 P54 1973
Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel.
Wittgenstein and justice : on the significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for social and political thought.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1973, c1972.
BD161 .R484 1995
Rethinking knowledge : reflections across the disciplines.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c1995.
BD171 .F47 1999
Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe.
Truth : a history and a guide for the perplexed.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 1999.
BD175 .S43 1995
Searle, John R.
The construction of social reality.
New York : Free Press, c1995.
BD190 .H64 2013
Hofstadter, Douglas R., 1945-
Surfaces and essences : analogy as the fuel and fire of thinking.
Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1993.
BD450 .S5553 2007
Smith, Roger, 1945-
Being human : historical knowledge and the creation of human nature.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2007.
BD581 .V57 1996
Vogel, Steven, 1954-
Against nature : the concept of nature in critical theory.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c1996.
BF408 .S263 1966
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980.
The psychology of imagination.
New York, Washington Square Press [1966, c1948].
BF447 .K56 1994
King, Patricia M., 1950-
Developing reflective judgment : understanding and promoting intellectual growth and critical thinking in adolescents and adults.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1994.
BF637.L4 G745 1973
Greenleaf, Robert K.
The servant as leader.
Cambridge, Mass. : Center for Applied Studies, 1973.
BF637.L4 L42 2001
Leading from the heart : the passion to make a difference.
Battle Creek, Mich. : W.K. Foundation, c[2001?].
BF637.T77 E38 2001
Ekman, Paul.
Telling lies : clues to deceit in the marketplace, politics, and marriage.
New York : W.W. Norton, c2001.
BF1241 .B84 2004
Buescher, John B. (John Benedict).
The other side of salvation : spiritualism and the nineteenth-century religious experience.
Boston : Skinner House Books, c2004.
BF1275.C5 B79 2010
Byrne, Georgina.
Modern spiritualism and the Church of England, 1850-1939.
Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, N.Y. : Boydell Press, 2010.
BF1611 .M65 2013
Monod, Paul Kleber.
Solomon's secret arts : the occult in the Age of Enlightenment.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2013.
BJ37 .M24 1977
Mackie, J. L. (John Leslie).
Ethics : inventing right and wrong.
Harmondsworth ; New York : Penguin, 1977.
BJ71 .C58 2003
Clark, Kelly James, 1956-
The story of ethics : fulfilling our human nature.
Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c2003.
BJ71 .S55 1931
Sidgwick, Henry, 1838-1900.
Outlines of the history of ethics for English readers.
Boston, Mass. : Beacon Press, 1931.
BJ141 .B76 1999
Brown, Marvin T., 1943-
The ethical process : an approach to controversial issues.
Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1999.
BJ319 .W46 2013
What happened in and to moral philosophy in the twentieth century? : philosophical essays in honor of Alasdair Macintyre.
Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, 2013.
BJ320 .T73 2008
Traer, Robert.
Doing ethics in a diverse world.
Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, c2008.
BJ1012 .H348 2006
Hauser, Marc D.
Moral minds : how nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong.
New York : Ecco, c2006.
BJ1012 .J36 1988
Jaksa, James A., 1931-
Communication ethics : methods of analysis.
Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth, c1988.
BJ1012 M31 1973
McCormick, Richard A., 1922-2000.
Ambiguity in moral choice.
Milwaukee, Wisc. : Marquette University Press, 1977.
BJ1012 .P56 1986
Pincoffs, Edmund L.
Quandaries and virtues : against reductivism in ethics.
Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c1986.
BJ1012 .R55 1997
Robinson, Dave.
Introducing ethics.
New York, NY : Totem Books ; Lanham, Md. : Distributed to the trade in the U.S. by National Book Network, 1997.
BJ1012 .S485 1995
Singer, Peter, 1946-
How are we to live? : ethics in an age of self-interest.
Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1995.
BJ1012 .T545 2001
Thomson, Judith Jarvis.
Goodness & advice.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2001.
BJ1025 .F18 1985
Fagothey, Austin, 1901-1975.
Right and reason.
Fagothey's Right and reason : ethics in theory and practice.
St. Louis : Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1985.
BJ1025 .I57 1986
Introduction to moral reasoning : applying basic moral principles to selected readings.
St. Paul : West Pub. Co., c1986.
BJ1031 .S75 1997
Stevens, Edward, 1928-
Developing moral imagination : case studies in practical morality.
Kansas City, MO : Sheed & Ward, c1997.
BJ1231 .E84 2010
Ethik der Lebensfelder : Festschrift fur Philipp Schmitz SJ.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, [2010].
BJ1249 .S36 1989
Schindler, Thomas F.
Ethics--the social dimension : individualism and the Catholic tradition.
Wilmington, Del. : M. Glazier, 1989.
BJ1251 .T366 2011
Tennant, Bob.
Conscience, consciousness and ethics in Joseph Butler's philosophy and ministry.
Woodbridge ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2011.
BJ1275 .S73 2003
Stackhouse, Max L.
Globalization, public theology, and new means of grace.
Santa Clara, CA : Santa Clara University, Banaan Center for Jesuit Education, 2003.
BJ1335 .W33 2013
Waal, F. B. M. de (Frans B. M.), 1948-
The bonobo and the atheist : in search of humanism among the primates.
New York : W.W. Norton, c2013.
BJ1390 .K255 1969
Kamenka, Eugene.
Marxism and ethics.
London, Melbourne [etc.] : Macmillan; New York, St. Martin's P., c1969.
BJ1408.5 .M52 1993
Midgley, Mary, 1919-
Can't we make moral judgements?.
New York : St. Martin's Press, c1993.
BJ1431 .B46 1990
Benjamin, Martin.
Splitting the difference : compromise and integrity in ethics and politics.
Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c1990.
BJ1518 .M63 2013
Moberly, Jennifer Lynne.
The virtue of Bonhoeffer's ethics : a study of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's ethics in relation to virtue ethics.
Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, c2013.
BJ1581.2 .A373 2004
Allen, Anita L., 1953-
The new ethics : a tour of the 21st-century moral landscape.
New York : Miramax Books, c2004.
BJ2021 .C66 2013
The conditions of hospitality : ethics, politics, and aesthetics on the threshold of the possible.
Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2002.
BL51 .A8345 2013
Aufgeklarte Religion und Ihre Probleme : Schleiermacher - Troeltsch - Tillich.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013.
BL51 .C35 2013
Caldecott, Stratford.
The radiance of being : dimensions of cosmic Christianity.
Tacoma, WA : Angelico Press, 2013.
BL51 .R86 2001
Runzo, Joseph, 1948-
Global philosophy of religion : a short introduction.
Oxford : Oneworld, 2001.
BL53 .B327 1993
Bakhtiar, Laleh.
Traditional psychoethics and personality paradigm.
Chicago, Il : Institute of Traditional Psychoethics and Guidance, c1993.
BL60 .H435 2013
Heimola, Mikko, 1979-
From deprived to revived : religious revivals as adaptive systems.
Boston : De Gruyter, 2013.
BL65.N35 M85 2013
Muir, John, 1838-1914.
John Muir : spiritual writings.
Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, 2013.
BL65.P7 T87 2013
Turner, Bryan S.
The religious and the political : a comparative sociology of religion.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.
BL72 .F56 2013
Flinders, Carol.
Enduring lives : living portraits of women and faith in action.
Maryknoll : Orbis Books, 2013.
BL80.3 .E49 2010
Encounters of the children of Abraham from ancient to modern times.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2010.
BL80.3 .F57 2014
Fisher, Mary Pat, 1943-
Living religions.
Boston : Pearson, c2014.
BL240.3 .R46 2013
Re Manning, Russell.
Science and religion in the twenty-first century : the Boyle lectures.
London : SCM Press, 2013.
BL410 .I58 2013
Interfaith dialogue in practice : Christian, Muslim, Jew.
Kansas City, Mo. : Rockhurst University Press, c2013.
BL410 .S33 2003
Sacks, Jonathan, Rabbi.
The dignity of difference : how to avoid the clash of civilizations.
London : Continuum, 2003.
BL432 .P34 2012
Paganism in the Middle Ages : threat and fascination.
Leuven : Leuven University Press, 2012.
BL520.C37 W45 1988
Weiss, Brian L. (Brian Leslie), 1944-
Many lives, many masters : the true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young patient, and the past-life therapy that changed both their lives.
New York : Simon & Schuster, c1988.
BL560 .W655 2012
A world of prayer : spiritual leaders, activists and humanitarians share their favorite prayers.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2012.
BL613 .O87 2013
Ossa-Richardson, Anthony, 1981-
The Devil's tabernacle : the pagan oracles in early modern thought.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2013.
BL624 .A245 2008
Abernethy, Bob.
The life of meaning : reflections on faith, doubt, and repairing the world.
New York : Seven Stories, 2008.
BL624 .B43 2013
Beckett, Wendy.
Spiritual letters.
London : Bloomsbury Continuum, 2013.
BL625.7 .D34 2013
Dalberg, Lana.
Birthing God : women's experiences of the divine.
Charlottesville : University Press of Virginia, 1999.
BL980.I8 L38 2013
Late medieval and early modern ritual : studies in Italian urban culture.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2013.
BL1055 .S7 2012
The spirit of things : materiality and religious diversity in Southeast Asia.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 2012.
BL1220.2 .A57 2005
Alternative Krishnas : regional and vernacular variations on a Hindu deity.
Albany : State University of New York Press, 2005.
BL1853 .S84 2013
Sun, Anna Xiao Dong, 1971-
Confucianism as a world religion : contested histories and contemporary realities.
New Orleans : Loyola University, 2007.
BL2527.F6 R49 2013
Rey, Terry.
Crossing the water and keeping the faith : Haitian religion in Miami.
Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield, 2013.
BL2747.8 .B76 2012
Brown, Callum G., 1953-
Religion and the demographic revolution : women and secularisation in Canada, Ireland, UK and USA since the 1960s.
Woodbridge : The Boydell Press, 2012.
BL2790.D48 A3 2013
DeWitt, Jerry.
Hope after faith : an ex-pastor's journey from belief to atheism.
Boston, MA : Da Capo Press, c2013.
BM487 .K64 2013
Kotze, Gideon R.
The Qumran manuscripts of Lamentations : a text-critical study.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013.
BM521 .L465 2013
Levinson, Bernard M. (Bernard Malcolm).
A more perfect Torah : at the intersection of philology and hermeneutics in Deuteronomy and the Temple scroll.
Winona Lake, IN : Eisenbrauns, 2013.
BM525.A2 D38 2013
Davila, James R., 1960-
Hekhalot literature in translation : major texts of Merkavah mysticism.
Leiden : Brill, 2013.
BM525.A3649 H4 2013
Hekhalot literature in context : between Byzantium and Babylonia.
Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2013.
BM723 .A33 1998
Addison, Howard A., 1950-
The enneagram and Kabbalah : reading your soul.
Woodstock, Vt. : Jewish Lights, c1998.
BP52 .K37 2007
Karsh, Efraim.
Islamic imperialism : a history.
New Haven : Yale University Press, c2007.
BP67.U6 C355 2014
The Cambridge companion to American Islam.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014.
BP130.4 .A43 2010
Alam, Irshad.
Last part of the Quran : a spiritual translation and short commentary.
Dhaka : Sufi Peace Mission, c2010.
BP135.A2 C4613 2011
Chouiref, Tayeb.
Enseignements spirituels du prophete. English.
The spiritual teachings of the Prophet.
Louisville, KY : Fons Vitae, 2011.
BP172 .N217 2012
Naqvi, Ejaz.
The Quran : with or against the Bible? : a topic-by-topic review for the investigative mind.
Bloomington, IN : iUniverse, c2012.
BP172 .T53 2013
Tieszen, Charles Lowell, 1978-
Christian identity amid Islam in medieval Spain.
Leiden : Boston : Brill, 2013.
BP173.7 .I8495 2008
Islam in the age of global challenges : alternative perspectives of the Gulen Movement.
Washington, D.C. : Published by Rumi Forum, 2008.
BP188 .R45 2013
Reid, Megan H.
Law and piety in medieval Islam.
Cambridge ; New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 2013.
BP189.7.M4 F75 1992
Friedlander, Shems.
The whirling dervishes : being an account of the Sufi order known as the Mevlevis and its founder the poet and mystic Mevlana Jalalu'ddin Rumi.
Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, c1992.
BP605.N46 B66 2003
Bonewits, Philip Emmons Isaac.
Rites of worship : a neopagan approach.
[Miami, Fla.] : Earth Religions Press, c2003.
BQ4120 .P39 1998
Payne, Richard Karl.
Language conducive to awakening : categories of language use in East Asian Buddhism : with particular attention to the Vajrayana tradition.
Munchen : Iudicium, c1998.
BQ4430.D47 W43 2005
Webster, David, 1968-
The philosophy of desire in the Buddhist Pali canon.
London ; New York : RoutledgeCurzon, 2005.
BQ6450.J32 S486724 2013
Sibley, Robert C. (Robert Cameron), 1951-
The way of the 88 temples : journeys on the Shikoku pilgrimage.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
BQ9265.4 .W36 2013
Warner, Brad.
There is no god and he is always with you : a search for God in odd places.
Boston, MA : Wisdom Publications, 2013.
BR60 .C48 v.79 2013
Symeon, ho megalos grammatikos.
Etymologicum Symeonis.
Turnhout : Brepols, 2013-
BR60 .C5 v.650
Das koptisch hagiographische Dossier des Heiligen Kolluthos, Arzt, Martyrer und Wunderheiler.
Louvanii : Peeters, 2013.
BR60 .C5 v.651[etc.]
John Chrysostom, Saint, -407.
The Syriac version of John Chrysostom's commentary on John I. Memre 1-43.
Peeters : Lovanii, 2013.
BR60 .C5 v.653 [etc.]
Zarea Yaeqob, Negus of Ethiopia, approximately 1399-1468.
The homily of Zar'a Yaeqob's Mashafa Berhan on the rite of Baptism and religious instruction.
Lovanii : Peeters, 2013.
BR65.A9 C59 2012
A companion to Augustine.
Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
BR65.A9 C69 2013
Couenhoven, Jesse.
Stricken by sin, cured by Christ : agency, necessity, and culpability in Augustinian theology.
New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].
BR65.A9 S54 2013
Sieben, Hermann Josef.
Augustinus : Studien zu Werk und Wirkgeschichte.
Munster : Aschendorff Verlag, [2013].
BR65.C45 O515 2013
John Chrysostom, Saint, -407.
De sacerdotio = Uber das Priestertum.
Fohren-Linden : Carthusianus Verlag, 2013.
BR65.C46 H32 1991
Hall, Christopher A. (Christopher Alan), 1950-
John Chrysostom's On Providence : a translation and theological interpretation.
Madison : Drew University, 1991 ; (Ann Arbor : UMI [Reprod.]).
BR65.M253 A6615 2013
Macarius, Magnes, active 403.
Apokritikos : kritische Ausgabe mit deutscher Ubersetzung.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013.
BR100 .D45 2008
Depoortere, Frederiek.
Christ in postmodern philosophy : Gianni Vattimo, Rene Girard and Slavoj Zizek.
London : T & T Clark, c2008.
BR115.C65 S38 2013
Schuurman, Derek C., 1967-
Shaping a digital world : faith, culture and computer technology.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, [2013].
BR115 .G54 2013
Hoffmann, Veronika, 1974- author.
Skizzen zu einer Theologie der Gabe : Rechtfertigung - Opfer - Eucharistie - Gottes- und Nachstenliebe.
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 2013.
BR115.G59 E65 2009
Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries.
Evangelism and mission in the age of globalization : "go in peace to love and serve the Lord".
New York, N.Y. : Office of Asian American Ministries, Episcopal Church Center, 2009.
BR115.H6 H55 2010
Hill, Wesley, 1981-
Washed and waiting : reflections on Christian faithfulness and homosexuality.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, c2010.
BR115.H6 R64 2009
Rohrer, Megan M.
Queerly Lutheran : ministry rooted in tradition, Scripture, and the confessions.
San Francisco, CA : Wilgefortis, 2009.
BR115.J8 O657 2013
Oelschlagel, Christian.
Diakonie und Menschenrechte : Menschenrechtsorientierung als Herausforderung fur diakonisches Handeln.
Heidelberg : Winter, 2013.
BR115.P7 H356 2005
Hart, Gary, 1936-
God and Caesar in America : an essay on religion and politics.
Golden, Colo. : Fulcrum Pub., c2005.
BR115.P7 T42 1991
Tinder, Glenn E.
The political meaning of Christianity : the prophetic stance : an interpretation.
[San Francisco, Calif.] : HarperSanFrancisco, 1991.
BR121.3 .R63 2007
Roberts, Bob, 1958-
Glocalization : how followers of Jesus engage the new flat world.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, c2007.
BR127 .U55 2013
Universale Offenbarung? : der eine Gott und die vielen Religionen.
Beijing Shi : Zong jiao wen hua chu ban she, 2006.
BR138 .K667 2012
Konstruktion von geschichte : jubelrede - predigt - protestantische historiographie.
[S.l.] : Evangelische Verlagsansta, 2012.
BR161 .R45 2013
Religious conflict from early Christianity to the rise of Islam.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013.
BR162.3 .O37 2013
O'Grady, Selina.
And man created God : a history of the world at the time of Jesus.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 2013.
BR162.3 .V53 2013
Vidmar, John.
101 questions & answers on the crusades and the inquisition : disputed questions.
New York : Paulist Press, [2013].
BR333.5.M86 A58 2013
Anttila, Miikka E., 1967-
Luther's theology of music : spiritual beauty and pleasure.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013.
BR333.5.S5 B73 2013
Brand, Gabriel, author.
Leben in Differenz : Luthers Verstandnis der Sunde im Kontext von Moral und Kultur.
Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2013.
BR350.B37 M33 2010
Maas, Korey.
The reformation and Robert Barnes : history, theology and polemic in early modern England.
Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, N.Y. : Boydell Press, 2010.
BR516 .S462 2004
The separation of church and state : writings on a fundamental freedom by America's founders.
Boston, Mass. : Beacon Press, c2004.
BR746 .W75 2008
Wright, J. Robert (John Robert), 1936-
A companion to Bede : a reader's commentary on The ecclesiastical history of the English people.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., c2008.
BR750 .E54
English Episcopal acta.
London : Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 1980-<2013>
BR756 .J64 2011
Johnston, Warren.
Revelation restored : the apocalypse in later seventeenth-century England.
Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2011.
BR1155 .K86 2006
Kunnumpuram, Kurien, 1931-
Life in abundance : Indian Christian reflections on spirituality.
Mumbai : St. Paul's, c2006.
BR1601.3 .S46 2013
Shortt, Rupert.
Christianophobia : a faith under attack.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.
BR1642.G7 E73 2010
Erdozain, Dominic.
The problem of pleasure : sport, recreation, and the crisis of Victorian religion.
Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2010.
BR1642.U5 B35 2006
Balmer, Randall Herbert.
Mine eyes have seen the glory : a journey into the evangelical subculture in America.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2006.
BR1642.U5 K74 2013
Krattenmaker, Tom, 1960-
The evangelicals you don't know : introducing the next generation of Christians.
Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield, [2013].
BR1690 .M84 2005
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 1903-1990.
Seeing through the eye : Malcolm Muggeridge on faith.
San Francisco : Ignatius Press, c2005.
BR1720.A7 A8313 2003
Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373.
Life of St. Antony. English.
The Life of Antony.
Kalamazoo, Mich. : Cistercian Publications, 2003.
BS191 .W67 2013
Word and image : the hermeneutics of the Saint John's Bible.
Collegeville, Minnesota : The Saint John's Bible, 2013.
BS240 .A56 2013
Anmut und Sprachgewalt : zur Zukunft der Lutherbibel : Beitrage der Jenaer Tagung 2012.
Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2013.
BS315.A69 G75 2013
Griffith, Sidney Harrison.
The Bible in Arabic : the Scriptures of the "People of the Book" in the language of Islam.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2013.
BS460.R7 B37 2013
Batalden, Stephen K.
Russian Bible wars : modern scriptural translation and cultural authority.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.
BS475 .M3 1947
Manley, George Thomas.
The new Bible handbook; edited by the Rev. G.T. Manley, assisted by the Rev. G.C. Robinson and the Rev. A.M. Stibbs.
London, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship [1947].
BS476 .B5235 2013
Biblische Exegese und hebraische Lexikographie : Das hebraisch -deutsche Handworterbuch von Wilhelm Gesenius als Spiegel und Quelle alttestamentlicher und hebraischer Forschung, 200 Jahre nach seiner ersten Auflage.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013.
BS491.5 .D33 2013
Dabbs, Thomas.
Genesis in Japan : the Bible beyond Christianity.
New York : Crossroad Publishing Company, 2013.
BS511.3 .D38 2013
Davies, Eryl W.
Biblical criticism : a guide for the perplexed.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2013.
BS511.3 .F47 2013
Festschrift in honor of Professor Paul Nadim Tarazi.
New York : Peter Lang, c2013-
BS511.3 .N44 2012
Nelson, Alissa Jones.
Power and responsibility in biblical interpretation : reading the Book of Job with Edward Said.
Sheffield ; Bristol, CT : Equinox Pub., 2012.
BS580.S2 L48 2013
Leuchter, Mark.
Samuel and the shaping of tradition.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.
BS635.3 .V44 2013
Veerkamp, Ton, 1933- author.
Die Welt anders : politische Geschichte der Grossen Erzahlung.
Hamburg : Argument ; Berlin : Institut fur Kritische Theorie, [2013].
BS651 .F715 2008
Foster, John Bellamy.
Critique of intelligent design : materialism versus creationism from antiquity to the present.
New York : Monthly Review Press, c2008.
BS680.E84 C435 2013
Chan, Yiu Sing Lucas, 1968-
Biblical ethics in the 21st century : developments, emerging consensus, and future directions.
London : T & T Clark, 2013.
BS680.P45 P655 2013
The politics of Israel's past : the Bible, archaeology and nation- building.
Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013.
BS1110 .Z37 v.431
Levin, Christoph, 1950-
Verheissung und Rechtfertigung : Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament II.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013.
BS1110 .Z37 v.444
Liwak, Rudiger, author.
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