The following list contains materials recently acquired for the GTU Library.The majority of these titles will represent purchases of newly published materials. Older imprints are also purchased and gifts have been received to augment our collections.
The titles are arranged in call number order; for help locating subject areas please see The Library of Congress for a complete directory.
B3092 .A2 ser.3 v.3
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
Predigten 1790-1808.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, c2013.
B3092 .A2 ser.3 v.12
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
Predigten 1830-1831.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, c2013.
B3279 .H93 I3 1976
Husserl, Edmund, 1859-1938.
Ideen zu einer reinen Phanomenologie und Phanomenologischen Philosophie.
Den Haag : M. Nijhoff, 1976-
BF1411 .C65 2013
Contemporary esotericism.
Sheffield ; Bristol, CT : Equinox Pub., 2013.
BJ1401 .C65 2012
Cowburn, John.
The problems of suffering and evil.
Milwaukee, Wis. : Marquette University Press, c2012.
BL65.C58 W35 2012
Walker, Randi J.
Religion and the public conscience : ecumenical civil rights work in Seattle, 1940-1960.
Winchester, United Kingdom : John Hunt Publsihing Ltd. ; 2012.
BL240.3 .K455 2007
Kelly, Terry.
Reason and religion in an age of science : a textbook for senior highschool students and beyond.
Adelaide, S. Aust. : ATF Press, 2007.
BL2527.N6 R44 2006
Reitenbach, Gail.
How my neighbor worships : a grand tour of faith communities.
Santa Fe, N.M. : Right Hand Communications, c2006.
BQ1138 .P56 2012
Pinte, Gudrun.
Lost in translation : a case study of Sanghabhadra's Shanjian lu piposha (T.1462).
Belgium : Ghent University, [2012].
BR60 .S724 v.563 2013
Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, d-373.
Lettre sur les synodes : texte critique H.G. Opitz (Athanasius Werke II, 1).
Paris : Les Editions du Cerf, 2013.
BS1135 .L56 2013
Lim, Timothy H.
The formation of the Jewish canon.
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].
BS2555.52 .S54 2004
Shea, John, 1941-
The spiritual wisdom of the Gospels for Christian preachers and teachers.
Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 2004-<2010>
BS2615.6.L6 M65 2013
Moloney, Francis J.
Love in the gospel of John : an exegetical, theological, and literary study.
Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2013.
BT708 .B79 2013
Browning, Frank, 1946-
The monk & the skeptic : dialogues on sex, faith, and religion.
Berkeley, CA : Soft Skull Press, 2013.
BT751.3 .G725 2013
Graham, Billy, 1918-
The reason for my hope : salvation.
Nashville, TN : W Publishing Group, 2013.
BV210.2 .M87 1989
Mursell, Gordon.
Out of the deep : prayer as protest.
London : Darton, Longman and Todd, c1989.
BX1396 .B6813 2006
Bourmaud, Dominique, 1958-
Cent ans de modernisme. English.
One hundred years of modernism : A Genealogy of the Principles of the Second Vatican Council.
Kansas City, Mo. : Angelus Press, c2006.
BX1547.R44 S76 2012
Storia della diocesi di Reggio Emilia-Guastalla.
Brescia : Morcelliana, 2012-
BX1970.A1 J6813 2001
Fontgombault Liturgical Conference (2001).
Autour de la question liturgique avec le Cardinal Ratzinger. English.
Looking again at the question of the liturgy with Cardinal Ratzinger : proceedings of the July 2001 Fontgombault Liturgical Conference.
Farnborough, Hampshire : St. Michael's Abbey Press, c2003.
BX4656 .E45 2005
Ellsberg, Robert, 1955-
Blessed among all women : women saints, prophets, and witnesses for our time.
New York : Crossroad Pub., c2005.
BX4700.F69 V57 1997
Virgo facta ecclesia : St. Francis of Assisi and his charism : gift of Mary to the church.
New Bedford, MA : FI, 1997.
BX5133.N4 S39 1991
Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890.
Sermons. Selections.
Sermons, 1824-1843.
Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1991- 2011.
BX9225.Y53 I413 2012
Im, Hui-guk, 1955-
Sonbi mokhoeja Ponggyong Yi Won-yong yon'gu. English.
Legacy and portrait of early church history in Korea : scholar minister Yi Won-Young.
Bern, Switzerland ; New York : Peter Lang, 2012.
DS110.T6 H4 2008
Hirschfeld, Yizhar.
Tiberias : excavations in the house of the bronzes : final report.
Jerusalem : Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2008.
GV1496.62.D84 E93 2013
Ewalt, David M.
Of dice and men : the story of dungeons & dragons and the people who play it.
New York : Scribner, 2013.
HF5387 .I57 2013
Integrity in organizations : building the foundations for humanistic management.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2013.
N7862 .S467 2013
The sensuous in the Counter-Reformation church.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013 .
P93.5 .H44 2006
Heffernan, James A. W.
Cultivating picturacy : visual art and verbal interventions.
Waco, Tex. : Baylor University Press, c2006.
PQ4315.2 .B36 2012
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321.
Inferno. English.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Graywolf Press, c2012.